
Courage Quotes, Courage Picture Quotes & Quotations

Courage Quotes Pictures

Men Men's intention and capability differentiate them in action and reaction, in reward and punishment..

Life Nature Fear action

Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either..

Faith Hope Imagination Life Philosophy

Strong Weak
Those who expand the world are those who think differently from the world to form a new thing.. Those who expand the world are those who think differently from the world to form a new thing....

Inspirational Life Nature Philosophy Wisdom

Strong Weak
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, .. while loving someone deeply gives you courage.. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, .. while loving someone deeply gives you courage....


Strong Weak
Sometimes people choose not to believe something because it is not what they want to be true. Sometimes people choose not to believe something because it is not what they want to be true...

Anger Business Computers Confidence Death

Strong Weak
Sometimes, all you need to keep going is a deep breath - reminds you of why you are on that road in Sometimes, all you need to keep going is a deep breath - reminds you of why you are on that road in..

Freedom Philosophy Wisdom

Strong Weak
Luck only lasts so long, SKILL lasts forever! Luck only lasts so long, SKILL lasts forever!..

Confidence Creativity Failure Goal Hope

Strong Weak
Weakness is when one cannot commit to that what one believes in, when one cannot prove himself to be an exemplar of the principles he stands for. S..
-Bob of Burgundy

Inspirational Wisdom action

Strong Weak
A man whose source of courage is his wisdom is the bravest of all. A man whose source of courage is his wisdom is the bravest of all...


Wisdom Courage
Criticism made men who took it positively great men Criticism made men who took it positively great men..

Dreams Goal Optimism Short Success

The power of an army is not determined from the number of tanks, artillery and guns. It is instead The power of an army is not determined from the number of tanks, artillery and guns. It is instead..

Inspirational War

Die Power Willing
The level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have The level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have..

Confidence Desire Optimism Patience Philosophy

You can want, wish, and dream all day, but those that prepare, work, learn, practice, and problem-solve are the ones that find success in sports,..
-Loren Weisman

Confidence Goal Happiness Success

Want Day Success Find Work
Life bestows gifts on finishers and not starters Life bestows gifts on finishers and not starters ..

Confidence Desire Dreams

I thought I was waiting for the me that is victorious to arrive but the truth was she I thought I was waiting for the me that is victorious to arrive but the truth was she's been..

Change Goal Inspirational Truth

Truth Thought Waiting
A tree whose roots are deeply grounded fears no gale. A tree whose roots are deeply grounded fears no gale...

Hope Inspirational Life Optimism Short

Truth Thought Waiting
There There's a lot of light that cover amnesty unknown in the day it's when you get to the darkness you..

Confidence Freedom Life Wisdom

Truth Thought Waiting
Your mind is your powerhouse Let not others penetrate it Your mind is your powerhouse Let not others penetrate it ..

Inspirational Life Short Truth mind

Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions..

Dreams Faith Life Short Success

Bad Experience
Each path goes somewhere, choose your destination Each path goes somewhere, choose your destination..

Faith Goal Inspirational Witty Wisdom

Close your eyes and open your mind. Allow your mind to foresee the goals that your eyes fail to see. Silence the voice that tells you 'you can't do..

Dreams Failure Inspirational Life

If you fail, never give up because FAIL means 'First Attempt In Learning' End is not the end, in fact END means 'Effort Never Dies' if you get NO as..
-Atayero Rotimi Johnson

Opportunity Optimism Patience Positive

Give Remember Positive Fact Fail
 Sometimes it takes coming close to death, to realize how much you wanna be alive Sometimes it takes coming close to death, to realize how much you wanna be alive ..

Change Death Faith God Life

Death Realize Alive
Anyone who wakes up daily & tries.. does enough. Anyone who wakes up daily & tries.. does enough...

Life Truth Positive Attitude

Death Realize Alive

Top 10 Courage Quotes

One sign that you're about to succeed is when you feel you can no longer continue with what you're pursuing, so persevere a little longer. Mumbere Samuel dolson- Mumbere Samuel DolsonBe not who you ought to be, be who you wish to be.- Mayra C. AlvarezThe path of least resistance is often appealing but is rarely, if ever, satisfying- Erik TroenWork so hard that even hard work says damn he is tougher than me :)- shivangi lavaniyaDon't go out of your way to break rules.. but break the rules that get in your way.- Anthony ZhouI choose to smile at the world and its teeth than being grumpy and unsatisfied because anger peals of the joys of being a human being.- Melissa mhluziBring me down, I will rise until you take a seat and watch me fly- Enid PeatLet not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man.- Wilgar D. ArenghIf you want to walk with giants you must take giant steps.- Stanley WilliamsYou might stumble and feel like you're gonna fall as you struggle in the turbulence of life but you'll stay strong and fasten yourself to the anchor that is your ambition and you shall extend your wings like the eagle you are- Joel Blake

