God Quotes Pictures

The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is..


Lord God Almighty.. You gave us the ability to imagine. That is where our sin is, to imagine that Y..

Sometimes it takes coming close to death, to realize how much you wanna be alive ..
Change Courage Death Faith Life
Death Realize Alive
One day god and man both met with other.. both exclaimed 'my creator'..
Change Courage Death Faith Life
God Day
Money is the illusion of what the world thinks you are worth. Truth is, all souls are priceless...World Truth Money Worth

Work hard everyday to make sure you become a better person, better than anybody else you know. But..Know Work Everyday

First you have to go through the Hell if you want to see the Heaven...
Death Dreams Inspirational Life Short
Want Hell HeavenWe pray to god for world peace. We pray to god for the end of poverty. We pray to god for protection. We pray to god to stop murder. We pray to god..
-Joshua God World Peace Stop Pray
-Joshua God World Peace Stop Pray

True leaders are never fully appreciated until their followers have made it to their destination..
Confidence Courage Faith Goal Inspirational
God is peace; religion is man's attempt to commune with God; and war is the worst result of man's..
Faith Failure History Inspirational Peace
God Peace Failure War Religion
When god gave women more threshold of pain he also made sure they get more pain too...God Pain Women

When god gets lazy he lets some of us write our own future, and that's the best work he ever did- '..God Work Future

It's easier to satisfy the devils desires than God's...
Desire Short Wisdom One liners
God Believe Blame
God forbids that you do. But if you ever stop believing in yourself, find strength in those who..God Find Stop Strength
Top 10 God Quotes
Life is a journey, an adventure of unknown tomorrow and engagement of now..- Aye Aye
When there is forgiveness, there is love- Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
God doesn't CAUSE bad things to happen; but, He WILL make use of them.- The Quoted Iris
Cinderella, She never asked for anything, She just helped a needy woman with a glass of milk And The god mother did the rest, Keep your heart pure and be kind, God will help you find a way that will Lead to treasures of life. - Shivank Bharadwaj
Death is a doorway to God. We celebrate Life and mourn Death, shouldn't we reverse it?- AiR Atman in Ravi
It's strange to see people running after knowledge, disregarding that he himself is the source of knowledge. There will be nothing left to know, if you know your SELF - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
A person who lives their life righteously and without any misdeeds has nothing to hide - SunofYah913
If you are deceived, how do you know?- Byron Abel
Patience is a Strong Human Virtue that goes with time- Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
If you have feet to work with, and hands to share with, and a heart to love with, then that's how we will remain as one great nation under God working together.- Joe Cervantes
Faith + God Quotes ⇑
Faith Quotes
Maybe there's a reason God gave me weak memory, maybe He doesn't want me to remember what I've endured. - Saad Shakeel
Having a good heart is all you need because in the end, it's the only thing that will save you. - Meagan Lynn Gervais
Never give in to the will of life but to the will of the giver of life to lead and lift you up to his height through the waves of life.. - Jim Nzepack Enow
Missionary work that comes from the heart and the spirit, is never wasted, only invested - Jim Nzepack Enow
If God does too much, you rely on him. If God does too little you lose faith in him - Alex Gaddini
There can be no truth in what relies on faith or belief as its premise. - Jesse Hayes
Religion is nothing more than a political process created by man as a means to control and to govern, a process that exists now in the exact same context. - Jesse Hayes
When God asks me 'What have you done with the life I gave to you?', I don't want my answer to be 'I spent it all chasing Silver and Gold. ' - Feneau Demesmin
All your wrong doings are being watched by the messenger of GOD who is sitting deep in your mind in the guise of your SOUL. - harbinderjit singh bajaj
By showering some of us with wealth, GOD tests our generosity, sees how they help the needy. - harbinderjit singh bajaj
There is no such thing as the perfect job.. perfect church.. perfect person.. but there is a perfect God who can help us to ignore the imperfections and obstacles in life and determine to move forward regardless. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
A lot of obstacles have been thrown my way lately.. God help me to have the resolve to overcome them and keep it moving.. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
God can provide you with options, not decisions - Farhad Dastoor
God's perspective is infinite; man's is negligible. - Theophilus
Just when you least expect it and your heart is breaking God surprises us with unexpected blessings - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
No matter how many times people hurt you and ignore the good deeds and instead dwell on all the negatives they can find in you and others.. God knows your heart so keep on keeping on for Him. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
God is peace; religion is man's attempt to commune with God; and war is the worst result of man's failure to do so. - Theophilus
I imagine that I am the infant, learning to walk, and God is the parent, holding me up. If there ever be a time when I can't seem to stand, I know that He will always help me. And if I fall, He will lift me again, and we will walk together. - K O
Life is what we have.. Life is what we want.. Life will never always stay, that's why we need to eat, pray, and love all day. - Criz Jordan
