Frequently Asked Questions on
- Do I get paid when I write quotes on
NO, there are no monetary benefits in publishing quotes on, we create beautiful picture quotes for you to share, make it easy for others to read & appreciate your content on net.
- Do I have to pay to write quotes on
NO, you don't have to pay anything to us. We don't like money that much really :)
- Forgot password? what to do?
Go to Forgot my password
page and type the email address you used while joining, we'll send you a link to change your password. You can even open a new account at any time too, If you want to get your old user id and if you don't remember which email address you used, contact us with your user name and we'll do our best to help you.
- Can I publish my Poems?
Yes Poems are welcome, while submitting select poems category. Though name of the site is 'Own Quotes'
poems are too beautiful not to have. But please keep them short
- How can I Delete my account?
There is no tool delete your entire account at once, you can delete all of your quotes by visiting each page, if you want to delete your username please write to us.
- Why should I enter my real email ID?
Your email ID will be used to help you recover your password or to identify you. So entering email ID that you are actively using will help. It will not be used for spamming, we promise :)
- How do I delete a published Quote?
Once you write a quote you will be redirected to the Quote page (each quote has its own page, clicking on the quote image takes you to the quote page), there you can click on the Delete Quote button on top of the quote image. Check the image below for what the button will look like on the quote page:

- How do I Recreate an Image Quote?
We randomly pick colors and fonts to paint your quote image, to change the picture to suit your theme and taste, go to the quote page, click on the Recreate Image button on the quote page you want to recreate image for. This is only applicable if your image is shorter than 300 characters, longer quotes will not be converted into images.:

- Why has the Image quote I created changed?
If there are gramamtical errors in your quote, the quote will be automatically recreated once it is viewed by the content editors
- How do I change the Author name inside the Quote Image?
Change your Name from the Settings page, then go to the quote page and recreate the image, it will be automatically updated.
- Why isn't my long quote convereted into Quote Image?
The technical team had to take a decision on the limit of characters that can be printed into the image, we chose limit of 300 characters for pics of 600X400 (quote page); while 200 characters for 400X200 (category, keywords, home page, list pages). The decision was taken with presentability in mind, Longer text would become invisible on the canvas, it would also limit the available fonts and colors. Trust us, this is in your (and our) best interest.
- Why are comments, Ratings (on quote page)disabled in the new version?
There were very few genuine comments and Ratings submitted by the users, it was often used by the spammers to post gibberish, it took a lot of time out of editors, so we decided to discontinue it.
- Why are website links (on profile) page disabled in the new version?
There were plenty of spam accounts created solely for the purpose of getting a link back to their websites, google penalized our site (OwnQuotes) because of such activities, we had to discourage spamming