
Dr Janine Cummings (cummings) Quotes & Sayings:
Dr Janine Cummings

Dr Janine Cummings

Location:Atlanta GA
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 3 Months

Dr Janine Cummings Quotes

1-14 of total 14 Quotes
"The freedom to enjoy the comfort of others removes the fear of knowing you have a choice to expose "The freedom to enjoy the comfort of others removes the fear of knowing you have a choice to expose..

Freedom Happiness Love

Threats to our self esteem strike at our very soul. They can bring us to our knees or inspire us to Threats to our self esteem strike at our very soul. They can bring us to our knees or inspire us to..

Confidence Hope Life

"Fear a part of increasing self-awareness. Get rid of your fear so you can lead from any other "Fear a part of increasing self-awareness. Get rid of your fear so you can lead from any other..

Confidence Courage Desire Dreams Goal

Hard work and determination bring forth grace and favor..keep up the hard work blessings will flow ~ Hard work and determination bring forth grace and favor..keep up the hard work blessings will flow ~..

Change Confidence Courage Creativity Desire

Hard work and determination bring forth grace and favor..keep up the hard work blessings will flow ~ Hard work and determination bring forth grace and favor..keep up the hard work blessings will flow ~..

Change Confidence Courage Creativity Desire

When I see a rainbow I vision GOD allowing rain to replenish us and open our eyes to beauty in many colors...Open up your heart to love more, your
-Dr Janine Cummings

Confidence Heart Life Truth Wisdom

Know a mans struggle before you can comment on his journey...God Know a mans struggle before you can comment on his journey...God's purpose for man leads to him to..

Confidence Goal God Happiness Inspirational

Always remain consistent in whatever you do for life is a journey for us all. We all have a true purpose in life. Some days will be good and some
-Dr Janine Cummings

Confidence Courage Goal Hope Leadership

I worry less about things I cannot change, while focusing my energy on things I can. I worry less about things I cannot change, while focusing my energy on things I can...

Change Desire Heart Life Love

Build yor vision around people who instill confidence in are the best change- Dr. Janine C Build yor vision around people who instill confidence in are the best change- Dr. Janine C..

Confidence Creativity Faith Goal Happiness

Change comes when we "invision" ourselves moving in a direction far from those who we thought were inspiring us,to do no more. So we unconciously
-Dr Janine Cummings

Change Confidence Courage Desire Dreams

Life has many challenges stay focused have a vision, dream, live and love.... Life has many challenges stay focused have a vision, dream, live and love......

Dreams Hope Life Love

Having a vision keeps you on a path of greatnesss. For a man with no vision struggles in his path~D Having a vision keeps you on a path of greatnesss. For a man with no vision struggles in his path~D..

Hope Imagination Inspirational Success Wisdom

What is your "Vision" for every soul must seek his or her vision. ..When you find it hold on to it What is your "Vision" for every soul must seek his or her vision. ..When you find it hold on to it..

