Love Quotes Pictures

I want you in good times And I need you in bad times! without you every time is worst time And..Stop Living Loving

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, .. while loving someone deeply gives you courage....Stop Living Loving

Clothe yourselves with the truth, for it shall warm your heart and others..
Heart Philosophy Religion Short Truth
Heart Truth
Love the people that love you, Bless and let go of the rest. It truly is that simple...
Desire Dreams Happiness Peace Wisdom
Love People
Sometimes you just stand there and look at the stars, & the only question you know is 'what am I..Love People

Wood burns to coal, coal to ash. Alas, my misfortune; the fire which consumed me left nothing of me,..Fire
The best way to love someone is waking up everyday, thinking you are going to lose them any minute, cherish them like its the first and last day you..
-Kay Yash K Hove Fire
-Kay Yash K Hove Fire

This is where our life greatness begins from.. !..
Funny Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship
A smart person can always cheat on their taxes, but in the end death comes for us all no matter..
Death Inspirational Life Philosophy Short
FireTop 10 Love Quotes
We admire and love those people who constantly tease us, but we are doubtful of those who show us too much love.- Mwanandeke Kindembo
Dedicated to the One I Love: Your smell my mind desires. Your touch and I'm inspired. Your look and I'm captivated all over again; this is why our love never ends.- Michael Sein Colon
' Some bonds, whether they be human, animal, or bird, have an intimacy, and if situation comes to leave anyone or go far, that causes untold pain to the mind and heart.- SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, You love yourself.- Sharmila Narzary
Love is like breathing, it must be enjoyed as giving & receiving, or Love suffocates and dies- Mark A Gardner
Parallel relationships need transparency, not accuracy- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Life is all that exists in Truth! If it is true today it was forever! if past still true today in truth! And or is forever! - Joshua Aaron Guillory- Joshua Aaron Guillory
You can cross the shore without getting wet but you can't get through life without tears.- Sri
It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be- Daniel
Life + Love Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
The waves of life-cycle might wash away the rock structures of life, but the sands of memories shall remain forever! - Bipin Kumar G J
Love is a strange emotion, it's powerful enough to make the weakest man strong and the strongest man weak - Michael Amaki
What is life without heart, soul, love and passion? What is heart, soul, love and passion without life? Because without life, what would exist to show these qualities? - Emma Burton
Life is not like magnets. Opposites don't attract. - Brandon McCulloch
If someone is stuck in your mind then it means they should be there - Ashlyn Mary Hornik
No man is worth your tears, and when you find the man who is, he'll never make you cry. - Hayley Nicole Ryan
Nobody is perfect, we all have our faults. You should love someone for who they are, not for who they aren't. - Cheyenne Akard
You should be able to resist everything but love. - Victor Courage
Love doesn't stop the bad things from happening, but it helps you get through them. - Dana Jo Graslie
Love? Love is still a mystery, but when I'm with you every day is a DEFINITION. - Roli Obra
Love brings hospitality, hospitality brings cooperation, cooperation brings unity, unity brings peace, peace is life. love is life. - Bafferh Mohammed
Success is what you achieve, and beauty what you inherit. So it's up to you, you give importance to inheritance or success. Beauty you lose with time but success you can get more with time. - Anuj Tiwari
I may not be that handsome but believe me i'll always make you feel beautiful - Rimmon Shoukat
The long run of life becomes easy when you have someone special to you in between give you piggyback ride - Rimmon Shoukat
Drowned in your eyes, can't find shore! Help! - Eight words story
When you stop loving, you stop living. - Jeremy Carr
You know your feelings are real when it makes you physically sick. - Michiel Bester
In order for me to live in peace, I must be true to myself and my own heart. - Amelia Goode
If you can eventually find a way to Love your greatest enemy, even if you haven't forgiven them yet, you will have entered into the highest degree of Internal Reward. - Amelia Goode
My Love, The days I don't see you.. are the days I don't wish to see.. - Shweta Fernandes
Who would ever want to live life with a mediocre level of Love? - Amelia Goode
Don't dive too deep for someone. If lost, you might never be able to come back! - Soyuz Kadel
If you keep putting someone on the back burner. Eventually they will go cold - Eliza Keating
A smile is the same in any language. - David L. Rose
Tell her that she's beautiful and special everyday.. So she doesn't enjoy hearing it from someone else. - Allen Lazar
Love is a reward- an exquisite, tenderhearted gift. Not a demand. - Amelia Goode
Love is what makes you feel good inside. Love is not pretending like you are blind when you should be reading the things that your partner might not see. Love is truth, honesty, communication and helping your partner stay healthy and succeed. Love is what you do to help someone you say you love. - Marie Yolande Pierre
If life is a question, love is the answer - TMZPoetry
People will reveal who they are if you just pay attention. - Germany Kent
Your parents love you. Call them more often. Somebody somewhere wishes they had parents they could call. - Germany Kent
Winning the heart of a person is an art few know. Most others transact. - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Don't waste time trying to be accepted by people that you cannot see in your future. - Germany Kent
Focus on what you can do or give, instead of receiving. - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Never be cheap so that everyone can use and throw you. Be expensive so that very few can afford you. - Bikram Mahata
I want to spend the rest of my sunsets with you. - The Quoted Iris
You can cross the shore without getting wet but you can't get through life without tears. - Sri
My eyes are deep enough to make you drown - DEADSCREAM
Love without attention is like a Fog without water; Not much there. - Mark A Gardner
We had foundation to build our life together but we overlooked the blueprint - Jasmina Brkovic
Parallel relationships need transparency, not accuracy - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Records are meant to be broken, not promises - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