Confidence + Courage Quotes

Confidence Quotes You have not broken me yet. Breaking someone means bringing them to the point of no return. I always return. Disappearing and reappearing like a magic trick. - Meagan Lynn GervaisCourage is when you have the strength to speak the truth. - Mohammed Al-DieryRunning away won't solve anything, face the truth and keep going strong - George CordovaStick to it, Dedication and Perseverance will see you through it. - Orestes VilorioIf you tell me it's impossible, I'll prove it can be done. - Sarah Ann CoxWe're all reflections of what we want to see in our own world. - Jesse HayesProblems are not created to ruin our life , but to add color to it. - ronalyn moralesWhen life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade; make what you want to make. - Jamie RussellYou get pushed down, you get up, brush your self off, move on. The process of life - Garron C. HaunMoving forward after a mistake, a wrong decision or a personal disaster can make you a better person or it can make you a bitter person.. One letter in one word could make the difference in your life.. - John BondsWhen you don't take a chance in a situation you'll always wonder what if I did, but when you take the chance you never wonder what would have happened if you did nothing - Matt Allen JonesI want to think outside the box because it's crowded in there.. - Paul PeshkovKeep your head up, and keep moving, never stop until your last breath but even then give death a run for his money - Shawn Timothy DeenWhen you are scared, throw away all your fear and your heart will shine brighter than a thousand suns - Josh Munoz Believe you can, and you will - Luke Henry VanlauweWhat you are is your greatest achievement and from here its the start of your greatest challenge - sandeep ShankaranarayananDon't trip on snags in your life, Stomp on them. - Cole James HemphillWhen the hole world is against you walk through the door to a new one! - Bella greerThere is no excuse, none people, no law is stopping you from being successful, it is you yourself who rules to be a failure. - Ai LingWhen you have nobody, you learn to do it on your own. That makes you stronger. - Latia HemphillEverything in life happens for a reason so don't be ashamed of anything you have done - Lauren CoyleBe the captain of your boat; tell yourself you are untouchable, unshakable and wouldn't let your boat sink. - Euginia HerlihyPromises to me mean a lot and I try to keep them no matter what. - CrispinMy wings are broken, but they will heal, and I shall soar - SheilsThe difference between an average person and the strongest man in the world is only a couple hundred pounds (if that), which is nearly nothing at all in comparison to the rest of the world. Why let nothing hold you back from trying? - Hunter JamesThe hero of one battle could be the first to go down in the next. - Hunter JamesTrue leaders are never fully appreciated until their followers have made it to their destination successfully! - Joseph SkinnerEveryone is perfect it's our imagination and expectation that make it not to be - Bolden KekanaBe strong, never give up and always push on- Sadie Muniz - Bill SchuffenhauerResiliency matched with Excellency reaches beyond Mediocrity - Abla Suzy AyeshAdditional risks in life is not taking risks - Jeton LajqiLuck only lasts so long, SKILL lasts forever! - Yasheel Santosh MaharajBy chance we survive, by decision we thrive - Dennis James Deegan CTMLife is short, we must go after what we ultimately want - with greed, and without shame. - Inna ShirokovaPeace is strength and must be nurtured for inner peace and a positive environment to flourish. - Dr Nirvadha SinghWhen one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors where your talent and heart will be valued and treasured. - Dr Nirvadha SinghAs you allow an illuminating love to enter your abode, there is only one lamp that will shine the brightest and longest, the light of your soul. - Dr Nirvadha SinghWhat Jerry knows that Tom doesn't ? Escape is more important than chasing - mohdmustafa99Go all the way or not at all - Jaffet HerreraWhen a person says to another , 'Respect yourself ' , he means to say, 'Respect me, please' - mohdmustafa99When I say 'WHAT IF' to myself.. the possibilities are that.. I can even change the world!.. - Lalith BhonsleSometimes, if you're feeling down the drain, feeling that you're living in a series of endless failures, don't give up. You are human, and everyone's got that moment before. So stand up and move on. Life's just rough that way. People can and will suffer huge losses and huge success. What makes them look invulnerable is that they don't give up. Because giving up would be the first step to actual failure. - Primus de PedosIf you want to walk with giants you must take giant steps. - Stanley WilliamsEvery move you make is a gamble, for best results go all in. - Ammar SamkoughBring me down, I will rise until you take a seat and watch me fly - Enid PeatWhen you're courageous and confident enough, you get to live your life the way you want it to be. - Dalia Marjanne KhouryHaving faith in your abilities gives you a humble confidence - bhushan madhukar meshramI choose to smile at the world and its teeth than being grumpy and unsatisfied because anger peals of the joys of being a human being. - Melissa mhluziBeing born is a gift. However being alive is a privilege. Every time you decide to hold back or procrastinate you're wasting the very gift that was given you. You have to move forward and fight with all your might otherwise the gift of being born have been wasted on you. - Danny NguyenA seed of doubt