War Quotes Pictures

All is fair in love and war but neither love or war is ever fair...
Love Philosophy Relationship Short Truth
Love War
If revolt was legal, it would't be necessary...
Freedom Leadership Patriotism Peace Philosophy
Love War
The power of an army is not determined from the number of tanks, artillery and guns. It is instead..Die Power Willing

Those who initiate unity are always seen as losers and losers are always seen as heroes for they..Die Power Willing

When a fight break out, learn to choose your words carefully because naturally humans will obey the..
Anger Friendship Life Philosophy Wisdom
Peace War
Success suits only those who really know how to handle other responsibilities that come along with..Know Need Success Win

Millions of dollars are spent every day to prepare for war. How much to prepare for peace?..
Hate Peace Philosophy Politics Short
Day Peace War
Are you sure that war changes the world? If anything, war changes the lives of the people, more..Day Peace War

God is peace; religion is man's attempt to commune with God; and war is the worst result of man's..
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Keep your head up, and keep moving, never stop until your last breath but even then give death a..
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War is only War if the enemy has the ability and means to defend itself for without the ability and..War Enemy Ability

It's really easy to fight a war when you have people to fight it for you for whom you have least..People Care Fight War

It's always the good guys who win in war, or it will remain so in the history...War Win History Remain

We must speak openly about those who kill children by chemical weapons. Misuse of chemistry is not..Speak Children Kill

