Family Quotes Pictures
Few people realize the most important thing in life is not money but peace of mind that comes from the awareness of tenderness of love and trust..
-Marshall kalu Love Life People Mind Peace
-Marshall kalu Love Life People Mind Peace

It's about living your life with others, not for others!..
Heart Life Marriage Relationship Romantic
Life Living
Failure Inspirational Life Sad Poverty
TrustYou might stumble and feel like you're gonna fall as you struggle in the turbulence of life but you'll stay strong and fasten yourself to the anchor..
-Joel Blake Life Feel Strong Stay
-Joel Blake Life Feel Strong Stay

Never blame anyone in your life Good people give happiness, Bad people give Experiences, Worst..
Education Friendship Life Relationship
Life People Give Bad Happiness
Make a difference today.. lay aside petty disagreements and arguments.. tomorrow may be too late...
Forgiveness Friendship Inspirational Leadership Life
Today Tomorrow Difference
The true essence of family resides in the amount of time spent together and not the amount of..Time Together Family
Take away a man's weapon, and he'll fight you with his bare hands. Take away a man's dignity, and he'll fight you with his honor. Take away a man's..
-Garrett Benoit
-Garrett Benoit
Courage Inspirational Love Marriage
Fight Family
Relationship should be based on Understanding, and not on Adjustment!..
Friendship Life Marriage Relationship Truth
Relationship Understanding
3 things to know: 1) Never turn your back on a good opportunity. 2) Love your family, in the end..Love Know Family Second Opportunity

Friend, best-friend, girlfriend, and boyfriend end with end but you see family ends with ily which..
Life Love Philosophy Relationship
Love Friend Family
Courage Creativity Death Goal Heart
Family.. a fortress whose foundation is love all the way. It is intentionally blind to all else..Love Way Family Blind
Top 10 Family Quotes
Do not blame your parents for who you are. They gave you the genes, but you choose how to wear them.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
In LIFE there are no do-overs or rewind buttons - G Swiss
Respect is the epicenter of all healthy human relationships - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
You are most free when you are with family, You can be who you are without the fear of judgement, When you have that fear around people you call family, They are not family. Surround yourself with people that accept the best and the worst of you, when you have this, you found family- Tina Fransman-Sell
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
We are the factorys of shit- harish vashdev
Love is not blind but it leads to blindness.- Oscar Auliq Ice
It is very bewildering to find yourself more linked to your spouse than Siamese twins.- mohdmustafa99
Matrimony has two main divisions: the culinary , and the contradictory.- mohdmustafa99
When I'm rich I will buy you the world, but for now my love is all I can afford.- Cory Powell
Life + Family Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
3 things to know: 1) Never turn your back on a good opportunity. 2) Love your family, in the end they are all you have. 3) Second chances are never free, you must earn them. - Alex Craige
Care about your children, just bless them instead of worrying. As every child is the little Buddha who helps his parents to grow up. - Kazeronnie Mak
Us teenagers look at life like a party and we see our parents as boring people. But we never look at their sacrifices - Jorge Estrada Rojas
I was crying when I was born, because my mother was in difficult moment of her life - Kamal S Lohar
It is very bewildering to find yourself more linked to your spouse than Siamese twins. - mohdmustafa99
Blood maybe thicker than water, but spirit is stronger than hell. - duy trinh
A Dad is sometimes just a Man with a wallet in his pocket, but a real Dad is there raising his kids and Loving them Unconditionally. - Joanne bustillos
Nobility looks like something you inherit; but in fact it is something to conduct. - mohdmustafa99
Friend, best-friend, girlfriend, and boyfriend end with end but you see family ends with ily which means i love you - Chandrima Ghosh
Your FAMILY are like STARS because they SHINE even in the dark! - Javaria Imran
Sometimes, a family is the loneliest of places. - Anthony T Hincks
If your opinion differs from your friends opinion, and they resent, get angry, bully you because of your thoughts, how can you call them friends, when the main requirement for friendship, is respect - Harvey Staub
A loyal dependable friend is more precious than a family member. - Irfan Mamoun MD
Once the fear switch is turned on,it’s almost impossible to shut it off.Your friends,your family, live in fear,& that just reinforces your thought process that it’s now normal to live in fear. You have forfeited your right to think for yourself.The primal need to be part of the groupthink, prevails - Harvey Staub
