
Tahir Danish (tahirdanish) Quotes & Sayings:

Tahir Danish

Experience on Earth:19 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 1 Months
Short Bio: I am a guys trying to become one of the greatest in the world, which I'll one day definitely become. I want to be the change in this world and one of the greatest leaders.

Tahir Danish Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Not being self-aware is like being the lion who attacked his own reflection. Not being self-aware is like being the lion who attacked his own reflection...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Success

Being Self
People regret, great people don People regret, great people don't..

Truth Wisdom

People Regret
Only someone great can see your greatness. Only someone great can see your greatness...

Inspirational Wisdom

If you have dreams, don If you have dreams, don't keep excuses, if you have excuses, forget about the dreams...

Dreams Inspirational Leadership Peace Philosophy

Keep Forget