That which I am - Cice Rivera
Sins can not affect the love and affection of a family. - Zach Constant
Always put your trust or faith in God, because man will only disappoint you. - vikrant
The moment my knee went down the floor, my problem walked out the door - May George
I think the reason why 'In God We Trust' is on Money is because people pray for money all the time. - NicNicLouisiana
When grace is at work the race becomes easier - Izuakor Ikechukwu
Our God said , ' The rich will be richer if they give money to the poor. ' The poor confess true, but the rich are still in doubt. - mohdmustafa99
Sometimes God delays His answers, so that we'll learn how to wait - jenny feraer
No matter how hard the situation is, no matter how hard life is, always be thankful. Think of it as a challenge and have faith that God will never give us problems we can't handle. So always keep your head up and keep smiling. Don't lose hope. Don't ever give up. For every trials that come our way , we can grow and learn each day and that we should be always grateful. - Lovely Grace Bactol
It is quite convenient to worship the One God because to worship many gods is too laborious. - mohdmustafa99
I gave my broken heart to the Lord. He's healing it. - bishwo_basnet
An atheist calls God 'nothing' , and then worships this 'nothing' by quarreling with it. - mohdmustafa99
Being alone I found that you are never alone . Because when the whole world leaves you god accompanies you - Shweta chauhan
A child works by faith, he is not wise enough to know doubt. - Kimto Oche Emmanuel
You don't need to know what tomorrow holds, when you know the one who holds tomorrow - Riku
If a person has wisdom, then he will also have the anointing. But sometimes a person with the anointing may not have much wisdom - Pastor Sunday Adelaja
God brought you this far for a purpose, never give up, take the beating like you are a true solder. Be calm, your rescue is still in process. - Nsikelelo Innocent Duke
A Humble Giver Never Expects, (But Receives); What A Greedy Receiver Never Gives, (But Expects).. A Thank You. - Alondale Beau King
Let your innermost and the one on top guide you, the rest shall be easy - Sipho P Nkosi
Don't ignore God's signs. You prayed for it, now you have to follow the path he has given you. You might not understand his plans but you'll have peace in your life. You're going to have some bumpy pathway but God will guide you through the path. Follow his signs. - Tyrone Walton
There is no such thing as a holy war. - Christopher Patrick Fisher
A messy bible is a healed heart - Jamileigh nolen
If you are blessed enough to have people in your home, church, work etc.. that have shown their desire to be a help and have a passion for a particular calling do not discourage them with a micro managing controlling mindset and lack of faith. Those who do this will find folks slowly lose that passion due to feeling stifled and unable to reach their full capabilities. A soul on fire is a wonderful thing and his power can do mighty things if we stay out of the way. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
There's a place in your heart where God lives.. here, they speak Love, a language heard by the deaf and seen by the blind.. you allocate for it more land. - andrew matiyenga
Everything you will ever be is a product of your heart. So be careful of what you think, what you believe and what you ponder on - BJ Sam
A god claimed into being by writings of man hath no claim on me. - Trever Waundes
The worldly elite moves pawns kings and bishops. When Jesus Christ returns, CHECKMATE! - Hugh Cahoon
Life gives opportunities even at the final stage of impossibility - Namratha G
Religion is a passage, we all perform our rites to God in different ways.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Glory be to God in the highest for the new day i'm grateful for the grace to be living in existence of brightness morning dated Sun 23 Apr in your infinity mercy Lord have mercy on me and do new thing in my life this week that would proclaim your name in my life.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Think straight like a believer and uphold it with faith then there would be a miracle in accomplishment.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Hope gives us wings to keep lifting us off the ground - Scott A Kimble
What did not create me, cannot destroy me. - Doctor Bonginkosi Mahlangu
Dwelling on our fears and negativity will not change the outcome. Focus on and trust Him. He already knows the outcome. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Patience is a Strong Human Virtue that goes with time - Akpan Okpongette Essienimo
The entire mistake of my life is that I don't believe in God but in people. - Bikram Mahata
Truth is absolute, no matter what your truth says it is. - Dr Travis J Hedrick
Our prayers are heard before we speak them. - The Quoted Iris
Found a huge contradiction between two Sacred phrases 'Do not shed blood on earth' and 'Do holy war in the name of God'. It took time to realize that's not about a war between people, but it's about a fight which must be done by every individual against the evil force inside them - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Voluntary service to better humanity has great reward in eternity.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
O Lord! Give me what I need, though I don't know exactly what I need. - mohdmustafa99
At the end of the day, be grateful for every rejection and disappointment. Consider it a blessing and continue to soar, regardless. God makes no mistakes, and in time, He will catapult you to new levels. - Germany Kent
The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is a woman of faith. - Gift Gugu Mona
Inspirational + God Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