If we really knew the pain of absence, we would appreciate more the presence of those we love. - Claudia
When love loves love, there are no occurrences of differences - Vusi Mxolisi Zitha
We admire and love those people who constantly tease us, but we are doubtful of those who show us too much love. - Mwanandeke Kindembo
Some people's love language is pain - Pistis Balu
Thank you Lord Jesus, for giving me another opportunity to love you. - Joe Cervantes
When love becomes an ache, it's a testament to the depth of our affection. - Suyog Potdar
After two decades of marriage I was so sexually frustrated that start looking at my own wife bud and tits with lust. - Ilian Gidov
Heart + Love Quotes ⇑
Heart Quotes
Hell is a heart whose only love is for itself - Lokesh giri
One actually starts living when every action comes from heart and every emotion is love - Nova
When people say 'love is blind, insane' I've never had space and time to listen and take it to my heart. I discovered it by my self, now I believe it's true. - Linda Usman
A heart only aches so many times before it breaks. - Sherin Ashraf
It doesn't Matter how many times you say 'i hate you' it doesn't hurt Nearly as bad as when you say 'i don't love you' for even just once - nina dandrea
Love should be underlined in your life.. But in your heart it should be bold. - Haley lane
I'm in love with illusion, but my pain is real. - hosam dahhan
What is Love: It is when someone cries deep inside the heart and you come to know it by the way they breathe - Farhad Dastoor
Whoever said love isn't a bed of roses forgot that roses have thorns - Baely Gabrielle Askins
Don't write your feelings in a diary.. instead write them in your heart so no one but yourself can open it. - shiza shahid
Clothe yourselves with the truth, for it shall warm your heart and others - Edmond H Sweidy
If you don't want your broken heart to sink, teach it to swim away. - Joe Cervantes
It is very easy for one to manipulate the law, but impossible for him/her to escape from his/her conscience. - Tangwa Livinus Acha
Love from hearts just doesn't flow out fast enough nowadays. - Joe Cervantes
Love keeps the heart warm. - Joe Cervantes
In love we can control our minds but we cannot control our hearts - g srinivas chary
I think people underestimate the power of the LOVE LETTER.. Someone opening their HEART up to you, on paper.. it's a one of a kind GIFT.. - Babi Shakes
Love doesn't require a well toned body or a lot of make up or hot branded dresses.. love just requires two hearts that beat as one.. - Archita arora
I may have loved others before you. I may have loved them with my mind, But the mind changes. I may have loved them with my heart, But the heart starts and stops. But you.. I loved you with my soul. And that is always. - Kendra Buchanan
It doesn't matter whom you love; It does matter how you love. - Dharaneesh sonu
A kite without a tail or a body without a lovable heart will crash. - Joe Cervantes
Even the 'Heart of Iron' can be melt with the Heat of 'LOVE' - ASHIQHUSSAIN NAMDHARI
Giving importance to something doesn't mean ignoring the rest.. it only means that few things never lose their value in one's life and I hope that i'm one among those in your life - Saiteja Thottempudi
Let the hole in the heart transmit light of true love. - Almat
She saw him online and wondered if he also checked her last seen ever.. - Stuti Sinha
When you love, you don't rush things. You give time, you wait, you anticipate the good things to happen. When you know you love someone, you must also now that you are taking some risks. Because love is a risk for nothing is sure about it. Sometimes loving someone requires patience and endurance. You love by heart, not by feelings. - Maya Blanco
I can't miss you anymore, I'm getting drowned in your love, please take me soon :( - KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN
You were so busy looking at the stars that you lost sight of the moon! - Dianna Martinez
'Promises are meant to be broken, ' she said. 'Promises and hearts, ' he corrected. - Jatin Aswal
Like Those little flowers can't be grown without sunlight similarly this life can't be lived without love light. - Shumaila Keerio
Love unlocks a chapter of kindness and trust within the heart - Kansas Smith
Love doesn't climb a heart. It flies over and then alights serenely. - mohdmustafa99
Do you exist my love? Where might I find you? My heart burns with passion. Sad, sad passion. Knowing I can never have you by my side. - The Quoted Iris
A broken piece will still miss in mending a broken heart. - William Gitau K
A Mind without the Heart is like a room with no sound. - Mark A Gardner
Funny + Love Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
Arranged marriage is murder, love marriage is suicide, ultimately marriage is death. - Lokesh giri
Love is a heaven, but it can hurt you like hell - Prince Sunil Raj
Women fall in love through their ears, and what about men? men! they just need to know you are available. - Lisa Roy
Love is like a rain it will come and go - kubhendra
A man can invent a time machine while a woman is getting ready to go out for the night - diya ahmed azzony
LOVE= A four letter lie - Rachelle Crandell
Live is not a game it's a nightmare - kolwer perez
If you are as crazy as me, then were are both sane - Daniel Berg
The person you lay next to night after night, should not be your opponent fight after fight. - Rob Giesbrecht
All these years I thought he had the key to my heart; only to find out he was a locksmith. - V S
LOVE: celebration of the absence of the other type of chromosome [of course this doesn't explain homosexuality] - Lokesh giri
Whoever came up with the saying 'money cannot buy love' was so broke, in that he just didn't know where it was sold.. - Brayne Matshotshi
Today, you know that a girl doesn't like you, when she sees you coming and puts a cell phone on her ear. - Samuel E. Villegas
Where there are love birds there are bird watchers. - Joe Cervantes
My heart is on a mission to love you and I'm just following the order from upstairs! - Joe Cervantes
Nothing can affect me more than his affection : ) - shivangi lavaniya
Love isn't suppose to be like ready mix cement which drys up quickly and then hardens. - Joe Cervantes
My wife is beautiful, intelligent and kind. Her only flaw is that she is real :) - Lokesh giri
First love is a good training opportunity to process the second serenely. - mohdmustafa99
Without you I can't Breathe, I love you so much, 'My Nose' - Rina 23
Ladies in a relationship should stop posting their beautiful pictures, why advertise goods that are no longer in stock! - Mr vybs live
