Wisdom Quotes Pictures

Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal..

Knowledge gives scope i. e. , 'What one can do' and Wisdom gives one right direction i. e. , 'What..Knowledge Wisdom

Not everyone smiling around you, is your friend.. Some of them are your enemies, hiding behind the..
Hate Philosophy Truth Friends mistake
Knowledge WisdomTop 10 Wisdom Quotes
If you want to change the world , first change the way you see it.- DIPANSHU RAGHAV
Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either strong or weak- CLK
Not fighting for our rights is a crime in itself.- Tapan Ghosh
That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where you belong.- Owulo Ewureje Jonah
Judgement is a heavy burden to bear. Lift as little as possible.- Rebecca Lee
The beauty of book can never determine it content..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Life is always in a shape of 'Y'. At times you arrive at the crossroad and there you need to make the tough decision.- Piet Ntema
In the pain of yesterday and the race for tomorrow we forget that every thing is connected to what we do today- ruqaiyyah
You are a chip of all your sales.- Aaron Chapman
Drug addict will overemphasize its ecstasy and will easily forget its unfavorable drawback, remember every good and bad things has their advantages and disadvantages don't abuse drug ignorantly be wise to balance its usage..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Life + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Imagine you are dead and you have been given a gift to live somebody else's life, how are you gonna live it? Live your life that way. - Matt Bill
Our decisions are from past, and we always think of future, do we really live in the present? - Lokesh giri
Life is a game, those who keep winning get more interested in it. - Lokesh giri
Never judge a book by its 'index' page. Go through the book thoroughly, before doing it. The same holds good for people as well. Remember, face is ONLY the index of mind! - Bipin Kumar G J
Life is just too hilarious! but it is only the wise that gets the joke. - Suchith Abeyewickreme
The person who hides away from emotions and difficulties is turning their back on important lessons in life. - christine sharland
Their is no universal right or wrong, justice is based on opinions. - Steven Sierra
Our lives are like a mosaic with everything we do adding a little piece and like a mosaic often the true picture is only seen when you stand back and take a look. - Bill Gibbs
Why do we need the 'holidays' to actually remind us to appreciate what we have in life? - Ester Carrillo
The power is not in the words of a man, but in its meaning - Farhad Dastoor
Opening an unknown door with a bunch of keys is like life. Once one of the key is unable to open a door, you put it aside and don't use it again, like a mistake, you don't do it again. - Allen
The best things in life are the nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. - Darab Imteyaz
In order to get what you want in life you need to work hard, sacrifice a lot and never ever give up. - Arlene De Jesus
If you never stop trying, you can never fail. - Gianni Cox
Do not prepare a future for anyone, rather prepare that person for the future - Brayne Matshotshi
You can't lose something you never had. - Kendall Myers
Steady your feet on the ground, to maintain balance.. - Reselmae Tolentino
You will search for opportunity in vain unless you have planted its roots within you. - vikrant
Do whatever floats your boat as long as it does not sink mine. - Jia
Its an open world outside for you to venture but beware of the walls within. - Harikrishna Gopalakrishnan
Whatever struggles or setbacks we face it is intended to purify and empower us on our journey! - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Life's first lesson is that lessons are unavoidable, and to ignore one is merely to postpone it. A wise man is not always a knowledgeable man, but one not so keen on learning a life lesson twice. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability - Amaan Hussain
Success is what you achieve, and beauty what you inherit. So it's up to you, you give importance to inheritance or success. Beauty you lose with time but success you can get more with time. - Anuj Tiwari
Life is simple but not easy! - Piet Ntema
Dear smokers, when you burn one stick you not only burn relationships but also burn your one and only life. - shivangi lavaniya
In the pain of yesterday and the race for tomorrow we forget that every thing is connected to what we do today - ruqaiyyah
Life is always in a shape of 'Y'. At times you arrive at the crossroad and there you need to make the tough decision. - Piet Ntema
Rudeness is the weak person's way of presenting his strength - KRISHNAMURTY
Fear is a double-edged sword. It can be used to your advantage, or it can be used against you. - David
That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where you belong. - Owulo Ewureje Jonah
If you take the bait, who else can you blame? - Joe Cervantes
The only way to know that your eyes are open is knowing that your eyes are closed. Therefore, you will find the truth if you found yourself believing a lie. - Kim
There is a war within us all, for that is what it means to be human - Justin Vaughan
Not fighting for our rights is a crime in itself. - Tapan Ghosh
Thank You.. if You understand my Silence! Sorry.. if You Misunderstand my Words! - Namratha G
Life is the best teacher I've got, because when life teaches you a lesson you never forget it till your last breath - Ajay Negi
You have to take left sometimes because right is not always right. - Ritesh Ranjan
The more destinations you go, the more cultures you experience, the higher tolerance you will have. - Miranda Chang
We aren't responsible for the actions of others but we are responsible for what we do in response to that behavior - Bridget Williamson
Challenges provoke your mind's capacity and capability, which exposes your potential and abilities. Don't be afraid to take on challenges. - Tebogo Sweatz
If you laugh at the little seed in your hands, who will you help groom it to become a celebrated fruit - Abasiofon Fidelis
Let time alone be a player and yourself be audience. - Pradeep pandey
GOODNESS is the Author of all of Creation and Existence. - Amelia Goode
Life is like an equation.. The future is unknown.. until you solve it - Ephraim jaji
Smile till you have teeth, read till you have eyes, work till you have hands and travel till you have legs. - Ritesh Ranjan
In order for me to live in peace, I must be true to myself and my own heart. - Amelia Goode
If you can eventually find a way to Love your greatest enemy, even if you haven't forgiven them yet, you will have entered into the highest degree of Internal Reward. - Amelia Goode
Criminals, failures, depressives, and the homeless. These are nothing more than victims of an incompetent society. - HUNTER H
Love is a reward- an exquisite, tenderhearted gift. Not a demand. - Amelia Goode
