
Mat Biveni (maatihapi) Quotes & Sayings:

Mat Biveni

Experience on OwnQuotes: 12 Years 2 Months

Mat Biveni Quotes

1-10 of total 10 Quotes
The pain of yesterday is a bad experience and a result of bad decision. That brings towards better The pain of yesterday is a bad experience and a result of bad decision. That brings towards better..

Goal Life Opportunity Optimism

Do something, be active. If it doesn Do something, be active. If it doesn't work, do it again until it works. If it still doesn't work,..

Goal Happiness Life

If you aren If you aren't happy in this place, you probably won't be happy in anyplace. - Maat Ihapi..

Funny Happiness Life

Happiness doesn Happiness doesn't depend on external conditions, thoughts focus is the key to happiness. - Maat I..

Faith Happiness Inspirational Life

Some pursuits the happiness, not noticing that happiness is right at their hands. - Maat Ihapi Some pursuits the happiness, not noticing that happiness is right at their hands. - Maat Ihapi..

Faith Goal Happiness Inspirational Life

Any happiness you feel you Any happiness you feel you've got to find yourself. - Maat Ihapi..

Faith Happiness Inspirational Life

Change your thoughts focus and you change your life quality. - Maat Ihapi Change your thoughts focus and you change your life quality. - Maat Ihapi..

Change Faith Happiness

Medicine tells you how long to live, you tell them how to live. - Maat Ihapi Medicine tells you how long to live, you tell them how to live. - Maat Ihapi..

Confidence Inspirational

It is not important the length of life, but the depth of life. - Maat Ihapi It is not important the length of life, but the depth of life. - Maat Ihapi..

Confidence Goal Inspirational

The Love is the limit. The Love is the limit...

Love Romantic Short
