
Christiana (4pandakid) Quotes & Sayings:


Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 7 Months

Christiana Quotes

1-6 of total 6 Quotes
Good people made me,me. Bad people remind me of that. Good people made me,me. Bad people remind me of that...

Keep your feet on the ground, you Keep your feet on the ground, you're the only one who can...

Dreams Freedom Heart

Magic is like the truth. It can heal and make wounds. Magic is like the truth. It can heal and make wounds...


Accept help when you need it but won Accept help when you need it but won't admit it, it may be teh only time you get it...


Teach those you hate so you can hate them less. Teach those you hate so you can hate them less...


Love is the only thing that gives someone the power to break you. Love is the only thing that gives someone the power to break you...

