
OmarBernard (berniemacjm) Quotes & Sayings:


Location:Negril, Jamaica
Experience on Earth:43 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 5 Months

OmarBernard Quotes

1-10 of total 10 Quotes
Sometimes only god can handle the truth. Sometimes only god can handle the truth...

God Short

A good friend is a friend that will take the time out to become new friends with an old friend. A good friend is a friend that will take the time out to become new friends with an old friend...

Friendship Optimism

Follow your heart, after all you cannot live without it. Follow your heart, after all you cannot live without it...

Heart Love Romantic Short

Remember that the sky is the limit so if you are acrophobic you are not going to reach your highest Remember that the sky is the limit so if you are acrophobic you are not going to reach your highest..

Inspirational Optimism Philosophy

Set a new objective every year.... and achieve it. Set a new objective every year.... and achieve it...

Inspirational Optimism Short

Only god loves to hear the truth all the time Only god loves to hear the truth all the time..

Life Short Truth

When a man has an input and a woman has an input you find that both parties and hence, the family When a man has an input and a woman has an input you find that both parties and hence, the family..

Family Life Optimism Relationship

Pursue your dreams and if you fail, dream again. Pursue your dreams and if you fail, dream again...

Confidence Dreams Goal Inspirational Optimism

There are two main types of people in our lives, those who aid and assist us making our lives easier simpler and better. And those whom we aid and

Family Friendship Life Relationship

It It's good to be good...

Inspirational Optimism Short Witty