I’ve seen too many men, a few women, in my lifetime, just run off & leave their family. Not only do they lose their spouse, but they affect their children for the rest of their lives. I’ve never or ever will, understand someone who can do such a thing. I don’t know how they can live with themselves. - Harvey Staub
Loneliness is what leaves you alone in your room. - Anthony T Hincks
It wasn't going to restaurants... We couldn't afford it. It wasn't taking family vacations... We only traveled to visit relatives. My favorite childhood memory was playing catch with my dad in the front yard. - Arthur A Forman
Those who love us the most are often the cruelest. Every family is dysfunctional, some more than others. - Ramon Riveraalmena
You protect those who hurt you and hurt those who protect you ~ - Carly Rose
The worst social scenario when the family look for good faithful wife to their bad punk son - Irfan Mamoun MD
Fragments are what's left of my life. - Anthony T Hincks
United by love, fortified by loyalty, family remains a sanctuary even in a chaotic world. - Aloo Denish Obiero
"During your busy life, take the time to explore and share the legacy of your ancestors. Embrace their past and preserve your cultural heritage. All have comprised who you are." - Robert M Gavette Jr
Inspirational + Family Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Truth, honesty, loyalty, respect, kindness, determination.. these are the attributes we should live out daily and teach our children. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Families can be full of lonely strangers. - Anthony T Hincks
One of the most Important thing in life is family. If your origin is bad, it will affect your future negatively. - ojingiri hannah
As I cry my circle becomes smaller and smaller until, I find I was living a lie. - Anthony T Hincks
Family in 4 words "Greatest strength and weakness" - Summi
You will always find yourself alone, no matter where you go. - Anthony T Hincks
Home sweet home sounds like music to the ears. Finalizing your documents feels like home to the heart. - Frances Y Mason
A great family consists of a father who is a hard nut to crack, a mother who is a hard nut to chew and children who are hard nuts to swallow. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Hard times are the detergents that wash off fake friends and fake family members. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When there are no more plants or trees left in this world, how then will your greed feed you and your family? - Anthony T Hincks
The strength of a family lies not just in blood ties, but in the shared nexus of compassion and support. - Aloo Denish Obiero
All words are orphans until they are surrounded by a family of words. - Anthony T Hincks
What else do you call a family? A movie. A man scripts it. A woman directs it. Children act it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Hard times are the detergents that wash off fake friends and fake family members. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
If you buy stolen goods, you’re not a thief, but you’re like the tiger that is not a cat but belongs to the cat family. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
A person who is tired of the world, who is surrounded by the sufferings of the whole world, comes to his home to find rest, but a person who is tired of the house will not find rest anywhere in the world. - Sumit Sindhav
Family was meant to grow. - Anthony T Hincks
You can have a great time with friends, relatives, or others, but the most precious moments are the days spent with your family. - Rallapalli Suresh Kumar
“For authoritarian rulers, state becomes their empire with family enterprises. So, they always find it difficult to lose all these.” - Syed Badiuzzaman
I love my enemies as they are authentic in being an enemy, unlike family and friends. - Sanji Paul Arvind
Love + Family Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
Ones kids are loved more than one's own parents - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Friends are Like Family.. You are Going to get Mad at them but you are always going to Love them - Brittany Baldwin
Your are the sun that finally comes out on a rainy day, you are the feeling after a hard day at work and coming home to loving family ready to make you feel loved as you step through the door - Josiah hoffman
You can not be called a good husband just for putting food on the table. The food served, your daughters will forget; the number of times Daddy carried Mommy to bed when she was sick will forever be their standard of a man worth marrying. - Maria Shiela Rabanal
Sometimes we have to lie to please our loved ones - shiza shahid
My children's imperfections is what makes them perfect. - Ashley Nicole Jones
Managing a relationship is an art and not mathematics. - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
The only true unconditional love comes from parents - praveen123
I am me and everything I am is from a loving mother. - Maria OB
