
Levi Johnson (therapist) Quotes & Sayings:
Levi Johnson

Levi Johnson

Location:San Francisco, USA
Experience on Earth:70 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 4 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: The author was raised in San Francisco and influenced during the cultural movement of the 1960s and 70s. His interest in social deviance developed out of a curiosity to understand the colorful street people of that era. This "off center" universe led to a career of psychotherapy and living inside the minds of others. His poetry is from all the years of writing about the inner workings of the mind. He is currently retired in order to pen all these experiences.

Levi Johnson Quotes

1-5 of total 5 Quotes
You KNOW the future, The footsteps are loud and clear, You You KNOW the future, The footsteps are loud and clear, You're just not listening..


Know Future
If you allow your heart to sail your ship, the maestro of passion determines kinship. If you allow your heart to sail your ship, the maestro of passion determines kinship...


Heart Passion
Your emotional identity is a combination of the character of all prior loves. Your emotional identity is a combination of the character of all prior loves...


The psychology of attraction is controlled by childhood traits undiscovered within the self. The psychology of attraction is controlled by childhood traits undiscovered within the self...

Love Relationship

Love does not set you free; it captures you into the emotional expression of your history. Love does not set you free; it captures you into the emotional expression of your history...

Love Relationship

Love History