
Simii Self (simii) Quotes & Sayings:
Simii Self

Simii Self

Experience on OwnQuotes: 7 Years 5 Months
Short Bio: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Proudly A Kashmiri Pandit by bLOOD An Indian by sPIRIT pERFECt iN mY iMPERFECTIOn iMPROVINg aNd cOMPETINg wITh mYSELf  tOUGh dEVIl fOr aNYONe wHo tESTs mY sELf-rESPECt  sWEEt aNGEl fOr aNYONe wHo rEALLy tOUCHEs mY hEARt nO mASKs nO lAUDs jUSt rEAl oH gOd oH mATARANi I aM zERo pLEASe bRINg mE iNTo cOUNTINg ♡�♡�♡�♡�♡

Simii Self Quotes

1-2 of total 2 Quotes
Truth is like a snake bite if its not sweet simII self Truth is like a snake bite if its not sweet simII self..


Heard and read a lot that money cannot buy happiness But but, Look you’re around Money can make Heard and read a lot that money cannot buy happiness But but, Look you’re around Money can make..