When motivation failed or just wasn't there and on the many days I just wanted to give up.. it was perseverance, determination and faith in God that gave me the strength to never give up to keep moving forward and prevail. - Bonnie L. Wright
I quit smoking to start drinking. I stopped drinking to start thinking. I started to think, then God stopped me and took control of my life - Teresa Montiel
Money gets you everywhere in life, but god gets you anywhere in life - Leonardo barauna
If you have wisdom, you will be able to reign in every area of your life. - Pastor Sunday Adelaja
Wisdom justifies a person in the face of any opposition. - Pastor Sunday Adelaja
If you don't walk according to the Word of God, then you are on the way that leads to self destruction. - Pastor Sunday Adelaja
God doesn't CAUSE bad things to happen; but, He WILL make use of them. - The Quoted Iris
You create your own luck. God just gives you the thumbs up. But if it gets late, don't wait for it. - Abhaas Aggarwal
God gives you either comfort or peace. Many a times the choice is yours! - the scribe
God does not send pain to hurt you, but to make you STRONG - Monica J. Yoder
God is the best listener. Even a totally silent prayer is clearly audible to Him. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Don't blame the God for your actions and consequences. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Disconnect from social media, tv, and people sometimes. Connect with your inner self, the universe, with God. Make this a practice and watch your life transform. - George Gkouveris
The issue you can not aim to solve.....or ask God to solve .....are the issues you not need to think about.....wasting your memory.... - William Sebunje
You may build a castle, but God builds universes within worlds. - Anthony T Hincks
If God was to reveal his typical address .....Many would refuse to go away...!!! Ensure to help them engage in independent thinking ..!! - William Sebunje
When God walked the Earth he did not build houses, build companies build investment portfolios or Gold mines, but he did one thing. Build people. He left himself in his deciples and everyone he touched. - Mnguphane Zukisa
Do unto God as you would like Him to do unto you. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
The Creator gave you canvas and paint: The picture you paint is up to you. - Mark A Gardner
God provides - if you bite the hand that feeds you, you're going to end up losing your teeth - ralph harlow
Learn to listen to the echo of silence and you will learn to speak the language of God - ralph harlow
God never plays favorites. - Anthony T Hincks
God never plays favorites. - Anthony T Hincks
A man who has spoken to God, speaks for God. A man who has spoken to no-one, speaks for himself. - Anthony T Hincks
When you’re crushed by circumstance, live with the Creator. - Mark A Gardner
Temptation is when the devil lures you into the darkness. An epiphany is when God guides you out. The weak are only as strong as the influence they keep - ralph harlow
God created you in His own image. You'll know this to be true when you learn to love all the same people He does - ralph harlow
God always gives His greatest gifts to those who leave their choices to Him. That's why God can only ever be found in the present - ralph harlow
If you follow the world you will be defeated, but if you follow God you will defeat the world - ralph harlow
The unbeliever says that the Christian is only one God away from being an atheist, but the truth is that the atheist is only one God away from being in hell - ralph harlow
To be authentic to one's self, you must be able to exercise your free will without fear of judgement. This is the reason why God will never prove His existence to those who do not believe in Him - ralph harlow
The atheist doesn't believe in God - even more so when they meet Him in the afterlife - ralph harlow
God has left many things out of the Bible including your opinions - ralph harlow
Eugenics is the arrogantly insane voice of men informing God that He made a mistake - ralph harlow
Faithfulness in the small things leads to greatness in the Kingdom of God. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Funny + God Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
Forgive lord for I'm about to sin, just to get that all settled. - Jack Brown
When god gets lazy he lets some of us write our own future, and that's the best work he ever did- 'doing nothing' - Lokesh giri
When god gave women more threshold of pain he also made sure they get more pain too. - Lokesh giri
When I was looking for flowers, life threw me stones. when I was expecting stones, life threw me roses. When I longed for roses god decided enough and threw me a boulder! - bornagain
God certainly gives everybody a second chance but the trouble is that He takes it back before giving. - vikrant
God is not looking for hearts that are plated with gold. - Joe Cervantes
My heart is on a mission to love you and I'm just following the order from upstairs! - Joe Cervantes
Thank God twice. That post doesn't fit me , and the date of applying for it was expired. - mohdmustafa99
If devil isn't a liar how does God teach us the truth? - success song
When the cat and god are at play together, God is as work. - Jeffrey DeMann
The issues I can not aim to solve.....or ask God to solve .....are the issues I do not need to think about much.....wasting the memory disk....! Some are issues for the land and Rivers it own enough water i can not Recreate myself.....!! - William Sebunje
I know God is always up for something good in everything....!! - William Sebunje
How do you wake up to tell us it isn't God will.....When everything has been because of God's will for us to be...!!! - William Sebunje
I got up to try out my talents....and i saw the will of God around me....!! - William Sebunje
