
Joseph M Ndinda (brownie) Quotes & Sayings:
Joseph M Ndinda

Joseph M Ndinda

Location:Arusha, Tanzania
Experience on Earth:29 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 4 Months
Short Bio: I love thinking.

Joseph M Ndinda Quotes

1-6 of total 6 Quotes
If they can If they can't hear you, use a pen, if not, a pencila should be the last choice...

Creativity Education Nature Wisdom Youth

It It's very important to know WHY?..

Change Dreams Life Relationship Truth

Love is just the ability and willingness to do, the rest are just building blocks of love. Love is just the ability and willingness to do, the rest are just building blocks of love...

Faith Love Peace Romantic Truth

It It's not fear that scares off, but absence of inner strength and power...

Confidence Courage Truth

If terrorists can sacrifice their life for what they believe in, then, why can If terrorists can sacrifice their life for what they believe in, then, why can't we?..

Change Courage Love Patriotism Religion

My basic passion is to understand while moving on. My basic passion is to understand while moving on...

Desire Hope Life Patience
