
Joseph Keteku (ketekujoseph) Quotes & Sayings:
Joseph Keteku

Joseph Keteku

Location:Kumasi, Ghana
Experience on Earth:36 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 7 Years 8 Months
Short Bio: Information Security Analyst, Poet, Motivational speaker, guitarist and a business man.

Joseph Keteku Quotes

1-6 of total 6 Quotes
Taking your own life is cowardice; it Taking your own life is cowardice; it's like losing your sword to the enemy on a battle field; you..

Anger Change Courage Death Loneliness

"I have a dream" and " I had a dream" ; The difference is waking up from your sleep and living your "I have a dream" and " I had a dream" ; The difference is waking up from your sleep and living your..

Change Desire Dreams Hope Wisdom

Focusing on other peoples pain to avoid your own is not healthy ...Joseph Keteku Focusing on other peoples pain to avoid your own is not healthy ...Joseph Keteku..

Anger Change Confidence Courage Freedom

The future belongs to those who are prisoners of HOPE ...Joseph Keteku The future belongs to those who are prisoners of HOPE ...Joseph Keteku..

Dreams Freedom Hope Inspirational

Don Don't treat people based on how they make you feel ... Joseph Keteku..

Inspirational Leadership Relationship

The life we live is a loan we will pay back without a collateral; Make sure you don The life we live is a loan we will pay back without a collateral; Make sure you don't run bankrupt..

Confidence Desire Dreams Goal Inspirational