If love never fails, why is the divorce rate so high? I venture to guess that many people have yet to find out what real love is or they have, but failed to let real love do its job! - Dr Travis J Hedrick
Family.. a fortress whose foundation is love all the way. It is intentionally blind to all else except love. - Jabulile
The love of a family is life's greatest blessings - Rina 23
Poor people can have rich lives. Money can't buy what makes you truly rich - love, friends, family and memories. More money just means more wealth. - Austin James Lelievre
A family without love & affection is like a rose without petals - Rallapalli Suresh Kumar
Parents kiss their kids several times a day with love, but kids may not kiss their parents when they are grown up. Don't expect anything from them, just give everything that you can. - Rallapalli Suresh Kumar
I was brought up by great parents and great grandparents who told me. Raise your family as how we raised you with love and honor. 'Never, ever think that you're better than anyone else. Be humble, be reliable and do not listen to anyone who are envy and making story about you. - Eric Martin M Taghoy
One of the traumatic moments in our life,is living without love of family - Ng g wa Thiong o
Animals just wish to have a family to which they belong. - Anthony T Hincks
Friendship + Family Quotes ⇑
Friendship Quotes
Relationship should be based on Understanding, and not on Adjustment! - Bipin Kumar G J
Sometimes we're forced to hide all the pain we feel even from our closest ones, because it is our secret that can not be shared.. - Daleen Irshaid
I rehearsed saying I love you in so many ways but there is just one way to say it, and that is I LOVE You - laneka ayanna aysha petgrave
When it comes to friends; Time is invested, not wasted - Farhad Dastoor
Don't be so quick to do what pleases you unless it will please God and others. - Bobby Winter
The days that you cannot forget are the days that did not remain long enough - sandeep Shankaranarayanan
Love binds family while money separates it. - shiza shahid
Care and love me like a mother, be strong like a father, protect me like a brother, tease me like a sister, pamper me like a baby, hugs me like a friend, kisses me like a lover. - Vwsy
Sometimes the people that you don't care about are the people that care about you the most. - David Figueroa
Without my Parents I'm nothing : With my Friends I can do anything - Vivek Anand
Love is not blind but it leads to blindness. - Oscar Auliq Ice
Love them all, but care less about those who take you for granted. - Sipho P Nkosi
Life is better when you know where you are going, happier when you know who is going with you, and more exciting the closer you get to your destination! - Dr Travis J Hedrick
Sunshine was made with families in mind. - Anthony T Hincks
You may be thy enemy, but I still have the right to call you family and friend. - Anthony T Hincks
Friendships always set sail with a crew full of strangers but returns to port with a family of friends. - Anthony T Hincks
Funny + Family Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
God created texting so that parents can communicate with their children. - Vicky Robinson
My mom said, 'Your grandma is losing her mind. ' I said.. 'Enjoy it while you still can. ' - Amanda Nicole Kealani Alvarado
Matrimony has two main divisions: the culinary , and the contradictory. - mohdmustafa99
A married shifting nurse is a recurring wife. - mohdmustafa99
Making of true men is a feminist affair. - mohdmustafa99
Some people ask you questions as such they are agents hired by your wife. - mohdmustafa99
Wives do not like their husbands being 'hit under the belt'. - mohdmustafa99
Family planning is the cosseting nickname of birth control. - mohdmustafa99
A wife must be envious of the family's female servant. - mohdmustafa99
Sometimes you need to let it go, if someone you care and love as a person or family didn't appreciate your true love. That's is life. Nothing is permanent in your life. - Tonny Prakash Patrick
When I was a kid, my brother and I liked throwing rocks at each other. Pop was kneeling down working in the garden one day. My brother and I were throwing rocks over my pop while his head was down. My brother hurled a good one at me just as my pop stood up. I actually witnessed time stop that day... - Arthur A Forman
All Family Quotes ⇑
Fear of fear, only increases fear of fear itself- Zakia
Some relationships are like tom and Jerry.. they irritate each other.. they tease each other.. but they still can't live without each other.- Rebecca Ann Totten
A family is the best workshop where you can shape yourself- palash sarkar
My father built a house in heaven and sent me the directions to hell- Weqaar Janjua
Every man sacrifices his happiness and soul for his family, forgetting ego, humiliation, and personal desires.- Rallapalli Suresh Kumar
Strangers are the family that cares.- Anthony T Hincks
With beer, everyone's family.- Anthony T Hincks
