
Abbas Panahov (apanahov) Quotes & Sayings:
Abbas Panahov

Abbas Panahov

Experience on Earth:35 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 7 Years 4 Months

Abbas Panahov Quotes

1-3 of total 3 Quotes
" Dont tend to be a part of history, try to make it " " Dont tend to be a part of history, try to make it "..

History Inspirational Leadership

" Life is like checkers, each move defines you, your destiny and your desire to become a winner." " Life is like checkers, each move defines you, your destiny and your desire to become a winner."..

Inspirational Life Optimism Success

"For me, optimism is the ability to see the light behind darkness" "For me, optimism is the ability to see the light behind darkness"..

