Life Quotes Pictures
Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal..
Men's intention and capability differentiate them in action and reaction, in reward and punishment..Lost
If you want to change the world , first change the way you see it...
Change Goal Hope Philosophy Success
LostChallenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either..
Courage Faith Hope Imagination Philosophy
Strong WeakTop 10 Life Quotes
That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where you belong.- Owulo Ewureje Jonah
When you stop loving, you stop living.- Jeremy Carr
The beauty of book can never determine it content..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Life is always in a shape of 'Y'. At times you arrive at the crossroad and there you need to make the tough decision.- Piet Ntema
In the pain of yesterday and the race for tomorrow we forget that every thing is connected to what we do today- ruqaiyyah
Drug addict will overemphasize its ecstasy and will easily forget its unfavorable drawback, remember every good and bad things has their advantages and disadvantages don't abuse drug ignorantly be wise to balance its usage..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Those who expand the world are those who think differently from the world to form a new thing..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Clicking selfie is matter of seconds.. .. building the image takes years.- TEEB Jayesh V
The value of a good heart is much greater than the value of your career. It is up to you to choose which comes first.- Dustin Rand A
Inspirational + Life Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
It's a wonderful life to have problems that can be solved. - Lokesh giri
One needs to be courageous to kill self; but at the same time he/she must be a coward to run away from the challenges of life! - Bipin Kumar G J
We want to do many things in life, but instead of taking initiative we keep on waiting for the perfect time which never comes then we dump our ideas. - harbinderjit singh bajaj
Find hope not only in yourself, but find more for others - Josh Darosa
Love is one mind in two hearts. - Ai Ling
When life hands you a bunch of sour grapes, turn them into a magnum of the finest champagne - Harold \"Hal\" Chantker
Life is like climbing a stair case and while you are climbing the steps of life, you are required to stop and rest at the landings then build your momentum and keep climbing - El Haji Nero
Life is the most painful thing you'll go through, yet it's the most thrilling adventure you'll ever take - Chris Lamborghini
When life goes easy, take it hard; Because life may not offer you a second chance. - Dharaneesh sonu
Never let someone else's wind flicker your spark. - Akshay Mahajan
I don't want to die even though I can't help it. I want to live, and while I live, I want to impact generations. - Frederick Nana Amissah
Son.. 'if you really want something go for it no matter the pain it puts you through because tomorrow might be too late.. - glint selorm
Do what's right.. regrets are for the weak - Ephraim jaji
Don't let your current circumstances determine your character. - Allen Lazar
Let's smile, not because we don't have problems but because we are stronger than the problems. - Mr vybs live
Look after your thoughts, they shape your future. - Daniela Ismerio
If you can't focus, refocus - Meshack Sewe
It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be - Daniel
Happy life is a myth only struggle is the truth. - Nikhil Prakash Wanjare
Be proud of struggles in your life. They bring you closer to greatness - Angelica A Rodriguez
If you are ringed by ecstatic ppl's, you can be truly ecstatic. - NaGa RaJ D
I may or may never sit in to the shadows of tress I planted now, but my legacy will live forever - Jessie Mori
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline. - Mac McGovern
In the Movement of Life comes the Energy of Wisdom; It is the 'Awareness' of Action that benefits the Soul; Balance is the blending of Dark and Light. Live in balance and do not worry for your future. - Mark A Gardner
How you say something is more important than what you say.. - Rajiv Jain
Live life you feel good living. - Marie Yolande Pierre
You will always learn and grow more from losing versus winning. Winning is the consequence of the fear of losing but fear not, every loss in life only means a win is on the way. - Raul Martinez
Deep into the ashes of my misery is where the last of any substance of me remains. But from this fire I shall rise reinforced and forged in the shields of glory and honor from the light of the sky I shall rise once again. Burn me, like the flaming bird, the phoenix, I shall rise above my pain. - Raul Martinez
We may think it is a necklace, a bangle or a ring. No! It's not - there is Gold in Everything - AiR
Success is a measure decided by others, Satisfaction is a measure decided by yourself. - Nazra Nishat
When you're afraid, you only care about people. But when you're not afraid, you care more about yourself. - Marie Yolande Pierre
Only you can be the best 'you' there can ever be. - D.R. Meers
Poverty is always a guest in the house of a sluggard - Vusi Mxolisi Zitha
People are not wrong, they are just different from us. - Nazra Nishat
Integrity will lighten your path in this dark world. - Paul Adepegba
Conscious leadership is the ability to be in touch with reality for the sake of humanity. - Gift Gugu Mona
Minus Negative is always positive - Rupinder Singh
One can learn techniques by looking at others but copying them as it is will cause to lose the amazing and natural talent that is inherent in them. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
Like a boat through the ocean currents is a man fighting for his future. - Okoth Michael Truths
Working within the confines of time, is the magic maker. -DrTJ/Thomas John, MD - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
In the pursuit of wanting to be liked we lose track of the fact that just by liking ourselves it would make this pursuit meaningless! - Adrian McGinn
Let tears flow. They wash away your sorrow. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Never dance with someone's shoes because they do not fit on your feet. - Righteous Sikiti
An unexpected act of kindness is the best. Surprise them! - Sibel Terhaar
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
The lazy won't make it in life. - Joshua Muasa
Instead of complaining and making excuses, wake up and start doing something. - Joshua Muasa
Serving life with dignity, decency, dedication, and discernment is being true to life! - Adrian McGinn
We may be imperfect and impermanent but we can be impeccable and impactful! - Adrian McGinn
Greet the day! Do not judge the day, it has not happened yet! - Adrian McGinn
Thrive by giving! The more we give the more we receive and we have more to give that we think! - Adrian McGinn
