
Theodore O Ahmed (theodore123) Quotes & Sayings:

Theodore O Ahmed

Location:Abuja, Nigeria
Experience on Earth:34 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 6 Years 4 Months
Short Bio: I am a global patriot.

Theodore O Ahmed Quotes

1-13 of total 13 Quotes
A leader must be just and must have nothing to do with terrorism. A leader must be just and must have nothing to do with terrorism...


It is the joy of a good leader to see his people living in peace and prosperity. It is the joy of a good leader to see his people living in peace and prosperity...


When your mind is idle, you are close to the devil. When your mind is idle, you are close to the devil...


Dream is only a dream, Thought is only a thought but reality is reality so face reality when you Dream is only a dream, Thought is only a thought but reality is reality so face reality when you..


I have never seen two male animals having sex, I have never seen two female animals having sex, But i have seen two female human being having sex and
-Theodore O Ahmed


Have you noticed, It Have you noticed, It's like there are much Cane than Abels in this world...


No one loves me better than my self. No one loves me better than my self...


The world must know that there are only two spirits, The holy spirit and the Evil spirit, What The world must know that there are only two spirits, The holy spirit and the Evil spirit, What..


I love the world as God love it (john,3:16). But do i really have something to offer as our Father I love the world as God love it (john,3:16). But do i really have something to offer as our Father..


It is better to be foolish before men and wise before God than to be wise before men and look It is better to be foolish before men and wise before God than to be wise before men and look..


Having money is a good thing, but what you spend it on is what truly count. Having money is a good thing, but what you spend it on is what truly count...


Women say what they don Women say what they don't mean and do what they won't say...


Human right is good but must be guarded by precept, otherwise the world will be occupied by people Human right is good but must be guarded by precept, otherwise the world will be occupied by people..