Separation is really hard, but in most cases it is the key to success. - Previledge Tafadzwa Makaza
If life is a question, love is the answer - TMZPoetry
We all have a brain, don't worry about that. The difference is, some of us actually exercise it. - Allen Lazar
When life gets tough, is when life starts. - Allen Lazar
Difficult life is a treasure of wisdom - mohdmustafa99
People will reveal who they are if you just pay attention. - Germany Kent
Your parents love you. Call them more often. Somebody somewhere wishes they had parents they could call. - Germany Kent
The best six Doctors are Sunshine, Water, Rest, Fresh Air, Exercise and Balanced Diet. - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Don't waste time trying to be accepted by people that you cannot see in your future. - Germany Kent
Life is like a race and the one who doesn't run wins it - Aarun D Baliean
It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one; Than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. - Michelle Caldwell
Embarrassment is the price I pay for admitting when I'm wrong, being wrong is the price I pay for not admitting when I'm wrong.. - Byron Abel
You can cross the shore without getting wet but you can't get through life without tears. - Sri
If you cannot save a life, at least do not destroy one. Do not interfere in the working of the creator. - Rajiv Jain
The same people that help you climb higher and higher are also the people that will catch you when you fall, so don't push them away because when you fall, there will be no one else to hold you and tell you that you will be okay. - Larissa
To repeat something a fool has said is foolishness in itself, the news media falls foolishly into that trap and gives the fool momentum. - Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
Life without plans, is like a taxi without wheels, you are not going anywhere. - Condrie Collen Mkansi
Life is short, See a Vision and Paint your Canvas well. - Mark A Gardner
Hidden Secrets drag your Soul down, Like a Vampire in the Night it steals from you. - Mark A Gardner
If you have time, it is the best solution to every problem.. - Rajiv Jain
An advice will be considered an advice only if given a few times, but if given repeatedly then it is a requirement not an advice.. - Rajiv Jain
The words we don't want to hear protect our egos. The words we need to hear protect society. - Forrest Munden
Technology has solved old economical problems by giving us new psychological problems. - Tadu chada
We are all on this earth together, we've all touched the ground with our feet and our face! - Donna Depew
Grades don't determine people's success - pasculina nabusani purity
Life is a gift, Talent is a blessing. - Fn Shihepo
Greed not only plays in your mind, but it also plays with your life. - Anthony T Hincks
Avoid engaging in conflicts that do not concern you. - Marcquiese Burrell
The life of the liar is always the biggest lie, and the life of the truthful individual is always the biggest truth. - Sundaresh
Inspirational + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Though hard work pays in future it pays satisfactorily, though laziness pays off now it's never enough. - Lokesh giri
Respect a fool to avoid noise - Brayne Matshotshi
No matter how much one has, there will always be something missing which can only be fulfilled by giving not taking. - Lokesh giri
Know That Virtually Every Decision That You Make In A Heightened Emotional State Will Not Be A Wise Decision - Donald Lynn frost
You get to make choices about what you are going to do in this world. Your choices create your path. - El Haji Nero
I'd rather be a soldier in a victorious war, than a general in a losing battle - Edmond H Sweidy
Everyone deserves a long lived satisfaction and not just the desire of a short lived celebration - Wavamuno Shem Mukasa
Never let someone else's wind flicker your spark. - Akshay Mahajan
To think you know all the answers means you don't know all the questions - uzoefuna Darlington chimaobi
Even the greatest showman alive could not reveal the trick behind the magic of her eyes - TMZPoetry
The principles that shape our virtues as a society define the collective social richness of those that are committed to live by their virtues - Wayne Chirisa
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone is care. Care enough to be there. Care enough to speak when needed and be silent when not. Care enough to, for a moment take some of their pain and toss it far, far away. - Rose Ima
A true leader must not always finish first, but to see everyone else finish. - Allen Lazar
Stop living up to others' expectations, and be yourself. Only you know who you are or want to be - Rev Ernie Urban
Wisdom is not to deal with matters you know, but with new matters that you haven't experienced before. - mohdmustafa99
Success will not lower its standards to accommodate you, rather you raise your standards to achieve it.. - Mr vybs live
A fruitful tree was only a meek seed. - mohdmustafa99
Don't be afraid to be curious. When you ask a question you're either correct or learning - the curious person
Those who try to impress everyone, usually end up impressing no one - the curious person
Look after your thoughts, they shape your future. - Daniela Ismerio
Every feat was once unprecedented - Kyle Ford
Focus on being the best person you can be, even if it means disassociating yourself with certain people, fake friends, social media, bad habits, or unhealthy environments. - Germany Kent
Life is larger for the ones who are capable of 'giving' compared to the ones who 'expect' - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Don't feel bad if people remember you only when they need you. Feel privileged that you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is only darkness. - The Quoted Iris
There is no excuse in America for anyone to tolerate mediocrity as a life reality. - Rodney Pierre
Besides God, there would be no life without a woman. - Marie Yolande Pierre
You can keep on judging and condescending while I keep moving forward - Liz Kassim
Not being self-aware is like being the lion who attacked his own reflection. - Tahir Danish
Don't let life's circumstances define who you are, but something you overcame! - Ruby Rachelle Hardee
Give me the swaggering braggart, the fierce warrior, the lone wolf with a fearsome bite. I want to run with those who know that success is not something you reach; it is something you demand. - Kevin B Johnston
There's no accolade for laziness, awards are for those who work hard on merit.. - success song
It is our job to make decisions and take actions. Only time will tell if we chose and acted wisely. - Shan Ali Naqvi
The only person you can change.. is you! - Lood Goosen
It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be - Daniel
The only way to know someone's true potential is to give them a chance. - Kaitlyn Anderson
Happy life is a myth only struggle is the truth. - Nikhil Prakash Wanjare
I may or may never sit in to the shadows of tress I planted now, but my legacy will live forever - Jessie Mori