My tears run as if from an open faucet. - Anthony T Hincks
No matter how much you try, you can hardly satisfy every person. Always focus on doing what is right before God. - Baraka Maiseli
Life is short so live like you truly understand this. - Carl R White
The future will be different, only if we are different from the past! - Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Nobody is born ready made. We have to make ourselves or we remain undone. - Salam Ahmed Olalekan
A lot of people want success.. very few of them want to do the work! - JP Maroney
Philosophy + Life Quotes ⇑
Philosophy Quotes
A better man is one who doesn't take pride in the fact that he is better. - Lokesh giri
Never judge a book by its 'index' page. Go through the book thoroughly, before doing it. The same holds good for people as well. Remember, face is ONLY the index of mind! - Bipin Kumar G J
Our lives are like a mosaic with everything we do adding a little piece and like a mosaic often the true picture is only seen when you stand back and take a look. - Bill Gibbs
Reality 'kicks', but not hard enough to wake you from the 'limbo' of your own creation. Inspired by 'Inception'. - Ahmed Al Shareef
Simplicity is a complicated endeavor. - Robert Bluck
Fight your own EGO, rather than fighting with others - Farhad Dastoor
Just when life expects you to say ' I Quit '.. Surprise it - shiza shahid
Forgetting the problem doesn't solve the problem. - Lokesh giri
Not everyone can be successful, but anyone can be successful - Brayne Matshotshi
Do not prepare a future for anyone, rather prepare that person for the future - Brayne Matshotshi
There's a beast in every lady or gentleman, and a lady or gentleman in every beast. - Donald Lynn Frost
The mind is like the ocean, and your thoughts like a diver with limited oxygen, The deeper you go the more you risk not coming to the surface. - matt duncan
The most profound conceptual fact of mankind's self awareness concluded the creation in finite parameters of the axiom that of which states; additions of the smallest units of reality can be added or subtracted to infinity, thus quantifying the existence of omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, energy, beyond the singularity of the self aware - Logan Star
Do whatever floats your boat as long as it does not sink mine. - Jia
Whatever struggles or setbacks we face it is intended to purify and empower us on our journey! - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Life is simple but not easy! - Piet Ntema
Definition of common man: the person who can ignore everything happening around unless and until it doesn't affect his family - Poonam kshirsagar
In the pain of yesterday and the race for tomorrow we forget that every thing is connected to what we do today - ruqaiyyah
Fear is a double-edged sword. It can be used to your advantage, or it can be used against you. - David
That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where you belong. - Owulo Ewureje Jonah
The only way to know that your eyes are open is knowing that your eyes are closed. Therefore, you will find the truth if you found yourself believing a lie. - Kim
Do intelligent women cook perfectly? The question is against neither the intelligent nor those who cook very well. - mohdmustafa99
Let time alone be a player and yourself be audience. - Pradeep pandey
Anxiety is like the cuckoo; lays its eggs in other birds' nests. - mohdmustafa99
How can fresh start be fresh if one reacts with the old and stale baggage in mind and react according to that? - Sapna Dhandh Sharma
Life is like a race and the one who doesn't run wins it - Aarun D Baliean
The higher you fly.. The more pain you get when you fall - Doctor spidy strange
Just because someone pulls the curtains on you doesn't mean you should stop the show. - Brenda Lee Sanders
If you cannot save a life, at least do not destroy one. Do not interfere in the working of the creator. - Rajiv Jain
From the meaning of error we learn the truth , and if we shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out. - Prof Salam Al Shereida
The ladder of success will be sweet only if you don't crush others on the way to reach to the top. - Rajiv Jain
To repeat something a fool has said is foolishness in itself, the news media falls foolishly into that trap and gives the fool momentum. - Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
Life without plans, is like a taxi without wheels, you are not going anywhere. - Condrie Collen Mkansi
There are no guarantees in life, because there is no Customer Service Counter. - Mark A Gardner
Life is short, See a Vision and Paint your Canvas well. - Mark A Gardner
Hidden Secrets drag your Soul down, Like a Vampire in the Night it steals from you. - Mark A Gardner
We are a concoction distilled through a reality that is equally so - Forrest Munden
If you have time, it is the best solution to every problem.. - Rajiv Jain
The only people who can break you are those who are close to you.. - Rajiv Jain
An advice will be considered an advice only if given a few times, but if given repeatedly then it is a requirement not an advice.. - Rajiv Jain
If the worst phase in your life doesn't bother your generosity, it complies you are familiar with art of living - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Pain is real.. If the suffering is real.. - Shanmugapriya
Life is a gift, Talent is a blessing. - Fn Shihepo
As you age, your voice becomes quieter. The more you live, the more humble you become. Realizing how much time was wasted on useless activities. - Marcquiese Burrell
Greed not only plays in your mind, but it also plays with your life. - Anthony T Hincks
Avoid engaging in conflicts that do not concern you. - Marcquiese Burrell
Short + Life Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
I never had time to understand what life is, I was busy living. - Lokesh giri
Our expressions are the reflections of the inner-self tampered by emotions. - Matt Bill
Uncertainty certainly makes life beautiful. - Lokesh giri
Big fishes need big baits - Lokesh giri
Life is a game, those who keep winning get more interested in it. - Lokesh giri
If we spend too much time focussing on tommorrow then we might well miss out on today. - christine sharland
Whatever happens, life is still temporary - diya ahmed azzony
The quality of life doesn't depend on how you earn, it depends on how you spend your earning - palash sarkar
Flowing water will be fresh and useful forever than stagnant water. - rakeshbabu
One's problem is solved when one works for others' problem - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Some things in life are simply necessary temporaries. - Eddie Harris
Life won't be around forever so live it before its gone. - Josie Hillman
The most important things in life are health and knowledge! - Jovan Djurkin
A life worth living is our most valuable treasure. - Maria E. Rodriguez
Your past is gone but tomorrow brings a new day - Maria Farag
Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. - Sam Armstrong
You aren't special, nobody is. And if you can't realize that, life would defiantly open your eyes. - isabel
Some say life is unfair. But sometimes, WE are the ones making our own lives unfair. - Gregorio Santos
In order to get what you want in life you need to work hard, sacrifice a lot and never ever give up. - Arlene De Jesus
Steady your feet on the ground, to maintain balance.. - Reselmae Tolentino
The only journey in life, is the life you choose to be your journey - Madelyne
The difficult parts of your journey in life are your greatest teachers. - El Haji Nero
Those who pray for rain should be preparing to deal with thunder. - vikrant
Proof ends cloudiness - Edmond H Sweidy
Life is a journey through which you truly find yourself - Dylan Wilson Browne
Its an open world outside for you to venture but beware of the walls within. - Harikrishna Gopalakrishnan
A person who has no friends, lives only half way. - charan_vishwa
Life lived becomes a story and most of the beautiful stories are lies. - Neeti
A better world begins with better people - Chiquita Bowleg
We live our mortal lives for small immortal moments - Daniel Madden
We can't expect to be respected if we can't respect ourselves - Derrick Jackson
Everyone in this world is playing the 'I' game. - Pat bro
The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability - Amaan Hussain
A conscious person can create a better world than a self-conscious person. - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
The purpose of life is to live, to live with purpose is life! - Anthony Dewayne Brown
There is a war within us all, for that is what it means to be human - Justin Vaughan
Life Doesn't come with a remote control you have to get up and make a difference! - Jeremy Monticure
Grief lives as long as a bubble lives - mohdmustafa99
Life is what you make of it. - David Figueroa
Grades don't determine people's success - pasculina nabusani purity
In life, everybody has a mission to reach success. It's just that not everyone knows their fate. - Luke Shen Tien Chi
Promise me tomorrow. I shall waste today - Kevin Jonathan KP
Change + Life Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Only change remains the same - Kim Hale
We are enslaved by the very things that we have captured - Marcus W Pringle
When you're going in the wrong direction, it's never to late to take a U-Turn - Paskemin
Don't hold yourself back by trying to hold up someone else that isn't willing to do it for themselves! Carry what you have to! Let go of what you don't! - Kennisha L Crawford
Be careful when you put your mouth on people. What they're going through today that you're gossiping about & laughing at, could be your own situation tomorrow - Kennisha L Crawford
Like plants, you can't grow in the shadows only towards the light - Josh Darosa
Life is too short, Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should And let go of what you can't change, Love deeply and forgive quickly, Take chances, give everything And have no regrets, Smile when you're sad, Love what you got And always remember what you had, Always forgive but never forget, Learn from your mistakes but never regret, People change and go wrong, But always remember LIFE GOES ON. - Sarah-Marie Teasdale
Giving up on people isn't a crime, but giving up on yourself and isolating yourself from reality is. - Dalal Yousif
Only we can decide to allow the disappointments in our lives to rule us. We can either rise above it and keep moving forward to become the best we possibly can be or we will stagnate refusing to grow past it. The choice is always up to us. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
It's real if you want it to be - Elliot Cain
Are you sure that war changes the world? If anything, war changes the lives of the people, more then the world itself. - Alan Le
Change , one of the most fearful aspects. Of human existence, yet the greatest. Most profound. Means of growth. - Helen Covington
We live in a society that places natural ability, of which we have no control, over a want to better ourselves. For surely there is no merit in what you are born with but only in your attempt to change - Daniel Madden
We are not a product of our environment, we're a product of the limitations we put on ourselves - Deanna Garrett
Real change does not happen overnight, it happens after you envision what you want to accomplish and you act upon it. - Rodrigo Andrade Espinosa
Let not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man. - Wilgar D. Arengh
For you to succeed in Life, Divorce your Ego - Atayero Rotimi Johnson
You have to make the choice. Either get up once more and try again, or stop moving forward and become the person you never wanted to be - Marcela Dulong
Sometimes it takes coming close to death, to realize how much you wanna be alive - Cory Michael Adkins
Sometimes it's not people who change but the mask that they put it on. ~ Suyog Potdar [ People with good hearts will always be good, though they might behave badly for a while when angry. ] - Suyog Potdar
People and things change but principles and values remain unchanged. Always uphold them - Brayne Matshotshi
Walk by a thousand mirrors before you blame someone else - Brian Kelley
It doesn't matter how rich, how poor, how cool or how nerdy you are, what really matters is how you act towards other people - Linklord
I know that I do not know, and uncertainty, certainly, is the cruelest of words. - Wyatt puckett
If you don't like it - then change it - if you don't change it - then you must like it - G Swiss
If you want to be great, do more work on your table. -Eseka Jerry. - Eseka Jerry
If you want to change the world , first change the way you see it. - DIPANSHU RAGHAV
Two things you cannot hide: your nature and your fabricated nature. - mohdmustafa99
Change doesn't happen, till You Change - Mark A Gardner
Growth is Painful, Change is Painful, But nothing is as Painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't Belong. 'God is Able' 77 - Charles Odili
Funny + Life Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
I hate myself because I hate selfish people. - AB Baby
Regained childhood is the last stage of perfection. - Lokesh giri
Did you say life is unfair? I never heard it promising anybody anything. what do you expect? - Lokesh giri
When Life Throws You Melons.. Make Melonade! - Sven
Whether or not you have glasses or contacts, your hindsight will always be 20-20. - alec
If you are taking life seriously you are not wise yet - Lokesh giri
My life is a damn big joke.. because people in it laugh a lot ! :D - VIBHOR DEMTA
A generalist lives longer than a specialist - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
It takes effort to simplify life, complicating it takes no effort at all, for it's already complicated - Lokesh giri