Before you get to think of meeting everybody face to face ......., Think of the reason why God can not revealed himself to everybody...!!! - William Sebunje
The world shall share us by the challenges we can best solve....., it is just The favors of God for the few to stay close to each other...!! - William Sebunje
When we set our goals and accept God is around our everything...., we never live to doubt the time it takes....after all time is defined by the Lord..!! - William Sebunje
Each day God is preparing us for thing great..., we have not arrived until we're no more....!! - William Sebunje
Each day God is preparing us for thing great..., we have not arrived until we're no more....!! - William Sebunje
Each day God is preparing us for thing great..., we have not arrived until we're no more....!! - William Sebunje
How God will come to solve some challenges ...we shall never get to know God's ways.....!! Some ways shall be by pushing us to get lost on the way.....so as we do not master of return to the same issues...!! - William Sebunje
How God will come to solve some challenges ...we shall never get to know God's ways.....!! Our role should be to trust his ways...!! - William Sebunje
God created for us a network of those to keep around....., that's is the boundary of our true love..!! - William Sebunje
Again I failed to find God in me - Dr MASSIMO ALFREDO ANTONIO MANCINI
Where is he ,the God , where is he hiding , I can't find him - Dr MASSIMO ALFREDO ANTONIO MANCINI
God can not make us capable for nothing....., he does always have a plan for our deployment !! - William Sebunje
Life + God Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Life is our precious gift from God. - Katiana Desir
If god can forgive our sins then why can't we forgive one for a mistake? - jessica
The Soul is Priceless. Do not taint your soul with all the bad of the world. - Demetrius
If anyone knows what a normal human is or should be their name should be called GOD - Jon Byron Rangel
The cure to everything is love, so love one another. Says God. - David Figueroa
Your life can get better if you realize it is better never to expect anything from anyone, not even from god. - vikrant
Prayers are a psychological mediation where one talks to themselves, it's not a talk to God. - Basil Tong
It is for us to expect and for God to decide. - Lukas
We live here on earth praising material things but if we gave God the attention we give to materialistic things life would be better than better - Frankie Lavender
Something will just wake me up at the time I begin to inline on the philosophy of the truth in me.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
There are always three sides to every story: the oppressed, the oppressor, and the creator. - Segun Rasaki
Human Life is the Worst Creation of God.. - BIPLAB KUMAR SAHU
Beethoven once said; 'Wherever you are, I am there also. ' Hmm.. Didn't GOD say that first? - The Quoted Iris
Life is a journey, an adventure of unknown tomorrow and engagement of now.. - Aye Aye
Holy life starts as we detach ourselves from the source of sin. Then we shall become the children of God and holiness shall become a way of life. - Shaila Touchton
Lord God Almighty.. You gave us the ability to imagine. That is where our sin is, to imagine that You don't see our sin.. - Byron Abel
Don't trust man, trust God. - Shaniese Miller
Your identity in Christ Jesus is not dependent on man's definition of you. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Your identity in Christ Jesus is not dependent on man's definition or perception of you. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
You can only be where God wants you to be. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
You Cannot Fight God's Vision and Survive. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Life may not be fair but God is always fair. -23-09-2018 - Bediako The Poet
The Blossom of Our Soul is Visible by the Light of Our Great Father. - Mark A Gardner
Greatness is not found in ease but in enduring faithfully for a higher purpose. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
God blesses people who have the will to succeed. - Fn Shihepo
I Honor the Presence that maintains my Essence! - Mark A Gardner
Love + God Quotes ⇑
Love Quotes
World as a whole has enough food and wealth to keep everyone on it warm and healthy, still there is hunger and poverty. Are those marked boundaries on the globe that we have between states, countries and continents stopping us from not helping our brothers and sisters? Is our love only restricted to watch them in movies and weep, when they desperately need love? God is certainly playing a joke. - Lokesh giri
Of all the gifts given to mankind by God, the most sacred one is Love - Bipin Kumar G J
When you love your parents, it is equal to loving god - kubhendra
Easy come, easy go! Nothing in this life that is worth having is EASY. Especially in relationships and LOVE. Getting to know someone takes time! Jumping into things (from personal experience) is unhealthy and shows lack of self-discipline. Your 'feelings' are not what should dictate a relationship. Rather patience, understanding, and building a friendship above all. It's like building a house! Yo you wouldn't wanna just move in to a house that took a couple of weeks to build.. why? The foundation isn't sturdy enough and sooner or later it will start to break apart. It takes TIME to build something that is long lasting! Seriously ladies, marriage can wait.. it's better to BUILD THAT FOUNDATION so you can have a happy and fulfilling marriage in the long run, putting GOD first above all. - Alejandra Hernandez
You can only find true love if you let God take part in the journey - jenny feraer
To deny perfect love is to deny God's love. - Joe Cervantes