Sometimes I just want someone to hug me and say 'I understand your pain. it's gonna be okay' have this 5 million shillings - Mr vybs live
Marriage is one way to free oneself from love - mohdmustafa99
Love doesn't only play with hearts but also with adrenal glands - mohdmustafa99
Why should I love you ? I want to love you without 'should' - mohdmustafa99
When the cat and god are at play together, God is as work. - Jeffrey DeMann
' Some bonds, whether they be human, animal, or bird, have an intimacy, and if situation comes to leave anyone or go far, that causes untold pain to the mind and heart. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
This is where our life greatness begins from.. ! - William Sebunje
GOD does not care about the color of your skin or what job you do, he cares about your heart. So do I! - Sibel Terhaar
My heart will describe more than my hands will ever write - Kabir Khivan Singh
Short + Love Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Love yourself, but others more. - Lokesh giri
Love is a fine wine, the older the better - Prince Sunil Raj
Love is insight into one's unexplored self. - Lokesh giri
I know what love is! It's giving away not accumulating. - Lisa Roy
Let love happen, don't force it. - Matt Bill
Perhaps only by being in love can one become a better person. - Nova
Don't fall in too much love with yourself, you may never get out of it - Lokesh giri
Love yourself truly if you want to spread the spirit of humanity - palash sarkar
Love conquers all things, money is just the icing on the cake - Karrella Jones
No. I am not in love with anyone. But I am in love. - Shade Teller
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving - Brayne Matshotshi
'I love you' isn't complete, 'I love' is. - Lokesh giri
Love doesn't come alone.. it brings trust with it.. - shiza shahid
Love is that shoulder where every person wants to lay his head on, where there is no fear or ego - sanya
There is nothing more bitter than sweet revenge itself - rfs
Your love is my reason to live. - Areeba Noor
Love is like a leaf once it withers cannot grow again.. - Tilottama
Love cannot be touched or seen , it can only be felt. - Lukesh Bamma
Love is the most beautiful gamble to risk. - Ruth Bandoquillo
Some people feel the rain, others just get wet. - Cleopas mlilo
Read your feelings carefully before running into the lane that it wants to lead you to - Abasiofon Fidelis
Solution for every problem hides when you're angry - Prashanth Thota
My nerves are wires where your feelings flow - Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Love is not a word in Dictionary of Cardiology - mohdmustafa99
The energy of love is the only energy that increases as much as you devour it. - mohdmustafa99
Your love has added meaning for my living. - Promila
When love assaulted me, injuring my sorrows, I refuse to press charges. - Jason Baptiste
Love should be a manure for the growth of a man and not a pest to destroy his growth. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Silence is an answer, which does not need explanation. - Claudia
Inspirational + Love Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
It's always nice to be nice.. make the world worth living by sharing your smile, laughter, compassion and love to everyone.. - zindy
Even in the darkness you may see no light, maybe you are the light - Josh Darosa
Find hope not only in yourself, but find more for others - Josh Darosa
Love is one mind in two hearts. - Ai Ling
No matter how much one has, there will always be something missing which can only be fulfilled by giving not taking. - Lokesh giri
Help ever hurt never - mansi gupta
Sometimes you have to lose in order to win' 'A veces se tiene que perder para poder lograr ganar - Gerardo Ortiz
Passion is just like a flower, it blooms and gets filled up with fragrance when driven by love and humanity - Roma Chattopadhyay
In meditation, we can develop awareness. Our identity then shifts from thoughts and emotions to presence. Presence brings the dark into the light. The light is love. When we create from love, the greater good is done. We create heaven on earth. This is the future of mankind. This is spiritual evolution. - HOWARD MANN
To some, you are just a face in the crowd. To the one, you are the star of the show - TMZPoetry
Don't let your current circumstances determine your character. - Allen Lazar
A grateful heart is a graceful heart - Jennifer Persson
Besides God, there would be no life without a woman. - Marie Yolande Pierre
Not being self-aware is like being the lion who attacked his own reflection. - Tahir Danish
It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be - Daniel
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline. - Mac McGovern
Love is not easy nor is it difficult. It is just YOU in a state of TRUTH - Theigasen
I cannot give flu if I don't have the flu. Same with LOVE and RESPECT and ANYTHING. YOU cannot give something YOU do not have. - Theigasen
Live life you feel good living. - Marie Yolande Pierre
The pillars of marriage are held strong by uncompromising mutual love. - Wayne Chirisa
When you're afraid, you only care about people. But when you're not afraid, you care more about yourself. - Marie Yolande Pierre
How can you expect to treat others with love and respect when you can't for yourself - James Sorge
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely. - Sibel Terhaar
Stay away from people who let you down, they will do it again. - Sibel Terhaar
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
I stopped expecting things from people who have nothing for themselves. - Marie Yolande Pierre
Communication is the moisturizer of Love. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Relationship + Love Quotes ⇑
Relationship Quotes
Love in installments for longer relationship. - AB Baby
If it's possible to love that somebody even after knowing them better, they are worth living with. - Lokesh giri
The curtains of ego blur our eyes from recognizing the true colors of love! - Bipin Kumar G J
Crying doesn't mean you are weak, it is a sign that you've been strong for too long. - mj mansfield
When you fall for someone real bad, its really difficult to pick yourself again. - Philon Alexius
I don't expect you to please me, buy me presents, take me to expensive dinners and mostly I don't expect you to be mister perfect.. I only expect you to never love anyone more than me - Natalia
Love is an unconditional contract which never gets expired with time - A Mehta
The key to being successful in your relationships with women is knowing that they are always right. everything else is just part of the dance. - Donald Lynn frost
