Philosophy Quotes Pictures

Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal..

Not everyone smiling around you, is your friend.. Some of them are your enemies, hiding behind the..

Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either..
Courage Faith Hope Imagination Life
Strong Weak
That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where..Find Water

In the pain of yesterday and the race for tomorrow we forget that every thing is connected to what..Find Water

Those who expand the world are those who think differently from the world to form a new thing....
Courage Inspirational Life Nature Wisdom
Find Water
The day you think you know everything is the day you die your first of many deaths intellectually...
Education Inspirational Truth Wisdom
Find Water
The value of a good heart is much greater than the value of your career. It is up to you to choose..Find Water

Sometimes people choose not to believe something because it is not what they want to be true...
Anger Business Computers Confidence Courage
Find WaterTop 10 Philosophy Quotes
Clothe yourselves with the truth, for it shall warm your heart and others- Edmond H Sweidy
Sometimes, all you need to keep going is a deep breath - reminds you of why you are on that road in the first place.- Olufunke Kolapo
It's real if you want it to be- Elliot Cain
Being loyal with get you betrayed especially to people whom mean you no good.- LaShawnda Bourrage
Implement what given to you and argue where it is necessary.- Fn Shihepo
The future will be different, only if we are different from the past!- Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Greed not only plays in your mind, but it also plays with your life.- Anthony T Hincks
My tears run as if from an open faucet.- Anthony T Hincks
As you age, your voice becomes quieter. The more you live, the more humble you become. Realizing how much time was wasted on useless activities.- Marcquiese Burrell
Because the truth is harsh, honesty is extreme.- Ciehna Darlzen C Mungcal
Life + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
The only immortality that humans can achieve is through the passing on of our knowledge. - Jack Brown
I think sometimes conservatives look to the past, liberals look to the future and both forget there is a present. - Erik G. Roscom
If you don't like me, don't make it my problem. - Meagan Lynn Gervais
A better man is one who doesn't take pride in the fact that he is better. - Lokesh giri
Never judge a book by its 'index' page. Go through the book thoroughly, before doing it. The same holds good for people as well. Remember, face is ONLY the index of mind! - Bipin Kumar G J
Love is a strange emotion, it's powerful enough to make the weakest man strong and the strongest man weak - Michael Amaki
Their is no universal right or wrong, justice is based on opinions. - Steven Sierra
Our lives are like a mosaic with everything we do adding a little piece and like a mosaic often the true picture is only seen when you stand back and take a look. - Bill Gibbs
Reality 'kicks', but not hard enough to wake you from the 'limbo' of your own creation. Inspired by 'Inception'. - Ahmed Al Shareef
It is a wise decision to flee when you know you are going to lose, learn from your mistakes and come back stronger, rather than rot in defeat. - Austris Vansovics
The fact is everybody must die, but it is your choice how to live it until then - drake lummus
Nobody is perfect, we all have our faults. You should love someone for who they are, not for who they aren't. - Cheyenne Akard
What's the best way to lose future communication during a presently emotionally fueled discussion/argument? Bring up the past - Jon Byron Rangel
Simplicity is a complicated endeavor. - Robert Bluck
Fight your own EGO, rather than fighting with others - Farhad Dastoor
Life is full of mistakes, the thing is I took my mistakes and made something of them while you took yours and used them as an excuse, that's the only difference between me and you. - James Eaton
Just when life expects you to say ' I Quit '.. Surprise it - shiza shahid
Forgetting the problem doesn't solve the problem. - Lokesh giri
Not everyone can be successful, but anyone can be successful - Brayne Matshotshi
Do not prepare a future for anyone, rather prepare that person for the future - Brayne Matshotshi
There's a beast in every lady or gentleman, and a lady or gentleman in every beast. - Donald Lynn Frost
The mind is like the ocean, and your thoughts like a diver with limited oxygen, The deeper you go the more you risk not coming to the surface. - matt duncan
The golden rule of arguing is to listen more. This way, you can analyze rather than being analyzed. - Naqibullah Paiman
If you are always looking at the sky, you will never discover anything on the ground. - vikrant
Marriage is a hunting permit that entitles you to only one dear at a time. - vikrant
The most profound conceptual fact of mankind's self awareness concluded the creation in finite parameters of the axiom that of which states; additions of the smallest units of reality can be added or subtracted to infinity, thus quantifying the existence of omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, energy, beyond the singularity of the self aware - Logan Star
Do whatever floats your boat as long as it does not sink mine. - Jia
When we are in bright side of life, we forget dark side too belongs to us. If bright side enchants soul, the dark side builds vision and courage - Sadashivan
Whatever struggles or setbacks we face it is intended to purify and empower us on our journey! - Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
You can't make a large salad mix of all the different types of food you love and expect it to taste good. Some things are best enjoyed separately. - Lorreda C Smith
Love? Love is still a mystery, but when I'm with you every day is a DEFINITION. - Roli Obra
I was always taught to forgive people. Always taught to give people a second chance. A third chance. Hell, I'll give people a million chances. They deserve it. Everyone does. I've come to accept this. - Lenard Gertis
Life is simple but not easy! - Piet Ntema
Definition of common man: the person who can ignore everything happening around unless and until it doesn't affect his family - Poonam kshirsagar
A restless mind can take you places, but a well rested mind takes you where you want to go. - Raihan Hadi
Baseless, false accusation can prove to be a tricky business.. And will always come back to bite you in the end.. Keep your facts straight or shut your blabbering hole.. - Archita arora
Dear smokers, when you burn one stick you not only burn relationships but also burn your one and only life. - shivangi lavaniya
In the pain of yesterday and the race for tomorrow we forget that every thing is connected to what we do today - ruqaiyyah
You have always had the greatest treasures within - Steve Aura
Moments In time are not ours to own, they are meant to be shared. - Ana White
Fear is a double-edged sword. It can be used to your advantage, or it can be used against you. - David
That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where you belong. - Owulo Ewureje Jonah
It's our responsibility to bring light and love into people's lives when they feel their entire world is dark and lonely - Josie Windsor