Your Character is formed in the middle of a storm!..
Hope Imagination Inspirational Leadership Life
CharacterTop 10 War Quotes
War goes to truce in one leg, and comes out of it with two.- mohdmustafa99
A ship is not made deadly by the size or number of cannons, but by the captain.- Kyle swan
The young no longer have any dreams to fulfill and the old are leaving their dreams behind them.. what happened?- Nina Danielle uuro
People love goats and sheeps but from lion they are inspired and feared. Sharjeel Khan- Sharjeel Khan
Fear is an animal's instinct, a reflex of the beast.- Kofi Yamoah
Nothing has been agreed on in this world more than disagreement.- mohdmustafa99
War is essential for humans to develop. For is it not war that brought us to where we are now?- Vincent Yu
Maybe there would've been a better world if guns would change into gifts and bullets into invitations.- La Nostra De La Terra y Cielo
The blade is only as sharp as the soul holding it- Josh Darosa
It is a wise decision to flee when you know you are going to lose, learn from your mistakes and come back stronger, rather than rot in defeat.- Austris Vansovics
Life + War Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
It is a wise decision to flee when you know you are going to lose, learn from your mistakes and come back stronger, rather than rot in defeat. - Austris Vansovics
The blade is only as sharp as the soul holding it - Josh Darosa
A better world begins with better people - Chiquita Bowleg
The reality of war. A lot changed when the war began. It took only four years to destroy our homeland. War was declared and armies were mobilized. Young men were drafted and civilians were ostracized. Bombs were dropped and buildings collapsed. Enemies charged in and our soldiers fought back. Tanks rolled in and fighter jets flew by. Children were crying and mothers screamed 'OH God why' When the war dragged on and there was no end in sight. The presidents and the generals knew It was time to bring out the mushrooms and the very bright lights. With a quick push of a button and with one last 'may god help us all' The green light was lit and the bombs began to fall. The bombs rain down and the children were told to cover their eyes. The parents knew that they weren't going to escape alive. The sky became bright and ground began to shake. I knew at that moment, the blast killed millions in its wake. Dropping atomic bombs did end the war But there were no victors, no survivors, and no form - Jonathan Avalos
There is a war within us all, for that is what it means to be human - Justin Vaughan
Life is really simple; we ourselves create the circumstances that complicate it. - Oscar Auliq Ice
You can hunt down and kill people with violent ideology. But you can never kill that ideology, thus you can never really kill all the people with that ideology, so the violence will continue - M Adonis Layne
When egos spread, there will be nothing artificial about their intentions. - Anthony T Hincks
As the cold war heats up wealth will change hands at a yet unseen heated pace. - Anthony T Hincks
As propaganda reigns, the dog shall fall from the sky just as a stone would. - Anthony T Hincks
He who celebrates war celebrates alone in a room full of mirrors. - Anthony T Hincks
Who will decide the inhabitants of the new ark? - Anthony T Hincks
Tears dry quicker when statues weep from pain. - Anthony T Hincks
The world needs people, not wars. - Anthony T Hincks
Darkness grows beyond borders that shelter in pain. - Anthony T Hincks
Fear will never generate a feeling of peace. - Anthony T Hincks
Who will collect the sand when all of the world's forests have disappeared? - Anthony T Hincks
When glass forms on the beach in Alaska, we shall see the mushrooms glow red. - Anthony T Hincks
Who shall walk on the red carpet when man lays to rubble all of the theaters? - Anthony T Hincks
No day is happy when man is in control of the sun. - Anthony T Hincks
Demons only take flight when hunger is near. - Anthony T Hincks
The world hides behind blasphemy to silence critics, yet it is silent on the needs to end wars, greed, discrimination and hatred. If you cannot speak up in the name of peace and harmony, then you should stay silent behind your walls of shame. - Anthony T Hincks
The world and everything in are dying yet man still wages war with himself. We live in a Fool's Paradise of our own making. - Anthony T Hincks
Who are you to call the shots when you can't even hold your own? - Anthony T Hincks
Invasion is just another day to some people. - Anthony T Hincks
Anyone can start a war, but it takes someone to stop it to find a peace that we all can share. - Anthony T Hincks
Billionaires who finance wars aren't interested in the people or possible solutions. They're just interested in turning a profit. - Anthony T Hincks
Peace never needs planning, but war does. Go figure? - Anthony T Hincks
In war, there are no innocents according to those invading other people's lives. - Anthony T Hincks
Inspirational + War Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
I'd rather be a soldier in a victorious war, than a general in a losing battle - Edmond H Sweidy
I'm not afraid of the man pulling me down in life because I know for sure that he is below me and will forever remain there because I don't act by gravity - bentil
Scratches in the face of a soldier are more patriotic than the medals of his commander. - mohdmustafa99
World allows to commit crimes today, to judge tomorrow in the name of justice. - Halil Xhafa
All life is warfare on earth. - John Guedes do Nascimento
Words are the tormentor's ultimate weapon because they can cut you deeper, wound you for a lot longer and leave painful scars, which in all likelihood, never heal. - Anthony T Hincks
The problem with war that everyone is fighting for resources, land, etc. So we as humans can say we are for "something" materially speaking. But what if instead of fighting for those "somethings" we fought instead for a more abundant Earth full of life and health instead of destruction? - David Figueroa