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline. - Mac McGovern
World changes by the smallest of ideas - Pavan Kumar N R
In the Movement of Life comes the Energy of Wisdom; It is the 'Awareness' of Action that benefits the Soul; Balance is the blending of Dark and Light. Live in balance and do not worry for your future. - Mark A Gardner
How you say something is more important than what you say.. - Rajiv Jain
Don't judge yourself of yesterday based on the knowledge you have today. - Jared Ball
A Wave will always remain a Wave unless it Realizes it is the Ocean! - AiR
Through all of my tears could I have filled the emptiness of the seven seas, but let me not forget that those tears replenished what was once empty. - Raul Martinez
Minor setbacks are part of the walk in life. Just like walking, one foot moves forward while the other remains behind but the movement is always forward. - Raul Martinez
You will always learn and grow more from losing versus winning. Winning is the consequence of the fear of losing but fear not, every loss in life only means a win is on the way. - Raul Martinez
Success is a measure decided by others, Satisfaction is a measure decided by yourself. - Nazra Nishat
Only you can be the best 'you' there can ever be. - D.R. Meers
Poverty is always a guest in the house of a sluggard - Vusi Mxolisi Zitha
Integrity will lighten your path in this dark world. - Paul Adepegba
Conscious leadership is the ability to be in touch with reality for the sake of humanity. - Gift Gugu Mona
Minus Negative is always positive - Rupinder Singh
One can learn techniques by looking at others but copying them as it is will cause to lose the amazing and natural talent that is inherent in them. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
Everywhere in the world great people are being born.. ! - William Sebunje
Working within the confines of time, is the magic maker. -DrTJ/Thomas John, MD - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
In the pursuit of wanting to be liked we lose track of the fact that just by liking ourselves it would make this pursuit meaningless! - Adrian McGinn
Let tears flow. They wash away your sorrow. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely. - Sibel Terhaar
Stay away from people who let you down, they will do it again. - Sibel Terhaar
An unexpected act of kindness is the best. Surprise them! - Sibel Terhaar
Your family needs you more than your boss does. Find the balance! - Sibel Terhaar
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Serving life with dignity, decency, dedication, and discernment is being true to life! - Adrian McGinn
We may be imperfect and impermanent but we can be impeccable and impactful! - Adrian McGinn
Greet the day! Do not judge the day, it has not happened yet! - Adrian McGinn
Thrive by giving! The more we give the more we receive and we have more to give that we think! - Adrian McGinn
No matter how much you try, you can hardly satisfy every person. Always focus on doing what is right before God. - Baraka Maiseli
Life is short so live like you truly understand this. - Carl R White
The future will be different, only if we are different from the past! - Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Nobody is born ready made. We have to make ourselves or we remain undone. - Salam Ahmed Olalekan
A lot of people want success.. very few of them want to do the work! - JP Maroney
Philosophy + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Philosophy Quotes
When you are in front of the mirror in the DARK, Put some light on your face not on mirror. - Lokesh giri
Knowledge isn't power if it isn't put into use. - Jack Brown
A great thinker is just a great thinker, not necessarily a great man. - Lokesh giri
Sanity has never been without the touch of insanity - Lokesh giri
Success completely depends on how we behave with ourselves - Lokesh giri
Never be afraid to look fear in the eye because if you never face your fears how will you ever get over them - brittany hope
If eating poop makes you the greatest man alive, then it also states your downfall. - Nerd Brooke
Intelligence and wisdom do not always go together - Victor Courage
Intelligence is a measure of thoughts. Wisdom is a collection of thoughts. Cleverness is a combining of thoughts. Awareness is an interpretation of thoughts. - Victor Courage
Measure your thoughts carefully only you are responsible for them. - Victor Courage
Talent is like flower, it needs watering. - Maduwa Thabo
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence. - Ayy Lmao
You are a chip of all your sales. - Aaron Chapman
Our intention when saying some things is more important than the things being said. - CLK
He who searches without using light searches blindly, he who searches without his eyes open searches in vain - Sunny Godswill akpan
The secret of a beautiful lie lays in an ugly truth.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Appreciate every moment, you never know when it's the last moment. - Allen Lazar
Live in the moment, hope for the future, ever mindful of the past, for it is the past that shapes the future you will have to live in. - David L. Rose
Life is like a light bulb, each bulb works differently and some last longer than others, but all burn out. The bulb that gives the most light, is the one people always miss. - Allen Lazar
When you act stupid, stupid things happen. - The Quoted Iris
The fewer actions a user has to take, the fewer errors a user will make. - Keith Wisdom
Kindness and respect are more powerful than people realize. - Keith Wisdom
Knowledge is edited by time; wisdom needs no editors. - Boghos L. Artinian
Negative thinking leads to negative outcomes. Positive outcomes come from positive mind. - Allen Lazar
Make amends before it is too late, perhaps fate will give you a straw to hang onto in time of need. - Rajiv Jain
Simplicity is not always a measure of weakness but it's always a measure of validity - Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Humility has a better ending than pride. - Joe Cervantes
Pride is dangerous. Destroy your pride before your pride destroys you. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Never get mistaken between 'being patient' and 'being passive; One makes you wise whereas other makes you dull. - Konchok Dhondup
Work Hard, Be Nice, Eat Pizza - Andy Malloy
Implement what given to you and argue where it is necessary. - Fn Shihepo
Being loyal with get you betrayed especially to people whom mean you no good. - LaShawnda Bourrage
Funny + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
Regained childhood is the last stage of perfection. - Lokesh giri
For opportunities to fall into your lap, you first have to be sitting down. - Kerron Hughes
If you are taking life seriously you are not wise yet - Lokesh giri
Talk less if you want to communicate more - Lokesh giri
Those who blow their own trumpets often end up hoarse - Patricia Schwitzer
There are three types of people in this world; Problem seekers, Problem Solvers and Problem 'see you later'. - El Haji Nero