The only way to know that your eyes are open is knowing that your eyes are closed. Therefore, you will find the truth if you found yourself believing a lie. - Kim
We all suffer from the disease of only sharing the glossy part of our lives, forgetting that it is the messy part that will remind the next person that it does get better. - Jabulile
Do not judge the next person. In their shoes, you would probably do worse than them - Jabulile
Do intelligent women cook perfectly? The question is against neither the intelligent nor those who cook very well. - mohdmustafa99
Loans and Liabilities, Keeps You on Track - Rahul Govila
It takes your inner eye to see beyond the ordinary realm and understand the level at which you're heading to in life. - Abasiofon Fidelis
When you overlook the little fault in front of you it will keep growing to a point where it cannot be handled by you again - Abasiofon Fidelis
We aren't responsible for the actions of others but we are responsible for what we do in response to that behavior - Bridget Williamson
Life is a gamble and gambling is always rigged - Noah almendarez
Let time alone be a player and yourself be audience. - Pradeep pandey
I'd rather die, after failing a hundred times in life than live one day wondering why I never tried. - Allen Lazar
GOODNESS is the Author of all of Creation and Existence. - Amelia Goode
In order for me to live in peace, I must be true to myself and my own heart. - Amelia Goode
Anxiety is like the cuckoo; lays its eggs in other birds' nests. - mohdmustafa99
If you can eventually find a way to Love your greatest enemy, even if you haven't forgiven them yet, you will have entered into the highest degree of Internal Reward. - Amelia Goode
Who would ever want to live life with a mediocre level of Love? - Amelia Goode
Criminals, failures, depressives, and the homeless. These are nothing more than victims of an incompetent society. - HUNTER H
Life is a open world game. - Md Razaullah
Love is a reward- an exquisite, tenderhearted gift. Not a demand. - Amelia Goode
If life is a question, love is the answer - TMZPoetry
How can fresh start be fresh if one reacts with the old and stale baggage in mind and react according to that? - Sapna Dhandh Sharma
Life may go on, but how do any of us know that the world won't cease to exist when we die for ourselves? - John Guedes do Nascimento
People will reveal who they are if you just pay attention. - Germany Kent
Social media is not your diary. - Germany Kent
If you put all of your business out on social media don't be surprised when the general public tries to run your life. - Germany Kent
Winning the heart of a person is an art few know. Most others transact. - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Don't waste time trying to be accepted by people that you cannot see in your future. - Germany Kent
Focus on what you can do or give, instead of receiving. - Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Except for body and soul, one can own nothing in a given moment.. everything else is the drama created for the entertainment of others. - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Life is like a race and the one who doesn't run wins it - Aarun D Baliean
It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one; Than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. - Michelle Caldwell
The higher you fly.. The more pain you get when you fall - Doctor spidy strange
Just because someone pulls the curtains on you doesn't mean you should stop the show. - Brenda Lee Sanders
You can cross the shore without getting wet but you can't get through life without tears. - Sri
If you cannot save a life, at least do not destroy one. Do not interfere in the working of the creator. - Rajiv Jain
From the meaning of error we learn the truth , and if we shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out. - Prof Salam Al Shereida
The ladder of success will be sweet only if you don't crush others on the way to reach to the top. - Rajiv Jain
To repeat something a fool has said is foolishness in itself, the news media falls foolishly into that trap and gives the fool momentum. - Nancy Joan Jenkins Espe
Life without plans, is like a taxi without wheels, you are not going anywhere. - Condrie Collen Mkansi
There are no guarantees in life, because there is no Customer Service Counter. - Mark A Gardner
Life is short, See a Vision and Paint your Canvas well. - Mark A Gardner
Hidden Secrets drag your Soul down, Like a Vampire in the Night it steals from you. - Mark A Gardner
We are a concoction distilled through a reality that is equally so - Forrest Munden
If you have time, it is the best solution to every problem.. - Rajiv Jain
Love without attention is like a Fog without water; Not much there. - Mark A Gardner
An advice will be considered an advice only if given a few times, but if given repeatedly then it is a requirement not an advice.. - Rajiv Jain
If the worst phase in your life doesn't bother your generosity, it complies you are familiar with art of living - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
The words we don't want to hear protect our egos. The words we need to hear protect society. - Forrest Munden
Pain is real.. If the suffering is real.. - Shanmugapriya
We admire and love those people who constantly tease us, but we are doubtful of those who show us too much love. - Mwanandeke Kindembo
Life is a gift, Talent is a blessing. - Fn Shihepo
As you age, your voice becomes quieter. The more you live, the more humble you become. Realizing how much time was wasted on useless activities. - Marcquiese Burrell
Greed not only plays in your mind, but it also plays with your life. - Anthony T Hincks
Avoid engaging in conflicts that do not concern you. - Marcquiese Burrell
It is impossible to have a panache and idyllic life without music and friends ! - Vivek Sahney
Inspirational + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Only characterless use Philosophy to hurt, whereas the extraordinary use it to heal. - Praveen Singh
There's no right or wrong, there's only perspective and point of view. - Ahmed Al Shareef
No matter how much one has, there will always be something missing which can only be fulfilled by giving not taking. - Lokesh giri
Know That Virtually Every Decision That You Make In A Heightened Emotional State Will Not Be A Wise Decision - Donald Lynn frost
Reconstruct the world by reconstructing your mind - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Life is like climbing a stair case and while you are climbing the steps of life, you are required to stop and rest at the landings then build your momentum and keep climbing - El Haji Nero
The purpose of the debater in a debate isn't to offer an opposing point of view, the purpose is to get the debater's opponent to offer up additional proof that the debater is right. - Donald Lynn Frost
It is not important how long we live but how well we Live. Add Meaning to your Life each day - RVM Author
When things don't happen, people get Sick. They see time Tick and they want it Quick. They forget that Success happens brick by brick. - RVM Author
In life what you ASPIRE will TRANSPIRE- be it Loss or Gain, Sun or Rain, Joy or Pain. - RVM Author
Say something worthwhile and people will listen. - Germany Kent