He who lays waste to villages expects to feast on nothing but ashes. - Anthony T Hincks
Never wait for war to be over. End it before it starts. - Anthony T Hincks
Our war is not with the people around us, but with the person inside of us. - Anthony T Hincks
Man's war is with himself. Anything else is just a folly of misguided intentions. - Anthony T Hincks
War will come to those who sit on their hands and mumble into their porridge. - Anthony T Hincks
We are all at war with someone or something, even if it with just ourselves. - Anthony T Hincks
War is the tragic echo of humanity's inability to listen before raising swords. - Aloo Denish Obiero
No one escapes a war unscathed. - Anthony T Hincks
The sound of war is so loud and disturbing that even the deaf hear it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The sound of war is so loud and disturbing that even the deaf hear it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
There’s no sense in wars. Exactly the same way there’s no sense in those who wage them. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The war against global warming cannot be fought with weapons. That’s probably why world leaders just talk and talk and talk without achieving anything useful. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When a particular nation fights the first civil war in order to remain one, it fights the second one to dismember. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Greed controls the war for our purse strings. - Anthony T Hincks
When a particular nation fights the first civil war in order to remain one, it fights the second one to dismember. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The talk of war only shatters the peace around it. - Anthony T Hincks
Society is at war with itself. - Anthony T Hincks
No one comes first in war. - Anthony T Hincks
Peace will still mean that we are war with ourselves. - Anthony T Hincks
Peace + War Quotes ⇑
Peace Quotes
Apples though red or Green are still apples, people are still people. - Klavin John Barry JR
Peace is the time calculated between wars. - spiro ioannidis
War goes to truce in one leg, and comes out of it with two. - mohdmustafa99
There will be wars between humans as long as we find someone equally worthy to fight with. There can't be peace, until there is war - Henry Michalec
Those who initiate unity are always seen as losers and losers are always seen as heroes for they fought to the bitter end - Phineas Sebola
A punch in peace hurts a thousand times more than a bullet in war. - Siavash Rohani
A warrior is bound by a code of honor, to sacrifice himself, and never leave innocence dishonor -- in the parsing of peace itself. - Zac Ochsenbine
Man brokers wars because there is leverage within them. - Anthony T Hincks
The only enemy that we really forgive, is ourselves. - Anthony T Hincks
Remember: Certain individuals and companies don't like it if you stand in the way of their profits. So, who really wins in a war? - Anthony T Hincks
“Let peace replace war and sanity prevail in an insane world in the new year.” - Syed Badiuzzaman
“Let peace replace war and sanity prevail in an insane world.” - Syed Badiuzzaman
No peace can only mean one thing. That we're all at war. - Anthony T Hincks
While the world watches sport, what of those who are participating in the game of war? - Anthony T Hincks
War has no hatred except for peace. - Anthony T Hincks
If you fight for a politician, you fight to put food on the table of a handful of people but if you stand for peace, you stand to save the entire nation - Asare Ben Chris ABC
Death + War Quotes ⇑
Death Quotes
How are you winning a war by losing lives? - maurice boone
One lie can cause death of thousands - maurice boone
I fought the battles that no one even thought of fighting, just to seek victory from the smiles of the living - Michael Amaki
It's nice to get a warning before you die? - Joe Cervantes
Knowledge is not light but fire if it makes ordnance. - mohdmustafa99
When the clock strikes eight, then darkness shall come from the light. - Anthony T Hincks
Death is just a number to some people. - Anthony T Hincks
War is the enemy of peace, and it only creates more enemies and conflicts. It brings destruction and death to both the living and non-living. Peace is the friend of life, and it only needs friendship and cooperation. It brings happiness and harmony in the world and the soul - Srinivas Mishra
Many will see two suns on their final day. - Anthony T Hincks
The ferryman will be putting on extra boats this summer so that he can accommodate man. - Anthony T Hincks
Should you hear a war is started, it is the war itself make you upset. Shoud I hear, it is a reminder of how I was born, grew up as orphan, not all allowed to be in school nor in my home, and all miraculously hiding myself from every morning's and night's soldiers' fight. I am a middeleastern. - Mostafa Sarabzadeh
Philosophy + War Quotes ⇑
Philosophy Quotes
The pain of injustice does not know borders, they are not our relatives nor our friends but the way they are oppressed and abused pains us too, solidarity is forever. - Chester Makana
Peace is a lie and will never exist unless we burn humanity, and then restart. There will always be war, for human nature requires for at least one person to want to rule over it all. The only 'peace' is safety which may only be attained by people who are to willing risk their own life for others. All soldiers 'good, bad, Nazi, ally' , they all are heroes in a way. - Payton Vaughn
Winning does not mean the battle was easy. - Sarad S Dhungel
The longer the war, the more profits that some secretly make. - Anthony T Hincks
If we sit back long enough, the war will come to us. - Anthony T Hincks
Barbed wire doesn't make an ideal children's playground. - Anthony T Hincks
