Patience Quotes Pictures

The level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have..
Confidence Courage Desire Optimism Philosophy
Walk by a thousand mirrors before you blame someone else..
Change Failure Life Short Wisdom
Walk BlameIf you fail, never give up because FAIL means 'First Attempt In Learning' End is not the end, in fact END means 'Effort Never Dies' if you get NO as..
-Atayero Rotimi Johnson
-Atayero Rotimi Johnson
Courage Opportunity Optimism Positive
Give Remember Positive Fact Fail
I have no image of how graveyard is, only fool to be fool watering democracy and their thought only..
Education Faith History Philosophy Politics
Love Want Learn Rich
I lost everything I've ever had , but what makes me happy is that I've never lost myself..Happy Lost

Perseverance is the single most powerful tool for conquering anything. But to persevere one must..Single Patience

A restless mind can take you places, but a well rested mind takes you where you want to go...
Life Optimism Philosophy Success
Want Mind
Life is like a puzzle. Only if you fit the pieces to the right places, you will see the beauty of..Life Beauty

Teaching is a profession that would eat up all your energy and patience but would leave you happy..
Education Happiness Inspirational Success
Happy Patience Energy
It doesn't matter how hard things might seem, you just have to keep trying and not to have 'giving..
Goal Optimism Success Positive Attitude
Keep Matter Thought Trying
Do good things come to those who wait or do we just convince ourselves they do because deep down we..Wait Waiting Deep

When you get impatient with someone, slow down and do something kind, that makes you feel better..
Anger Happiness Inspirational Optimism Peace
Feel Anger
Hope and patience may not always bring success, but the way they bring change in a man is the real..Way Change Success Hope Bring
Top 10 Patience Quotes
During waiting you may chance another thing or a person more important than that you are waiting for.- mohdmustafa99
We don't make patience. Patience makes us.- mohdmustafa99
Waiting starts in a soft armchair, then it moves gradually to a hot tin surface.- mohdmustafa99
We don't make patience. Patience makes us.- mohdmustafa99
When you love, you don't rush things. You give time, you wait, you anticipate the good things to happen. When you know you love someone, you must also now that you are taking some risks. Because love is a risk for nothing is sure about it. Sometimes loving someone requires patience and endurance. You love by heart, not by feelings.- Maya Blanco
If every moment in your life is a lesson.. then every person you have met was a teacher.. !- Saiteja Thottempudi
Life doesn't matter how much you have given now, it only matters about how strong you are to go through what lies ahead of you..- glint selorm
With letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment.- Vardz77
Never get weary, but get ready. Your blessing are more than your problems.- Sipho P Nkosi
Life + Patience Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Everything else has found a way to let me go. I suppose pain is a longer process. - Meagan Lynn Gervais
I'm just a Human being, being Human. - Bill Gibbs
When something is great in your life. You don't want it to change. - Brandon McCulloch
Their is no universal right or wrong, justice is based on opinions. - Steven Sierra
Clear your mind, it will become your greatest asset in being able to understand - Josh Darosa
Do good things come to those who wait or do we just convince ourselves they do because deep down we are bored of waiting? - kashmear elliott
If you find the combination to unlock a broken heart, you are a genius. - Karrella Jones
Every day is a new day, a new beginning, a fresh new start to make it the best day that it can be. Yesterday's troubles are over and should be put behind us, yesterday's bills will still be here tomorrow, so why stress? Live today, put yesterday behind you and let the future take its course. Everything happens for a reason, so where we need to be tomorrow, will come with a purpose, with patience and determination - ileana capin fonseca
Always expect the worst to get the best out of this World. - Baqar Abidi
Life does allow you to think but to learn the fact and act - sanele
Your patience may be the secret of your successful life. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
A restless mind can take you places, but a well rested mind takes you where you want to go. - Raihan Hadi
LIFE gives you hard times, but it gives you exactly knowledge and patience. - mikey
The purpose of living isn't to accomplish without living it to the core.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Still Being Respectful Even When We Are Being Treated Unfairly, Shows Class! - SHIKI E KIRKPATRICK
We don't make patience. Patience makes us. - mohdmustafa99
If patience is not followed by patience after patience ; then that is not patience - mohdmustafa99
Life is similar to a traffic light; you must wait your turn. - Osman Y. Yansaneh
Patience may be a virtue but waiting is agonizing. - Ramon Riveraalmena
Patience is a rewarding library.... and those to win must ensure to read from that Library!! - William Sebunje
Change + Patience Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Never give up, just Move On.. - Khem Rai
After every winding road, a straight road ahead - Abeer Al Jammal
I want to be the one you think of first thing in the morning, and before you go to bed. I want to be the reason you smile on a daily basis. The one you see a future with, and maybe someday fall in love with & live the fairy tale everyone dreams of! - Gabby Ramos
It is hard to forgive someone who never gave you a good enough reason to. - Raygan Tinea Woodward