Lucky thy souls, blessed thus souls that never went through the storm and they rose and became the generals and commanders of us marines. #wowIamgaylol - robert gates
Life is all about missing something in the urge of getting something.. - Ankit Kedia
Being beautiful on the outside, is no excuse for being ugly on the inside. - Amelia Goode
Never let someone else's wind flicker your spark. - Akshay Mahajan
On part and part of the world, everything is well-seeming but none is appeased as a loving light people have lost. - Adnan shafi
Find the missing piece that completes you. - The Quoted Iris
Don't be saddened by dark skies; for the clouds give way to the sun. - The Quoted Iris
Life may not give you for your goodness, but surely it will subtract of yours if you are not good. - mohdmustafa99
The principles that shape our virtues as a society define the collective social richness of those that are committed to live by their virtues - Wayne Chirisa
In order for me to find true happiness, I must stop trying to make everyone else happy. - Allen Lazar
One voice can make a huge difference - Sunday Okorie
Wisdom is not to deal with matters you know, but with new matters that you haven't experienced before. - mohdmustafa99
Mistake can happen, Be careful, don't cultivate within you - Anand gill
Look after your thoughts, they shape your future. - Daniela Ismerio
In a world full of problems; be the solution. - The Quoted Iris
You are only limited by your philosophies. - Germany Kent
A healthy mind leads to a beautiful life. - Germany Kent
When you are derailed in life, count all your joys. The setback might become the absolute best thing that could have ever happened to get you exactly where you needed to be. - Germany Kent
Focus on being the best person you can be, even if it means disassociating yourself with certain people, fake friends, social media, bad habits, or unhealthy environments. - Germany Kent
You should be the editor of your life-book. - Neha S Parihar
The same energy that fuels enthusiasm fuels bitterness. But there is no comparison for the transcendence that accompanies being able to rid ourselves of bitterness. - Gbolabo Adetunji
You can keep on judging and condescending while I keep moving forward - Liz Kassim
If you can't focus, refocus - Meshack Sewe
Live today like it is your last day on earth and if you wake up tomorrow, do it again. - Joey Martin posthumus
The only person you can change.. is you! - Lood Goosen
It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be - Daniel
The only way to know someone's true potential is to give them a chance. - Kaitlyn Anderson
Happy life is a myth only struggle is the truth. - Nikhil Prakash Wanjare
Be proud of struggles in your life. They bring you closer to greatness - Angelica A Rodriguez
Because We don't know that WE ARE Happiness, We keep seeking it! - AiR Atman in Ravi
World changes by the smallest of ideas - Pavan Kumar N R
In the Movement of Life comes the Energy of Wisdom; It is the 'Awareness' of Action that benefits the Soul; Balance is the blending of Dark and Light. Live in balance and do not worry for your future. - Mark A Gardner
How you say something is more important than what you say.. - Rajiv Jain
How to utilize is more important than how to spend - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Through all of my tears could I have filled the emptiness of the seven seas, but let me not forget that those tears replenished what was once empty. - Raul Martinez
Minor setbacks are part of the walk in life. Just like walking, one foot moves forward while the other remains behind but the movement is always forward. - Raul Martinez
You will always learn and grow more from losing versus winning. Winning is the consequence of the fear of losing but fear not, every loss in life only means a win is on the way. - Raul Martinez
Deep into the ashes of my misery is where the last of any substance of me remains. But from this fire I shall rise reinforced and forged in the shields of glory and honor from the light of the sky I shall rise once again. Burn me, like the flaming bird, the phoenix, I shall rise above my pain. - Raul Martinez
Success is a measure decided by others, Satisfaction is a measure decided by yourself. - Nazra Nishat
People are not wrong, they are just different from us. - Nazra Nishat
How can you expect to treat others with love and respect when you can't for yourself - James Sorge
Conscious leadership is the ability to be in touch with reality for the sake of humanity. - Gift Gugu Mona
Minus Negative is always positive - Rupinder Singh
One can learn techniques by looking at others but copying them as it is will cause to lose the amazing and natural talent that is inherent in them. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
Everywhere in the world great people are being born.. ! - William Sebunje
Working within the confines of time, is the magic maker. -DrTJ/Thomas John, MD - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Let tears flow. They wash away your sorrow. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely. - Sibel Terhaar
Stay away from people who let you down, they will do it again. - Sibel Terhaar
An unexpected act of kindness is the best. Surprise them! - Sibel Terhaar
Your family needs you more than your boss does. Find the balance! - Sibel Terhaar
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
My tears run as if from an open faucet. - Anthony T Hincks
No matter how much you try, you can hardly satisfy every person. Always focus on doing what is right before God. - Baraka Maiseli
Life is short so live like you truly understand this. - Carl R White
The future will be different, only if we are different from the past! - Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Funny + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
Regained childhood is the last stage of perfection. - Lokesh giri
Cultivate and water your own grass, this way the grass on the other side doesn't appear greener - Joanne Blasco Diehl
All our life, we are taught to be supportive of others, but are the others also taught the same thing? - OmerJawed
I am not afraid of ghosts now because I have realized that people nowadays are scarier than ghosts. - vikrant
Honesty is a virtue dishonesty is an art - Victor Courage
An insane one, as well as the thinker, speaks silently with others , and loudly to oneself. - mohdmustafa99
Working for 5 years can either mean you have five years of experience or one year of experience repeated five times - Sarad S Dhungel
The two meanings of the word DOZEN are: To women it means Eggs To men it means BEER. - Samuel E. Villegas
Everyone is a little insane, but without a little insanity who in their right mind would have thought of putting peanut butter INSIDE the chocolate. - Aaron Russo
Even the wise learn from fool's words, it's only a foolish that joke with wise words.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
If you have nothing to say, don't say it! Say something! - Meshack Sewe
Beware! Some use their smile to kill you! Others kill you without a smile! - Meshack Sewe
An optimist is an under-beaten pessimist. - Romeo
We only have a scapegoat nothing like scapelion; Do you understand? - Kayode Seyi Tayo
Secure your box, think out of circle.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