A Boyfriend Shouldn't just be a boyfriend, He should also be your best friend. - Kaylee Marie Dickinson
At some point in my life I loved you. I guess we haven't got there yet. - Cory Powell
The world's best lovers are great listeners. - Joe Cervantes
I want you in good times And I need you in bad times! without you every time is worst time And living is a punishment for lifetime! - Siddharth Bansal
One who shows love to avoid punishment is a good lover, one who shows for rewards is a hunter for love, one who loves to love is a good person. - Wony Lee
Love becomes chaotic when someone becomes unsure of their love. - Nelson Chery
Relationships are like equations. You must solve the issue, by doing to one side what you've done to the other. The Law of Balance. - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
When love begins to cease, emptiness begins to take its place. - The Quoted Iris
You were the best as well as the worst part of my life, best for giving me such a wonderful memories and worst for not continuing it. - Rohit
A man is liable to make a mistake if he loves two women. - Joe Cervantes
Truth is the glue that keeps a relationship sailing safely on loves oceans. - Jason Baptiste
The things we miss the most in life, are things we had but were taken away from us. - Allen Lazar
Relationships stand only on understanding. - Neha S Parihar
Do everything in your power to not let lies or half-truths destroy the trust and commitment between you. - Neo More
You became the light inside of me, but all that's left, is the glimpse of your memory. - Sagi Writes
Two month fling and a heartbreak for eternity - R EVELYN MONICA
Freedom + Love Quotes ⇑
Freedom Quotes
Don't grant me wishes if you can't set me free - Fendi Marie Libby
Sometimes you just stand there and look at the stars, & the only question you know is 'what am I doing here?' - Sebastian Grabl
Love the people that love you, Bless and let go of the rest. - Roseann Phaneuf
Love liberates the heart. - Joe Cervantes
Imprison me in your attention and never let me be free. - mohdmustafa99
My freedom rings when lost in loving thoughts of other human beings - kevin phipps
Become a regular habitue at freedom's parlor. The more you think and talk freedom the more free you will become - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Every virtue hath his vice, and every vice hath his virtue. - Joshua Aaron Guillory - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Keep your love for life close! And let it not slip away! It is the lovely rose That refreshes every day - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Happiness is the flower that grows and never dies - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Happiness is beautiful! Look at her with love! - Joshua Aaron Guillory - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Love is the greatness of the soul! Love every day! Be love every day - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Find the freedom within! The freedom within is the peace within - Joshua Aaron Guillory
The way of righteousness is peace! The way of peace is love - Joshua Aaron Guillory
You can't get rid of greatness! You can't get rid of me! - Joshua Aaron Guillory - I am greatness! And greatness is me! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
The light of happiness will always shine bright - Joshua Aaron Guillory
The beauty of thy heart never tatters! The beauty of our love never shatters! Deep in the fields of life's soft, rigid soul A life-sustaining substance keeps us whole - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Love unlocks doors that weren't there before. - The Quoted Iris
She approves my love! I approve her snow-covered skin! She lifts me above, Up over the highest mountain! - Joshua Aaron Guillory - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Blessed are those who are happy! And happy are those who are free! - Joshua Aaron Guillory - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Life is all that exists in Truth! If it is true today it was forever! if past still true today in truth! And or is forever! - Joshua Aaron Guillory - Joshua Aaron Guillory
In a general sense, the natural man has great pleasure! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, You love yourself. - Sharmila Narzary
Race is only an issue if you let it become one. - The Quoted Iris
Happiness + Love Quotes ⇑
Happiness Quotes
Love has no limit, no awareness of merit, no categories.. it is pure and beautiful like early morning sunrise falling on lake! - Elizabeth K.
The best lines are those that are left unspoken until that one perfect moment. - Ma. Soledad F. Angtuaco
A great gift that should always be given and returned is a smile. - Paaj Miv
To find true love you have to figure out how to find true happiness. Find what actually makes you truly happy. Once you're there, then you will find someone that can add to it. Don't expect someone else to make you happy. You have to find it on your own. Only then can you find what truly makes you happy and someone that can add to it. Happiness is a journey through your own heart, not a destination. - Bret Stringham
Never expect anything from those who don't love and care about you and those who really do will already fulfil your expectations before you wish. - vikrant
When you're happy with the little things in life.. that's true happiness. - Dana Jo Graslie
Everything seems more beautiful if you're in love. - Bizz Lamichhane
With the magic of love turn your sadness into happiness. - Areeba Noor
If you appetite is for success, happiness & a better you - you will never starve for attention! - G Swiss
Sometimes we hope for what we left behind. - Sipho P Nkosi
Happiness can not be bought by money it can only be felt at the right place, with the right person on right time - Ajay Negi
Peace is the flower that grows and never dies - Joshua Aaron Guillory
The time you take to bad-mouth someone, why don't you use the same time to elevate the person? - Howard Hanniford
If reality is the mirror of our essence, we better start smiling at it. - Daniela Ismerio
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues - Kabir Khivan Singh
Change + Love Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Love makes the man change by his own will. - Nova
To love is to learn how to let go - Gabby Ramos
Find peace in your heart and you will find yourself. - Karolina
The hardest part after being hurt isn't healing; it's learning to trust again. - Sarah Bridges
You may think your actions can be erased like a footstep on a shore but your actions follow you all the way from that shore - Josh Darosa
It's wise not to look back to have no regrets, but to look at the future with hope, we need great courage. - Chris Peters