Wise men treat everyone equally, so do foolish people. It's everyone else who is confused - Lokesh giri
Love isn't suppose to be like ready mix cement which drys up quickly and then hardens. - Joe Cervantes
An optimist is an under-beaten pessimist. - Romeo
We only have a scapegoat nothing like scapelion; Do you understand? - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Judgmental people are mental people! - Shweta Fernandes
Always put your coat on before answering your front door. If you like your visitor tell them you are just in. If you don't like them tell them you are just leaving - Eliza Keating
Lying against the truth is like believing an ant to win a battle with an elephant.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Be good! But, if you can't be, at least don't get caught. - David L. Rose
You see doctors to have good health, therefore see consultants to have good decisions. - mohdmustafa99
When kids are born, they are blessings, as they grow up they gradually becomes lessons - Ayaak Chol Kuany Deng
To know how old or young you currently are, check new photos of those you went to school with! - Meshack Sewe
If your outerwear is dignity, make sure your underwear is integrity! - Meshack Sewe
When you steal from a thief, you can bet they will never call the cops. - The Quoted Iris
Many people dream of doing the impossible and they aren't even doing the possible. - Kevin B Johnston
Why do you say, 'Zombies are brain dead, dysfunctional, and have no place in society?' When, Zombies use more of your brain than you do. - Mac McGovern
You really have to start before you start. - Uche Onyinyechi Richard
Some rules are too simple.. , but those are the rules to determined who we become.. ! - William Sebunje
' Some bonds, whether they be human, animal, or bird, have an intimacy, and if situation comes to leave anyone or go far, that causes untold pain to the mind and heart. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
This is where our life greatness begins from.. ! - William Sebunje
Before resolving conflicts with violence, if possible, warm up and stretch. - Mario González
GOD does not care about the color of your skin or what job you do, he cares about your heart. So do I! - Sibel Terhaar
You should not wait for better days to come; they are already here. Life is all about attitude, remember that! - Sibel Terhaar
Time babbles in a freaky way on Sundays ! - Vivek Sahney
Change + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Don't hate what already exists, you'll only end up hating everything - Lokesh giri
If you feel like your whole world is falling down, remember it can only hit so low until your world starts to heal :) - Paddy Duffy
Don't hold yourself back by trying to hold up someone else that isn't willing to do it for themselves! Carry what you have to! Let go of what you don't! - Kennisha L Crawford
Be careful when you put your mouth on people. What they're going through today that you're gossiping about & laughing at, could be your own situation tomorrow - Kennisha L Crawford
Once we start being brutally honest with ourselves we found we had mistaken bad decisions for bad luck. - Bill Gibbs
The price of victory is patience and persistence - Dennis James Deegan CTM
Only we can decide to allow the disappointments in our lives to rule us. We can either rise above it and keep moving forward to become the best we possibly can be or we will stagnate refusing to grow past it. The choice is always up to us. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Are you sure that war changes the world? If anything, war changes the lives of the people, more then the world itself. - Alan Le
Change , one of the most fearful aspects. Of human existence, yet the greatest. Most profound. Means of growth. - Helen Covington
Sometimes it's not people who change but the mask that they put it on. ~ Suyog Potdar [ People with good hearts will always be good, though they might behave badly for a while when angry. ] - Suyog Potdar
Looking back blocks you from seeing ahead.. the key is to keep the past in your peripheral IF you don't wanna repeat it - Mekedes Endale
People and things change but principles and values remain unchanged. Always uphold them - Brayne Matshotshi
Walk by a thousand mirrors before you blame someone else - Brian Kelley
It doesn't matter how rich, how poor, how cool or how nerdy you are, what really matters is how you act towards other people - Linklord
Nothing will never change for you - until you change - G Swiss
If you don't like it - then change it - if you don't change it - then you must like it - G Swiss
Transformation simply means change, what matters most is not what you change but what you change into - Phineas Sebola
Change is inevitable. What is also inevitable is failure for those who refuse to change. - Dr Travis J Hedrick
If you want to change the world , first change the way you see it. - DIPANSHU RAGHAV
The best type of judge is one's self, because this type of judgement comes without any prejudice, hatred, or unfairness. - SunofYah913
Mistakes are meant to be made, however making the same mistakes over and over again is a sign of a stagnant mind - SunofYah913
A person who lives their life righteously and without any misdeeds has nothing to hide - SunofYah913
Two things you cannot hide: your nature and your fabricated nature. - mohdmustafa99
Do not complain of being at the bottom, rise up. There is always room at the top. - Juned Mohammed
You can ALWAYS change the way you think about things. You can't always change everything, but the way we perceive it might bring a whole new kind of change - Lood Goosen
Change doesn't happen, till You Change - Mark A Gardner
Short + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Giving with pleasure gets you back more than you can possibly give. - Nova
Wisdom is a spark, but foolishness is a blaze - Lokesh giri
Every answer raises another question - keven sean pittman jr
Judge a person by what he thinks, not by what he knows. - Lokesh giri
We enter this world alone and we leave this world alone, but we all go through life together. - Ross Murdoch
Knowledge: Knowing what you know and what you don't know - Lokesh giri
Integrity is doing that which is right even when no one is present - Brayne Matshotshi
Can't hide hypocrisy, it's ugly and it shows, like a bad dress - Sheils
Humility is what makes a fool wise. - annonymous
a man's wisdom isn't measured by his ability to think, but by his stupidity - Zac Scholes
People seem to think falling of their high horse won't hurt. - Tamesha Parker
It only takes one nut to make a tree. - Ayndriane Fowler
Smile too much and spoil the picture. Moderateness in its truest sense is actually a virtue. - laurence oluwaseun
Coincidence is the slothful man's excuse for leading an un-examined life. - Lydia Perovic
Gossip is like a shovel that reveals secrets. - Joe Cervantes
Haughtiness comes from a mind that is full of complaints - Tiffany Fernandes
The choices you make is the steering Wheel of your future - Byron A. Williams Sr.