will grow into sure uncertainty and yield a crop of failure. - Angel BetemitObserve but do not interfere, think but do not speak, look but do not touch. These are the lessons we are taught by the world in order to survive. In order to live, we must learn to defy. - Corbin GordonDon't go out of your way to break rules.. but break the rules that get in your way. - Anthony ZhouNever give up on anybody, their worth is more than you can ever imagine. - Howard HannifordNever let words hurt you, be brave, be strong to kill them. - natalia Eric msunguI don't want anything, I just want to conquer my dreams. - Bizz LamichhaneNever be a Robot. Think for Yourself. - Amelia GoodeOur imperfections are what make us REAL. - Amelia GoodeWhen the whole world is always against you, you know you are destined for greatness. - Amelia GoodeIf you think I am a freak, weird, and abnormal.. then I am doing my job well! - Amelia GoodeFear is a loud voice in us that holds us back. Our visions are quiet voices that propel us. - Lawrence ElangoIf I don't regret it, then it's not a mistake - Nadira BadriGood music are songs with beautiful rhythm and heartfelt lyrics that connects and resonate with every listeners feelings, hopes and aspiration, either moving them to ecstasy or reduces them to tears when necessary irrespective of the genre (style) and lyrical language. - BJ SamLive on the hope for a better tomorrow or else you will dwell on your sorrows. - Lloyd IgbokweIntellect is the best weaponry - M A Gaffar ProdeepDon't take someone's expectations as your responsibility, make them your strength. - Bizz LamichhaneRekindle the light of lion in you and be on the brave of your voice.. - Kayode Seyi TayoAlways carry a backup plan in the back of your mind - Adheesh vatsLife is incredible, I have it, even if I got nothing else it is better to live, I know with it I am already Filthy rich. - Karrella JonesToday is ours, the future can wait - TERRENCE ELLISI do not allow the world to tell me what it means to be strong, because the world simply has it all wrong - Dylan Andrew Lee-ReidelNo matter how flexible you are let your decision be always rigid.. - Kayode Seyi TayoYou have to choose when to act, and you have to choose when to not act but be wise because its a choice. - Sterson StephaSometimes life isn't all butterflies and daisies; it's better. - Larissa Grace AndersonThere's a lot of light that cover amnesty unknown in the day it's when you get to the darkness you know that the real freedom is fearlessness in the night.. - Kayode Seyi TayoYes many people are trying to be someone that they're not created to be and that's when the pressure comes - Marie Yolande PierreTest of time is true determination of your faith, it is these moments of silence that define who you are and who you with are. Don't regret the mishaps, there were times when diamonds were not valued better than brass. - Shaila KunwalBe the best in the worst & the best among the best. - Selva KumarDevelop your destiny - dream it, do it, deliver it. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTMLife bestows gifts on finishers and not starters - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTMIt's time to respect yourself and your dream; both truly deserve that respect. Be the person you would do anything for. Be the person you will not let down. - Loren WeismanYou can want, wish, and dream all day, but those that prepare, work, learn, practice, and problem-solve are the ones that find success in sports, business, music, or whatever. Back up what you want with doing the work it takes to get it. - Loren WeismanChoose those you give your trust too carefully. Be caring; be loving; be creative. But also be careful. - Loren WeismanThe level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have - Sriprakash C SAsking for help will only end you up to a success that isn't purely yours. There's a different, better, feeling when you just smile at your achievement and say ' I did it all by myself'. - Skyler Venom HasashiGreatness is not in yielding to adversity, it's saying, 'adversity, it's my time to shine' - Joshua Aaron GuilloryThe chance of not winning is not an excuse for a failure to start; however, the failure to start is the reason you will never win! - Dr Travis J HedrickLittle victories lead to bigger victories that affect the battles that eventually win the war. Winning begins small! - Dr Travis J HedrickDon't do Incredible things, Do the things which gives you credibility. - Ravi shekarWhen facing opposition, the most important question is not why the opposition? But am I in the right path? - CLKPerfection is not a destination but a journey. - CLKWe all lose to anxiety, but it is up to us to get up and face it. - Timothy DomesYou don't have to be offensive to be honest. - Oscar Auliq IceNothing is permanent, Life gets better - Hailey Nicole VanArsdale You have Tremendous Power running through Your veins. Your Heart Shines as a Light that Expands throughout the Everlasting Universe. There is nothing that is impossible for you to achieve if you will Your Heart and Mind to it. With Your smallest finger, You can knock Earth off of its axis, because You have Divine Love, Goodness, and Almighty Power moving Within Your Soul, Blasting through Your Spirit, and Engulfing the Entirety of Your Heart! - Amelia GoodeNo mountain is too high to climb, if only we can lose sight of its height and press on - Uwagbae Nosa LuckyStay strong no matter what happens, good or bad life goes on.. - Kayode Seyi TayoBe a woman who firmly stands, Fearlessly ascertains, Courageously impacts, Independently cares for herself. - Aisha S Kingu