There are three types of people in this world; Problem seekers, Problem Solvers and Problem 'see you later'. - El Haji Nero
Life is not a joke. Its a comedy serial. - Gyan Saxena
Honesty is a virtue dishonesty is an art - Victor Courage
Why give up if life takes no hostages? - Javier de Windt
Happiness is a drug, .. get addicted. - Christopher Gite
Life- it teaches you 2+2 and then assigns x+4=5, find x. - Alabi
An optimist is an under-beaten pessimist. - Romeo
We only have a scapegoat nothing like scapelion; Do you understand? - Kayode Seyi Tayo
They say that luck knocks at least once in life, hence, if luck hasn't yet knocked your door, then you will be the next lucky person. - mohdmustafa99
Always put your coat on before answering your front door. If you like your visitor tell them you are just in. If you don't like them tell them you are just leaving - Eliza Keating
Sometimes I just want someone to hug me and say 'I understand your pain. it's gonna be okay' have this 5 million shillings - Mr vybs live
Spending your time with the mirror doesn't make you know who you are. - DUBA ABEL BITRUS
Why do you say, 'Zombies are brain dead, dysfunctional, and have no place in society?' When, Zombies use more of your brain than you do. - Mac McGovern
You really have to start before you start. - Uche Onyinyechi Richard
Everyone hurries to their graves. - Romeo
Your mind can be your worst enemy. Control and train it wisely. - asokha
A problem delayed is a problem solved. - Derrick Merrill Smith
Thinking there is such thing as 'an end to suffering' seems like an adult fairy tale to me. - Konchok Dhondup
' Some bonds, whether they be human, animal, or bird, have an intimacy, and if situation comes to leave anyone or go far, that causes untold pain to the mind and heart. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
This is where our life greatness begins from.. ! - William Sebunje
Many people think they finished school, but school actually finished them - Pistis Balu
Love + Life Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
Love is a strange emotion, it's powerful enough to make the weakest man strong and the strongest man weak - Michael Amaki
If someone is stuck in your mind then it means they should be there - Ashlyn Mary Hornik
Nobody is perfect, we all have our faults. You should love someone for who they are, not for who they aren't. - Cheyenne Akard
You should be able to resist everything but love. - Victor Courage
Love doesn't stop the bad things from happening, but it helps you get through them. - Dana Jo Graslie
Love brings hospitality, hospitality brings cooperation, cooperation brings unity, unity brings peace, peace is life. love is life. - Bafferh Mohammed
Success is what you achieve, and beauty what you inherit. So it's up to you, you give importance to inheritance or success. Beauty you lose with time but success you can get more with time. - Anuj Tiwari
Drowned in your eyes, can't find shore! Help! - Eight words story
When you stop loving, you stop living. - Jeremy Carr
If you can eventually find a way to Love your greatest enemy, even if you haven't forgiven them yet, you will have entered into the highest degree of Internal Reward. - Amelia Goode
If life is a question, love is the answer - TMZPoetry
People will reveal who they are if you just pay attention. - Germany Kent
Don't waste time trying to be accepted by people that you cannot see in your future. - Germany Kent
You can cross the shore without getting wet but you can't get through life without tears. - Sri
My eyes are deep enough to make you drown - DEADSCREAM
Love without attention is like a Fog without water; Not much there. - Mark A Gardner
We had foundation to build our life together but we overlooked the blueprint - Jasmina Brkovic
Parallel relationships need transparency, not accuracy - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Records are meant to be broken, not promises - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
If we really knew the pain of absence, we would appreciate more the presence of those we love. - Claudia
When love loves love, there are no occurrences of differences - Vusi Mxolisi Zitha
We admire and love those people who constantly tease us, but we are doubtful of those who show us too much love. - Mwanandeke Kindembo
Some people's love language is pain - Pistis Balu
Thank you Lord Jesus, for giving me another opportunity to love you. - Joe Cervantes
When love becomes an ache, it's a testament to the depth of our affection. - Suyog Potdar
After two decades of marriage I was so sexually frustrated that start looking at my own wife bud and tits with lust. - Ilian Gidov
Happiness + Life Quotes ⇑
Happiness Quotes
He who does not wish to make others happy, shall not hold any right to make them unhappy either. - Bipin Kumar G J
Happiness is the most important, then comes smile, because smile comes from lips, happiness comes from heart - kubhendra
Everyone should just be quiet and forget differences. Forget what he or she has done to you. No one will care but yourself. Just live life, stop the unnessery suffrage (money, greed, wants, ect. ) and be happy. - Obed Ceballos
Being happy is not about having more money, better friends or being higher against others. It's about being content. - Mac Ace
To be content within, one must be content without - Jessica Bensley
Those who take life seriously must be smiling joyously all the time. Those who look serious err by taking something else than happiness seriously. - Lokesh giri
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Rebecca Ann Totten
By controlling the tongue we control both what goes in and what comes out - Lokesh giri
The best driver isn't always the one in the first place, but the one having the most fun - Ford Mustang
When you're happy with the little things in life.. that's true happiness. - Dana Jo Graslie
Once born on this earth will die. Then why not enjoy before leaving earth.. We have one life, live it and enjoy each moment. - Sadashivan
Everything seems more beautiful if you're in love. - Bizz Lamichhane
Before a lamp gets off, It burn out loud.. - KartikRottimath
If you appetite is for success, happiness & a better you - you will never starve for attention! - G Swiss
He who finds happiness in another man's shoes will never be happy. - Hayden Bosch
One, two, three, Life Will Be Tension Free, Four, Five, Six, Everything will be fixed, seven, eight, nine Everyone Has A Right To Shine, Ten ten ten Time Will Heal All Your Pain.. - Aayushi verma
No mourning if the thing you lost is despondency. - mohdmustafa99
Happiness is when you don't have anything you don't want; and don't want anything you don't have.. - Richard D. Jacques
In life we have many paths and roads that we choose to follow.. yet we are blind to the ones that lead us to our happiness - Breanna
Don't serve water of sadness when they're thirsty of happiness.. - success song
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues - Kabir Khivan Singh
