
Government Quotes, Government Picture Quotes & Image Quotations, Sayings

Government Quotes Pictures

Bite the hand of any government that it feeds you propaganda. Bite the hand of any government that it feeds you propaganda...

Anger Funny Inspirational Politics Witty

Our government often has two words: the unfulfilled good one, and the well fulfilled bad one. Our government often has two words: the unfulfilled good one, and the well fulfilled bad one...

Politics One liners


Life Politics Truth One liners

Inclusive government takes not all, it even welcome ideas of those that belongs to no party.. Inclusive government takes not all, it even welcome ideas of those that belongs to no party....

Leadership Life Peace Politics Wisdom

Government saying have faith in us because Indian soldiers are fighting at the borders protecting Government saying have faith in us because Indian soldiers are fighting at the borders protecting..


If it is indeed service to humanity why are we still killing each other to retain or get into If it is indeed service to humanity why are we still killing each other to retain or get into..

Politics Short One liners

Each Other
You can tell Capitalism isn You can tell Capitalism isn't a bad way of running our government. It only needs one kick to get it..


The government should tax every man who uses women. The government should tax every man who uses women...


A person who trades country A person who trades country's Loyalty, by being Loyal to a government that doesn't deserve Loyalty..

Leadership Patriotism Politics Wisdom

Money can buy the ear of a statesman or a government, only truth and honestly will be heard by the Money can buy the ear of a statesman or a government, only truth and honestly will be heard by the..

History Life money

We must, unconditionally, demand of the present nationalist government, that, irrespective of party We must, unconditionally, demand of the present nationalist government, that, irrespective of party..


It is up to the people to impose human rights and not wait for action by their government. It is up to the people to impose human rights and not wait for action by their government...


I call on the government to work closely on human rights issues, and I furthermore call on all I call on the government to work closely on human rights issues, and I furthermore call on all..

Opportunity Politics Truth

And this I believe: that without respect for human rights, we will never know world peace. And this I would fight for: protecting human rights. And..
-J B


I Believe
Advocating human rights is not for one government, one office, or one person. Instead, it must be Advocating human rights is not for one government, one office, or one person. Instead, it must be..

Change Peace Philosophy Politics Time

When governments fail to act on human rights violations, whether it be domestically or When governments fail to act on human rights violations, whether it be domestically or..

Peace Philosophy Politics Truth

Human Rights Violations
It It's hilarious and sometimes sad to see the people of the United States so patriotic, faithful, and..

Leadership Politics Truth

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