Change + Courage Quotes

Change Quotes Let's not waste time wishing things were different. Let's take the initiative to make the change, it'll make a difference. - Lorreda C SmithLife is lead by your choices so be aware of the ones you make out of fear.. fear of failure, loneliness, or change.. Those are the only ones you will regret.. Make more choices every day out of Passion, Compassion, & Love.. - Haya DweidaryTo love is to learn how to let go - Gabby RamosThere will never be peace on Earth until we realize our own insignificance. It is this imagined self-importance that has led to our downfall. - Twenty TwelveI don't pursue Money.. I pursue making a difference in the lives of others - Garron C. HaunWhen you follow others, you are trapped in an endless maze trying to find yourself before you lose yourself. - Nike HawkIf you allow your past & present situations & circumstances to define you instead of propel you to do better, then you have succumbed to a losing mentality & you'll never be able to rise above them - Kennisha L CrawfordIt's not what you go through, it's how you come out.. - Paul PeshkovOnce we start being brutally honest with ourselves we found we had mistaken bad decisions for bad luck. - Bill GibbsParadise for me will be the setting free of thee. - Maya It's okay to fail in the beginning because eventually we all thrive in the end. - Maria E. RodriguezAfter every winding road, a straight road ahead - Abeer Al Jammal Only we can decide to allow the disappointments in our lives to rule us. We can either rise above it and keep moving forward to become the best we possibly can be or we will stagnate refusing to grow past it. The choice is always up to us. - Lisa Ebersole DempseyI Believe I Deserve, So I'm Determined To Achieve My Success. - Undreese GulleyEmbrace change. have the courage to be adventurous, because you only have one ticket for this ride - El Haji NeroEvery single human being is selfish. May he/she want it or not. We eat meat, made of animals, just to survive, not thinking about the death of our food. That's selfish thinking, don't you think? And don't start about vegetarians, they eat plants that are just as equal as animals. So don't go around saying you aren't selfish. Everyone is. - KingKing3Change is not always easy, but it's an essential part of life. Embrace your fears - let go and allow the winds of uncertainty to be your guide. There are no short cuts, so open your arms and be free. You will always be exactly where you need to be - Lois Lovely LayneSome are born with silver spoons in their mouth, some are born with bank accounts waiting for them to use, some are born with ready-made life for them, but some had to work from zero to hero to live the life they are living today.. make your own living, let your sweat serve to water the seeds of your success. - Piet NtemaLittle good triumphs over much evil - Shoban kThe older I get, the less I care what other people think of me. Therefore the older I get the more I enjoy life. - Oscar Auliq IceThere's something we all can't change no matter how we try. It's worse to hear the truth because the truth we can't deny. - Amanda thorntonLet not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man. - Wilgar D. ArenghYou are well and alive, so do great things. Do it in the name of those who cannot. - DavidA puzzled piece like you should be where it belongs, not where it doesn't fit in, said a lot of people in my life. - Dakota Ace HardinThe melting pot of life involves, joy, sorrow, and pain. - Howard HannifordStrength is not just about one's physical performance, real strength is the ability to give up on something we love 'the most' for a better future. - Yves Kays KamanziSometimes, the worst things that happen to you are the best things for you in a different world that's interconnected with your own. - Nadine Khayat One day I woke up and decided, I never wanted to give someone the power to tell ME when to wake up, Or to tell ME what I shall do. So I changed ME.. To stop that from ever happening - rhys hallThe past is a gift. You know why? Because you never have to live it again. - Gabriella YachI do not want to accept challenge, I want to become a challenge. - Syed Ali Zain ul Abideen Sometimes it takes coming close to death, to realize how much you wanna be alive - Cory Michael AdkinsLive love laughter belong in one place. - Jacqueline douglasWho am I? I am a feminist. I am a woman. I am a single mother. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a cousin. I am a Godmother. I am a great friend. I am a good self-discipline. I am a human being. I am a writer. I am a hard worker. I am a designer. I am a great listener. I am a great leader. I am a great believer of my heart, mind and soul. I am not afraid of failure. I am an experienced of life. I am who God has created me to be. - Marie Yolande PierreI thought I was waiting for the me that is victorious to arrive but the truth was she's been waiting on me to show up - Dr Ina CreekbaumHope lies in what action we take. - Oscar Auliq IceIt is not about starters, it is all about finishers - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTMCalling for change and being part of making change are two very different things. Stop calling for change and be a part of making the change you want to see. - Loren WeismanThere are times when you have to remove yourself from the environment that is contributing to your stagnation. - Lisa Ebersole DempseyEvery human being on this planet has miscarriage of success, have courage to take responsibility of failure, One who creates the history One who reads the history will never be same - SaikiranKarnamI sacrificed my freedom for sobriety. - Cassandra MarcanoHelping hand might not change the whole world, But it could change the world for one person - TLOTLO GODFREY TAUIf in life you feel like a stone tossed about in a stormy sea, remember that the rough and jagged edges of a stone are smoothed away by the rough waters. It was a small smooth stone that defeated a giant. When your edges are gone what will you be able to conquer with your life? - Dr Travis J HedrickDo not let situations change your fate, you decide on the fate of those situations. - k.r.chandrasekharIt is all about starting and finishing that makes the difference - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTMYou don't 'have' a personality, you create one. Make a new one if you don't like the one you've got. - Kevin B JohnstonIt takes strength, courage, and bravery to do this work, to look within, to be this vulnerable, to see where we can do better, and to create change. This process isn’t linear as we trial and error what works for us and what doesn’t. - D\'Leene DeBoer

Inspirational + Courage Quotes

Inspirational Quotes I know what I know & I know what I don't know! - Maria Turner-HeuerNobody is perfect. Perfection motivates you. - Ai LingStrength and courage are mere characteristics, what defines a hero is the ability to sacrifice oneself for others. - Bryan ingwersenWeakness is when one cannot commit to that what one believes in, when one cannot prove himself to be an exemplar of the principles he stands for. Strength is when one calls out for more challenges to put his iron determination to the test and bests every one he is presented with. - Bob of BurgundyThe sun shines bright because you appreciate the light after surviving the dark side of life you had. - Susie R. DySometimes when people don't stand up to your expectations, You have to fall down to their limits. - Fareena aliyaExpress than to impress! - Piet NtemaThose who expand the world are those who think differently from the world to form a new thing.. - Kayode Seyi TayoBe not who you ought to be, be who you wish to be. - Mayra C. AlvarezEverything in Life happens for a Reason. Don't Fight it but, Accept it and make the Best out of it. - Blessed DankeComfort and Learning are antonyms, your learning starts at the end of your comfort zone - Ritesh RanjanYour mind is your powerhouse Let not others penetrate it - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTMFailure is a myth, and having fear of myth is just a waste of time. - Bibek DasThe power of an army is not determined from the number of tanks, artillery and guns. It is instead made from the brave and valiant hearts of those willing to die for their homeland. - Charles Arthur MillerTrain, Prepare, Wait. For that day will come; when time bows to your resilience and those beside you, inspired by your courage. - Arun EapenTake courage and create a path that will fulfill your dreams. - Aisha S KinguCourage is in encouragement! By encouraging ourselves and others we build courage! - Adrian McGinnDance with destiny, embrace your might, Forge ahead with courage, ignite your light. - Manmohan MishraThere will be ways from the lowest to the top, so don't ever get discouraged by feeling left behind. - Jervice CJGreet the New Year not with trepidation but with the courage to script your own narrative of triumph and self-discovery. - Aloo Denish ObieroCourage whispers, 'Begin,' and perseverance echoes, 'Continue.' - Aloo Denish ObieroBoldness is the engine that carves the path to success; dare to do. - Aloo Denish Obiero"The real scale of success is not in the results, but in the courage to keep going when the odds are against you." - Prashant B Yeole Author Mind Business CoachPatriotism is the courage to hold one's nation accountable to its highest ideals, starting with oneself. - Aloo Denish ObieroCourage lies quietly within us until it is roused! - Adrian McGinn