Wisdom + Life Quotes ⇑
Wisdom Quotes
Our decisions are from past, and we always think of future, do we really live in the present? - Lokesh giri
The person who hides away from emotions and difficulties is turning their back on important lessons in life. - christine sharland
Why do we need the 'holidays' to actually remind us to appreciate what we have in life? - Ester Carrillo
Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a door, you put it aside and don't use it again, like a mistake, you don't do it again. - Allen
The best things in life are the nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. - Darab Imteyaz
If you never stop trying, you can never fail. - Gianni Cox
You can't lose something you never had. - Kendall Myers
Life's first lesson is that lessons are unavoidable, and to ignore one is merely to postpone it. A wise man is not always a knowledgeable man, but one not so keen on learning a life lesson twice. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Rudeness is the weak person's way of presenting his strength - KRISHNAMURTY
If you take the bait, who else can you blame? - Joe Cervantes
Thank You.. if You understand my Silence! Sorry.. if You Misunderstand my Words! - Namratha G
Life is the best teacher I've got, because when life teaches you a lesson you never forget it till your last breath - Ajay Negi
We are all on this earth together, we've all touched the ground with our feet and our face! - Donna Depew
Courage + Life Quotes ⇑
Courage Quotes
Only those who dare to live, live until they die. - Lokesh giri
I do not wish to follow the majority; the resources are scarce that way. - Paul Peshkov
Never place a LID on your dreams: L-Limitation, I-Intimidation, D-Despair - Paddick Van Zyl
They; who can survive the wreckage and breakage of the stormy season of Life; emerge victorious.. - Namrata Naha
The path of least resistance is often appealing but is rarely, if ever, satisfying - Erik Troen
Those who expand the world are those who think differently from the world to form a new thing.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Anyone who wakes up daily & tries.. does enough. - Vardz77
Close your eyes and open your mind. Allow your mind to foresee the goals that your eyes fail to see. Silence the voice that tells you 'you can't do it' and believe you deserve it and the world will serve it. 'My greatest fear is not failure but letting the fear of failing take control over my life. - TERRY M LEWELE
Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions - Mubeen Kherro
Your mind is your powerhouse Let not others penetrate it - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
A tree whose roots are deeply grounded fears no gale. - Christan Mitewu
Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either strong or weak - CLK
Men's intention and capability differentiate them in action and reaction, in reward and punishment - Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Dreams + Life Quotes ⇑
Dreams Quotes
Dance isn't what you do, it's how you feel for that moment in your life. - Jose Pizarro
Dreaming is just life with your eyes closed. - Carmen Makinson
Great things happen when we stop dreaming about what could be, and start working for what we want to see. Destiny is the reward of dreamers who become doers - TODERICK R MILLER
If you want people to remember you a certain way, then live your life the way you want to be remembered - Beverley Azevedo
An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream - Steven A. Board
Dream is like the dry leaf pressed between memories and long forgotten but it always retains an element to be cherished.. - Namrata Naha
Don't live in the shadow of fear, because fear might be the only thing stopping you from realizing your visions and dreams - Mads Boutrup
Some people stop lying only when they are asleep. Advanced liars even lie in their dreams - Edmond H Sweidy
Life is like a puzzle. Only if you fit the pieces to the right places, you will see the beauty of it. - Dave Nahar
The toughest war, you gonna appear at, is between you, You & YOU. Do win that. - Ritesh Ranjan
Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal of one's life. - Suryakanta Mangaraj
Dream and take action to achieve - Joshua Muasa
Truth + Life Quotes ⇑
Truth Quotes
Imagine you are dead and you have been given a gift to live somebody else's life, how are you gonna live it? Live your life that way. - Matt Bill
There's a point in your life where mistakes become a habit and excuses become an addiction. - jessica
Once you own your issues & insecurities.. no one can use them against you. - Vardz77
Not fighting for our rights is a crime in itself. - Tapan Ghosh
The more we have, the less we appreciate. - Allen Lazar
Separation is really hard, but in most cases it is the key to success. - Previledge Tafadzwa Makaza
Giving humans too much of your time, makes them forget how privileged they are. - Allen Lazar
I would rather walk through the waves of fire and flames then to be cradled in the arms of a beautiful lie. - Raul Martinez
Technology has solved old economical problems by giving us new psychological problems. - Tadu chada
There is no life without enemies - Velenkosini Ndwandwe vmtea
The life of the liar is always the biggest lie, and the life of the truthful individual is always the biggest truth. - Sundaresh
Death + Life Quotes ⇑
Death Quotes
Why do people bother so much about dying, when they have so many other things to do while alive? - Bipin Kumar G J
First you have to go through the Hell if you want to see the Heaven. - Lucy
Life and death work with each other. Life creates and Death takes away. Overall, both have a very important job. - Bre An Rivers
It's impossible to succeed in life with an unforgiving spirit. - Joe Cervantes
There are only two things you are guaranteed in life, birth and death. What you do in between is entirely up to you. - Jeffrey Moscoso
To die from the concept of life is to live with the concept of death! - Joshua Aaron Guillory - Joshua Aaron Guillory
I know more about life than I do about death, HENCE, I will not be crippled by the fear of death; I will be propelled by the possibilities of life. - Dahlia Godfrey Allen
Those who are afraid to die are already dead alive.. - success song
Innocence is the lie we build our faith upon. It is the twisted truth we use to justify our misguided actions. It is the soil we plant the seeds of our future in. Innocence is the ultimate disguise of doom. It is what makes us human. I have looked into its eyes, and I trust it no longer. - Manuel Bund
A smart person can always cheat on their taxes, but in the end death comes for us all no matter smart or rich you are. - John Guedes do Nascimento
(Wick)edness burns like a Candle of Death! - Mark A Gardner
Un dia gris Aveces llorar no sirve de nada La vida pasa pero me quede en el ayer Estás en todas partes menos aquí Mi corazón está de luto - Jessica Aquino
