Love is about caring, once you care you love...
Love Truth
If you are alive, God is not yet done with you...
Life Truth
When God cooks, everyone eats but if your enemy cooks, you are the only one gonna eat a poison...
Truth heart break
If you only like what others like, then you are not living your life but others' lives...
Philosophy Truth
God blesses people who have the will to succeed...
God Life
If you teach them to be jealous, they will definitely be jealous because people only apply what..
Philosophy Truth
The morality engine you have drives you to the destination of your choice...
Philosophy Wisdom
If you like going, you will end up going wrong...
Do not mistreat anyone in life the world has tomorrow, today will obviously end...
Philosophy Wisdom
Friends I have made in common, are you guys objection killed? I am pushing and pulling because I..
Inspirational Philosophy
May God give people money, I only need wisdom and knowledge...
Philosophy Wisdom
The best deal is not the deal itself but the kindness to bring about the change...
Philosophy Truth Wisdom
When your heart is grateful, you are open to everything others have not yet discovered...
Philosophy Wisdom
Live life to the fullest, so that today wouldn't bother you with tomorrow...
Philosophy Wisdom
Reach the top to eliminate the competition when your competitors have no other option...
Philosophy Wisdom
Never be on top of someone's tears, you will fall off if they flow away...
Philosophy Truth