Don't let pain be what holds you back, don't let revenge be what makes your world black. - Melody H
Everyone needs two pieces of wisdom : Not to interfere in others' affairs; and not to allow others interfere you in their affairs. - mohdmustafa99
A stubborn man has no ears and a angry man has a short tongue. - Joe Cervantes
Believe the truth even if said by Devil. Do not believe lies even if said by God. - T C Jose
Wisdom is not the result of time lived; it is the result of lived time. - Mac McGovern
To get extraordinary results you have to get out of the ordinary. - Claudia
When we flourish We give, When we give We receive, When we receive We flourish. - Jeffrey DeMann
An alien is neither a destructor nor a creator; It's always a secret intelligence agent ; ) - KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN
Courage + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Courage Quotes
A man whose source of courage is his wisdom is the bravest of all. - Lokesh giri
I do not wish to follow the majority; the resources are scarce that way. - Paul Peshkov
It takes a lot of courage to forgive someone, it takes even more courage to ask for forgiveness. - Steven Evans
Weakness is when one cannot commit to that what one believes in, when one cannot prove himself to be an exemplar of the principles he stands for. Strength is when one calls out for more challenges to put his iron determination to the test and bests every one he is presented with. - Bob of Burgundy
Sometimes, all you need to keep going is a deep breath - reminds you of why you are on that road in the first place. - Olufunke Kolapo
It is not until you have the courage toward your own fears that you can master your destiny - Paden S. Fackrell
People love goats and sheeps but from lion they are inspired and feared. Sharjeel Khan - Sharjeel Khan
To a wise man, the only fear of becoming wiser is the fear of being referred to as a mad man - Stanley Kelechi Onwuemene
The path of least resistance is often appealing but is rarely, if ever, satisfying - Erik Troen
Those who expand the world are those who think differently from the world to form a new thing.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Be not who you ought to be, be who you wish to be. - Mayra C. Alvarez
Each path goes somewhere, choose your destination - Ritesh Ranjan
Fear is the tool of devil - Segun Rasaki
Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either strong or weak - CLK
All men have the solemn duty to uphold justice for without there will be no truth nor freedom - Isaak Bean
To live as a carbon copy of everyone else is to not live at all. - J W Barlament
Happiness + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Happiness Quotes
All those who are laughing aren't happy, laughter is universally mistaken for happiness. - Matt Bill
Happiness is purely a state of mind, it can be achieved without the external stimulus, if you know how - Lokesh giri
Being happy is not about having more money, better friends or being higher against others. It's about being content. - Mac Ace
Those who take life seriously must be smiling joyously all the time. Those who look serious err by taking something else than happiness seriously. - Lokesh giri
Everything seems more beautiful if you're in love. - Bizz Lamichhane
Pain isn't optional but happiness is. Choose to be happy. It will make the pain easier to bear. - Rebecca Lee
We often hold on to someone who actually wants us to let go - TMZPoetry
No mourning if the thing you lost is despondency. - mohdmustafa99
The time you take to bad-mouth someone, why don't you use the same time to elevate the person? - Howard Hanniford
If reality is the mirror of our essence, we better start smiling at it. - Daniela Ismerio
Disassociation sometimes is a beautiful thing. - Germany Kent
Happiness is when you don't have anything you don't want; and don't want anything you don't have.. - Richard D. Jacques
Don't serve water of sadness when they're thirsty of happiness.. - success song
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues - Kabir Khivan Singh
Happiness is not only, walks, disco, restaurants.. is also Tranquility, contempt, talk, is Balance and above all is Be happy with yourself.. - Claudia
Love + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
Philosophy means love of wisdom, it should have been wisdom of love - Lokesh giri
Love should never take a long vacation. - Joe Cervantes
Love is communication without obstacle, understanding without prejudice, and consideration without effort. - Paul V Lopez
He who conquers love conquers all. - Joe Cervantes
Time is precious, Time is cruel. Time makes new memories, Time makes us crazy with thoughts. Time gives us love and laughter, Time gives heart ache and sorrow. Time gives us choices, Time gives us regrets Time let's wrongs heal, Time let's people move on. Time let's you know what you had, Time let's you know what you lost. Time can be opportunities to fix our mistakes, Time can be breaking you into a million pieces. Time can let you fall in love again, Time can let you live in a dark place. Time is a chance to be a better person, Time is a chance to destroy ourselves. Time can make us strong, Time can make us lonely Time is my friend, Time is my enemy. Who will time be for you? - Candace Easton
Love becomes chaotic when someone becomes unsure of their love. - Nelson Chery
No currency will buy you an extra breath at the end, be humble - Allen Lazar
Love is: You set her as your priority Even when you know that you are only an option for her! - Soyuz Kadel
Sometimes silence is more painful than violence. - Parker Brashear
The things we miss the most in life, are things we had but were taken away from us. - Allen Lazar
If love could be hypothetical, don't use any other test to test it, except love itself - Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Love is like breathing, it must be enjoyed as giving & receiving, or Love suffocates and dies - Mark A Gardner
Respect is the best weapon you can use to fight against hate - Seluh_m
The best way to love someone is waking up everyday, thinking you are going to lose them any minute, cherish them like its the first and last day you will ever set your eyes on them. Protect them from the unknown. - Kay Yash K Hove
Confidence + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Confidence Quotes
A hero is not strong or weak, just someone who stands up for the needs of others than himself - Josh Darosa
