
Arvinder Singh (meetu) Quotes & Sayings:

Arvinder Singh

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Arvinder Singh Quotes

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Asking money for every single small work from anyone.. doesn Asking money for every single small work from anyone.. doesn't bring out your bad image. It's just..

Business Work money

People Bad Work Matter Money
Nobody is immortal. Neither any Lord was. You see.. it Nobody is immortal. Neither any Lord was. You see.. it's our karma that mark our names into the..


Freedom can never be asked or demanded. Because, if it does, it Freedom can never be asked or demanded. Because, if it does, it's fake. Freedom has always been..


Freedom Fake
 I I've always made an offer which the girls have never refused. ..


That That's why I miss the Lord a lot. if He would've been on this planet.. nature would've never gone..

Wrong Nature Miss