Stop checking your pocket for change. Check your heart for extra love, give it to the poor - Edmond H Sweidy
We meet people by chance, not by choice, so adjust and adopt to their ways. - Nana akwasi
The older I get, the less I care what other people think of me. Therefore the older I get the more I enjoy life. - Oscar Auliq Ice
Don't wish to be somebody else, be somebody who is getting better. - Charlotte Harris
Sometimes it's not people who change but the mask that they put it on. ~ Suyog Potdar [ People with good hearts will always be good, though they might behave badly for a while when angry. ] - Suyog Potdar
If you want to be rich, learn to love. - Jacqueline douglas
If you don't like it - then change it - if you don't change it - then you must like it - G Swiss
Let your spirit carry happiness so that you can clothe your tongue with words that may build, heal and refresh other people's lives - Masego
Hate + Love Quotes ⇑
Hate Quotes
If you can't love, don't love; don't hate. - Lokesh giri
Love is to hate to hate. - AB Baby
Never say I love you, because one day you will re grate it. - Chelsea Taylor Wayt
There is no place like home, but home isn't a home if your loved ones are gone. - Tayler hansen
When you love, be careful with progression. When you hate, hold nothing back. - Hunter James
Love conquers all, hate conquers nothing - Victor Courage
Love is the path of light, hate is the path of darkness. With love you lead a happy life. With Hate you lead a dreadful life - kaleb dquarius reynolds
Stay true to yourself, hated or loved.. - Piet Ntema
You can add up 'pride and prejudice' , but not pride and love. - mohdmustafa99
Truth is sad to those who hate it but heal the broken heart of those who love it.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
To love you need no reason to hate you need one. - Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally. - Marie Yolande Pierre
The love we feel for others is a sign that we are all connected and that everyone we love displays a part we like about ourselves that every human being we hate displays a part we hate about ourselves. All is connected , separation being the illusion. - Kay Yash K Hove
Desire + Love Quotes ⇑
Desire Quotes
Last desire of the noblest man is certainly not fame, it's love. - Lokesh giri
Love and power are the most desired of all things one can imagine of desiring. - william anne
They say the first step to quitting is admitting, well I have, and I still can't shake your addiction from my heart.. - Norman Polson
There are three 'L' words, which can illustrate a typical Human Life.. 'lie, love & lust' - Dr.RahulNarayan
I loveeee hiis bluue eyes - Julia Manning
The fire you burn today may not be burning tomorrow, so relight your fire and keep it burning - Karrella Jones
Falling in love is like getting really drunk, it's fun while you are drunk until the next morning when you get a hangover and you tell yourself 'Why did I do this. I will never drink again. ' - Adlberto Toledo
Love the people that love you, Bless and let go of the rest. It truly is that simple. - Roseann Phaneuf
Sometimes I wish, If we could actually export the dreams we see, compress them & email to the person/ people who was/were in it. - Suyog Potdar - Suyog Potdar
Love creates tension between two souls. - Shubhanil Roy
If love is my guide, And truth my treasure, And my heart the sea, To sink is pleasure. - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Always remember, everyday we make choices that change our future: You will be what you decide today - Mark A Gardner
Friendship + Love Quotes ⇑
Friendship Quotes
I will always be there like 'Q' is always there for 'U' - dominique hudson
Sometimes you have to let go the people you love in order to protect them - Daleen Irshaid
Empathy is like the key to someone's door - Josh Darosa
Don't judge a person by his religion, race, relatives, friends, country or caste but by his character. - shiza shahid
If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me - Jasmin Tomson
Some people's are made to be closer or stranger - viresh singh
Love can't be limited. - Aniekee Tochukwu
Love the way you would want to be loved.. Never not love and end up wondering why you're not being loved at all. - Imraan Van Kesteren
All the moments shared, all the tears, all the smiles with friends will be remembered one day! - Bafferh Mohammed
Never allow fake love & fake support to become a road block to your success - G Swiss
Sometimes sex is the best communication and communication the best sex - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Ability to share is the beginning of ability to care. - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Philosophy + Love Quotes ⇑
Philosophy Quotes
Love should always happen, with everyone and everything for it is the way of seeing the world with a gentle and soft heart. - Lokesh giri
Philosophy means love of wisdom, it should have been wisdom of love - Lokesh giri
Take a step forward, and you realize that you're one foot away from what you were running from. - Klavin John Barry JR
There are many things in the world that can be gained, but only love can be won.. - Elijah McKinley
Love is like a story written in pencil, it can be written but can also be erased. - joel cervantes
Show your love to others. Share it generously. - Bret Stringham
Love is communication without obstacle, understanding without prejudice, and consideration without effort. - Paul V Lopez
All is fair in love and war but neither love or war is ever fair. - John Guedes do Nascimento
Love is not only a word, it has deep feelings, emotions, it of many kind, it is a power which has the potential to create or destroy you. - Promila
Critical Thought - is a laser beam of awareness. Without the broad beam of 'Love awareness', the tendency is to only see the flaws and not the love that should be seen - Mark A Gardner
Love is a circle. When unbroken it completes itself, forever! - Mark A Gardner
All Love Quotes ⇑
Real love has no if.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
No currency will buy you an extra breath at the end, be humble- Allen Lazar
Love didn't develop literature. Failure in love did that.- mohdmustafa99
Let love lead.- Cleopas mlilo
No love is as pure as the love for your dream - Aayushi verma
Time is precious, Time is cruel. Time makes new memories, Time makes us crazy with thoughts. Time gives us love and laughter, Time gives heart ache and sorrow. Time gives us choices, Time gives us regrets Time let's wrongs heal, Time let's people move on. Time let's you know what you had, Time let's you know what you lost. Time can be opportunities to fix our mistakes, Time can be breaking you into a million pieces. Time can let you fall in love again, Time can let you live in a dark place. Time is a chance to be a better person, Time is a chance to destroy ourselves. Time can make us strong, Time can make us lonely Time is my friend, Time is my enemy. Who will time be for you?- Candace Easton