Life + Courage Quotes

Life Quotes Only those who dare to live, live until they die. - Lokesh giriThe most important word in the english launguage is compromise. While we like to win, if you go all out or nothing chances are you'll get nothing. - Erik G. RoscomThe only person who can make you sad, is yourself. - Joshua WuWhen the tide hits high, emotional bar gets high, we become satiated with fear that calamity is near, but only the strong will bear, look yonder.. and still stand clear. - Kagiso John SitholeYou are entitled to your own opinion, wherever, whenever. Find the courage within yourself - Paige Angela CordingAs one grows up he learns that someone must take control of the ship he's in - Josh DarosaThere are no limits in life. Even after you are six feet underground, your name will be remembered not for who you are, but for what you accomplished in your life time. - Jorge Estrada RojasPain is not the arm that breaks nor the heart that stops but the heart that breaks and chooses to continue beating cares the pain within.. - Jeffrey Allen hatchIf you want something to happen, make it happen. Don't waste time and energy thinking about it - Daniel Mapoy Behave normally even if you're dead inside, and if you deceive your friends, it might work for yourself too. - Chris PetersPeople love goats and sheeps but from lion they are inspired and feared. Sharjeel Khan - Sharjeel KhanLife is not the way only ; it's both the way and the hindrances. - mohdmustafa99Anyone who wakes up daily & tries.. does enough. - Vardz77Men's intention and capability differentiate them in action and reaction, in reward and punishment - Ojo Yusuf AbdulazeezIf you keep on thinking about your loss, you are a loser, but if you keep thinking about your wins, you are the winner who will win what you've lost. - xRev"The true strength of a person lies not in the absence of vulnerability, but in the courage to embrace it." - Ramon Riveraalmena"The true strength of a person lies not in the absence of vulnerability, but in the courage to embrace it." - Ramon Riveraalmena"The true strength of a person lies not in the absence of vulnerability, but in the courage to embrace it." - Ramon RiveraalmenaLife consists of numerous moments that may seem insignificant. However, at some point, a single moment emerges to define everything that follows. These pivotal moments serve as tests of courage and strength. - Marcquiese BurrellHaving attempted and failed requires as much courage as having attempted and succeeded. - Marcquiese BurrellA map is useless without the courage to explore. - Aloo Denish Obiero

Dreams + Courage Quotes

Dreams Quotes It is not until we are on the edge of losing control do we find out what we are made of - Kevin R WoodardI don't have to sing to be the voice of my generation - Nishel SpechtNever place a LID on your dreams: L-Limitation, I-Intimidation, D-Despair - Paddick Van ZylIt is not until you have the courage toward your own fears that you can master your destiny - Paden S. FackrellAll that I am and all that I dream to be, is found deep within me. - Dr Nirvadha SinghIf you have a dream follow it, if you don't make one - kaleb dquarius reynoldsWork so hard that even hard work says damn he is tougher than me :) - shivangi lavaniyaGrandchildren are the most glorious blessing you could ask for. - Jacqueline douglasFocus is a catalyst for reality - Mabrig KorieClose your eyes and open your mind. Allow your mind to foresee the goals that your eyes fail to see. Silence the voice that tells you 'you can't do it' and believe you deserve it and the world will serve it. 'My greatest fear is not failure but letting the fear of failing take control over my life. - TERRY M LEWELEGood decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions - Mubeen KherroDo not live to impress, Live to express - KoketsoYour dreams don't have a expiration date but your time here is limited - crystal howardIn this world we're like pieces on the chessboard.. some of us we are pawns whereas others are queens, kings, castles and bishops but only God knows.. like players on a board do.. that when the pawn crowns it becomes 'something' on the chessboard(world). 'the world is a chessboard. ' - Malatji Kamogelo GiftCriticism made men who took it positively great men - CLKAlways believe on the ones who still believe in you - Vaibhav ShrivastavaDon't let your dreams stay in your head. Let them out and make them happen. You have the power and the courage to turn them into reality. - Srinivas Mishra

Faith + Courage Quotes

Faith Quotes You don't know what you are capable of until you have done it. - ch ong In the presence of danger three things come to mind, fight for the future, die for what you believe in, and love what your heart says - Michael Amaki When you think you can do something, that's when you should know you can - Kennisha L CrawfordYou have to go through a few nightmares to make your Dreams come true. - Puja AgarwalDon't worry about the things you can't control - Regan HowardWhat I do know is what I was fighting for was worth it, maybe not to you, but to me it was and always will be worth dying for! - Jon SmithEyes view only within its boundary.. Soul sees beyond.. Faith.. the bridge between boundaries and beyond.. - Dr Nirvadha SinghTrials will face us, but it is how we deal with them will determine the outcome. - Howard HannifordWith letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment. - Vardz77Even if things don't unfold the way you expected, don't be disheartened or give up. One who continues to advance will win in the end.. - Kayode Seyi TayoLive, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat - Ritesh RanjanEach path goes somewhere, choose your destination - Ritesh RanjanInspiration is the mother of invention and the force behind and within these two is the spirit of the most high God. - Segun RasakiChallenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either strong or weak - CLKMaturity is not the ability to think positively, but to attain the state of thoughtlessness. The moment you 'think' whether positive or negative, you miss the presence of God conscious in you - FEROZ KHAN LAMIRAll men have the solemn duty to uphold justice for without there will be no truth nor freedom - Isaak Bean

Creativity + Courage Quotes

Creativity Quotes Music is art to the ear and art is music to the eye - Tanya FridI do not wish to follow the majority; the resources are scarce that way. - Paul PeshkovWhile asking myself Why, I travelled the established roads, Asking myself Why Not, I started paving the roads of my own - Frank DiephuisI feel composers and artists of the past produced such inspiring works not because they knew every rule for what they were creating, but rather were not bound by any and lived for the sheer love of what they did. Rather than assuming our personal extent, maybe an extraordinary life can only be attained by living to fulfill our passions and waking up every day with the assumption that there are no limits. - Derek AndersonYou can't move on unless you GET THE HECK OUT of the place you are in. - Lucelly MosqueraI'm average, but with average comes amazing and with amazing comes extraordinary. - Max Norris It is not simply your look in the picture that defines you, the place, the person and the cause really speaks.. - AditiIf only we can unfold our hearts like a flower to beautiful songs, we will find our lives blooming, blossoming and flourishing - BJ SamWhat you write is what you'll be judged for. Be True - Ritesh RanjanNo body makes choices for you, you make choices for yourself, and your choices symbolize you. - Sterson StephaJust because you are right, does not mean I am wrong. - TLOTLO GODFREY TAUTHERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A RE-TREAD IN ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. - Jasen cordieroOne must be extraordinary , not just an individual of the population. - mohdmustafa99If you have all the ingredients- lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, ham, why not make a sandwich. Follow your dreams and be great. - Marl NixonTo live as a carbon copy of everyone else is to not live at all. - J W Barlament

