
Keith Wisdom (keithwisdom) Quotes & Sayings:

Keith Wisdom

Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 2 Months

Keith Wisdom Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Human error is inevitable, the key is to try to minimize it. Human error is inevitable, the key is to try to minimize it...

Philosophy Success Wisdom

Only incorporate what is truly needed and minimize the number of uncontrollable variables - The KISS Only incorporate what is truly needed and minimize the number of uncontrollable variables - The KISS..

Philosophy Success Wisdom

Kindness and respect are more powerful than people realize. Kindness and respect are more powerful than people realize...

Philosophy Truth Wisdom

People Respect Realize
The fewer actions a user has to take, the fewer errors a user will make. The fewer actions a user has to take, the fewer errors a user will make...

Philosophy Success Wisdom