It's easy to find someone who has resemblance of another person by looks but can never find the same character and experience the same memories with them- Alfred Winston Sam
We always want to give people a piece of our mind rather than have peace of mind- KISHORE WIZZY RAMDATH
He who conquers love conquers all.- Joe Cervantes
Let the blade that's lodged in your heart, tainted with hate and despair .. Be banished and wiped clean with love and a fresh start.- Ulises Rodriguez
They say love is blind, I say say love can see for it sees and feels you from thousand miles away, it appears blind for the audience but for the holder it sees- Hilton John Malatji
Love is like a painted wall. It should be color washed from time to time, before it begins to fade away - Sarala Kariywasam
Love defines success in life not because it's a key aspect in life but because it's that aspect about life that makes it a key- Dise Mokati
Resentment is an impediment where love is supposed to be.- Cheryl Joy Khan
If he hates me in my presence, SEND his love to my grave in my absence- vijayavarshini
I hate when people say 'love is blind'. Love gives you the power to see what others can't.- Cheyenne Seal
Happiness either can last for a short period of time or can last forever. happiness that can be found and lasts for a short period of time is gained from money , fame, sex and everything else that can lead us humans to sin but happiness that can be found and can last forever is gained from love. whenever you are with someone who truly loves you the most you will feel that happiness that can never be replaced by fame , money, sex and everything else that can vanish in an instant- rodriguez chavez
Dream is like the dry leaf pressed between memories and long forgotten but it always retains an element to be cherished..- Namrata Naha
Love should never take a long vacation.- Joe Cervantes
Never ever give such importance to anyone that you stop giving importance to yourself.- Harsh Chandpurkar
I'm not afraid to die.. just that today is not a good day to die- Matthew Lee
I have no desire to be loved by anyone. My only desire is to love myself enough - Alanah M Freedman
Truthful conversation is the height of intimacy- Lucille Candice Cornelius
Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry someone you can't live without.- Rebekah Linser
Can I blame you for not falling in love with me? If I could never fall in love with myself, how could I expect it of you?- Jon Smith
If you want to be loved.. love yourself first..- shiza shahid
If you can't get someone off your mind they are probably supposed to be there.- Darab Imteyaz
Make a difference today.. lay aside petty disagreements and arguments.. tomorrow may be too late.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Let's not tear one another down but build each other up.. determine to make someone's life better not bitter.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Love never is mean or hurtful, its always loving and forgiving- brittany hope
Love is not only a feeling its an action- Keke Jackson
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.- Hayley Nicole Ryan
The one who loves the most has the power to influence the other party, over time.- Malo
I sometimes don't get when girls say they are not pretty when they clearly are. To be HONEST, there is a difference between being pretty and being attractive to certin people.- Obed Ceballos
Love won't come if you don't seek for it.- srfghsdf
Take away a man's weapon, and he'll fight you with his bare hands. Take away a man's dignity, and he'll fight you with his honor. Take away a man's family, and he'll fight like he has nothing else left to lose.- Garrett Benoit
An older pair of shoes that fits comfortably, beats a new pair that causes pain when walking long distances.- Marcus W Pringle
Only those who can not channel their anger hate system for what it is, one should only try to change system for the love of it.- Lisa Roy
If you weren't there for me always, I wouldn't be there for myself.- Nova
By loving you more I'm in more love with myself than ever- Nova
How did we fall in love? how did we find each other? I think love found us, for its justification of existence.- Nova
Love and eggs are best, when they are fresh- Prince Sunil Raj
Even the demons in hell will have mercy at my heart, but you..- Sanji Paul Arvind
Sometimes the weight you have to lose is not in your body but in your soul.- Claudia
If love is mad, every human being in mad- VnT
If love could be hypothetical, don't use any other test to test it, except love itself- Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Nobody is right for you, Love makes one right!- jikings Junior
If you allow your heart to sail your ship, the maestro of passion determines kinship.- Levi Johnson
Your emotional identity is a combination of the character of all prior loves.- Levi Johnson
Love the real, not the departed.- Mobammad Natalie
Love is a journey.. beyond destiny, a joy.. beyond happiness, a word.. beyond description, a truth.. beyond reality, a treasure.. beyond measure, a thought.. beyond imagination, a trust.. beyond belief, a desire.. beyond achievement, a moment.. beyond time, a life.. beyond death.- Sanjeevani_panda
Love yourself more than you want someone to love you.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Love is the most effective weapon, to achieve victory in the battle for peace.- Jason Baptiste
In the game of love, there are either two winners or none at all.- The Quoted Iris
You might think that you are 'bad', but you are not. You might think that you are 'sinful', but you are not. Love is the strongest Force in The Universe, and it does not speak of such things. Love wants you to remember you are Good and Virtuous, and to spread Goodness by Loving yourself and others.- Amelia Goode
In your darkest hour, hold on to Love. I know you want to slip away. You might, for a second. Remember, you can always reach out to Love again. Love will hold you close and comfort you, singing you a lullaby as you drift into peace. Love knows the darkness is only an illusion; Only Love remains.- Amelia Goode
Marriage brings about the establishment of spiritual wholeness through the declaration of love.- Wayne Chirisa
Love is like rain : little of it is a problem, and too much of it is a problem.- mohdmustafa99
