
Samrat Guha (dukecheste) Quotes & Sayings:
Samrat Guha

Samrat Guha

Location: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India
Experience on Earth:28 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 0 Months
Short Bio: Some time i feel like hollowgenic mass, that i dont belong from this planet. but as you know as others do being a human i got - 2 eye balls, 1 nose, pair of ears, and all other organs that you acquire. #Fact. #Fiction. #Fantasy I know i sound weird, but cant help it cause i was crafted this way. I wanna pet a tiger,a lion and 2 wolf(black and white). Doesnt matters if they eat me. I love animals and Natural Vegetation. But there is one species that scares the hell out of me, that is

Samrat Guha Quotes

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