There must be no sheaths for minds , simply because they don't function like swords. - mohdmustafa99
Never pet a burning dog! - David L. Rose
Until you watch porn with your parents never come here and tell us that anything is possible - Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
Who wants balls of steel when you can have them in gold? - QuagganQuoter69
Since misery loves company, simply let it find its company somewhere else. - Brenda Lee Sanders
Some ingredients of truth with pure lie makes the perfect lie - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Be different not weird - Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Everyone hurries to their graves. - Romeo
Your mind can be your worst enemy. Control and train it wisely. - asokha
' Some bonds, whether they be human, animal, or bird, have an intimacy, and if situation comes to leave anyone or go far, that causes untold pain to the mind and heart. - SAYYED SAMIYLLAHA
This is where our life greatness begins from.. ! - William Sebunje
Before resolving conflicts with violence, if possible, warm up and stretch. - Mario González
GOD does not care about the color of your skin or what job you do, he cares about your heart. So do I! - Sibel Terhaar
You should not wait for better days to come; they are already here. Life is all about attitude, remember that! - Sibel Terhaar
Short + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Knowledge isn't power if it isn't put into use. - Jack Brown
Trust cannot be proven unless a little is given first. - Jack Brown
Sanity has never been without the touch of insanity - Lokesh giri
If you can't do the best thing, do the second best thing - Lokesh giri
Success completely depends on how we behave with ourselves - Lokesh giri
Philosophy isn't perfect unless reflected through action - Lokesh giri
One who cheats others is a fool; one who cheats himself is a bigger fool - Lokesh giri
Intelligence and wisdom do not always go together - Victor Courage
Very acceptable statements are not arguments. - mohdmustafa99
Measure your thoughts carefully only you are responsible for them. - Victor Courage
Regress if you wish but technology will not be kind to you. - Victor Courage
Our intention when saying some things is more important than the things being said. - CLK
Rules are hard to follow and easy to ignore. - karnakar reddy pasula
Not every famous person has real knowledge. - DEEPAK SHRIVASTAVA
The secret of a beautiful lie lays in an ugly truth.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
When fools speak the wise listen but when the wise speak fools argue - Methembe Maphosa
Simplicity is not always a measure of weakness but it's always a measure of validity - Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Don't ask for what you can't protect - John Guedes do Nascimento
Pride is dangerous. Destroy your pride before your pride destroys you. - Syed Badiuzzaman
One cannot control one's animalistic propensities without sincere meditation and devotion. - Swarupananda Brahmachari
Happiness + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Happiness Quotes
All those who are laughing aren't happy, laughter is universally mistaken for happiness. - Matt Bill
He who does not wish to make others happy, shall not hold any right to make them unhappy either. - Bipin Kumar G J
You know it is wrong when you did it without happiness. - Brandon McCulloch
It is not what you know, it is what you do with the things you know, that counts ( my brother). - ajith CHEMPARATHY
Happiness is purely a state of mind, it can be achieved without the external stimulus, if you know how - Lokesh giri
Being happy is not about having more money, better friends or being higher against others. It's about being content. - Mac Ace
Some moments are to be just lived and rejoiced, rather than being captured and updated - PRACHI KERKAR
Before a lamp gets off, It burn out loud.. - KartikRottimath
He who finds happiness in another man's shoes will never be happy. - Hayden Bosch
The time you take to bad-mouth someone, why don't you use the same time to elevate the person? - Howard Hanniford
Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and tranquility that puts a smile on your face! - AiR Atman in Ravi
If reality is the mirror of our essence, we better start smiling at it. - Daniela Ismerio
Happiness is when you don't have anything you don't want; and don't want anything you don't have.. - Richard D. Jacques
The key to your happiness is in your hand, so stop giving it to others.. - RVD Richi
Don't serve water of sadness when they're thirsty of happiness.. - success song
Happiness depends upon a mind full of rich thoughts and a heart full of rich emotions - Irfan Mamoun MD
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues - Kabir Khivan Singh
Change + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Only change remains the same - Kim Hale
Yes, I believe that our system is corrupted, But remember its our responsibility to change our system. - vinayaka sagar v pattanashetty
Be careful when you put your mouth on people. What they're going through today that you're gossiping about & laughing at, could be your own situation tomorrow - Kennisha L Crawford
Sometimes walking through darkness helps you see the light. - ABDULAZIZ Al DABAAN
It's real if you want it to be - Elliot Cain
Even a fool knows a banana can't go back in its peel - Zakia
Sometimes it's not people who change but the mask that they put it on. ~ Suyog Potdar [ People with good hearts will always be good, though they might behave badly for a while when angry. ] - Suyog Potdar
People and things change but principles and values remain unchanged. Always uphold them - Brayne Matshotshi
It doesn't matter how rich, how poor, how cool or how nerdy you are, what really matters is how you act towards other people - Linklord
Change is inevitable. What is also inevitable is failure for those who refuse to change. - Dr Travis J Hedrick
If you want to change the world , first change the way you see it. - DIPANSHU RAGHAV
Mistakes are meant to be made, however making the same mistakes over and over again is a sign of a stagnant mind - SunofYah913
It's human nature to realise the worth and value of what was; only when it's lost - Azmath Pasha
If truth is indeed unchangeable definitely lie is changeable.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
You can ALWAYS change the way you think about things. You can't always change everything, but the way we perceive it might bring a whole new kind of change - Lood Goosen
Change doesn't happen, till You Change - Mark A Gardner
Confidence + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Confidence Quotes
You get pushed down, you get up, brush your self off, move on. The process of life - Garron C. Haun
When I say 'WHAT IF' to myself.. the possibilities are that.. I can even change the world!.. - Lalith Bhonsle
Stars play their games, you play yours :) - Devesh Aviral Devrani
Sometimes, secrets are meant to be told, like rules are meant to be broken. - Caridad Alvarez
Never be a Robot. Think for Yourself. - Amelia Goode
Never stop being optimistic about your goals, because if people believe in you and you don't believe in yourself, you will continue to have PhD in failure. - Akinyele Akinyemi Y.