Short + Courage Quotes

Short Quotes I'm not sure what a war kills, men or humanity? fear or courage? - Lokesh giriJust keep going or you will never make it to the end to claim your prize! - Ashley GrohLive happy, be happy, live great, be great - Zeke jamesQuit quitting and strive to strive forward - Brayne MatshotshiCreate your own destiny by being true to yourself - pollet reneilwe masekoamengBe different from others' belief in yourself and create and be your own hero. - Aliyah AlmaktoumFight for everything or die for nothing - Jonovan StricklandSmile has the power of courage to fix a broken soul. - Ruth BandoquilloSmile is a word which our mouth can't utter. - Ruth BandoquilloTo apologize, you need to be courageous. To forgive you need to be very courageous. - mohdmustafa99Hesitance and solidity do not work together. - mohdmustafa99Ingenuity, courage, and hard work put together equal miracles. - Swaran Singh JaggiCourage : complimented in success. Condemned in failure. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Desire + Courage Quotes

Desire Quotes Concrete jungles can definitely turn a deer into tiger, given deer wants it. - Lokesh giriTomorrow's should be done today and today's should be done now. DECIDE WHAT TO DO. - sandesh shewaleOnly when you have lost all; that you stand to gain the most. - Saad ShakeelYou are the source of my happiness. You give me reason to breath again, make me smile once more and make me believe that life is still worth living.. I cannot afford to lose you for in you I learn to stand up. I manage to live again knowing that you are there to hold me, guide me and support me. I will never loose grip in you because you are the source of strength and a reason of my sanity.. - zindy Words can't describe feelings, feelings can't describe actions, actions can't describe outcomes.. All it comes down to is that one small yard.. - Nathan Daniel MalinskiYour past may be bad, but your future is yet to be decided by the present. - Sarah Ann CoxIf you don't know who you are and what's your true value anybody can name and define you, if anybody can name and define you you'll answer and accept anything.. - ANTONEASHIA JACKSONIn this world there is one lucky person who will love you more than anyone else in the world.. someday you'll find them! - Jessica HarveyKeep the momentum while you are moving to guarantee additional motion and momentum. - Loren WeismanEveryone wants happiness not pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. - zachary angstPerseverance and hard work will overcome obstacles in the path to achieve your goals. - Mario G Dixon