I know what it's like to build walls so high that no one can penetrate.. I know what it's like to be abused and not be able to talk about it.. It's hard to connect on a deeper level when you can't trust.. If there is anyone out there who is hurting tonight I love you and God loves you. God can do what no one else can. He's a friend that sticks closer than a brother and you can trust Him. Open your heart, have faith and let Him come in. - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
If you have feet to work with, and hands to share with, and a heart to love with, then that's how we will remain as one great nation under God working together. - Joe Cervantes
You should never stop expressing the love you have for someone even if that someone doesn't express the same love towards you.. God does it everyday - M Adonis Layne
God watches through the eyes of mother.. - Asifali
Is the God that created rich people and love the same God that created hobos? - Pistis Balu
There's nothing that isn't God. - Swami Premodaya
Death + God Quotes ⇑
Death Quotes
If one has doubt or fear, the path to true enlightenment will be obscured, and that person will never ascend into god's true image and therefore thou will never pass through the gates of heaven and shall spend all of eternity in purgatory. - Christopher Joesph Agruso
Mother Teresa once said If you judge people, you have no time to love them.. funny I hear when we die God will judge us all - Nikola Bevanda
I want to live this life for others as I would have plenty of time to live for myself in heaven. - shiza shahid
When I die, God, take me as I am, not how I want to be. - madison vogel
If the devil went down to Georgia and left a golden fiddle somewhere, it's only because he had to make room for everyone going back. - Cory Powell
First you have to go through the Hell if you want to see the Heaven. - Lucy
Everyone is wondering what is the point of life. I am wondering what is the point of death. - Lucy
It's strange to see people running after knowledge, disregarding that he himself is the source of knowledge. There will be nothing left to know, if you know your SELF - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Death is a doorway to God. We celebrate Life and mourn Death, shouldn't we reverse it? - AiR Atman in Ravi
God said, 'You shall NOT' Satan said, 'Oh, Why NOT' Man said, 'I must NOT' Satan said, 'God doesn't mean NOT' So Man swallowed Satan's PLOT Man chose death and the way HOT God's love for man was a sure SHOT He provided a Way to be blood BOUGHT To deliver us ALL from Satan's PLOT! - Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
Isn't it strange that out of all the thousands of religions on the earth and all the millions of near death accounts that have been recorded, people never seem to see any other God but Jesus. - ralph harlow
All God Quotes ⇑
I've always had my eyes open and had only seen DEATH , it wasn't until I opened my heart I saw LIFE- Cory Michael Adkins
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
Success comes through talent that god gave you, but what is important is what you do with it.- Maduwa Thabo
Your talent is capital; God is the investor.- Matshona Dhliwayo
Ironically, the evils that are unimaginable to a good person, are exactly what evil counts on..- LesleyZ
The peacock is not colored by Darwin.- mohdmustafa99
Forgiveness does NOT cancel out consequences - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
As you allow an illuminating love to enter your abode, there is only one lamp that will shine the brightest and longest, the light of your soul.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
When one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors where your talent and heart will be valued and treasured.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Religions are a reflection of who man thinks God is, which is usually wrong. The best way to know who God really is, is to observe nature, know who you are, be who God created you to be and who God is will show up- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
I really wish that we're living in a time where money and formalities aren't treated like god and his holy book.- diya ahmed azzony
God gave me a chance, parents gave me a life and i'm giving it a meaning- Farhad Dastoor
Problems are not created to ruin our life , but to add color to it.- ronalyn morales
If you want to make the world a better place, trust not in your invisible friends, but in your peers.- Jesse Hayes
If religion is an illness, education is the cure.- Jesse Hayes
Power is God giving us the pencil of faith, and letting us edit our script of life- Kevin gerimet
The heart is the source of one’s moral and spiritual decisions.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Wisdom is a divine safeguard that prevents moral and spiritual destruction.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Wisdom is not merely intellectual knowledge but spiritual insight given by God.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Self-control strengthens believers against spiritual attacks.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Without discipline, people are vulnerable to temptation.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Sexual purity is essential for spiritual integrity.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Wisdom is not just knowledge; it is a relationship with God.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Sinners are those who live in rebellion against God.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
The absence of God amplifies the presence of evil—invite Him in and watch the darkness retreat.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
When you don't HAVE Jesus, you don't DO Jesus.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Grace empowers us for righteous living, while Peace is the inward assurance that comes from knowing God.- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
