
J B (jbibee) Quotes & Sayings:


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J B Quotes

1-50 of total 1256 Quotes
"Observations of human rights offer the best political and social analysis." "Observations of human rights offer the best political and social analysis."..


"Advocating for human rights has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life." "Advocating for human rights has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life."..


"The modest progress made in human rights in recent years risks being reversed in all parts of the "The modest progress made in human rights in recent years risks being reversed in all parts of the..


"Human rights advocates work both in the shadows and in broad daylight, often at high risk to their "Human rights advocates work both in the shadows and in broad daylight, often at high risk to their..


"Human rights are critical to ensure sustainable peace." "Human rights are critical to ensure sustainable peace."..


"When human rights are fulfilled, we all win." "When human rights are fulfilled, we all win."..


"We are at a pivotal moment. The responsibility of our lifetimes is upon us: to respect, protect, "We are at a pivotal moment. The responsibility of our lifetimes is upon us: to respect, protect,..


"Help defend human rights." "Help defend human rights."..


"It is thanks to the efforts of human rights advocates that human rights are even being discussed "It is thanks to the efforts of human rights advocates that human rights are even being discussed..


"Dare to defend human rights." "Dare to defend human rights."..


"We know societies with greater respect for human rights tend to be more resistant to violence and "We know societies with greater respect for human rights tend to be more resistant to violence and..


"We have the blueprint and the case to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights. What we need is "We have the blueprint and the case to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights. What we need is..


"We need more engagement, greater accountability, and shared responsibility for the fulfillment "We need more engagement, greater accountability, and shared responsibility for the fulfillment..


"Countries where human rights are violated and left unfulfilled are much more likely to experience "Countries where human rights are violated and left unfulfilled are much more likely to experience..


"Investing in human rights yields enormous dividends for peace and prosperity." "Investing in human rights yields enormous dividends for peace and prosperity."..


"Protecting human rights goes hand-in-hand with protecting those who defend them." "Protecting human rights goes hand-in-hand with protecting those who defend them."..


"Today we must take a principled stand. There is no middle ground, responsible States do not "Today we must take a principled stand. There is no middle ground, responsible States do not..


"We must do everything in our power so that human rights prevail here today, and prevail for all "We must do everything in our power so that human rights prevail here today, and prevail for all..


"Time after time, when the international community has rallied together in solidarity, human rights "Time after time, when the international community has rallied together in solidarity, human rights..


"I have seen reports of casualties and people fleeing their homes to seek safety. Human rights must be protected and safeguarded at all times, in
-J B


"Human rights advocates are committed to staying engaged and delivering, to support people in their "Human rights advocates are committed to staying engaged and delivering, to support people in their..


"Protect human rights to ensure that the future of generations to come can have a much better life "Protect human rights to ensure that the future of generations to come can have a much better life..


"There is no country that can say it does not have a human rights challenge." "There is no country that can say it does not have a human rights challenge."..


"We will only achieve sustainable development and lasting peace if we ensure civic space, "We will only achieve sustainable development and lasting peace if we ensure civic space,..


"I urge the Government to acknowledge their sufferings, urgently seek justice for victims, provide "I urge the Government to acknowledge their sufferings, urgently seek justice for victims, provide..


"Proposing Human Rights Day Proclamations will achieve an appropriate shift towards human rights advocacy. And I look forward to expanding this
-J B


"The fight for human rights is an ongoing fight." "The fight for human rights is an ongoing fight."..


"I urge all countries to step up support for solutions to human rights threats, as part of a surge "I urge all countries to step up support for solutions to human rights threats, as part of a surge..


"All human rights issues, including the most intractable, must be addressed through diplomatic "All human rights issues, including the most intractable, must be addressed through diplomatic..


"Fulfilling human rights offers a way of out poverty." "Fulfilling human rights offers a way of out poverty."..


"Part of my job as a human rights advocate is monitoring conditions in the region and considering "Part of my job as a human rights advocate is monitoring conditions in the region and considering..


"Encourage today "Encourage today's youth to become tomorrow's human rights advocates."..


"Our human rights advocacy must not lose its momentum." "Our human rights advocacy must not lose its momentum."..


"Civilians continue to pay a high price for human rights violations." "Civilians continue to pay a high price for human rights violations."..


"Human rights violations are decimating communities around the world." "Human rights violations are decimating communities around the world."..


"Human rights violations must not be allowed to escalate." "Human rights violations must not be allowed to escalate."..


“Fulfilling human rights requires us to be bold and ambitious in our intentions, and generous in “Fulfilling human rights requires us to be bold and ambitious in our intentions, and generous in..


"In a moment when we see so many expressions of racism, so many expressions of xenophobia, antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred, and Asian hate, to stand
-J B


"There is no limit to what we can achieve when we fulfill human rights – for peace, for "There is no limit to what we can achieve when we fulfill human rights – for peace, for..


"It is my absolute hope that human rights advocacy reminds everyone – participants and viewers – "It is my absolute hope that human rights advocacy reminds everyone – participants and viewers –..


"We are far from where we should be – and human rights violations push us even further off "We are far from where we should be – and human rights violations push us even further off..


"Fulfilling human rights keeps us on course for a peaceful future." "Fulfilling human rights keeps us on course for a peaceful future."..


"If we are to transform the future, if we are to change course, we must fulfill and protect human "If we are to transform the future, if we are to change course, we must fulfill and protect human..


"I urge all governments to use human rights as a common vision for the world." "I urge all governments to use human rights as a common vision for the world."..


"Human rights solutions can be found." "Human rights solutions can be found."..


"Human rights violations are as clear and consequential a threat to peace and security as anyone "Human rights violations are as clear and consequential a threat to peace and security as anyone..


"There can be no alternative to fulfilling human rights." "There can be no alternative to fulfilling human rights."..


"I have witnessed human rights violations." "I have witnessed human rights violations."..


"When I first learned about human rights, I realized that human rights violations were happening in "When I first learned about human rights, I realized that human rights violations were happening in..


"If you "If you're not thinking about human rights, you should be."..