When we leave this world, the soul is not the last thing to leave our body; but hope.- Marcelo Cahuenas
Sometimes silence is more painful than violence.- Parker Brashear
Love is like cancer, it has no special treatment- ALFRED JACKSON NTATIRWA
My world without you is blank.- Promila
Love grows sweeter with age.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Love is to understand and to be understood.- Promila
The love of a family is life's greatest blessings- Rina 23
As beautiful as she was, she never knew what beauty was.- Mr. English
Let love be indoctrinated into the minds of the youth and let wisdom be indoctrinated into their hearts.- Zac Ochsenbine
Love is the best way to revenge hatred..- success song
Love is: You set her as your priority Even when you know that you are only an option for her!- Soyuz Kadel
Sometimes, when you love someone but they don't love you back, the best thing to do is just stand back and be there when they need you. That way, deep down, that person starts loving you back.- Willem Rossouw
Friend, best-friend, girlfriend, and boyfriend end with end but you see family ends with ily which means i love you- Chandrima Ghosh
Never complain about what your parents couldn't give you. it was probably all they had.. !- Rafia Azeez
The one thing in this world which is free of cost is parents' love- Bharath vikas
You know you truly love him, when you are willing to let him go- Chari Mae
People change people for the better of those around them- Rozleyn Brown
Love is the luxury of the rich, the plaything of the fickle, the bane of the truthful, the motto of the unfaithful, the Shangri-La of the seeker, the lie undiscovered by the wise, and the eternal salt over the unhealing wound.- Siavash Rohani
To drown in your eyes is what I impatiently wait for - kristin borgohain
Love is when the stars are in her eyes and the sun is in her smile.- Cleopas mlilo
White hair are enough to keep me reminded that journey of this luxurious life has a certain end - Malik Ahsan Ali
When there is forgiveness, there is love- Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
God doesn't CAUSE bad things to happen; but, He WILL make use of them.- The Quoted Iris
I love to go deeper to know the truth rather than to accept lie at a glance..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Let's learn to love, for every man is gifted with this currency, no matter how much you spread out, it can't be exhausted.- Uwagbae Nosa Lucky
Love is a cycle, we first received, then learned to give back.- Ruth Bandoquillo
When you love so much.. others who do not know you will connect with you easily.- Joe Cervantes
Children Have The Potential To Change Even The Most Irredeemable Of People- SunofYah913
Falling in love is no less than finding life.- sharonkemp
Family.. a fortress whose foundation is love all the way. It is intentionally blind to all else except love.- Jabulile
Possessive lovers are without the possession of love- Jason Baptiste
Try to sit in the Comfort and Patience of Your Own Heart; it will lead you to Goodness.- Amelia Goode
Love is something you don't need to understand before accepting, It comes on its own will- Adebayo Alfred ayomide
Nothing that is Good is impossible. Goodness is the only thing that truly exists.- Amelia Goode
Silence always says something.- Bikram Mahata
Step out of the way if you're not aiming at love.- Joe Cervantes
If you have feet to work with, and hands to share with, and a heart to love with, then that's how we will remain as one great nation under God working together.- Joe Cervantes
Acceptance is love !- moises santa
Trust the timing of your life. Everything you go through is a part of your process- L Parker
I wish I can fly straight to your room..- Mhathung
Ice melts when heated; Eyes melt when cheated- Dharaneesh sonu
Don't get hard on yourself when a girl doesn't talk to you. It means she is afraid of love.- Dharaneesh sonu
Anger to anger is fuel to fire, Love to anger is water to fire.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
There are two possible effects a woman can have on a man. If he loves her: she can effect him to be the best man he was designed to be or the monster she will complain about in the future.- Piet Ntema
Love gives you more comfort than medication and meditation. Love makes you able to believe in miracles, happiness and hope.- Niayab Komal
Real love can't be created, but it's formed by itself.- Sipho P Nkosi
In the event where we can't be lovers, we can't be friends.- Howard Hanniford
Never Prioritize the one who generalizes you- Suyog Potdar
Love is a pure internal feeling.. That can only be experienced by, two hearts that crave to be one..- Archita arora
We can't love with ego, there is either love or ego.- Areeba Noor
Love. The only natural drug that can alter perspective without adding anything external.- Robin Thilly
If you can't forget someone, to forget them you'll have to remember someone new.- victoria
The only medicine to heal a broken heart are sweet words- Sipho P Nkosi
Hair on head its not verification you are still Young. It's about how much your brain working. If your brain going well you don't need to worried about how old are you. '- Anshan Ahemd Nizamani
What's the point of love, if we don't know what it means.- Salma Atteya
Sometimes you have to unlearn what you've learned about someone. Sometimes people change. Sometimes people grow up. Unlearn, not discard.- Vardz77
I'm dying twice in one life what makes it worse is being killed by the same person Twice- Siye t
Let your smile be your shadow and I will be that sunshine which will make your shadow prominent always..- Rimmon Shoukat
Mother is the only one who loves you even if you hate her.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Mother is the only one who loves you even if you hate her.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
I am stronger on my right leg, but without my left I cannot walk.- Nana akwasi
Love is not blind but it leads to blindness.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Suicide may not be an act of cowardice, but it's an escape plan and it leaves anybody you ever loved in the dust.- Johanna
Love is not based on material, wealth and standard but it is an issue of two hearts becoming one..- Tumelo Mahlare
It takes a great amount of courage to open a door for an unknown opportunity. It's a risk. It could even be a mistake. Or it could be the best damn thing in the world.- Regan Howard
People may recognize your face but they get to know your heart.- Dana Jo Graslie
Love isn't just the intensity of emotion that you feel for the other person. Love is the ability to translate this emotion into actions that make the other person happy- Dulce Fernandes
