History Quotes Pictures

I have no image of how graveyard is, only fool to be fool watering democracy and their thought only..
Education Faith Patience Philosophy Politics
Change Future Past History
I hate when people say 'love is blind'. Love gives you the power to see what others can't...Love People Hate Power

God is peace; religion is man's attempt to commune with God; and war is the worst result of man's..
Faith Failure God Inspirational Peace
God Peace Failure War Religion
Hope is a transparent third eye which sees the bright future In the dark days of the present...Future Hope Present Dark

It's always the good guys who win in war, or it will remain so in the history...War Win History Remain

Our children are like kings of the ancient times; they like to write their names on walls...
Funny Leadership Short children
My only opponent is the person I was the day before today...
Confidence Optimism Success Truth
Day Today
Courage Creativity Death Family Goal
Day Today
East and West can meet at a point of globalization rather than at a point of clash of..
Business Politics Relationship
Day Today
Going down the memory lane should bring a big smile If it doesn't then the path is not worth..Smile Worth Bring Path

A ship is not made deadly by the size or number of cannons, but by the captain...Smile Worth Bring Path

Instead of trying to see the change in the numbers, try seeing the change in yourself...
Anger Business Computers Imagination
Change Try Trying
History doesn't repeat itself, nor repetition makes history..
Funny Inspirational Politics Truth Fear
HistoryTop 10 History Quotes
Unlike the Future, History doesn't give you a second chance!- Allen Dunbar
Yesterday is in your rear view mirror, Today is in your front & Tomorrow is your blind spot that's why it isn't promised- Kennisha L Crawford
I can understand those who feel they are at the end of the line. It's a unhealthy place to be. It's those that see the light at the end of the tunnel and know for sure that it's not a train.. They are the ones who persevere.- Gary Sims
There are two kinds of people on earth : those who make history and those who write the history others make. I’ve not forgotten those who neither make history nor write the history others make.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
History just relives the past.- Anthony T Hincks
Microplastics will become the history that we wished that we had forgotten.- Anthony T Hincks
Every grain of sand is a fragment of time, telling tales of the world's ancient history.- Aloo Denish Obiero
To the victorious goes the novels and to the vanquished go the rejections.- Anthony T Hincks
Egyptian Hyroglyphics are modern day emoji. Modern day emoji are Egyptian Hyroglyphics.- Karina Holosko
No cake is worthy of the icing of your ancestors.- Anthony T Hincks
Inspirational + History Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
We take from the past aspiration and continue with inspiration and motivation for a better future. - Joe Cervantes
Truth of something and Inspiration from seniors are major Factors. - NaGa RaJ D
Old Latin quotes also fit in our contemporary life. Therefore, the quote you write today may last for two thousand years and even more - mohdmustafa99
If you can step out of the history that holding you back it means you can step into the new story you're Willingly to create. - Popoola Rasheed Olanrewaju
Our pasts conjure ghosts before our eyes and sounds that ring within our ears. Echos of what we once did throughout our forgotten years and brought into our presence of mind. - Anthony T Hincks
Id like to believe that if we somehow manage to make it far enough along as a species to reach a point in which history ever manages to teach us more than one thing… That it’s to learn how to stop saying never - LYGAS
History is a sagacious narrator, softly imparting its wisdom to those who are willing to glean lessons from the echoes of bygone eras. - Aloo Denish Obiero
History has a way of writing itself. - Anthony T Hincks
History has a way of rewriting itself. - Anthony T Hincks
There are two kinds of people on earth : those who make history and those who write the history others make. I’ve not forgotten those who neither make history nor write the history others make. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Every grain of sand is a fragment of time, telling tales of the world's ancient history. - Aloo Denish Obiero
History just relives the past. - Anthony T Hincks
There are two kinds of people on earth : those who make history and those who write the history others make. I’ve not forgotten those who neither make history nor write the history others make. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Optimism + History Quotes ⇑
Optimism Quotes
Accept responsibility, learn and evolve. - NaGa RaJ D
Start looking inside yourself & endeavor to trim your self-esteem. - NaGa RaJ D
