
Mani Lucky (manasagavini) Quotes & Sayings:

Mani Lucky

Experience on OwnQuotes: 11 Years 6 Months

Mani Lucky Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
I don I don't want the sun to shine,river to flow, air to blow and this perfect second to pass...


Everyone borns just as a person, but dies in two different kinds- as a good perosn and a bad person. Everyone borns just as a person, but dies in two different kinds- as a good perosn and a bad person...


The only gear for any successful relationship is "love" The only gear for any successful relationship is "love"..


Every heart is a diary, which is locked and secured. No one else can read it expect the owner of Every heart is a diary, which is locked and secured. No one else can read it expect the owner of..