You're not losing everything you want. You're realizing you are better than what was wanted! - Zac Farkosh
To cease is a piece of peace. - mohdmustafa99
Sometimes one just needs to ride out the unavoidable rancid days in order to enjoy a pleasurable future that awaits ahead. - Javier Contreras
Life doesn't matter how much you have given now, it only matters about how strong you are to go through what lies ahead of you.. - glint selorm
Sometimes, the worst things that happen to you are the best things for you in a different world that's interconnected with your own. - Nadine Khayat
Sometimes, All we need is to walk away from our own created distractions, to get a clear view of our Goals.. - Megha Singh Chauhan
If you want to be rich, learn to love. - Jacqueline douglas
Finish Friday Stronger Than You Started Monday - Steve Aura
Walk by a thousand mirrors before you blame someone else - Brian Kelley
When you're unhappy with yourself, you think of making the entire world unhappy with you only if you could. Then after 4 seconds you realize that the world has nothing to do with you being unhappy. The world doesn't even know that you exist unless you have something great to offer the people. It's all about people. So start helping people all over the world by beginning with you. Then you'll be the happiest person alive. Stop fake being happy when you don't even know what can give you happiness. Start doing something meaningful for people and the result of happiness will be yours. What are you good at? - Marie Yolande Pierre
If every moment in your life is a lesson.. then every person you have met was a teacher.. ! - Saiteja Thottempudi
Don't live your life trying to impress foolish others, however live it trying to impress foolish you. The more you act foolish, the more sensibility you grow which is ' I don't care what people think about me'. - Elizabeth Appiah
If your ego starts out, 'i am important, I am big, I am special ' you're in for some disappointments when you look around at what we've discovered about the universe. No, you're not big. you are small in time and space. And you have this frail vessel called the human body that's limited to Earth. - Sentitula__jmr
Short + Patience Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Patience is a virtue! so is controlled intentional impatience. - Lokesh giri
Being undisturbed by pressure is the real victory - Lokesh giri
Patience is not just a virtue; it's an art of control - Lokesh giri
Patience is only for people who look for a gratification. - ajith CHEMPARATHY
When everything goes wrong, patience is the best weapon - palash sarkar
Maximum the Patience.. Maximum will be the resolution - Navaz Khan
I lost everything I've ever had , but what makes me happy is that I've never lost myself - Kotia Alie
We don't make patience. Patience makes us. - mohdmustafa99
Waiting starts in a soft armchair, then it moves gradually to a hot tin surface. - mohdmustafa99
'Patience must have an end', a pessimist told me this. - mohdmustafa99
Patience is like a muscle, If you don't exercise it, it won't grow stronger. - David L. Rose
We don't have any problems with the enemy except his patience. - mohdmustafa99
I learn from patience that Saturday , Friday, and the days in between are one day. - mohdmustafa99
Inspirational + Patience Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Patience.. , definitely pays! - Bipin Kumar G J
Smile because you can, Laugh because it makes you feel good! Think positive because things will get better - Gabby Ramos
If all we focus on is the end results we will lose sight of our main objective. - Jesse Childers
Remember that chaos is like the jumbled-up pieces of a jig-saw puzzle which with patience becomes a beautiful picture! - Adrian McGinn
I have no patience for people who live their lives in fear. It’s allowing emotions to overwhelm you & not using logic and reasoning to think about a given situation. It’s allowing other peoples opinions & conclusions to become your own, because it’s just easier than to think for yourself - Harvey Staub
Be patient and Keep calm you will definitely get what you deserve. Keep calm and keep trying your effort, you will get more than you deserve. - Srinivas Mishra
Patience is the gardener's virtue; in time, even the smallest seed becomes the mightiest oak. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Patience sows the seeds of mastery, reaping the fruits of excellence. - Aloo Denish Obiero
It is not necessary criteria to walk with time . Walk with passion , patience , dedication and truth . One day is very near , when Time will walk with you . - Er Aijaz
The path to greatness is paved with Purpose, Persistence, and Patience. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Hard-work, perseverance, patience — once these three wise men accompany you, you will surely get there. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Patience is not the absence of urgency; it is the art of trusting the process—the wisdom to wait while the seeds of effort take root. - Aloo Denish Obiero
Nature's endless patience shows us that healing takes time. - Sajal Sazzad
All Patience Quotes ⇑
Keep calm, and let the success come..- Ankit Kedia
Before you become angry at someone, think of something good the person did for you in the past.- Nana akwasi
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
I can't solve your problems, but I sturdily promise you that you can solve them by yourself.- mohdmustafa99
You can easily understand some politicians if you reverse meanings of what they say.- mohdmustafa99
When I say 'WHAT IF' to myself.. the possibilities are that.. I can even change the world!..- Lalith Bhonsle
To ask a critical question is more important than to answer it.- mohdmustafa99
Never say I quit, always say: I will be back..- Gianni Cox
