
Remember when you write someone a ticket or make an arrest you:

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Remember when you write someone a ticket or make an arrest you have already won. If someone gets off in court, it doesn't matter. You have won as soon as you give them a pink slip or slap on the cuffs. If you issue a citation, they have to take off at least 1 day off work, pay for parking at the court, and it's their time you have waisted. If they hire a attorney and get off, they had to pay a hefty fee for the attorney. If you give them a ride to the jail house they have to pay 15% of the bail to get out of the can, tow bill, waisted their time, off work, and parking at the courthouse. Our justice system isn't fair. It slaps criminals on the wrist most of the time. However when a judge says not guilty, he doesn't say innocent of any wrong doing, just that there was not enough evidence to convict. When I first started policing, I would get angry when someone got off, I felt I had a good case on them. A veteran officer explained it to me. Now I am a veteran it makes good since. -C Snyder

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Published On: July 21st 2013, Sunday @ 5:37:16 AM

Total Number of Views: 201

Categories: Age Anger Confidence Courage Hate Life Youth

Keywords: Criminal Feel

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