Never say more than necessary to a tiny mind. - NaGa RaJ D
Don't feel bad. Feel empowered.. - NaGa RaJ D
Some people will take advantage of your frailty and make you frail. - NaGa RaJ D
You can't Execute Without a Blueprint - NaGa RaJ D
If you can't see yourself as a doer, then you can't perform as a doer. - NaGa RaJ D
If you want to gain, go and meet those who forfeit. - NaGa RaJ D
Illusion of mastery is the greatest foe, always re-think & re-consider. - NaGa RaJ D
Sharing is excellent but it works both techniques. - NaGa RaJ D
Quotes are reality of reflection - NaGa RaJ D
All History Quotes ⇑
Collective silence,ignorance, and a lack of knowledge ensures that history repeats itself as it forgets itself. Nobody ever cares to listen at first. With every new cycle,the price goes up. Christoph Schneeweiss- Christoph Schneeweiss
He who controls history controls Cultures!- Mark A Gardner
History should never abandon the future to past mistakes.- Anthony T Hincks
A historian who doesn't want to make history is a bad historian.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
The past whispers its lessons to those who lend an attentive ear to the winds of time.- Aloo Denish Obiero
A great writer writes himself into history.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
One who fails to learn from history is destined to repeat it.- Marcquiese Burrell
T.H.O.H.P.A.I.S.Z.AbstractingDiabloGame(The Hourglass Orifices Hexagonal Prismatics At Its Sandy Zenith).ItemsK.I.T.(Keys In Time)Vars Valkyrie, Zelda, Holcrux, Brimstone Visage, Windstorm Oculus, Winston Fire Brimstone, Wizard Ring Visage Oculus Topaz % WISP RING Kits Wizard's Item Sages Potions- WhorlTurn9
Throughout human history, fear has been used to control people, going back to when humans belonged to tribes. If you disrespected the tribal leader, you were kicked out of the tribe; a certain death sentence, since you’re totally dependent on the tribe. Fear spreads more easily than any disease- Harvey Staub
History is better experienced...- Olalekan Samuel Bodunrin
It would be a shame if we died before we left our mark on history.- The Quoted Iris
We mourn loved ones for a time, memories will fade with each generation, until no memory remains. A journey has come to an end; a piece of history is lost again.- Mac McGovern
Be thankful, laugh, love and help often. For not so long we shall be history.- Sipho P Nkosi
Total war is like the adrenaline rush of a country.- Parker Brashear
The encyclopedia of history will shrink to one tenth of its volume if we remove from it events caused by chumps.- mohdmustafa99
Every time lies want to make history, they make sandcastles.- mohdmustafa99
It's necessary for us to pass our heritage down to the next generation so that our ancestors are more than merely just a part of history. Rather, they are seen as an integral part of our culture that will, never be forgotten.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Some people speak like Moses and act as the Pharaoh.- mohdmustafa99
Landmarks are the codex of envision from the past for the future.- Zac Ochsenbine
Experience life in all potential ways.- NaGa RaJ D
History must stop repeating itself in this country as it does every day.- mohdmustafa99
The mind of politics doesn't match with its history. All good relations in politics depend on forgetting.- mohdmustafa99
I don't know if Adam and Eve were white or black , but I can guess they were beige. - mohdmustafa99
A bald doesn't get rid of his old combs because he hopes that 'history repeats itself'.- mohdmustafa99
Those that history remembers aren't much more than those history has forgotten..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Let old times never return. If we ever get current times straight, we won't need to fall back on our inferior ways.- The Quoted Iris
Are you going to repeat the past of your forefathers? Or are you gonna make it?- Brandon Hynes
Carelessness is the plague of the modern age.- J W Barlament
Occasionally all you require is 'Some Inactivity'.- NaGa RaJ D
With less and less interest in antiques, museums are becoming a thing of the past.- Raymond Richard Reep
Men fall for the same mistake over and over because they don't wanna learn from previous mistakes- CLK
History is made to repeat itself.- Charles Arthur Miller
The political left and right spend more time arguing over who is right and wrong than they do fixing the problems both of them have created. And even then they often get it wrong!- Dr Travis J Hedrick
I defend this land only because its people are oppressed by the invaders, I can do the same if I were in another land, because all the lands are my Homeland- Dernatinus
It is futile to go to churches where every emphasis is laid on miracles rather than on principles. Miracles may fill you for a period of time but not forever- Sunday Adelaja