True leaders are never fully appreciated until their followers have made it to their destination successfully! - Joseph Skinner
You cannot control the way people feel or what they think about you, what matters the most is how you feel and what you know about yourself - Amzard Linx
If you reach rock bottom you are not at the end you are at the beginning - Victor Courage
My actions do not define my motives. - Maria Victoria Tellez Alvarez
There's a lot of light that cover amnesty unknown in the day it's when you get to the darkness you know that the real freedom is fearlessness in the night.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
The level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have - Sriprakash C S
Getting drunk is a paradox! When people party they feel like royalty at the village pub, but feel like an outcast while kneeling at the porcelain throne? - Dr Travis J Hedrick
You are special, one of a kind. Let go of comparisons. Celebrate your uniqueness. - Roopleen
Don't do Incredible things, Do the things which gives you credibility. - Ravi shekar
Positivity creates a solution to every problem. Negativity creates a problem in every solution - Muhammad Abdullah
Never give up on someone who is having a bad day. Tomorrow could be yours - TMZPoetry
To strengthen the roots sometimes we need to prune the leaves - Ashish Gupta
A dog that barks at a camel does nothing but disease its larynx. - mohdmustafa99
Dreams + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Dreams Quotes
A wise man would never call himself a teacher, because he never really stops learning - Clairvoyan
An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream - Steven A. Board
Dream is like the dry leaf pressed between memories and long forgotten but it always retains an element to be cherished.. - Namrata Naha
Your dreams are your minds reality. - Dustin Rand A
Everyone wants happiness not pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain - zachary angst
Build your beautiful garden wisely and avoid unnecessary rush to achieve a fulfilled dream - Abasiofon Fidelis
Your dreams come true when you're brave enough to sacrifice your current reality for the one you imagine living in - Andreh Ammari
Be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams - Jeff Fenster
When your dreams come true, wake up and hold on to them. If you continue sleeping, your dream will only remain that. - Allen Lazar
Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal of one's life. - Suryakanta Mangaraj
All Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Sometimes the best answer you can give, is just staying quiet and live things the way they are..- Dr Joshua
Clicking selfie is matter of seconds.. .. building the image takes years.- TEEB Jayesh V
The day you think you know everything is the day you die your first of many deaths intellectually.- Brooklyn Adebesin
The value of a good heart is much greater than the value of your career. It is up to you to choose which comes first.- Dustin Rand A
Clothe yourselves with the truth, for it shall warm your heart and others- Edmond H Sweidy
Love the people that love you, Bless and let go of the rest. It truly is that simple.- Roseann Phaneuf
I may not live the best life, but I do live the BLESSED life!- Marcus Jackson
There is only one best way to face problems- 'Being prepared'.- Lokesh giri
I looked for my savior in the midst of the storm, but now I feel that I have become my own savior. No more running away, no more disguises, now only I have a brave heart and a spirit willing to try are at stake.- Tilantha hansanath
A Mind without the Heart is like a room with no sound.- Mark A Gardner
This world is round. In this world only what goes around, comes around, all the more better, or all the more worse, for it.- Sundaresh
Age does not question beauty. Only man.- Anthony T Hincks
The way of man is easy, but it is the nature of greed that dictates the road that he travels.- Anthony T Hincks
A smart person can always cheat on their taxes, but in the end death comes for us all no matter smart or rich you are.- John Guedes do Nascimento
The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is a woman of faith.- Gift Gugu Mona
'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, You love yourself.- Sharmila Narzary
Don't trust man, trust God.- Shaniese Miller
Lord God Almighty.. You gave us the ability to imagine. That is where our sin is, to imagine that You don't see our sin..- Byron Abel
People regret, great people don't- Tahir Danish
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are that holds you back.- Junior Mphumzi.N Mathanjana
Time can cover and uncover the facts.- Joe Cervantes
Wisdom comes once we embrace our failures and learn from it.- Lood Goosen
A sharing person with limited resources and a heart of gold is worth more than a selfish billionaire who is only concerned with his own personal profit.- Germany Kent
The way you treat people says who you are, not the balance in your bank account.- Germany Kent
Patience is like a muscle, If you don't exercise it, it won't grow stronger.- David L. Rose
A poor lazy man will always remain poor if he is lazy- Tijani Kehinde John
Hurt steals control, forgiveness takes it back.- Kristopher Adam Orlowski
Ships do not sail on mirage but on water- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
The end that justifies means makes means its end.- mohdmustafa99
We should only fall in love with those who are worth waiting for - TMZPoetry
If a leader does not promote second, third.. and other levels of leadership, the organization fails.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
We always want to give people a piece of our mind rather than have peace of mind- KISHORE WIZZY RAMDATH
The most valuable teachers are the ones who left their values to their students.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its gel. Temperance is its conditioner.- Pasithea
Personal wealth should be measured by one's degree of enrichment of other people's lives- Segun Rasaki
Those who initiate unity are always seen as losers and losers are always seen as heroes for they fought to the bitter end- Phineas Sebola
Some roads lead to a dead end, others to an endless path. Both of them are precious. One teaches us when to stop, the other when to be unstoppable..- Raquel Devesa