Don't judge a person by his religion, race, relatives, friends, country or caste but by his character.- shiza shahid
Everyone can judge, but only some can understand.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
It takes years to build a tower but only seconds to destroy it!- Maria Farag
Beauty alone, will only satisfy so little - ABDULAZIZ Al DABAAN
Pain, I welcome it.. because it makes a small happiness seem more beautiful- Kritika Shrestha
Failure makes us mature, strong and humble- A Mehta
Having a good heart is all you need because in the end, it's the only thing that will save you.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
Truth walks the fine line between what is said and what is silenced, unyielding in its patience to be found.- Aloo Denish Obiero
Where patience is the solution .....everything should be treated by their Pace...!!- William Sebunje
Very few world over can focus to study ...very few can achieve the required grades and very few can stand the patience of school demands....!!! Do not allow anyone misuse that blessing of you..., Intellect and education are Godly gifts...!!- William Sebunje
Very few world over can focus to study ...very few can achieve the required grades and very few can stand the patience of school demands....!!! Do not allow anyone misuse that blessing of you..., Intellect and education are Godly gifts...!!- William Sebunje
Very few world over can focus to study ...very few can achieve the required grades and very few can stand the patience of school demands....!!! Do not allow anyone misuse that blessing of you..., Intellect and education are Godly gifts...!!- William Sebunje
Is it for a private diary or is it for public distribution? Take the time and apply your patience, discernment and wisdom before posting anything. What might seem right in the moment, could end up be very wrong in the long run. Pause before you post.- Loren Weisman
God gave Israel a KING not because HE wanted but because Israel demanded. Not everything that God gives is from his PERFECT will.- Jeremiah Nartey
"With the passing of time, patience blossoms, accompanied by the acquisition of wisdom. It is through the experiences of life that one learns the art of patience, ultimately transforming into a person embellished with the virtues of wisdom, strength, and unwavering determination."- Latoya Mobley
The art of composing music requires lots of practice and even more patience and persistence !!- Vivek Sahney
Psychologically, patience is not the ability to wait but it is the ability to control the good ethics during waiting- Irfan Mamoun MD
Competitive exam is a summary of all specific subjects , which are mentioned in the syllabus. That requires patience of a learner.- Er Aijaz
Sometimes the obscurity in which you lay is just for your own protection. You'll come to light when the road is clear. Take Heart!- Jeremiah Nartey
Patience and focus on the goal are the ways of success- Atul Dhumal
Of course, everyone wants to be happy and successful, but not everyone wants to work hard and have patience..."- Atul Dhumal
Don't always be in a hurry to just remove the hook from the mouth of the fish caught. Some fishes also come to you with GOLD coins in their mouths. It takes FAITH, PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE to go for the COIN.- Jeremiah Nartey
Let us continue to express our firm support and confidence in the government. It has our best interests at heart, even when we are out of patience.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Aptitude is nugatory. I know a lot of talented decays. Surpassing aptitude lie all the usual words: strictness, fondness, destiny, karma but most of all, patience !!- Vivek Sahney
They have the money to buy death but they lack the patience for the market to open- Pistis Balu
The fruit of patience is sweeter than you hope for.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Be patient as patience pays off.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Patience is a great virtue. Be patient and become a winner.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Patience keeps you composed and helps you make a wiser decision.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Don't look up and stare at the building, go one level at a time.- Allen Lazar
Lord, shine Your light in our super-dark world. As sinners we wait with frustrated patience for Your Resurrection. Please Lord, do not tarry. For as frustrated as we are, we know that everything is in Your perfect time.- The Quoted Iris
Stay strong, stay true, be bold- Kayla Weir
Waiting is not to tolerate only time but also place.- mohdmustafa99
Time is moving so fast waiting for no man..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
We want nothing from those who were unfair with us, but we wish they know that they were unfair.- mohdmustafa99
Attitude is the greatest substitution for a resume -Victor Ado- Victor Ado
Never think to become like others. Let others think to become like you.- Hasnat Ch
Experiences always explore the strength- MANOB DAS
In this world we're like pieces on the chessboard.. some of us we are pawns whereas others are queens, kings, castles and bishops but only God knows.. like players on a board do.. that when the pawn crowns it becomes 'something' on the chessboard(world). 'the world is a chessboard. '- Malatji Kamogelo Gift
Follow your heart, it will lead you to Goodness, because your heart is Goodness.- Amelia Goode
Most of us don't care about details if the subtitle is well written. - mohdmustafa99
Sometimes you have to be quiet even when you wanna scream, because somethings are best kept unspoken.- shivangi lavaniya
Sometimes, it's only when the noise, the stress, and the commotion of the world are silent, our soul speaks the loudest.. cries the hardest, and hungers the most- William Payton scott
