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Gandhi showed us the way of truth and nonviolence, the path of cleanliness and harmony, the spirit..

Growth is Painful, Change is Painful, But nothing is as Painful as staying stuck somewhere you don'..

This world is round. In this world only what goes around, comes around, all the more better, or all..

Happiness is not only, walks, disco, restaurants.. is also Tranquility, contempt, talk, is Balance..

Maybe this world is some other planet's hell and the purpose of life is just to tolerate and go on..

Wood burns to coal, coal to ash. Alas, my misfortune; the fire which consumed me left nothing of me,..Fire
The love we feel for others is a sign that we are all connected and that everyone we love displays a part we like about ourselves that every human..
-Kay Yash K Hove Love Being Feel Human Hate
-Kay Yash K Hove Love Being Feel Human Hate

Thrive by giving! The more we give the more we receive and we have more to give that we think!..
Inspirational Life Short Success Wisdom
Think Give Giving
Greet the day! Do not judge the day, it has not happened yet!..
Inspirational Life Short Success Wisdom
Day Judge
Serving life with dignity, decency, dedication, and discernment is being true to life!..
Inspirational Life Success Wisdom One liners
Life Being