Strangers make the perfect family.- Anthony T Hincks
Happiness is a family of love.- Anthony T Hincks
Loneliness is a family affair.- Anthony_T_Hincks
I have found both family and friends, but I have also found the resting places of those who ridiculed me in life.- Anthony T Hincks
For a mother, it's her rebirth after maternity, but for the father, that's the end of his irresponsibility & starts only a life of responsibility till the end of his life.- Rallapalli Suresh Kumar
Remember: Big brother is not anyone's family.- Anthony T Hincks
There comes a time when you need to cut your ties so that you can once again breathe.- Anthony T Hincks
Trust should never turn into a one-way street.- Anthony T Hincks
Family is the fuel that drives you to pursue your passions and achieve your goals. Every moment we spend with them is a precious gift.- Srinivas Mishra
I realized I can’t change my personality,i cannot change my family background,I can’t change what i have. But one thing i can change myself.- Neo More
I realized I can’t change my personality,i cannot change my family background,I can’t change what i have. But one thing i can change myself.- Neo More
Animals are family too.- Anthony T Hincks
Those that live in your heart are called, Family.- Anthony T Hincks
We have a tendency to feel obligated to those who take up most of our time like our families, friends and life partner. Step back and allow them to figure it out for themselves while you embrace the positive changes you seek in your life. Enabling serves no purpose.- Ramon Riveraalmena
Some friends are not only friends they are actually a family- Irfan Mamoun MD
If you still live at home and your family's ignorant or toxic, put everything on hold and move out as soon as you can. They will only help to ruin your life.- James webb
If you told your wife about one of her mistakes, she will start telling you about ALL your mistakes including your family, friends and even close countries mistakes- Irfan Mamoun MD
Dreams are where family is on your mind.- Anthony T Hincks
Your DESTINY is never in a vacuum. Watch FAMILY, Watch FRIENDS and Watch the FOLKS HE brings your way!- Jeremiah Nartey
Family is like a rainbow. If one colour disappears from the rainbow, the rainbow is incomplete, just like if one member of family is gone, the family is incomplete.- Japleen Kaur Gill
No one has ever achieved greatness by disrespecting their parents...- Sanji Paul Arvind
Sometimes, heaven can be found within our hearts, for that is where our memories live. So many happy times and yes, so many sad times, but they all go together to build up our memories of treasured times.- Anthony T Hincks
A realistic man who makes his home and family the center of his activities and takes pride in being a good parent and lives in harmony with his faith- Irfan Mamoun MD
Your parents set themselves as example for you. you are example of your family and people in deeds.- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
As we decay into old age we slowly lose our bond with our companions in youth. We lose our young family. We abruptly lose the ones who mattered first.- Zac Ochsenbine
Happy spouses exchange forgiveness more than they exchange love.- mohdmustafa99
People have strange conceptions : they are astonished if you look greatly like your brother, and they are astonished too if you do not look like him.- mohdmustafa99
For the sake of your children , select your spouse decorously.- mohdmustafa99
Human nature is not designed to be perpetual - Malik Ahsan Ali
Broken things can't be fixed by those who broke them.- Shristy Sinha
Can I live without lying to the people I love and care about- QUINLY NN ANA CADENA
I've made it to the alarm clock And I've made art- Jasen cordiero
All men and women were born equal but fear of God and amount of education received by each individual set them apart.- Segun Rasaki
When you got no one, you got nowhere to go. But your mother will always be there for you.- Tankiso Gilbert Mofokeng
Nothing could break her. neither bad relationships nor heartbreaks not even people's criticism. but the one thing that broke her was her father's untrusting eyes. and that was it. she fell and completely broke.- ankita
You are the Strongest Dad, you never give up, you are my Champion. You give me Strength when I am weak. and that makes family worth fighting for!- Joanne bustillos
Grandchildren are the most glorious blessing you could ask for.- Jacqueline douglas
You attract me like a flower but flower has its limits unlike you.. !- lakshmi
