
Hussein Abdultayeb (hussein_abdultayeb) Quotes & Sayings:

Hussein Abdultayeb

Location:Mombasa, Kenya
Experience on Earth:27 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 12 Years 4 Months
Short Bio: My life is not so complicated. I’m a 15-year-old Computer Interprenuer, basically a genius born in Nairobi Kenya on 6 Septmber 1996, living a King Sized Life in Mombasa, Kenya with my wonderful family. I’ve always been an idea guy, and I’ve always said that I want to ultimately make a living off my creativity. I think writing quotes is how i'm going to do it.

Hussein Abdultayeb Quotes

1-1 of total 1 Quotes
Forgive others and one day, you Forgive others and one day, you'll be forgiven...