Love has no gender. Why wait for the wo/ man to do what you can do? It takes two to fall in love and it will take two to make it work.- Piet Ntema
You are all you have to offer the world. Know yourself, love yourself and be yourself.- vikrant
When I'm rich I will buy you the world, but for now my love is all I can afford.- Cory Powell
Love is a chance.- Inna Shirokova
Find someone who will put you on a pedestal, because every Queen deserves a King- Caroline Huamani
Unless you've loved a Man at his worst, don't begin to claim your love is the purest just yet - Nancy Almeida
Love is something every human has. You just need to find it- Maddy
You have to forgive those that have hurt you, so that you can love those who won't hurt you.- Kendall Myers
Sometimes the people that you don't care about are the people that care about you the most.- David Figueroa
Everyone comes with the baggage, but sometimes it is best to just leave it at the airport- Beau
It's not his fault, he has told I'm his queen, I forgot that he had never been the king.- Daleen Irshaid
If the legacy of a person's life is measured by the lives they've touched, and how much they were loved. A big piece of them will live on forever.- Steven Evans
I will always welcome people; I will always feel for people, I will never turn away from someone who needs love - Veronica Chaplin
Love is like a nail.. There's always a perfect fit.- Emily Gillespie
No matter how much I try to hate you. I always end up loving you.- Gaurav Nayal
It's only after someone is gone do you realize how much you miss them..- Darab Imteyaz
You never really stop loving someone, you just learn to try to live without them.- Darab Imteyaz
To let go, is probably difficult but it will bring you happiness in the long run. Holding on to the dust of yesteryears will bring you sadness and fear- sandeep Shankaranarayanan
The best description of Love is not being able to describe it- Josh Darosa
I have been with a man who has loved me at my best- now, I pray to find that one person who would love me the same at my worst.- paulane garcia tugas
I am strong, but when it comes to you i'm weak enough to forgive you over and over again!- Daleen Irshaid
Appreciate What You Have Before It is Gone. What You Have Today Might Not Be Your's Tomorrow.- Diandra Hayden
The ultimate respect you earn from a woman is through her heart, not her body- Farhad Dastoor
if you love something and you think you will never stop loving that, don't think, do it. - jonathan cossio
What hurts the most is being so close and having so much to say then watching you walk away- Jordan Davis
When it's as good as a dream, wake up.- hosam dahhan
Q. What happens to unexpressed feelings A. They HAUNT you..- aftabkhan
We were given Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find- Hayley Nicole Ryan
Love never goes away, it is just covered by hate and ignorance - Kerry Deshun Tate
The game of love is not always fair because some players keep their cards too close to their chests.- Malo
Heart vs. Brain. Let the heart win because the heart is what you really want. Your brain is just stopping you from getting there. Logic does not always win- motheo petje
Love's value, like that of a dollar, is seen only as it is invested and not hoarded.- Rick Hoelzer
Falling in love is like jumping off a mountain.. It takes your breath away!- lexi stevens
Your are the sun that finally comes out on a rainy day, you are the feeling after a hard day at work and coming home to loving family ready to make you feel loved as you step through the door- Josiah hoffman
Sometimes the heart can see what is invisible to the eye.- Ashlyn Mary Hornik
Love is just a word.. until someone comes along and gives it meaning- Ashlyn Mary Hornik
If a person leaves you and breaks your heart, don't just lay on the floor crying, this person left you for a reason & honestly and clearly he/she doesn't care about you, there may be someone who is willing to pick up the pieces and maybe help you put them back together.- Neuri Mercedes
Love is the thing that gives us life, blesses us with Hope of Happiness, and Kills us when we're not giving enough.- Antonia Mackenzie Simon Neill
To be in love is like picturing that person like there is no one else around when millions surround- zikia hocker
Who are we to judge others and their differences, when we ourselves have our own differences, that others may also judge, and problems within ourselves that have not been dealt with- Sydney Newkirk
If I had a penny for every time you crossed my mind there would have never been a recession ©- Bobby Shawn Dickens
It's true that we can't live only from love, but we can't live without love either.- Tra Lalalic
Selfishness is the fastest way to lose someone you love.- Tra Lalalic
Even if I'm not the one who makes your day complete.. but I can be the one who will love you till my last breath- sayka m. hara
we don't need a special day to live with love, we need love to live special days - diya ahmed azzony
Mother's Concern for an offspring can often be perceived as nagging but ultimately they are good intended bouts of love and affection, maybe misguided, often unwanted but pure of heart nonetheless- Ahwnee
Why be with someone that you have to change, When you can find someone that doesn't need to change.- Britney Davis
If I wished something I had more in life, it would be love. For love can never be too much of. It's all that counts.- Benjamin Moeller
If a man tells you, that you are pretty when you look like mess.. then that means he really loves you <3- Hlhkkggkl
The only person who can make you sad, is yourself.- Joshua Wu
You know you have accomplished something in life, when you leave memories for someone else.- Loretta Avery
Many a times people misinterpret attraction, affection, compassion, care, and sex as love. Love is beyond all these!- Bipin Kumar G J
You can't love a person genuinely if you can only look at his weakness- Nova
Of all the gifts given to mankind by God, the most sacred one is Love- Bipin Kumar G J
Perhaps only love can make a man crave to be sweeter, humble and kind- Nova
If the true wise old man is incapable of loving, is he still wise?- Lisa Roy
If one was able to look at himself like he can look at others, world would have missed the greatest love of all time - 'self love'.- Lokesh giri
Today I got the real meaning of love. I have feelings for a girl and the girl aso have same feeling. But the problem is that I have feelings only for her and she has for many others. I know she is characterless and I deserve better easily but still it hurts when another person comments sexy on her dp- Arpit Kumar Singh
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