My actions do not define my motives. - Maria Victoria Tellez Alvarez
No matter how flexible you are let your decision be always rigid.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
The level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have - Sriprakash C S
Getting drunk is a paradox! When people party they feel like royalty at the village pub, but feel like an outcast while kneeling at the porcelain throne? - Dr Travis J Hedrick
The chance of not winning is not an excuse for a failure to start; however, the failure to start is the reason you will never win! - Dr Travis J Hedrick
Don't do Incredible things, Do the things which gives you credibility. - Ravi shekar
Perfection is not a destination but a journey. - CLK
Positivity creates a solution to every problem. Negativity creates a problem in every solution - Muhammad Abdullah
A dog that barks at a camel does nothing but disease its larynx. - mohdmustafa99
Attractive is the other word for confidence on character. - Owulo Ewureje Jonah
Wisdom + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Wisdom Quotes
When you are in front of the mirror in the DARK, Put some light on your face not on mirror. - Lokesh giri
Never be afraid to look fear in the eye because if you never face your fears how will you ever get over them - brittany hope
If eating poop makes you the greatest man alive, then it also states your downfall. - Nerd Brooke
Intelligence is a measure of thoughts. Wisdom is a collection of thoughts. Cleverness is a combining of thoughts. Awareness is an interpretation of thoughts. - Victor Courage
Talent is like flower, it needs watering. - Maduwa Thabo
True wisdom is achieved through trials and tribulations. It simply can't be taught.. - Anthony Dewayne Brown
He who searches without using light searches blindly, he who searches without his eyes open searches in vain - Sunny Godswill akpan
Live in the moment, hope for the future, ever mindful of the past, for it is the past that shapes the future you will have to live in. - David L. Rose
Knowledge is edited by time; wisdom needs no editors. - Boghos L. Artinian
Never get mistaken between 'being patient' and 'being passive; One makes you wise whereas other makes you dull. - Konchok Dhondup
Work Hard, Be Nice, Eat Pizza - Andy Malloy
Implement what given to you and argue where it is necessary. - Fn Shihepo
Being loyal with get you betrayed especially to people whom mean you no good. - LaShawnda Bourrage
Truth + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Truth Quotes
Living in harmony with one another is absolutely possible. It is going to take a lot of effort, grace, and MANY personal boundaries. It may seem difficult at first, but it is far better than the alternative of death and war. We must not be afraid of daily effort, for it will bring a worthy outcome. - Amelia Goode
Appreciate every moment, you never know when it's the last moment. - Allen Lazar
Life is like a light bulb, each bulb works differently and some last longer than others, but all burn out. The bulb that gives the most light, is the one people always miss. - Allen Lazar
When you act stupid, stupid things happen. - The Quoted Iris
Let your life dreams run wild, and then chase them. - Amelia Goode
Kindness and respect are more powerful than people realize. - Keith Wisdom
Money is the only hobby of the realist - Romeo
In the world of dishonesty, be a person of integrity. - Kirupa Manoharan
Make amends before it is too late, perhaps fate will give you a straw to hang onto in time of need. - Rajiv Jain
Humility has a better ending than pride. - Joe Cervantes
Just like the crabs are most vulnerable while changing their shells, we are most vulnerable when we are desperate, ignorant or confused. - Konchok Dhondup
The negligence of everything humans touch, is reflection from the negligence of each other. - Eemah
Because the truth is harsh, honesty is extreme. - Ciehna Darlzen C Mungcal
Faith + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Faith Quotes
God is peace; religion is man's attempt to commune with God; and war is the worst result of man's failure to do so. - Theophilus
A female is the passage of entry for a soul into existence. She forms one of the closest links between the transcendental plane and Earth. - Dr Nirvadha Singh
The soap for washing your mind is forgiveness. - bhushan madhukar meshram
The worldly elite moves pawns kings and bishops. When Jesus Christ returns, CHECKMATE! - Hugh Cahoon
The purpose of the church is not in hosting programs, entertaining ourselves - Sunday Adelaja
The only gospel that is popular in the body of Christ is the gospel of salvation - Sunday Adelaja
We don't need success to be happy. We need to be happy to be successful. - AiR Atman in Ravi
The best of faith is that which makes you free of anxiety caused by disbelief - mohdmustafa99
Faith is perseverance and unbelievable truth. - Vibhuti Goswami
A woman of faith may go through many trials in life, yet she always finds a way to triumph. - Gift Gugu Mona
The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is a woman of faith. - Gift Gugu Mona
Dreams + Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Dreams Quotes
You know how we light up when we talk about our dreams? Keep that light burning & it'll take you to your dreams. Believe & persevere. - Sheils
An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream - Steven A. Board
Dream is like the dry leaf pressed between memories and long forgotten but it always retains an element to be cherished.. - Namrata Naha
Your dreams are your minds reality. - Dustin Rand A
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance. - Theophilus
Everyone wants happiness not pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain - zachary angst
Are you counting seconds or making seconds count? - Monte S Minthorne
Any dream that doesn't carry you far, far away is minor. - mohdmustafa99
Your dreams come true when you're brave enough to sacrifice your current reality for the one you imagine living in - Andreh Ammari
Dreams DO come true. So do NIGHTMARES. - The Quoted Iris
Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal of one's life. - Suryakanta Mangaraj
All Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Age does not question beauty. Only man.- Anthony T Hincks
The way of man is easy, but it is the nature of greed that dictates the road that he travels.- Anthony T Hincks
A smart person can always cheat on their taxes, but in the end death comes for us all no matter smart or rich you are.- John Guedes do Nascimento
'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, You love yourself.- Sharmila Narzary
When you worry about what others will think about your actions, Your actions are no longer yours.- Mark A Gardner
A sign of maturity is when one's moral compass is guided by propriety rather than fear of Divine retribution.- rmaelect
I know more about life than I do about death, HENCE, I will not be crippled by the fear of death; I will be propelled by the possibilities of life.- Dahlia Godfrey Allen
A sharing person with limited resources and a heart of gold is worth more than a selfish billionaire who is only concerned with his own personal profit.- Germany Kent