God will never be found in the mind of the intellect, but only in the hearts of the righteous. The mind is the devil's playground, but the heart is the sanctuary of God- ralph harlow
Heaven won't wait forever so you better not keep it waiting.- Anthony T Hincks
God is the illusion that is real.- Anthony T Hincks
Micromanagement "kills" creativity and innovation of team members. As leader, focus on a bigger picture and allow members to independently explore their potential while guiding the direction of victory. God has instilled unique capabilities in every living soul, honoring diversification.- Baraka Maiseli
Humility is the catalyst for spiritual elevation in the realm of the Spirit- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Guide me my Lord to make the right choices, take the right decisions, and follow my God given path. Amen- George Gkouveris
You Don't Get To God, You Feel To God.- Swami Premodaya
God gave us each a different kind of craziness and it's called, happiness.- Anthony T Hincks
Knowledge is power; knowledge of God is unlimited power.- Randy Alan Lough
God is clever. He knows too well that if he grants us all our heart desires, we’ll stop praying.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
God, didn't just leave you in the wilderness, he left you in beauty.- Anthony T Hincks
Leaders who fail God's test do not have legal access to proceed to the next phase of their spiritual growth and intimacy- Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
Most people pray while looking In the sky they feel God has left them but trust me, If God should leave you for a second then you're dead God Is In you not In the sky.- Chimezie shiweobi Emmanuel
Farmer is the Saint, Food is God.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
History may judge those willing to defend their culture harshly, and those that do not defend their culture will not have a choice in such matters- Forrest Munden
Lord, shine Your light in our super-dark world. As sinners we wait with frustrated patience for Your Resurrection. Please Lord, do not tarry. For as frustrated as we are, we know that everything is in Your perfect time.- The Quoted Iris
Art.. in its plethora of forms; is one of many gifts from God. It flows through our mind, body & soul while resting upon our eyes. A visual melody of beauty on which to feast. A pure delicacy for those who appreciate only the best.- The Quoted Iris
Only repentant sins are forgiven sins. God only pardons us of our sins after we forsake our sins.- Shaila Touchton
Many people walk away from God because they are spiritually blinded and are led astray by their own lusts and sins.- Shaila Touchton
Connectedness with the unknown is God- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Pray unto god and make perseverance your bosom friend- Octavia
God is the humble servant of the good. Evil is the proud master of the devil. God has always been my unseen, unknown benefactor, and the devil has always been my well seen, well known beneficiary.- Sundaresh
Sometimes I get it all backwards. I'm supposed to fit into God's plan, not God fit into my plan..- Byron Abel
We were given the gift of being a human being. If we act and think like animals, God will destroy us like animals..- Byron Abel
God freely gives off his good. The Devil exorbitantly sells his evil.- Sundaresh
Man elects God selects..- Aye Aye
Without challenges , humans won't develop; therefore God created devils to let us challenge them.- mohdmustafa99
It is Not division but unity which is the will of God- Anand gill
Thinking about yourself is more complicated than thinking about the universe which God created in six days and you in nine months.- mohdmustafa99
Is it really a blessing from God, or am I saying that to mask a comforting, worldly indulgence?- Byron Abel
God gave you two eyes; why do you see aspects with only one?.- mohdmustafa99
If God wanted us to pick flowers, He wouldn't create thorns for them.- mohdmustafa99
Don't allow religious doctrine turn you against the will of God- success song
We all live as different expressions of the same basic essence.- J W Barlament
Everybody competes for success nobody challenges failure..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Is God in a Temple? Is God in a Church? Is God in a Mosque? Continue your Search When you get to the Root, You will Realize the Truth!- AiR Atman in Ravi
If you want God to give you with no count, then neglect your rosary and glorify Him without counting.- mohdmustafa99
Always do good and you'll always live good! Always think good and you'll always be good! Always see good and your reward will always be good! This is the decision and justice of God! or Nature! The Holy, Divine, Spirit! In and as you - Joshua Aaron Guillory
The pain you feel today, will be your greatest testimony someday.- Ruth Bandoquillo
Your eyes are highly sophisticated projectors. Don't trust on what you see through it. Just like a movie ends, it all will vanish abruptly. Be a nonreactive watcher. Pay much attention on watcher who only will exist. Be in Love with yourself - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
'If the meaning of the word 'belief' is, 'a mental consideration without evidence', what is the difference between belief and blind belief? Certainly, believing is the first step, but what is the point of believing in God throughout your life, without knowing Him?. Leap beyond beliefs and know Him. Self realization is the only way to know God' - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Would you be ready to accept, if somebody reminds you in your dream that you are dreaming?. Indeed you will not, you feel so real then. So is this life. Only the death can wake them up one day those who cannot recognize this and there's no death for those wise men, who knew this truth - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