All Courage Quotes

Everything you do keeps me running, even if I am physically beaten or emotionally, because I know you will always be there for me.- caylie sloaneThey; who can survive the wreckage and breakage of the stormy season of Life; emerge victorious..- Namrata NahaI don't know, where do I find the courage, to be such a coward!- Lipjan HaliliCreate a tattoo on your chest and face people's insults. Be a man.- Nerd BrookeI am strong because I know my weakness, I am beautiful because I am aware of my flaws, I am fearless because I learn to recognize illusion from real, I am wise because I learn from my mistakes, I am a lover because I have felt hate AND I can laugh because I have known sadness- Rebecca Ann TottenIt takes a lot of courage to forgive someone, it takes even more courage to ask for forgiveness.- Steven EvansPain, sadness, and sorrow are not the universe's way of punishing, but of telling you to go while there is still time.- bobTake away a man's weapon, and he'll fight you with his bare hands. Take away a man's dignity, and he'll fight you with his honor. Take away a man's family, and he'll fight like he has nothing else left to lose.- Garrett BenoitThe first part of 'done' is 'do'.. and 'do' can be 'done' by 'n' 'e' 'one'.- James J. HarrisEscape-ism is the opioid of cowards - Mark TurnerFear is the tool of devil- Segun RasakiOwn up and take complete and full responsibility every single time for all your actions, emotions, etc. regardless of the circumstance- G SwissYour Age is not the only qualification for others' (my) respect.- Selva KumarIt was in my darkest place, in my brokenness, where I found my greatest strength.- L ParkerInner strength will beat all outer adversities- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTMDoing what is GOOD is not as good as doing what is RIGHT..- Atayero Rotimi JohnsonThere is cowardice in exaggerating one's own courage. ‎- mohdmustafa99You can't break my heart only stick and stone can- Alfred ravalThere is no easy road in life, buckle up, sit tight, and learn how to corner life's challenges.- Howard HannifordIn the event where we can't be lovers, we can't be friends.- Howard HannifordThe only medicine to heal a broken heart are sweet words- Sipho P NkosiThe more you work hard, the deeper you move in a path that is thorny, chances are you are nearly alone, which happens only en-route to success- DRSIn a game, when you loose, you don't quit, instead you restart the level. Do the same in your life.- Shariq KhanTo a wise man, the only fear of becoming wiser is the fear of being referred to as a mad man- Stanley Kelechi OnwuemeneIf life was only about love, I would've suffocated to death long time ago Hope kept me alive till date.- bishwo_basnet When everyone is sitting, stand up! When everyone is standing, stand out! And when everyone is standing out, be the standard.. - Pinkie Seth HlazoTo ask a critical question is more important than to answer it.- mohdmustafa99We are not the best self when we are in our comfort zone- Piet NtemaEven though your goals may seem a mile away, build a mental bridge and cross it, bringing your victory closer.- Dr Nirvadha SinghFear of fear, only increases fear of fear itself- ZakiaIt is not a sign of weakness to go back and apologize for something you said. It is a sign of self-awareness and a sign of respect to those around you.- El Haji Nero I will always welcome people; I will always feel for people, I will never turn away from someone who needs love - Veronica ChaplinConfront Thy Fear Once, And Thou Shalt Be Afraid No More..- Sahil KaranjeEveryone can judge, but only some can understand.- ajith CHEMPARATHYDon't become a person you don't like just so other people could like you, The only human who is going to stay with you till the last breath you take is yourself..- Daleen IrshaidWhen you push your body and your mind to the limit, it will make you grow stronger- Aidaliza PantojaIt takes a lot of courage to live your life with no lies.- srfghsdfIt's a great courage to step in the marriage no matter how you love someone.- Tra LalalicDon't be a thermometer by adjusting to your surroundings. Be a thermostat and change your environment.- Marvena D RuddyWhen attacked by your enemy.. It is best to battle and walk away wounded than to turn in surrender and live unscathed.- Eric J. SchneiderThere are three types of people in this world. The first is the one who clings to fear in hopes to live at all costs, the second is one who tries to balance the fear in is mind with the courage in his heart, and the third is one who rids himself of all the fear in his mind, soul, and body and learns the true meaning of life.- Christopher Joesph AgrusoIt takes time and courage to grow up and become who you really are.- Linda Usman"When the guardians of the law become the architects of crime, true justice rises from the courage of the oppressed."- Patrick J RiachiWe have to train ourselves to keep strong, empowered , informed , Reasonable and self encouraged....because at some point we become the only source of courage, reason, love, prayer, blessings, wisdom, good advise and the only source of hope to those around...!!- William SebunjeWe have go to allocate ourselves more time of self courage ...than more time of self blame...!!- William SebunjeOnce we gather courage we gather many things ....!!- William SebunjeThe thought of death carries no special terrors for me (just regular terrors).- John Alejandro KingClosure is the healing balm for wounds unseen; it is not sought in the fleeting escape of substances, but in confronting the heart of our pain with the courage of sobriety and the strength of clarity.- Dr. Will Jenkins SrA true coward is someone who doesn’t even have the courage to be a coward.- Tamerlan Kuzgov"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to face it head-on and rise above its grasp."- Ramon Riveraalmena"Dear Veterans of the United States of America, I respect you for your decision to serve Our Great Country. I salute you for your courage. I admire your honor. I thank God for your survival. I thank you all. I especially Salute your sacrifices. May God bless you; and God bless America."- The Quoted IrisAn individual who is disciplined has the mindset, and courage to conquer whatever seems impossible.- Howard HannifordFortune favors the brave. They taste crunchier.- John Alejandro KingTurn fear into courage by letting the flame of hope within our heart light up our way to action!- Adrian McGinnIt's easy to let go of others' hatred towards you, but it takes a lot of courage to live with the guilt of being abused and not have said a word in perseverance.- Ramshid RasakIt's easy to let go of others' hatred towards you, but it takes a lot of courage to live with the guilt of being abused and not have said a word in perseverance.- Ramshid RasakA courageous step towards a broken or unborn relationship can create a world of happiness and understanding. Most of us fear taking that small step with courage...- Kiran AidhiRid yourself of a victim’s mentally, only then will you find the courage to fight back.- Maurice TrambleWith courage you can achieve any goal you set in life.- ease berryDisappointments, adversity, and unfair situations are needed to grow your character. Right in the middle of difficulty is where you will gain the boldness and courage, power, and strength that will help you get to the next level.- Germany KentHe who make no enemies makes no difference.- J W BarlamentI don't want to be the greatest in the world. I'd rather settle just to be the bravest in the world - Mark TurnerCourage as against a weak person is worse than cowardice in front of a courageous person.- mohdmustafa99As I grow older, depression tries to seep into every part of my life. I keep moving. I let it try to find me and when it does.. I give it a swift kick in the you-know-what.. and I move to another place.- Ms P QuotesFailure does not have the meaning we give to it; failure simply means try again.- CLKStudy like your life depends on it.- Norbertus Krisnu PrabowoStop trying to be perfect when you have a serious decision to make, tell yourself you are going to make it. Don't expect it will be a perfect one.- ADETUNJI FEMI ENOCHSilence may be the 'best solution' to any problem, but it is definitely the 'worst invitation' to every problem!