History makers are builders- Sunday Adelaja
Treasure is the wisdom you write down today, for tomorrow it will be a great history.- Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
Never Ignore God's Gift of Everlasting Replenishment- Carlton Johnson
Carve my name in hearts because marble is ever changing- Brandon Kellum
The Minute you make the choice not to do the right thing, You have potentially given away your ability to Choose what happens next- Brett Dempsay
If there is one thing that i have learned in life, it is that i hope i have learned more than one thing in life.- Stanley Williams
What you haven't done is not the business of history.- mohdmustafa99
Experience is not how deep your is history; it is how wide your geography is.- mohdmustafa99
History has been rewritten after being erased to cover up the truth about America.. the real history of things lies in ancient civilization in which only the wise have knowledge of.- Nina Danielle uuro
Sad mistakes will be discovered in whatever future we are left with.. because, it seems, the present ignorance eludes the majority!- Steven A.Bledsoe
I live near the future to look thoroughly from my window to the past.- mohdmustafa99
It may 'not be possible' but that's not the same as 'impossible'.- Kalaimaran Baranirubarajah
Calm waters sooth souls, rough waters attract angry spirits . walk softly or fall hard. its your choice- drew sheehan
The person who invented money was very poor since 'need breeds invention'.- mohdmustafa99
Nobody is immortal. Neither any Lord was. You see.. it's our karma that mark our names into the ages.- Arvinder Singh
Faults occur when you correct the true acts.- mohdmustafa99
Question with uncertain answers develops our minds.- mohdmustafa99
An expired time is the one you refused to make good use of. Make now a compensation.- annonymous
The more election is ruthless, the easier to predict its result.- mohdmustafa99
What Jerry knows that Tom doesn't ? Escape is more important than chasing- mohdmustafa99
There is no place in the history for those who feel cautious about revealing their aims- mohdmustafa99
As we stand on the precipice of a rainbow nation, either falling into a cloud of peace or valley of violence, we must always understand and define our existence within our own context.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
What irony that man's imagination has the power to create grand marvels in technology while the counterpart of human wisdom, human honor and good will among men lags seriously behind- Dennis James Deegan CTM
Rather than weighing yourself down with constant stress and depression, try to think of the more positive things to help you get by day by day, no matter how little they may be- Brandon Seedorff
No one can change the time --> 'which is spent before' and 'which is gonna be spent further'- abhishek madan
Everyday you're living history.- Nazifa Tasnim
Money can buy the ear of a statesman or a government, only truth and honestly will be heard by the world- Matthew Edmonds
It's the uncertainties in life that create change.. you can either accept it and grow from it, or deny it and suffer the consequences of it- Jake Mason
Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.- Darab Imteyaz
It's funny how religion promotes peace, however the most bloodiest wars ever fought in history were caused by religion.- Thai Thach
The proof of a miracle lies not in its ability to manifest physical evidence for the skeptic. It lies in the indelible mark left on the heart and spirit of those who are witness to it.- Amy Beard
War: The ultimate form of non-natural selection in overpopulated world ruled by monsters genetically addicted to betrayal and social-economic greed.- Tonyx
No matter what you don't have now or what you won't ever have again, you'll always have your past. Your memories are yours forever to keep, and that's something no one can ever take away from you.- Shaina Ross
If you have a dream that you want to come true you need to believe that you will achieve this dream, never doubt yourself- Isaiah Roemello Solano
One lie can cause death of thousands- maurice boone
How are you winning a war by losing lives?- maurice boone
There are more toilets displayed in museums than stoves- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Since the dawn of life on earth, the journey to the present day has been a series of loops repeating tragic and devastating conflicts, yet the life clock resets and continues ticking till another cataclysmic event stops the clock, and then another loop is formed in history. Then the life clock resets again. This planet we call home is a life-form it has a source of power (heart) it breaths and grows and gives birth to new life, but just like in animals everything has to end at some point - Christopher Joesph Agruso
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