Battles are lost even before the war's started. - Anthony T Hincks
Wars are as senseless as those who wage them. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The only way greed can go on is by waging war on everything and everyone. - Anthony T Hincks
War just puts man back in the jungle from once he escaped. - Anthony T Hincks
The gryphon shall lead with a wolf upon its back. - Anthony T Hincks
All War Quotes ⇑
To win a war you must first start one.- Kshitij Kishor Jayakar
No mater who wins in the war, that victory no matter how big it is, doesn't matter at all compared to the all lives lost and the suffering it caused.- Tra Lalalic
Fear is the greatest tool of war- Logan Star
Please try to compromise and let me live my life.Give me my freedom, please!Stop the war!- KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN
The Rolling Stones merging with The Beatles. That’s what I imagine whenever Trump talks about Canada merging with the United States. Would they be waging war with music or would they be waging war against music?- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The demon shall ride the old master on his death bed.- Anthony T Hincks
War, takes people's minds off thinking about poverty, famine, greed, heartache, egotistical societies, wealth and much more. Yes, war is the solution to all of man's problems and the answer for those who profit from it.- Anthony T Hincks
How can people just stand by and let egotistical madmen plunge us into WW3? Maybe if we do nothing, then maybe we deserve the consequences.- Anthony T Hincks
Man is too lazy to stand up against war and greed.- Anthony T Hincks
War of choice is not fought by the leaders that call for them, rather they are fought by those that have no choice.- Skip Howard
“No one wins a war. War produces only losers.”- Syed Badiuzzaman
Your biggest strength is showing weakness.- Karina Holosko
How can we forget about all the people affected by war? Is it that we are now blind to the humanity that we all used to share?- Anthony T Hincks
War claims nations, while nonviolence captures hearts, the essence of true victory.- Srinivas Mishra
If you want peace for yourself, do not war with others. If you want freedom for yourself, do not bind others.- Sundaresh
If you want peace for yourself, do not war with others. If you want freedom for yourself, do not bind others.- Sundaresh
Don't let the war within yourself destroy the friendships that you have built out of happiness and love.- Anthony T Hincks
Who keeps the peace in a war?- Anthony T Hincks
He who wages war, does so out of their desire to enshrine the greed within their ego.- Anthony T Hincks
This year, 'Trick or Treat', will be played out on a global scale when Halloween pays us a visit.- Anthony T Hincks
War is the evolution of a brawl.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
War holds no friendships together.- Anthony T Hincks
In most cases losing a battle will teach you how to win the war- Irfan Mamoun MD
A king can fight in a war only when his horse is daring.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Liberty is a central concept in political philosophy and is often considered a fundamental value in democratic societies. However, the meaning of liberty and the extent to which it should be upheld has been a topic of debate throughout history.- Oscar Auliq Ice
The idea of individual freedom and the ability to make choices without external constraints has been the cornerstone of many democratic societies. However, the concept of liberty is not without its challenges, and it is essential to strike a balance between individual liberty and societal norms.- Oscar Auliq Ice
To younger folks out there! love and hate they say love conquers all ,fact is: it's not love vs hate ,it's love vs money and when it comes to war between love and money ,money always wins. Don't ever compromise your career for your love ,at the end they will always choose money.- Adeel Hassan
When men go to war, and they know what they’re fighting for; when they have trust in their leadership; that you know your brother in arms would take a bullet for you, and you for him; when morale is high and you value victory and freedom more than your own life, this is how wars are won.- Harvey Staub
Humans are the greatest killer of humanity in wartimes.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
War is the only thing that can bring peace.- Anthony T Hincks
History may judge those willing to defend their culture harshly, and those that do not defend their culture will not have a choice in such matters- Forrest Munden
United we win, separated we crumble. United we defend, separated we are all casualties- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
A minority struggles for separation of its region, not because of oppression, but because it wants to utilize its natural wealth alone.- mohdmustafa99
A ministry of defense often has two stones for killing a bird.- mohdmustafa99
A bullet, is the biggest power as well as the biggest enemy.- Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
Theory of conspiracy in practice is to burn up the American flag when a Russian air raid attacks your town.- mohdmustafa99
The more we keep pronouncing the freedom and peace the more oppressor ringing the bell of war- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Children of wartime verified that the world is far worse than we envisage.- mohdmustafa99
It is individual war, before general war- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
War wastes blood- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
They are inventing weapons to attack but nations call it defence- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
No nation can pay for war, many souls are wasted in war- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
An idiot who accepts the true love is always better than the wise man who rejects that true love.- Aquiver kid