I am a bad man, I am a bad person, my whole life my mother asked that I never become like my father, nonetheless I failed her, I failed everyone in the worst way, for no matter how I've tried I've become all that I've strived not to be, I am my father, I've become my father and so much more, I will no longer bother with trying to beat it, for fighting it is like fighting quicksand, the more I struggle the deeper I am swallowed by the shadow of him, I will no longer try to love or live life, because I know I am my father, I have become what I hate most through some sick twist of fate, a card i've been dealt of which I cannot discard, like a sickness tied to my very soul, I am toxic poisoning everything in my path, like King Midas if his touch had been like the fangs of a viper rather than that of the golden touch. I now truly believe that the proverbial Apple does not fall far from the tree, almost all men are destined to grow into their father's shadows and sometimes even grow darker- chad daniel thome
If you are blessed enough to have people in your home, church, work etc.. that have shown their desire to be a help and have a passion for a particular calling do not discourage them with a micro managing controlling mindset and lack of faith. Those who do this will find folks slowly lose that passion due to feeling stifled and unable to reach their full capabilities. A soul on fire is a wonderful thing and his power can do mighty things if we stay out of the way.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Be the leader you want reflected in others.- Michael Eric Jones
Madame! I don't have a common name for what you have cooked.- mohdmustafa99
A woman loses her virginity at 17, her fertility at 45, her temper at 50, her husband at 75, and loses her life afterward.- mohdmustafa99
Regarding children's accomplishments: Your success is not their success, but their success is your success- Elizabeth Valente
There's something we all can't change no matter how we try. It's worse to hear the truth because the truth we can't deny.- Amanda thornton
When a child is fed, a world is nourished- Ms P Quotes
Rich parents of idiotic students make a good market for private home-teachers.- mohdmustafa99
Family is a industry of emotions; And everyone should work properly.- SADAKAT ALI QURESHI
Restore your ex-wife; she has restored her happiness.- mohdmustafa99
Relationship with mother is the greatest one can ever have. It is mother of all the relations- Irshad Shah
The benefits of breastfeeding go beyond the economics- jenny feraer
He didn't hold my hand, saw me growing up, crying or smiling and I, once conceived with love, I no longer exist.- Chris Peters
If you go too near your relatives, they will not respect you.- vikrant
Sins can not affect the love and affection of a family.- Zach Constant
The worst day of loving someone is the day that they die, so why not think of the best days you had with them and hold on to the memories you shared. Instead of grieving, you should be thankful for the moments you spent together and to value their life's.- Zakia
When the storms of life come against you, and you flat up against the wall of futility, there will always come the bright sunlight of tomorrow, and in the interim, no matter how broken you may become, there will come a beauty from humility and greater appreciation for life, God, family, and the value of friendships.- Dr. Duane A Martin
For our fear will not compare to his love, our beauty to his strength- Elly Smith
A family is a center of revolution- palash sarkar
I don't care who stands against me and my dreams as long as I've a brother who believes in me..- Daleen Irshaid
Generosity is giving without thinking, which I think everyone should agree. The concept of being generous isn't thinking of, 'what's in it for me', but is an important value for anyone that desires to be a responsible contributing member to society.- James Lee Morgan
He who doesn't love his mother cannot love any other woman in the world- Chandrashekhar Bansode
I have never seen God in my life, but he must look like our parents only..- A Mehta
There's no thought or emotion such as hate. What we refer to as hate is just something we fear or dislike that we are unable to accept or cope with.- Pieter Raubenheimer
A sister makes a happy moment much more blissful and a sad moment even more forgetful. a sister is a best friend and someone to confide in.- VANESSA SNODDY
Sisters: we grow together, we laugh, joke, and have fun together. Our tears, our each other's and our bond is forever.- VANESSA SNODDY
There will be very few days when I will be sad and cry but when that happens it will only have to do with the people that mean something to me- Elton Huff
Raise Them With Discipline Or Have Generations Grow Up With Your Mistakes- Laura Letterman
The bond between brothers begins when both have found inner peace.- Mohammed Al-Diery
Love isn't everything, friends and family are what counts most- Sarah D
When you leave this house you don't only represent yourself, you represent the whole family.- Loretta Avery
Adulthood should not be determined by just a number, i.e-18. Once it is realized that your family 'functions' only through dysfunction can you truly call yourself an adult.- Sharon Boni
Have you ever given small things your sister/ brother asked for without expecting something back from her/ him? then you don't know what happiness is.- Lisa Roy
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