Confidence + Life Quotes ⇑
Confidence Quotes
Just because you can't change where you come from, doesn't mean YOU can't change. - ajith CHEMPARATHY
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade; make what you want to make. - Jamie Russell
Moving forward after a mistake, a wrong decision or a personal disaster can make you a better person or it can make you a bitter person.. One letter in one word could make the difference in your life.. - John Bonds
In life, the hardest person you'll ever have to confront is yourself. - Thai Thach
Keep your head up, and keep moving, never stop until your last breath but even then give death a run for his money - Shawn Timothy Deen
It's normal to make a mistake, but if you haven't learn from it, you will make it again and again. Until you will realize that all you did was running around the bush which is stopping you from moving on. - isabel
My wings are broken, but they will heal, and I shall soar - Sheils
I choose to smile at the world and its teeth than being grumpy and unsatisfied because anger peals of the joys of being a human being. - Melissa mhluzi
Don't ever let anyone direct an episode of your life - Clairvoyan
Don't go out of your way to break rules.. but break the rules that get in your way. - Anthony Zhou
The storm of life may seem darker and longer than you want, but don't give up because you are your own ship and without you Lighthouses would have nothing to shine Upon - Nick Meraglio
There's a lot of light that cover amnesty unknown in the day it's when you get to the darkness you know that the real freedom is fearlessness in the night.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Failure + Life Quotes ⇑
Failure Quotes
Being positive when things go bad is the best gift one could ever get. - Dhruva Mathur
You will always fall somewhere along the way to success.. but you can always get back up.. and learn from your failures.. just keep moving forward .. Those who are do not stop are the ones who Succeed - Rena Martinez
You gotta get tuned up to success lest your brain reverses the great focus. - Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
With only the acceptance of shame, rejection from success, and the pain of failure can we reach the point where even the smallest grain of sand can lead to a whole new creation of multiple achievements.. - Erocky
When you lose - never get stressed & when you win - never get comfortable - G Swiss
Pain, hurt, disappointment can only stop your world from spinning for as long as you allow it - G Swiss
Everyone has defects, and the most serious of them is to be blind about yours. - mohdmustafa99
Life is three groups of hits: that you strike, that you receive, and that you avoid. - mohdmustafa99
Procrastination is the stepping stone to failures. - Mohith Nair
Success without failures is often a near impossibility - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
All Life Quotes ⇑
I may not live the best life, but I do live the BLESSED life!- Marcus Jackson
Sometimes you just stand there and look at the stars, & the only question you know is 'what am I doing here?'- Sebastian Grabl
If the Destination Of life is death, why not take the scenic route?- Klavin John Barry JR
I looked for my savior in the midst of the storm, but now I feel that I have become my own savior. No more running away, no more disguises, now only I have a brave heart and a spirit willing to try are at stake.- Tilantha hansanath
A Mind without the Heart is like a room with no sound.- Mark A Gardner
Maybe this world is some other planet's hell and the purpose of life is just to tolerate and go on with it- Shekhar Bhati
Age does not question beauty. Only man.- Anthony T Hincks
The way of man is easy, but it is the nature of greed that dictates the road that he travels.- Anthony T Hincks
The time has come to dramatically accelerate our efforts to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights.- Justin
The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is a woman of faith.- Gift Gugu Mona
'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, You love yourself.- Sharmila Narzary
Don't trust man, trust God.- Shaniese Miller
Lord God Almighty.. You gave us the ability to imagine. That is where our sin is, to imagine that You don't see our sin..- Byron Abel
To kill a child's imagination is the gravest sin- Sara Alsakka
If patience is not followed by patience after patience ; then that is not patience- mohdmustafa99
The best six Doctors are Sunshine, Water, Rest, Fresh Air, Exercise and Balanced Diet.- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Just remember one thing, whatever it is today, it will be over tomorrow.- Allen Lazar
A good leader is a follower who leads with examples.- Wachira Wambu
The way you live your life determines how you make your decision- oluwagbenga segun
Nobility looks like something you inherit; but in fact it is something to conduct.- mohdmustafa99
Your ladder of success has no limits, keep climbing.- Tamara Williams
We should only fall in love with those who are worth waiting for - TMZPoetry
Age is just a number. Yes it is, a number of wrinkles and grey hair- sharonkemp
Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its gel. Temperance is its conditioner.- Pasithea
Being dead inside means no amount of help can ever cure you again.- Lucy Xu
You were so busy looking at the stars that you lost sight of the moon!- Dianna Martinez
Personal wealth should be measured by one's degree of enrichment of other people's lives- Segun Rasaki
It's good to be lonely for others but it gets worse when you be lonely by loosing yourself- Adarsh Hegde
It's about living your life with others, not for others!- jaime moncho
Some roads lead to a dead end, others to an endless path. Both of them are precious. One teaches us when to stop, the other when to be unstoppable..- Raquel Devesa
Love creates tension between two souls.- Shubhanil Roy
Life is What we Create, Because the only way to grow a tree is to sow a seed.. - Charles Afari
The new currency of the 21st century is not money, it is time- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
You can either keep making excuses or start making moves - G Swiss
Master your LIFE & your PAIN or become a victim of it..- G Swiss
Trust is a commodity seldom regained.- Melvin Sagun Burgess
In life, you don't have to go through an experience to learn your lesson, just make the right decision.- moises santa
Get your work done on time, later your life will have a soothing chime - Manu Shukla
Those who listen will be heard.- Michiel Bester
Never think highly of yourself ; life will always throw you from your pedestal.- Michiel Bester
Plants and Books are silent Friends to Mankind, the former grows silently to let you live. The later grows you silently to live- Sridhar Movva
Fighting fire with fire only makes the flame grow.- Lockeheart