The way you treat people says who you are, not the balance in your bank account.- Germany Kent
Contrary to what you've been taught, our true nature is Good. The moment you realize that, and set down your former beliefs of what others have told you, you will be free.- Amelia Goode
All is fair in love and war but neither love or war is ever fair.- John Guedes do Nascimento
Be like rain; let them run for shelter even as they welcome you.- Kasturi Borkotoki
Far greater than all the material possessions that I possess is- My Freedom to Choose, My Freedom to Live, and My Freedom to be Happy!- AiR Atman in Ravi
Do not let the fear of stupidity hold you back from greatness.- Justin Moose
If revolt was legal, it would't be necessary.- Ibn Al Rawandi
The end that justifies means makes means its end.- mohdmustafa99
If you have nothing to show, show your face, and face it! It will show!- Meshack Sewe
To die from the concept of life is to live with the concept of death! - Joshua Aaron Guillory- Joshua Aaron Guillory
There is a difference between a manager and a leader. Anyone can be a manager and tell others what to do; there is no investment and no reward. It takes a unique person, however, to be a leader. Only a true leader can invest into a person and reap the rewards of their investment at a later time.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its gel. Temperance is its conditioner.- Pasithea
Love creates tension between two souls.- Shubhanil Roy
God didn't make us different, he made us unique.- Unnati Kala
Fighting fire with fire only makes the flame grow.- Lockeheart
Red, blue, Black , white .. Doesn't matter what color is your life like. Always be blue like the sky, colossal and fearless. Always be white like a piece of paper, simple but capable to be a paper airplane, to be a picture of your memories. Always be black like the universe , capable of having billions of stars and planets. An atmosphere for the light to shine. Always be red like blood , flow through the veins like a river, bringing life into the object.- Alex omidvar
If my flight were to crash, I wouldn't want to miss the take off. It could be the last beautiful thing I see :)- Akash Tripathi
Solitude, Is the fastest bullet. Isolation, Is the sharpest blade. Loneliness, Is the Deadliest poison. However, Companionship, Is a bullet proof vest. Fellowship, Is the strongest shield. And Friendship, Is the greatest medicine.- Arakon Yumo
I have no image of how graveyard is, only fool to be fool watering democracy and their thought only- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Two golden rules of life: don't expect from anyone and accept whatever comes your way- RAVINDERSINGH POTHIWAL
Knowing thyself is paramount. Knowing someone else is complimentary.- Petrit Vasi
When a fight break out, learn to choose your words carefully because naturally humans will obey the law of factions.- bolutife ojeleke
You don't need to be the best. You just need to be at your best.- Muhammed Umar Farooq
Knowledge is worth. Only, when it is of service to others.- Veshal M Mane
It's not the story that's inspiring, It's the inspiration that writes the story- Jessica Dillon
'Save the planet' reality check: Please don't say we are trying to save the planet, the Earth is 4.5 Billion years old, life has existed on this planet for 3.5 billion years, modern Man has existed for only 200,000 years, civilization for 6000 years 99.9% of all the species that have lived on this planet are extinct. So be honest, we are trying to save our place on this planet as top of the evolutionary heap, mostly modern man is interested in preserving our standard of living, smartphones, Wi-Fi and two cars in the garage. We are 'not saving the planet' the planet could not give a flying fuck about mankind and would not even notice if we joined the 99.9% of species that went before.- Dean Pover
The most chilling realization is becoming aware that nothing is forever, there by appreciating and acting on the challenging yet beautiful day to day adventures!- Jacques
It's a funny thing that comes with age, realizing you're the cause of your own cage.- Madalyn Kenney
Love is communication without obstacle, understanding without prejudice, and consideration without effort.- Paul V Lopez
Stay true to yourself, hated or loved..- Piet Ntema
Buy and try; this is economics. Try and buy; this is metaphysics.- mohdmustafa99
Thoughts are like knives. They can be used to trim flowers, to keep them healthier, or cut them from the roots- Edmond H Sweidy
Millions of dollars are spent every day to prepare for war. How much to prepare for peace?- Edmond H Sweidy
You will always fall somewhere along the way to success.. but you can always get back up.. and learn from your failures.. just keep moving forward .. Those who are do not stop are the ones who Succeed - Rena Martinez
It is not always a man's actions, but often his reactions that determine whether he will be a success or a failure- Dr. Duane A Martin
When you are able to make decisions and stand by them, it says a lot about your character and when you make decisions and do not stand by them, It says even more- Sibusisiwe Caroline Kamanga
There is nothing more satisfying than freedom from self-imposed limitations earned through self-effort- Lokesh giri
From sand I come and in sand I shall go- shiza shahid
Can I blame you for not falling in love with me? If I could never fall in love with myself, how could I expect it of you?- Jon Smith
If you don't think outside the box, eventually you'll get trapped in it- Beau
Time is insensitive, it bears no malice or favor; you cannot sneak up behind it, or ambush it. Your only choice is to reach far to your end of it.- Ed Wachtel
It takes a lot of courage to forgive someone, it takes even more courage to ask for forgiveness.- Steven Evans
To keep anger and fear outside the mind one should learn to be at peace with oneself- Lokesh giri
Every word that comes out of your mouth determines how educated one is.- Allen
Qualification comes from dedication. Dedication comes from determination. Determination comes from inspiration. Inspiration comes from imagination. Imagination comes from with in.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
I do not wish to follow the majority; the resources are scarce that way.- Paul Peshkov
Being positive when things go bad is the best gift one could ever get.- Dhruva Mathur
Who are we to judge others, When we should be judging ourselves?- Maria E. Rodriguez
Paranoia takes over the good parts of your brain.- kashmear elliott
There are many things in the world that can be gained, but only love can be won..- Elijah McKinley
Why wonder, when it can all be solved if you try.- bob
The beauty of a warm heart shines brighter than even the prettiest face.- Derek L Purser
Take a step forward, and you realize that you're one foot away from what you were running from.- Klavin John Barry JR
The first step to having fun is letting go- kennedy mercer
We may be the center of a limited Universe, but we are only a mere microscopic speck on the canvas of empty space.- Mike M.