When we cling to our familiar, continued patterns and views about how things work, we become prisoners of our own making.- Brayne Matshotshi
Pain, hurt, disappointment can only stop your world from spinning for as long as you allow it- G Swiss
There are multiple qualities to posses, that individually have an infinite level of perfection, that makes one smart. Wise Is he who understand this. Wise is he who never stops his search for understanding..- Anthony Dewayne Brown
When you lose - never get stressed & when you win - never get comfortable- G Swiss
Trust is a commodity seldom regained.- Melvin Sagun Burgess
Those who listen will be heard.- Michiel Bester
Never think highly of yourself ; life will always throw you from your pedestal.- Michiel Bester
Let the hole in the heart transmit light of true love. - Almat
If you don't like life's downs, think of it like a roller coaster, the downs make it fun- Brian Debney
Fighting fire with fire only makes the flame grow.- Lockeheart
I have no image of how graveyard is, only fool to be fool watering democracy and their thought only- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
When a fight break out, learn to choose your words carefully because naturally humans will obey the law of factions.- bolutife ojeleke
Knowledge is worth. Only, when it is of service to others.- Veshal M Mane
It's not the story that's inspiring, It's the inspiration that writes the story- Jessica Dillon
There are no borders outside of the ones that we create.- Brandon Kellum
Blood maybe thicker than water, but spirit is stronger than hell.- duy trinh
In a world this beautiful and teeming with opportunities, it's extremely insecure to be hostile to the unfamiliar.- Robert Baker
It is for us to expect and for God to decide.- Lukas
The most chilling realization is becoming aware that nothing is forever, there by appreciating and acting on the challenging yet beautiful day to day adventures!- Jacques
What of your superior intellect if you can't shine it's rays upon mankind?- Henri Haapanen
You must have a logical heart and hearty logic.- O. K
It's better for regrets to be lit up along the way as lanterns, for they shall not let one to walk remissly on the road full of temptations.- pahi shetty
Stay true to yourself, hated or loved..- Piet Ntema
Happiness either can last for a short period of time or can last forever. happiness that can be found and lasts for a short period of time is gained from money , fame, sex and everything else that can lead us humans to sin but happiness that can be found and can last forever is gained from love. whenever you are with someone who truly loves you the most you will feel that happiness that can never be replaced by fame , money, sex and everything else that can vanish in an instant- rodriguez chavez
The man who thinks the unthinkable bears the mind where wonders are about to be made- Yeah Heay
Help only those who can utilize your help to help themselves.- mohdmustafa99
I do respect faithfulness except adult's to adolescence.- mohdmustafa99
Balance is how much you can handle before you go nuts!- Edmond H Sweidy
The meaning of beauty is abolished when your appearance is based on the eyes of others- awesomejj101
He who has big ears and small mouth will float.. While he who has small ears and big mouth will sink. One of Life's Lessons..- Debbie McGinnis
Death is a lesson to the living.- annonymous
Nothing worth having is ever easy to keep, fight for what you believe in.- Macmillan
You can't change the people around you, but you can change the people that you surround yourself with.- Inna Shirokova
Sorry means nothing if you've done nothing to change your actions.- Inna Shirokova
I have no desire to be loved by anyone. My only desire is to love myself enough - Alanah M Freedman
When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you- they are saying you are worthless. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you-they are telling the world that you are stupid. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you-they are making you the butt of their joke. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you-everyone else knows it. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you, they say they didn't want to hurt - they really mean they don't want you to get angry. No matter the reason, no matter the excuse- when someone who cares about you is hiding things from you- all that means is that they really don't care about you at all.- Jenifer
I'm successful because I'm too stupid to know I may fail.- Scott Harper
Fine thoughts badly communicated can be as disastrous as bad thoughts well communicated.- Naqibullah Paiman
It is not always a man's actions, but often his reactions that determine whether he will be a success or a failure- Dr. Duane A Martin
There is nothing more satisfying than freedom from self-imposed limitations earned through self-effort- Lokesh giri
Mind easily deceives; especially when we want it to- Lokesh giri
It is not that truth hurts, but it is the truth after the lies you've told that hurts.- Daleen Irshaid
Just do what your instincts are telling you.. You are worth so much more to be treated like a second to anyone, you should always be someone's first - Neeka Shakes
To keep anger and fear outside the mind one should learn to be at peace with oneself- Lokesh giri
Every word that comes out of your mouth determines how educated one is.- Allen
History is the blueprints of our mistakes, the Future is the corrections of those mistakes- Josh Darosa
Winning and Losing are just perspectives, they can even be the same things- Josh Darosa
Rationality is a sword without handle, you won't know you're bleeding as long as you're busy slashing at somebody.- Lokesh giri
Try not to measure your success on how much better you are than someone else, but by how you as a person are better than yesterday- Michael murray
Desire not, and you will have everything you desire; and is that not the definition of perfect happiness?- Walter Breitenstein
Everyone is perfect from his own conscience.- Adnan Ali
Love won't come if you don't seek for it.- srfghsdf
Hate is like a Doughnut, it's empty in the middle.- Jake
Generally, the things that bother us the most from other people are the things that bother us the most from ourselves - George H. Diaz
An Optimist will rise, a pessimist shall fall, and a balance in these can make life so sweet.- David Mora
A heart only aches so many times before it breaks.- Sherin Ashraf