It's always been an uphill battle against adversities: Tell me I can't do something and I'll prove you wrong every time- Kishan Patel
Take time out from people. Take time out from things. See what brings you peace. See who takes it away..- Vardz77
Sometimes you just need time to gain the courage and bravery to open up and love again..- Vardz77
I take one step forward for each two steps back. I'm constantly moving but not getting anywhere. So I start running, just to stay in place.- Brandon Kellum
Every long walk has its sweet path- Sean O Osazuwa
Living is not about seeing, . It's about being. Silence and acceptance can give the answers we seek. With our mouths and eyes wide open all we seem to catch at time is the dirt gathered up by others.- Darren Giardelli
God brought you this far for a purpose, never give up, take the beating like you are a true solder. Be calm, your rescue is still in process.- Nsikelelo Innocent Duke
Patience maybe a solution to some problems, not for all. Action brings solution for all problems except a few.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
You're only 'lost' if you are in a rush to find something or somewhere in particular, otherwise it's just called 'exploring' - Alec Chamberlain
War is never won by a Soldier or a Country.. At the end of the Day, War is Always Won by Tragedy, Pain and Death- Yash Tomar
Love is a two-way game, you cannot truly love one who does not love you, neither can you force them to love you and look past the hurtful deeds you've done. I learned that the hard way..- Alireza Gilichkani
Always expect the best and the worst- jenny feraer
Great decisions are not quite easy to take in life.. especially when you are in a dilemma to choose one for GOOD and the other for BETTER. but alas when you decide to go for GOOD.. sacrificing some entities , you have made the BEST decision . And if you find your decision was not the best , don't look back when you get the BETTER.- sourav
As time goes by, things change, people change. Those you knew become strangers, those you did not know become your trusted ones. But as long as your love and care remains, you will be ready for when they return.- Sazzey
Live life for what is happening now, not for what you did.- Leonardo barauna
I love you. I can't live without you. I feel so incomplete without you. You are a part of me and I can't live if I don't have that part. I am not asking you to love me forcefully or something. However, I'll never be able to stop loving you, it's like breathing to me and if I stop breathing I'll die. I know that I really love you because loving you hurts a lot. And I read somewhere that the things that really, really hurt are the right things to do. Now I can say that the things that really, really hurt are real. No matter how hard I try to ignore you, I can't. And I couldn't just get away with this feeling, I had to tell you because I had to give it a try. I still don't know whether you love me or not, but here I am telling you how I feel without even knowing anything about your feelings. I think it is worth taking the chance and trying again and again in love, no matter what happens.- nadia khan
Don't Step Where You Can't Walk.- John K
I will wait eternally by your side friend, lover or foe. I will never leave your side, unless you ask it of me. I will protect you until the end of my days. I will not break this promise again.- Jon Smith
You choose your Death when you choose how you Live.- matthew boneepeee
A moving man will lose energy but will always overtake the standing..- sudheer keshetty
Sometimes, the key to solve the problem is waiting in the future- Josh Darosa
Wisdom has the potential to manifest early, from not giving up- Josh Darosa
Dreams are always something above your high expectations, something that probably you need to reach out for. If it's too high up, then jump higher! Just keep going for that dream, no matter how hard you try just don't let it die out.- anonymous
Distribute joy to all and enjoy the pain by own dear.- CELESTIN KUJUR
Never give up because you never know who is holding on because of you.- Sarah Bridges
Women are like onions, you have to pull us back one layer at time to find the beauty underneath all of uneven things in our lives. Also to find out who we are for what we truly are and what we wanna be known for.- Susan Johnson
Don't ever say you know everything about someone or something; the minute you say that, I have learned something new about you..- Paul Peshkov
Learning isn't always about being right. When mistakes are made, don't feel down, look at what's left, correct it, and stand up a better person- Brian Seah
Sometimes I just want to scream.- Rena Eepling
I knew I loved you when you looked me in the eyes and I already knew I would keep you locked in my head until we meet again- ladygaga
Listen carefully, you never know what they actually mean.- josh ryan woods
Your heart searches beneath the skin and goes deeper than your eyes can see, your eyes will judge but the heart is never wrong just give people a second chance..- Bethany Hope Skinner
This world is filled with an overabundance of problems.. Everybody's got 'em, some more than others. But if everyone helps somebody out with one of their problems, maybe there would be a little less of 'em around.- Lorreda C Smith
Patience is a virtue, impatience is an art- Lokesh giri
Patience is the Art of Hope- Bipin Kumar G J
Control is the true way to happiness, if you disagree, you do not know either what happiness is or control is.- Matt Bill
Planned work brings success and also impatience on lag in its fulfillment. With plans we postpone living to future. ( doesn't apply to planned planning)- Lokesh giri
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