When hate fills your mind don't forget you have a heart.- Vanessa Murillo
Discover your true worth today. Your true worth will discover you tomorrow.- Linda Usman
Rich are those who have time, and right people to spend on- Lokesh giri
Philosophy means love of wisdom, it should have been wisdom of love- Lokesh giri
Regretting is a bad use of time, hatred is self spoiling of mood.- Matt Bill
A man who wants to win others never wins himself, one who wins himself never wants to win others.- Lokesh giri
Concrete jungles can definitely turn a deer into tiger, given deer wants it.- Lokesh giri
World is a race between time and sanity, time always wins.- Lokesh giri
The love we feel for others is a sign that we are all connected and that everyone we love displays a part we like about ourselves that every human being we hate displays a part we hate about ourselves. All is connected , separation being the illusion.- Kay Yash K Hove
Success without failures is often a near impossibility - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Awareness is listening to one's conscious mind by overlooking the sub-conscious mind.- Ramasubramanian Thyagarajan
Success is always a relative matter. One person's success may even be the failure of another person.- Syed Badiuzzaman
It was said that:'While there is life there is hope' I think it should read:'While there is hope there is life'- Irfan Mamoun MD
It is through adversity is where I will find my strength. It is through turmoil I will find my endurance. It is through pain I will find peace. I will welcome all troubling times because it means I am in the middle of forging myself for something bigger and better.- Raul Martinez
Losing your mind is the first step in discovering it- Forrest Munden
Always remember, everyday we make choices that change our future: You will be what you decide today- Mark A Gardner
Love is a circle. When unbroken it completes itself, forever!- Mark A Gardner
The Dragon is inside you, When he finds you, he disturbs your peace; Only the Fire of the Wise, beats the Dragon.- Mark A Gardner
'Revenge' satisfies the Heart, with a temporary sense of power, or victory, while ensuring the souls downward journey, to a failure of the spirit of goodness.- Mark A Gardner
Critical Thought - is a laser beam of awareness. Without the broad beam of 'Love awareness', the tendency is to only see the flaws and not the love that should be seen- Mark A Gardner
Creativity is the only energy that should never be saved.- Antonio Disi
Innocence is the lie we build our faith upon. It is the twisted truth we use to justify our misguided actions. It is the soil we plant the seeds of our future in. Innocence is the ultimate disguise of doom. It is what makes us human. I have looked into its eyes, and I trust it no longer.- Manuel Bund
What does not show respect to the inner-man, must not be done.- Sipho P Nkosi
The key to success and happiness starts by locking the door to defeat.- Brenda Lee Sanders
Its not the fight results that count, it's the principles that you are fighting for.- Raymond Josephsson
To 'Evolve Spiritually' means to move from 'Work AND Worship' to 'Work AS Worship'.- AiR Atman in Ravi
For every problem there is a solution, it's up to you whether you are looking at the problem or are you looking for solution..- RVD Richi
You are your own success and failure- RVD Richi
A tree shouldn't be so busy creating branches that it forgets its roots, shoots and fruits.- AiR Atman in Ravi
The Earth Without Music Is Just Soil & Rocks !- Vivek Sahney
Love is not only a word, it has deep feelings, emotions, it of many kind, it is a power which has the potential to create or destroy you.- Promila
People are more of what they have; than that of what they show.- The Quoted Iris
To be calm at your worst and smile with your best is the greatest virtue with prettiest smile. The world has its charm only when harsh is endured and smile is pure.- Aditya Prakash Pandey
Unchain your dreams, so they overcome you your fears.- Brian Sekele
Negative thinking leads to negative outcomes. Positive outcomes come from positive mind.- Allen Lazar
You don't reap what you don't sow..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Emotions and desires are the unfortunate casualties of whim- M A Gaffar Prodeep
Excuses exist, only where priority lacks- FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
The fewer actions a user has to take, the fewer errors a user will make.- Keith Wisdom
People know beautiful things without studying the theory of aesthetics.- mohdmustafa99
Not a leftist or a rightist, nor in between. I'm above.- mohdmustafa99
Success is not always measured by physically tangible means, but often by intent and effort.- David L. Rose
If your communications, outreach and public relations strategy does not include a multi-disciplinary approach, it will fail.- Germany Kent
You're at an advantage when you stand up for yourself, even if it means you are vulnerable in the process.- Germany Kent
You can have a Democracy WITHOUT Democrats.- The Quoted Iris
We do not do what we want to do, But We do what others expect from us..- Deepak Verma
Copycats say they are not copying, they are inspired by the originals- Vivek Sahney
To dissent against the world means failure in adaptation of oneself to live in.- mohdmustafa99
Globalization needs to be globalized as an alternative substituting 'clash of civilizations'- mohdmustafa99
Life is a journey, an adventure of unknown tomorrow and engagement of now..- Aye Aye
Being the best and positive in a negative situation is not weakness nor innocence. It's a sign of leadership- Wachira Wambu
It's never too late to correct mistakes that setback rather than to move forward without correction..- success song
Don't plan to hand out shovels if you try to make a mountain out of a mole hill.- David L. Rose
Genesis is the beginning of darkness, revelation is the commencement of light..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Any 'freedom' that allows you to do the wrong is the contrary of freedom.- mohdmustafa99
Friend, best-friend, girlfriend, and boyfriend end with end but you see family ends with ily which means i love you- Chandrima Ghosh
If you don't go through hell you wouldn't understand the beauty of heaven..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
The young are as uncomfortable with the past as the old are with the future; the former has no yesterday, the latter sees no tomorrow.- Siavash Rohani
There is always a discovery in your last failure.- Saugato Adhikary