Red, blue, Black , white .. Doesn't matter what color is your life like. Always be blue like the sky, colossal and fearless. Always be white like a piece of paper, simple but capable to be a paper airplane, to be a picture of your memories. Always be black like the universe , capable of having billions of stars and planets. An atmosphere for the light to shine. Always be red like blood , flow through the veins like a river, bringing life into the object.- Alex omidvar
Haters are like water to my soil- James miller
Yes, I am SINGLE.. Yes, it's MY CHOICE..- Babi Shakes
When a fight break out, learn to choose your words carefully because naturally humans will obey the law of factions.- bolutife ojeleke
Blood maybe thicker than water, but spirit is stronger than hell.- duy trinh
It's like standing on a ledge wanting to fall.. then realizing the beauty of the view, so you step back. Further away from the edge. Then when night comes, nothing seems as beautiful so you slowly walk forward not realizing how close to the edge you are- Hilary Mayes
A restless mind can take you places, but a well rested mind takes you where you want to go.- Raihan Hadi
Don't Let Your Circumstance Determine Your Future!- Toni Evans
It is for us to expect and for God to decide.- Lukas
How can we possibly ENJOY LIFE.. when we spend most of OUR TIME giving it away.. Work SMARTER Not Harder..- Babi Shakes
Life will be fun, only if you allow it to be so..- Ankit Kedia
We should not judge ourselves according to society's definition of beauty or what they regard as beautiful because at the end we all have different perspectives and what matters the most is how you perceive yourself.- Melissa mhluzi
You know you have lived life to the fullest when you have no regrets about anything you have done in the past.- Bre An Rivers
It's a funny thing that comes with age, realizing you're the cause of your own cage.- Madalyn Kenney
This life is like a sea, it's either you swim or drown- Brayne Matshotshi
Stay true to yourself, hated or loved..- Piet Ntema
If you are happy with your life, that's the definition of a successful man, no matter where & how are you.- Muhammad Tehseen
Happiness either can last for a short period of time or can last forever. happiness that can be found and lasts for a short period of time is gained from money , fame, sex and everything else that can lead us humans to sin but happiness that can be found and can last forever is gained from love. whenever you are with someone who truly loves you the most you will feel that happiness that can never be replaced by fame , money, sex and everything else that can vanish in an instant- rodriguez chavez
The thing about life is to get a job you need experience, to get experience you need a job, to help get that you need money but without a job you won't have money. Unless you have money in this world, you are going to struggle.- Jason Sodhi
I do respect faithfulness except adult's to adolescence.- mohdmustafa99
Whenever you are hit by lightning and break your ears with its loud thunder , always find a way to go behind the clouds - Jimmel Bandojo Ibo
Balance is how much you can handle before you go nuts!- Edmond H Sweidy
Thoughts are like knives. They can be used to trim flowers, to keep them healthier, or cut them from the roots- Edmond H Sweidy
The meaning of beauty is abolished when your appearance is based on the eyes of others- awesomejj101
I don't know, where do I find the courage, to be such a coward!- Lipjan Halili
You will search for opportunity in vain unless you have planted its roots within you.- vikrant
Excel yourself at whatever you do, effort costs nothing- Victor Courage
Marriage is a hunting permit that entitles you to only one dear at a time.- vikrant
Love conquers all, hate conquers nothing- Victor Courage
Everyday is a beautiful day, the clouds are just hidden art work in the sky sent by the Universe.- Gabby Ramos
Its only when you believe that you achieve.. !- Akshay Kishor Varma
Sorry means nothing if you've done nothing to change your actions.- Inna Shirokova
You don't stop when you get tired, you stop when you reach your destination.- Jack Danger
The human greed has made some parts of this planet like a paradise & other parts just a hell. One world, one time, but not the same chances. Ebrahim Hemmatnia- Ebrahim Hemmatnia
Just Remember, I gave a fuck when no one else did.- Ayush Biyani
Receiving gifts is not the way to look at Christmas. Giving gifts is the true spirit.- Eric Scott Tolman Jr
Essayer d'oulier quelqu'un que tu aimes est comme essayer de se rappeller de quelqu'un que tu n'as jamais connu.- Olivia Chamandy
Before you begin a relationship with someone, make sure that your relationship with yourself is where it needs to be.- Rebecca Ann Totten
Never blame anyone in your life Good people give happiness, Bad people give Experiences, Worst people give a lesson and the best people give memories :)- Rebecca Ann Totten
There is a lot to learn from an illiterate person than from an educated person.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Do good things come to those who wait or do we just convince ourselves they do because deep down we are bored of waiting? - kashmear elliott
Durable solutions can be often achieved through many consistent small steps- Lokesh giri
Make a difference today.. lay aside petty disagreements and arguments.. tomorrow may be too late.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Life is like a masterpiece of art, very beautiful, but as you look closer you notice the small errors, but don't let that stop you from enjoying it- Amadeus Ramirez
History is the blueprints of our mistakes, the Future is the corrections of those mistakes- Josh Darosa
Winning and Losing are just perspectives, they can even be the same things- Josh Darosa
Life is not a gift you get to keep, so make every second memorable- Karrella Jones
If life wasn't a challenge, why would it be worth living?- Hope Joy
Who are we to judge others, When we should be judging ourselves?- Maria E. Rodriguez
When life throws you a curve ball you can take a swing and hope for the best, or watch it go by and always wonder what if.- Matt Allen Jones
Love should be underlined in your life.. But in your heart it should be bold.- Haley lane
I sometimes don't get when girls say they are not pretty when they clearly are. To be HONEST, there is a difference between being pretty and being attractive to certin people.- Obed Ceballos
Ignorance can sink a soul, arrogance will drown it.- Spirit Roc
Life provides no guarantees and warranties to any of us. It only provides possibilities and opportunities.- Adnan Ali
When you think the last leaf from the tree of your life has fallen, plant a new tree.- bob
Love won't come if you don't seek for it.- srfghsdf
Their is no universal right or wrong, justice is based on opinions.- Steven Sierra
The first step to having fun is letting go- kennedy mercer
Solve the moment to seize the hour.- Garland Roof Jr.