The diamond with so much blood shed upon itself shows that imperfection is still valuable - Rafael Gomez
The greatest moment to be happy is today, tommorrow we have it by hope.- Brayne Matshotshi
Inner strength comes from knowing that nothing is bleak and life is just a learning experience.- Maria L Monterrey
An older pair of shoes that fits comfortably, beats a new pair that causes pain when walking long distances.- Marcus W Pringle
We humans fear the unknown, therefore the fear of being alone is the fear of self.- Marcus W Pringle
The biggest mistake is not learning from it.- Marcus W Pringle
A man who wants to win others never wins himself, one who wins himself never wants to win others.- Lokesh giri
Growing up is systematically brainwashing self to accept things that are already considered to be rational by the system.- Lokesh giri
(Wick)edness burns like a Candle of Death!- Mark A Gardner
The love we feel for others is a sign that we are all connected and that everyone we love displays a part we like about ourselves that every human being we hate displays a part we hate about ourselves. All is connected , separation being the illusion.- Kay Yash K Hove
It's easier to satisfy the devils desires than God's.- Joe Cervantes
A broken piece will still miss in mending a broken heart.- William Gitau K
How beautiful faith and religion can be if we can practice it with each other and not against each other.- Desmond Clive Abrahams
Always remember, everyday we make choices that change our future: You will be what you decide today- Mark A Gardner
Jesus is powerful. Even Hitler failed to silence him. Why should we be silenced by human beings in our communities?- Vaino J Kambungu
Creativity is the only energy that should never be saved.- Antonio Disi
Innocence is the lie we build our faith upon. It is the twisted truth we use to justify our misguided actions. It is the soil we plant the seeds of our future in. Innocence is the ultimate disguise of doom. It is what makes us human. I have looked into its eyes, and I trust it no longer.- Manuel Bund
Take the high road when you can. Small roads lead to more stop signs!- DRS
Your biggest weakness is not knowing what your weakness is. Not knowing whats holding you back from becoming a better person.- Adam Shechtman
Education is the escape route from poverty.- Howard Hanniford
If you're a public figure, you ARE a role model. Deal with it.- Germany Kent
Don't feel ashamed to be a fool, because even a wise was a fool before- ALFRED JACKSON NTATIRWA
If it's easy, it won't last very long.- Allen Lazar
Art can't be taught: It can only be found- Bob Evermon
Art is tasting the colors of the rainbow and breathing the lighting's edge- Bob Evermon
If you wanna change the world, say hello to the first person you see tomorrow on your way to work.- Allen Lazar
People change people for the better of those around them- Rozleyn Brown
A literate fool is worse than an unschooled fool. The latter is wise enough not to feign wisdom, but the former mistakes himself for a sage.- Siavash Rohani
The young are as uncomfortable with the past as the old are with the future; the former has no yesterday, the latter sees no tomorrow.- Siavash Rohani
Be a Hopes Day prepper, Look for the Updraft not the downdraft- Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
White hair are enough to keep me reminded that journey of this luxurious life has a certain end - Malik Ahsan Ali
Life is all about enduring bad and delivering good - Malik Ahsan Ali
Accountability is the mother of good management.. Every leader needs it.- Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'X' is people conclude about it without knowing enough.- Nischal Lal Shrestha
One should always let one's accomplishments speak for one and one's reputation precede one and lead one. These always have to be earned the right way, they cannot be begged or borrowed or stolen. So much for being a true leader and a true follower.- Sundaresh
Determination keeps driving people, optimism keeps pushing and perseverance keeps sustaining them- Sunny Godswill akpan
You're good at making friends, don't exhaust the space, reserve some for enemies, cause only an enemy makes you stronger- Uwagbae Nosa Lucky
We all have what we settle for- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
It's strange to see people running after knowledge, disregarding that he himself is the source of knowledge. There will be nothing left to know, if you know your SELF - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Children Have The Potential To Change Even The Most Irredeemable Of People- SunofYah913
What Person Has Time To Hate When There are So Many Beautiful Things In The World To Explore- SunofYah913
Try to sit in the Comfort and Patience of Your Own Heart; it will lead you to Goodness.- Amelia Goode
Blind is the man who thinks he knows it all. Blinder is the man who follows after this man blindly.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Great customer service is as universal as love, Everyone wants it, and everyone knows when they are not getting it- Mike B Piazza
Wise is he who uses the knowledge he obtains in a beneficial manner. After all, what's the use of such knowledge if you don't apply it?- Anthony Dewayne Brown
The worldly elite moves pawns kings and bishops. When Jesus Christ returns, CHECKMATE!- Hugh Cahoon
We live here on earth praising material things but if we gave God the attention we give to materialistic things life would be better than better- Frankie Lavender
The difference between you and I is our mindset.- Marvellous Emmanuel wilson
The mind is a Wrench, with the right adjustments, it opens every bolt.- Dom Precious
Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time.- Germany Kent
It does not matter if you kick a good person out of your life, but be sure you never, even by mistake, keep a bad person close to you. The later can ruin your life- Sarad S Dhungel
What one believes to be oneself is only repetitive imagination- Lokesh giri
It takes years to build a tower but only seconds to destroy it!- Maria Farag
You can have all the education in the world, but nothing compares to learning on the job- Brent Harpster
Related Categories: Change+Wisdom, Faith+Wisdom, Funny+Wisdom, Goal+Wisdom, Inspirational+Wisdom, Leadership+Wisdom, Life+Wisdom, Love+Wisdom, Optimism+Wisdom, Relationship+Wisdom, Short+Wisdom, Success+Wisdom, Witty+Wisdom,