
Simon Lign (simon) Quotes & Sayings:

Simon Lign

Location:Stockholm, Sweden
Experience on Earth:27 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 3 Months

Simon Lign Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Stop wasting your life with the goal to recognize yourself. Your not alone got dammit. Stop wasting your life with the goal to recognize yourself. Your not alone got dammit...

Goal Youth

I hope you take your gift, your life or whatever and use it! Suicide is for cowards, Its harsh! I I hope you take your gift, your life or whatever and use it! Suicide is for cowards, Its harsh! I..

Life Time

Bad life, bad society, your imagination expands and your knowledge becomes stronger - Simon Bad life, bad society, your imagination expands and your knowledge becomes stronger - Simon..

Life Time War

Imagination Is the best source of knowledge Imagination Is the best source of knowledge..