Life is the script, we are the actors and fate is the director- diya ahmed azzony
Life is just too hilarious! but it is only the wise that gets the joke.- Suchith Abeyewickreme
I can't control anyone but me, what happens around me is life!- Paddy Duffy
The diamond with so much blood shed upon itself shows that imperfection is still valuable - Rafael Gomez
I dare not point fingers at anyone because just as them my hands are not as clean- Chicory
Write your own book, Because no one is writing it for you.- Sophie Burton
I think sometimes conservatives look to the past, liberals look to the future and both forget there is a present.- Erik G. Roscom
If your life is blameless and you have never engaged in a malicious act or even entertained wicked thoughts or have never made a mistake, conscious or unconscious.. feel free to judge me!- Natasha Ramesar
An older pair of shoes that fits comfortably, beats a new pair that causes pain when walking long distances.- Marcus W Pringle
It makes life so easy when you start believing that everything was destined to be what it is- Lokesh giri
Relationship should be based on Understanding, and not on Adjustment!- Bipin Kumar G J
3 things to know: 1) Never turn your back on a good opportunity. 2) Love your family, in the end they are all you have. 3) Second chances are never free, you must earn them.- Alex Craige
I don't expect life to be a fairy-tale, but is it too much to expect it to be a fair tale?- Lokesh giri
Life is like a trip, you have to pass through some places before you get wherever you want to be.- Albert Tshifulwe
It is impossible to have a panache and idyllic life without music and friends !- Vivek Sahney
Why does it cost so much money to have money?- John Guedes do Nascimento
Never give up; keep your head up till you turn your dreams in to reality.- Righteous Sikiti
We are living in a very dangerous world everyday it killing all around the world we need more of Jesus in our life- Frankie Lavender
Faith is perseverance and unbelievable truth.- Vibhuti Goswami
A broken piece will still miss in mending a broken heart.- William Gitau K
As we move on with our lives we will come across many people but only few will remain with us.- Syed Badiuzzaman
In war, honesty is the first docility- Samuel Adu
You can be the most intelligent person of the world. Only thing you have to do is to defeat yourself.- Jasleen kaur
Every year that passes by makes me feel older and older again. It will only cease with death.- The Quoted Iris
The words we don't want to hear protect our egos. The words we need to hear protect society.- Forrest Munden
It was said that:'While there is life there is hope' I think it should read:'While there is hope there is life'- Irfan Mamoun MD
Sometimes in the hardships of life, you need a friend.- Anonymous
Balanced state of heart, soul and mind makes a perfect human being- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
A little more compassion for the suffering people could make this world a much better place to live in.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Let no man say he doesn't err, let no man portray only what he want than he is. Weakness should be corrected.- Abasmi
Creativity is the only energy that should never be saved.- Antonio Disi
The same people that help you climb higher and higher are also the people that will catch you when you fall, so don't push them away because when you fall, there will be no one else to hold you and tell you that you will be okay.- Larissa
Maturity is when you can differentiate between fake and real.- Allen Lazar
The toughest battles in life are given to God's strongest emotional soldiers.- Brenda Lee Sanders
You think you know me, no you don't. How can you know me when I don't know myself. I know my goals, my capabilities and worth. Most of the time I surprise myself. I have made mistakes huge and small.. I screwed up.. fallen down and pulled myself up. I have fought in a mans world, to achieve what was and is my right. I have been torn apart in this world by mens ego, with attitude beyond compare. I stood my grounds, fought till I almost dropped dead.. Yes I am not an angle, yet a lesser devil.. With all the setbacks, the achievements, the resilience's and rejections I am proud of the women I have become.. And as long as I have breath, my story remains in development stage..- RINA RODRIGUEZ
The worldly elite moves pawns kings and bishops. When Jesus Christ returns, CHECKMATE!- Hugh Cahoon
We live here on earth praising material things but if we gave God the attention we give to materialistic things life would be better than better- Frankie Lavender
The difference between you and I is our mindset.- Marvellous Emmanuel wilson
We are the factorys of shit- harish vashdev
Coward people don't like fredom. Freedom is for brave people.- prince haroon khan
Related Categories: Change+Life, Confidence+Life, Courage+Life, Death+Life, Desire+Life, Dreams+Life, Failure+Life, Faith+Life, Freedom+Life, Friendship+Life, Funny+Life, Goal+Life, God+Life, Happiness+Life, Hope+Life, Inspirational+Life, Leadership+Life, Life+Loneliness, Life+Love, Life+Nature, Life+Opportunity, Life+Optimism, Life+Patience, Life+Peace, Life+Philosophy, Life+Sad, Life+Short, Life+Success, Life+Truth, Life+Wisdom, Life+Witty,