The hardest prisons I've tried to break out of, are the ones I've put myself in. Me and no one else. Over and over again. An infinitely monotonous loop of despair. Those with the worse type of incarceration. My sentence? DEATH. Of mind and soul. Silenced for all time.- The Quoted Iris
Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'X' is people conclude about it without knowing enough.- Nischal Lal Shrestha
One should always let one's accomplishments speak for one and one's reputation precede one and lead one. These always have to be earned the right way, they cannot be begged or borrowed or stolen. So much for being a true leader and a true follower.- Sundaresh
Happiness is not the money and fame you get after a chase. Happiness is peace and tranquility that puts a smile on your face- AiR Atman in Ravi
Death is a doorway to God. We celebrate Life and mourn Death, shouldn't we reverse it?- AiR Atman in Ravi
If there is something that can happen to you without your permission, knowledge or objection, it's influence!- Meshack Sewe
There is dignity in asking an ignorant question than in making an ignorant statement.- Meshack Sewe
If you're open-minded, you don't mind being open! You let them mind!- Meshack Sewe
It's strange to see people running after knowledge, disregarding that he himself is the source of knowledge. There will be nothing left to know, if you know your SELF - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
The age of innocence has been swallowed by the beast of technology.- The Quoted Iris
Try to sit in the Comfort and Patience of Your Own Heart; it will lead you to Goodness.- Amelia Goode
Elegance is in simplicity.- Ayush gulati
Do not blame your parents for who you are. They gave you the genes, but you choose how to wear them.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Blind is the man who thinks he knows it all. Blinder is the man who follows after this man blindly.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Getting trapped by your past prevents you from tapping into the fortunes of your future. Simply because the story of your past is now your history and your future is your renewed story.- Segun Rasaki
Language matters only to those who don't understand Emotions- Suyog Potdar
Clear vision without action is merely a dream- Ravi Sathasivam
Your Age is not the only qualification for others' (my) respect.- Selva Kumar
No matter how the matter goes runs it until you master the race base on the truth and reality of nature- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Everyone will praise when you are in the peak.. those who are with you even in the toughest situation are the real Friends!- Namratha G
Giving importance to something doesn't mean ignoring the rest.. it only means that few things never lose their value in one's life and I hope that i'm one among those in your life- Saiteja Thottempudi
People come and go in and out of your life, but remember that it's up to you to choose who is worth keeping, and letting go.- Casper G. Smith
Today is the best day for you to create any sort of masterpiece. Do it. Because flowers have no hope for the tomorrow, neither the river has any return - Ravi Sathasivam
We live here on earth praising material things but if we gave God the attention we give to materialistic things life would be better than better- Frankie Lavender
If you haven't failed at least once, you can't have a solid success foundation.- Akinyele Akinyemi Y.
The pain won't last forever but the memories will.- piyush kamboj
The roads to insanity and ingenuousness lie on either side of a median, however why choose a road when you can walk the line that blurs the two ideals together.- Aaron Russo
Nature can offer you the biggest gifts only if you are ready to accept them- shivangi lavaniya
Celibacy alone is not enough to attain spiritual growth, it first requires a development of insight within.- KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN
Any path will get you there, choose the one of least resistance and most reward.- Michael Eric Jones
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.- Ayy Lmao
Ironically, the evils that are unimaginable to a good person, are exactly what evil counts on..- LesleyZ
Damn you who tells me that sleep will heal my mind as you are telling the legless that running will heal his- Joel Johnson
No man has a right to judge another man's right to live..- No One
Your thoughts are like spiderwebs, the Point you start might not be the end Point but the most important point is where catches the Fly.- Stanley Kelechi Onwuemene
To a wise man, the only fear of becoming wiser is the fear of being referred to as a mad man- Stanley Kelechi Onwuemene
Give yourself permission to evolve. Become a philosopher; come up with your own interpretation of life & stop accepting someone else's as your truth.- Germany Kent
To understand that you are a weakling takes much more courage than you would expect..- Wiseme
To ask a critical question is more important than to answer it.- mohdmustafa99
The basic is to make a point about the fact that social media should be handled as 'main part of the business' and not a 'nice to have' communication channel. That theory died along with the Isdn. - Spiros Arvanitis, Greek Internet visionist- lexmark
If doctors are the guardians of the sick, who then is the custodian of a debilitating society?- Dr Nirvadha Singh
If the children are our future, then there is no greater way to invest in the future than investing in our children.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Your powerful mind commands.. and your body simply obeys- Tina Panossian
What one believes to be oneself is only repetitive imagination- Lokesh giri
Love is like a story written in pencil, it can be written but can also be erased.- joel cervantes
You will get what you deserve if you know what you don't deserve- diya ahmed azzony
There are three types of people in this world. The first is the one who clings to fear in hopes to live at all costs, the second is one who tries to balance the fear in is mind with the courage in his heart, and the third is one who rids himself of all the fear in his mind, soul, and body and learns the true meaning of life.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
It takes time and courage to grow up and become who you really are.- Linda Usman
There are no great men, only great ideas, greatness of men is always comparative.- Lokesh giri
Difference between a good story and a great story is that in a great story author doesn't force his emotions on characters.- Lokesh giri
Related Categories: Change+Philosophy, Faith+Philosophy, Funny+Philosophy, Inspirational+Philosophy, Life+Philosophy, Love+Philosophy, Philosophy+Relationship, Philosophy+Short, Philosophy+Success,