You consider whatever you see with your eyes as true, but what about your own face, which your eyes cannot show you? Is that really real which the mirror or photo shows you?. Even If your own face is just a belief, what else exists? - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Maturity is not the ability to think positively, but to attain the state of thoughtlessness. The moment you 'think' whether positive or negative, you miss the presence of God conscious in you- FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Inspiration is the mother of invention and the force behind and within these two is the spirit of the most high God.- Segun Rasaki
God is the great listener.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
Truth is God. It is above everything. There is Truth even in the Nucleus of a Lie.- SHAZIA IRSHAD
No matter how difficult life is, He will surely make a way. Just believe.- Eseka Jerry
Dating a Christian is the best, I cheat, she finds out, we pray together and blame the devil.- Tankiso Gilbert Mofokeng
Our strength comes from the Lord. He gives rest and joy. He is a shelter in the time of storm. Trust Him!- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Everything happens for a reason. Wait on God and trust in Him. He wants the best for us. He wants to take us from glory to glory, and from victory to victory.- Germany Kent
You are inhuman if your conscience proves you guilty before humanity- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Let us not neglect poor who are the image of God as well.- Joe Cervantes
I do not allow the world to tell me what it means to be strong, because the world simply has it all wrong- Dylan Andrew Lee-Reidel
I thank god for what he gives me and what he doesn't because what he doesn't give me I never needed to begin with.- Jose Angel Cazares
The world is yours if you can dream about owning it.- Michiel Bester
If god opens your eyes you will see nothing is impossible and perfection is possible.- Joe Cervantes
My sins were made white as snow but I have to let others know, the gentle peace of every footstep I take will make another heart not like mine want to take.- Joe Cervantes
Grace is not the permission of God to enjoy our attachment to sin. Grace is the power of God to destroy our attachment to sin.- Richard John Niichel
If you want to be Successful, you have to give up sleep. Determine your Success- Foday Pessima
My life with god is more important than my life with myself- Manley Samuel Paul
Sometimes, the worst things that happen to you are the best things for you in a different world that's interconnected with your own.- Nadine Khayat
In the absence of GOD there is evil and in the absence of SCIENCE there is witchcraft.- mhlangano freedom nkalanga
Never Ignore God's Gift of Everlasting Replenishment- Carlton Johnson
God has book of everyone's karma , you don't have to justify yourself in front of him, it's all written in your book.- Vimla Walia
First make happy whom you can make happy. Only then , God will make happy whom you cannot make happy.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
You can feel God when God helps you, when you are helpless.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
God speaks to us through situations, dreams and people.- Nana akwasi
Angels are driven by compassion deprived of instinct, Animals are driven by instincts deprived of compassion, Humans are a grip of soil and a puff of soul, driven by both, when their compassion dictates their instinct we call them Angels and when their instincts dictates their compassion we call them Animals- Fawstes Ahmed
It took 25.4 billion dollars to put a man on the Moon. It took only clay to put one on Earth.- Samuel E. Villegas
My life is an accident :( but I'm not hopeless :)- Aman ullAh
There will be times in your life when it seems like everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong. And you will feel sick, it's like there's no way to feel better, but there is. Trust me, there is. I've been there many times and I survive. So don't give up, try again, dream again. Live your life again, laugh and move forward. Set your goal. Do not hesitate. God is with you, never fear.- Gladys Gallentes
It is not god's will to decide whether you go to heaven or not. Its death's will.- Shy Nubi
Release it (the bad) and receive it (the good).- Jean Renee Porter
God is not power but a belief that there is power- Harikrishna Gopalakrishnan
God is neither male nor female, God is neither black nor white, God is neither old nor young, God is neither small nor tall, God is neither fat nor thin, God is neither gay nor straight, YOU are God and YOU have the power to do exactly what YOU want - Max rule
You are beautiful and don't thank me thank god he created you!- Noble Da Genius
Realizing that everything in life is working for you lies in the realization and fulfillment of your God-purpose.- Jethro Masetlwa
Beat is you who hates others, in god's eyes you are a insect waiting to be squished in hell- Timothy Michael Long
When we focus on God we are simply telling Him that, we are trusting Him for a turn around.- Bamigboye Olurotimi
I would rather pray to a plant, than God. At least it pays me back with photosynthesis, unlike god, how you pray to it, begging for a sign, and all you get is birds chirping- John Ryan
If evolution is taking place, Then what is the problem with this human race, Earth is filled with intelligent life so very diverse, Yet the only planet with life in which evolution is taking place in reverse- Jerome Lashawn Kidd Jr
God is not alive for many of us.- vikrant
Eyes view only within its boundary.. Soul sees beyond.. Faith.. the bridge between boundaries and beyond..- Dr Nirvadha Singh
I believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M Freedman
Religion and beliefs should be practiced in life in the quantum of salt in food.- Rajitkumar R. Nair
I was not much of a writer until I started writing about God. It is He that has done all of the hard work.- Theophilus
God is not the first beggar along with other beggars at the temple to receive alms to clean your sins.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
When the storms of life come against you, and you flat up against the wall of futility, there will always come the bright sunlight of tomorrow, and in the interim, no matter how broken you may become, there will come a beauty from humility and greater appreciation for life, God, family, and the value of friendships.- Dr. Duane A Martin
For our fear will not compare to his love, our beauty to his strength- Elly Smith
If you don't let go of what was done to you, you will do it to yourself again. Stop reliving it. Release yourself from it, and let God heal your hurts.- TODERICK R MILLER
I don't believe in God, but I do really hope I'm wrong.- Andreas Dahlberg
Beauty is a feeling, not a vision. you may dress it up to make a design But a design without a feeling is unfinished.- Patrick Carter
Life is too hard when you try to do everything by yourself without involving God in it- Darab Imteyaz
A dream is the most powerful device, a God given gift.- Euginia Herlihy
Speaking biologically, I am a cell. A cell of God in which he is my living organism, and everybody knows that cells do not exist without one- Minetre Martin
Remember that wherever you are or whatever you are feeling, GOD knows.- Mojtaba Sarai
Just when I start to think God is not there.. he Shows me a sign of his presence.- shiza shahid
Why is it that we blame God for failure and praise ourselves for success.. ?- shiza shahid
Romance starts straight from the GOD himself.. No wonder it touches everyone so deep- Sarad S Dhungel
Generosity is giving without thinking, which I think everyone should agree. The concept of being generous isn't thinking of, 'what's in it for me', but is an important value for anyone that desires to be a responsible contributing member to society.- James Lee Morgan
Hey God, if you are trying to take my exam, you are mistaken.. this ain't my subject!- Sarad S Dhungel
The moment we forgive the other person, the next moment we are closer to divinity - Rizwan Jamil
You know what? We are lucky enough to be loved by God, EVEN IF WE DON'T FEEL IT. So, keep on loving, for loving somebody is loving God also.- Gregorio Santos
I have never seen God in my life, but he must look like our parents only..- A Mehta
The difference between a prophet and a peasant is that the prophet is willing to accept an alternate reality.- Theophilus
It's funny how religion promotes peace, however the most bloodiest wars ever fought in history were caused by religion.- Thai Thach
Don't understand a lot of things but I know God is in control of it all..- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
You have to forgive people, otherwise they will always have something over you, let it go and god will take care of the pain in good time- JESSICA SERITA ABRAMS
So lets play 'GOD' and start 'ANIMATING'..- Rajesh S Moily
On Christianity: Don't walk the way the world walks , let the world see on whose footsteps you walk- Pranay Bagh
True friends are rare indeed.. help me God to be the kind of friend I would like to have.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
'God is the anthropomorphization of nature. ' When Mankind tries to humanize the nature of all things, the concept of god is born. Nature is everything and everywhere. Any and all forms of life and non-life is apart of it and apart of each other.- Steven Maurice Thomas
If you knew my pain, you would pray for me. If you knew my struggles, you wouldn't talk about me. If you understood my vision, you wouldn't laugh at me. If you knew my destiny, you wouldn't doubt me- Kennisha L Crawford
Time is taking me through hell but destiny will take me to heaven.- JORGE RODRIGUEZ
No matter what people say about you being the worst, God will only see the best in you.- Jovonta Battle
I'm an alien and death is my planet- diya ahmed azzony
Life is all about feelings, therefore you can't judge anything before you feel it- diya ahmed azzony
However lonely you feel remember you are never alone even if you are down a dark street with no other human presence.- Bethany Hope Skinner
Dream is what God gifted us, let us take an advantage of it.- Linda Usman
The world is a big lie and the only truth is God- Rony Bazouny
Today I'm Playing the cards I'm dealt. For me that means Praying only for his will for me and the power to carry that out and maybe I'll get a glimpse at which ones to throw back and no matter what the cards are this reassures me that the cards are for me.- Bill Gibbs
Most people search for miracles, leaving no stone un-turned, but never find them. Therefore, losing faith in God. But miracles are defined all around us whether it's through chance or a deep desire of hindrance. Like the miracle of new life; the innocence of a baby in a world full of madness.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
I am merely the creation waiting to reunite with my creator.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
Human brain is the most beautiful thing god ever created, I guess it was right after creating himself- Lokesh giri
God is a very necessary thing, if he doesn't exist we will create one- Lokesh giri
Gods like war, it keeps us from thinking.- Jack Brown
God never gives you anymore than he knows you can handle.- Alex Craige
God must be crazy, he created so many of us like him..- Lokesh giri
Without the concept of god so many of us would have felt alone- Lokesh giri
Role model becomes god in the future. that's how we have god now.- rakesh