- Kanha yYou can take my phone, my car, my money, and I will be fine. You can take away my house, my future, all of my personal possessions, even my family's approval, and I will still be fine. However, if you dare take away my ambition, my passion, and my drive/motivation, I will be nothing. For then, and ONLY then, is when a man hits rock bottom - Liam KileyA cake made of truth may be difficult to accept, however, a cake made of lies is difficult to swallow, as it requires constant icing- Cole FordBehind a beautiful face and pretty things are dark pasts and grave secrets. Underneath pretty clothes are deep scars of the past. Behind the curtains of these long lashes were eyes that have shed tears, that almost made my breath to halt. I'm a masterpiece painted by pain, heartbreak, grief, lies, abuse and betrayal. So who are you to decide my worth? I am my own priceless possession.- Jasmin Adviento She dreams awake. Sleep-walking through hate and awakened by love.. She is, I am, a Designer's Original- L ParkerTo those of you whose human rights are violated, let me say, you are not alone. Your struggle for freedom is a shared struggle. Today I stand with you. And I call upon countries and all people to stand with you too.- J BHuman rights violations are committed by humans, therefore it can only be us, human beings, to address these issues. We must take decisive actions today.- J BEnergy speaks louder than words ever could.- L ParkerIf there were no valleys in life what would the view look like when you're in the mountain? The beauty of life is the Mountains and the Valleys.- Nazzim HypoliteAll the so-called 'secrets of success' will not work unless you do.- Jaymin ShahWe each are given life, love it, live it, and everyone that is in it. God has given us friends, family, and others we learn lessons from, never take any of it for granted.- Casper G. SmithSometimes, it's only when the noise, the stress, and the commotion of the world are silent, our soul speaks the loudest.. cries the hardest, and hungers the most- William Payton scottJust be courageous, nation can win & by love can conquer people- Abhishek Singh RaanaEvery tear is a open door to a smile- EmelineSometimes you just need time to gain the courage and bravery to open up and love again..- Vardz77Change it or leave it.- Akwaci25Age is just the amount of times you've spun around a ball.- Thomas SyzcaiIf you give someone who has potential, the relevant power they need in order to succeed. They will- Angus Dolan Courage is being afraid and not wasting anytime in overcoming fear - Sylvia Sarona MatlhaelaThe day that you are willing to sacrifice self-comfort and personal convenience, is the day that everything becomes possible- Dontae LundyThe ability to smile is a product of peace and positivity and the courage to smile is a sign of growth and maturity, learn to smile once a while because it's worth it.- Melissa mhluziFrustrated mind can be dangerous but I have always been a peace lover so I always win my fight against me.- bhushan madhukar meshramYou can't control how people treat you but you can definitely control how you choose to react- bhushan madhukar meshramThe Minute you make the choice not to do the right thing, You have potentially given away your ability to Choose what happens next- Brett DempsayModesty is redundant, most people already assume you've accomplished nothing.- Jeff LebowskiWhy you want to change the world is less important than how you will do that.- Florin HanganuWar is never won by a Soldier or a Country.. At the end of the Day, War is Always Won by Tragedy, Pain and Death- Yash TomarAs children we believe that anything is possible, as adults we tend to believe that we can't make it.. If we believe once more as adults our unbelievable will become our achievable goals - Andre HaymonYou are responsible for everything you post and everything you post will be a reflection of you.- Germany KentUnderstanding a child's world and mind, is when you realize that everything makes sense in life. You learn, you live, you enjoy and you never get tired of getting surprised by what surrounds you..- Juan Habib Bendeck SotoDon't cry like a baby, over what you haven't defended as a man.- Kaue saidesThe difference between success and failure is successful people don't wait for opportunities they create opportunities - Sanjeev RaiVengeance is something you expect from me, but I will not do as you wish, because you broke my expectations and made my eyes bleed. Instead, I will leave you just as you are, because living with yourself will be the biggest punishment and the rest, destiny will see..- Purva In the depths of myself I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible hope, A dream so big, that I myself can not see it. Etched into my skin, like a strand of DNA, a soul part of myself. Personal. With nothing but myself to believe in, but that moment. Standing on a windswept ridge. Or hanging by the last of my skin on a sun drenched crag, in a place where nothing works. But everything is found.- Joshua GuyerWithout preparation, you miss out on opportunities. When you miss out on opportunities, you will always wonder what if. Dare to dream big and dare to be different. Strive beyond your fears and turn your dreams into reality- Bobby GloverAn expired time is the one you refused to make good use of. Make now a compensation.- annonymousAs we stand on the precipice of a rainbow nation, either falling into a cloud of peace or valley of violence, we must always understand and define our existence within our own context.- Dr Nirvadha SinghThe worst day of loving someone is the day that they die, so why not think of the best days you had with them and hold on to the memories you shared. Instead of grieving, you should be thankful for the moments you spent together and to value their life's.- ZakiaI believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M FreedmanShe's got her dreams in her hands, and her heart strapped onto a dolphin under the sea.- Samrita AdwaniDon't think you can't do it , there is nothing that will slow you down - Leul HabteDon't Step Where You Can't Walk.- John KIn a day, when you don't come across and problems you can be sure that you are traveling in a wrong path.- Jaspreet GrewalGo on and try to tear me down , I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper- DaishaWhen I write or read I have this amazing feeling of enjoyment that keeps me going.- Euginia HerlihyYou have dreams to fulfill! You have goals to reach! You have missions to accomplish!- Euginia HerlihyYou can do anything you want.. it all depends on the power of will..- shiza shahidCharacter and courage are like marriage. When one is absent or dysfunctional the marriage becomes dysfunctional and collapses. Courage is therefore the jet fuel that gives character the energy to prevail and lift off.- Matome Tsholetsa MalemaNever look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth DunneTo be successful you must not get caught in the craziness of the roller coaster ride we call life- Susan JohnsonYou may choose to think small scale, but that is not the only way to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. Big ideas go on big scales.- Paul PeshkovLearning isn't always about being right. When mistakes are made, don't feel down, look at what's left, correct it, and stand up a better person- Brian SeahTo life's surprise comes the need to learn and move on. To some a surprise is failure not expected, to me it is a reward I don't remember winning because I'm focused on the next one- Freddy Sipho MAhhumaneMost famous people who have life easier than most are destroying their lives, while bums on the street are trying to survive even when their lives aren't so great- PaskeminHave no fear, it is not the darkness you see. it is the abomination of it.- Juha Samuel SaukkoCourage is found in everyone. When some one doubts themselves they lose the gift of courage and become cowards. True courage is obtained by removing all the fear in your mind and all the doubt in your soul and disregarding your safety for the protection of others, only then can one become a true symbol of courage and face the task at hand and become a hero.- Christopher Joesph AgrusoWhat are Heroes? Heroes are Men, Women and Children who do an act of Freedom, Bravery, Courage and/or Intellect in their lives to be remembered by the next generations to come.- Garry Jack TownsendFriends won't make you do the things you fear.. Best friends will push you to conquer your fears and humiliate yourself!- Lauren NewmanDive into the big waves head first, because you get a terrific rush and there is always a beautiful calm on the other side.- Jack Brown

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