
Babita Kadan (babita) Quotes & Sayings:

Babita Kadan

Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 10 Months

Babita Kadan Quotes

1-16 of total 16 Quotes
Each day is a school and every minute a teacher; provided we take ourselves as student. Each day is a school and every minute a teacher; provided we take ourselves as student...


We live, we die but what we leave behind is our creative eye. We live, we die but what we leave behind is our creative eye...


When things get complicated, leave them for a while for the time to find a way. When things get complicated, leave them for a while for the time to find a way...

Inspirational Life Optimism Philosophy

When things get complicated, leave them for a while for the time to find a way. When things get complicated, leave them for a while for the time to find a way...

Inspirational Life Optimism Philosophy

When two poles apart meet their chemistry is mind blowing. When two poles apart meet their chemistry is mind blowing...

Life Love

The numerology of life is in God’s hand. The numerology of life is in God’s hand...


If everything in life had to flow like a river, life would have been singing that melodious song of If everything in life had to flow like a river, life would have been singing that melodious song of..


After losing everything, when we gain something that feeling is so special and difficult to expressâ After losing everything, when we gain something that feeling is so special and difficult to expressâ..


To understand an unpredictable person, try being unpredictable first. To understand an unpredictable person, try being unpredictable first...


The more responsible you are; the more you are contended....... . The more responsible you are; the more you are contended....... ...


A feeling of responsibility gives you a sense of security... A feeling of responsibility gives you a sense of security.....


Sometimes I feel as if I am born to suffer, or are the sufferings there because of me!!! Sometimes I feel as if I am born to suffer, or are the sufferings there because of me!!!..


Don’t love someone more than yourself, it brings pain! Don’t love someone more than yourself, it brings pain!..


We try judging ourselves in our relations; as if they are the mirror and would show us a clear reflection, But we forget that had they been the
-Babita Kadan


The day I stopped trusting him, He became more faithful.... The day I stopped trusting him, He became more faithful......


Over thinking makes you a writer, Less thinking makes one brighter! Over thinking makes you a writer, Less thinking makes one brighter!..