One must always have defeatable enemies to enjoy victories..- mohdmustafa99
History is made to repeat itself.- Charles Arthur Miller
Little victories lead to bigger victories that affect the battles that eventually win the war. Winning begins small!- Dr Travis J Hedrick
I defend this land only because its people are oppressed by the invaders, I can do the same if I were in another land, because all the lands are my Homeland- Dernatinus
Why is war so easy to start but so hard to finish?- Alexander Ethan Smith
Wars always leave more casualties, and cause more destruction than the problem or misunderstanding that lead to the war- Sunday Adelaja
War and abortion have one thing in common, left over body parts.- Joe Cervantes
There is no war crime, because war is the biggest crime.- IRFAN ALI
No war will stop unless allies change - mohdmustafa99
There is no such thing as a holy war.- Christopher Patrick Fisher
Admit it. We are all bloodthirsty demons, waiting for all hell to break lose.- Amles Znovh
He who favors his fragile dignity over his body is bound to break both.- Diton Elbaliava
Those who view threat, when there is no threat; are dangerous- LesleyZ
Speak up for the Silent; you may be surprised to discover how badly they need you- stop bullying
War is never won by a Soldier or a Country.. At the end of the Day, War is Always Won by Tragedy, Pain and Death- Yash Tomar
Everybody is right depending on the level of Knowledge, experience and thinking.- Stanley Kelechi Onwuemene
Thou shouldst have made peace with before thou hadst fought against.- mohdmustafa99
We are well skilled to exchange hate because our Arab nomadic culture refutes the perception of love.- mohdmustafa99
I hope wars aren't started just to weed out people.- Joe Cervantes
Earth is a beautiful place, until you realize it can get ruined by some nuclear weapons some day, that is the moment you realize human intelligence has gone too far.- Arne Holmen Fjotland
War is not an art. It is a rat.- mohdmustafa99
Being NICE to your enemies, works as the best weapon against them- Piet Ntema
War was never lead by hard muscles, but by intelligent strategies..- RAMY RACHID
Rather than weighing yourself down with constant stress and depression, try to think of the more positive things to help you get by day by day, no matter how little they may be- Brandon Seedorff
Sneak up on your enemy and you have the perfect Advantage, Let your enemy sneak up on you and you have the perfect Trap.- Kevin R Woodard
When politicians wage 'war on terror', people die. When the people wage war on terror, politicians die.- Anonymous
A solider favors haste over cleverness, strike quickly and you'll end it quickly.- Nicholas spathis
We've come so far yet we've learnt nothing- Iris Philip
Why prepare for battle when you are built for War?- James Okeze
Chaos is the force of revenge- Josh Darosa
The tilt is the begining of a side- Josh Darosa
The chains may hold you down and they may even hurt your soul forever, but they can never hurt what you stood up for- Josh Darosa
In any battle for one to truly understand both sides, one will need a friend and a friend on the other side- Josh Darosa
My dad once told me that he didn't put me on this earth to kill.. I told him, 'I have to do what is necessary to keep him safe'- Gage Lee Moore
War: The ultimate form of non-natural selection in overpopulated world ruled by monsters genetically addicted to betrayal and social-economic greed.- Tonyx
Winning the heart of enemy is more valuable than winning the battle.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
If you won't fight for the country you live in, it is best to leave the country you won't fight for.- thomas skelsey
The Art of War is Priceless, in a textbook it can be seen as paintings of great men, doing great things. It is common knowledge that not all these things are morally correct. History has a way of Making even the not so great things look great.- Demetrius
Time waits for no man & neither will I.- Garry Mackall II
If one makes war his destiny, he is destined to make his heart the war zone.- larona Mokoti
Never take revenge on someone; for it will never solve warfare.- Basil Tong
Hold back the tears of your fallen soldiers and keep fighting for what you deserve- louis bakewell
Those who give purpose to starting a war are only giving excuses to hide the truth that those who believe in peace will never accept because of their lack of will, the truth being mankind will always wage war on one another because it is in our nature. As long as man exists war is inevitable and therefore peace does not exist. For peace to exist man must perish.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
Intervention is necessary when war is not an option.- Anonymous
People go to war to show who is powerful, but people who go to war peacefully will be the most powerful- Razvan Sterbling
What are Heroes? Heroes are Men, Women and Children who do an act of Freedom, Bravery, Courage and/or Intellect in their lives to be remembered by the next generations to come.- Garry Jack Townsend
I hold the strong belief that defeating our enemy is important, however it means nothing if we lose ourselves in the process. We are those principals, if we give them up.. they win.- Erik G. Roscom
Time to Build Nuclear Weapon not with Uranium but with Unity- Tabish Zahid
Gods like war, it keeps us from thinking.- Jack Brown
World as a whole has enough food and wealth to keep everyone on it warm and healthy, still there is hunger and poverty. Are those marked boundaries on the globe that we have between states, countries and continents stopping us from not helping our brothers and sisters? Is our love only restricted to watch them in movies and weep, when they desperately need love? God is certainly playing a joke.- Lokesh giri
I'm not sure what a war kills, men or humanity? fear or courage?- Lokesh giri
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