
Brain Neizer (emperorbrainneizer) Quotes & Sayings:

Brain Neizer

Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 11 Months

Brain Neizer Quotes

1-14 of total 14 Quotes
The world as a whole is suffering from metal slavery. Which is the cause of all kinds of slavering we see around. There is a need for individuals to
-Brain Neizer

Don Don't wait to be attack and then defend. Take the bettel to the enemy's camp...

Hope is find within. Hope is find within...


When it worth doing, do it to the fullness. When it worth doing, do it to the fullness...

Life worth living so live it to the full. Life worth living so live it to the full...


Why forcing a man you know living on lies to tell you the Truth. Why forcing a man you know living on lies to tell you the Truth...


If you refuse to pray, you will become a player. If you refuse to pray, you will become a player...

What have you heard? Whose report do you believe? What have you heard? Whose report do you believe?..

Why getting afraid of what you Why getting afraid of what you've not seen...

Your word is you dictionary and your sword, it defines and defend you. Your word is you dictionary and your sword, it defines and defend you...

The highest form of enslavement is phycological slavery. The highest form of enslavement is phycological slavery...

There is a need for mankind to break the chains of phycological slavery. There is a need for mankind to break the chains of phycological slavery...

Day in and day out the bettle continues in our mind, the battle of good and evil but I urge to Day in and day out the bettle continues in our mind, the battle of good and evil but I urge to..

Only the heart in love know the pain of separation. Only the heart in love know the pain of separation...

Heart Love
