
Michael Eric Jones (mjones) Quotes & Sayings:
Michael Eric Jones

Michael Eric Jones

Location:Cape Town, South Africa
Experience on Earth:56 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 8 Months
Short Bio: MICHAEL JONES CEO of JONES CONSULTING > Chairman of the BOARD - WESTERN CAPE Liquor Authority > Recipient of AN AWARD FROM THE MAYOR of Cape Town > Producer and host of the Big Fantastic television Business chat Show > MEMBER OF THE Institute of Management Consultants > MEMBER OF THE BLACK MANAGEMENT FORUM > Member of Institute of Directors of South Africa > Industry Entrepreneur

Michael Eric Jones Quotes

1-50 of total 71 Quotes
Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do..

Inspirational Leadership Life Philosophy Relationship

Everyone goes through life changing things, but not everyone is changed by them. Everyone goes through life changing things, but not everyone is changed by them...

Inspirational Leadership Life Love Philosophy

Tomorrow will come with or without you. The sun will rise regardless, the wind will blow without your approval, birds will fly because they do. All
-Michael Eric Jones

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

Boredom is a privelage that many people don Boredom is a privelage that many people don't have the luxury of having...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Success

Your life must be a resolution to the past, an appreciation of the present and an acceptance of the Your life must be a resolution to the past, an appreciation of the present and an acceptance of the..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Success

Today was perfect. I suspect everyday will be. Today was perfect. I suspect everyday will be...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

Although you may find yourself to be good for people, the opposite is not necessarily true. Although you may find yourself to be good for people, the opposite is not necessarily true...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

Although I have found myself to be good for people the opposite is not necessarily true. Although I have found myself to be good for people the opposite is not necessarily true...

Inspirational Leadership Life Love Philosophy

The world is as it is, finding fault is presumptuous and futile. The world is as it is, finding fault is presumptuous and futile...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

Legislation, regulation, policy, procedure aids administrative justice, improper application Legislation, regulation, policy, procedure aids administrative justice, improper application..

Leadership Life Philosophy Relationship Success

In dealing with problems, go through it, around it, over it, under it, do what you must to get past In dealing with problems, go through it, around it, over it, under it, do what you must to get past..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

If you can If you can't explain something simply you simply don't understand...

Inspirational Leadership Life Philosophy Success

Show me a man Show me a man's words and I will see what he desires, show me his actions and I will see what he..

Desire Inspirational Leadership Life Love

Love is deeply and fully experienced when the object of that love is mutual. Love is deeply and fully experienced when the object of that love is mutual...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

A deeper experience of love is  realised when the object of that love is mutual. A deeper experience of love is realised when the object of that love is mutual...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

People with many words often say little and unknowingly reveal themselves. People with many words often say little and unknowingly reveal themselves...

Life Philosophy Relationship Truth Wisdom

Your destination or future is not ahead of you, for you arrive and live it at every moment. Your destination or future is not ahead of you, for you arrive and live it at every moment...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

Negativity cannot thrive, in the presence of positive action. Negativity cannot thrive, in the presence of positive action...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

Life; you can Life; you can't control it, just ride it for what it's worth...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

When you give meaning to your actions,the outcome matters not. The action in itself is reward When you give meaning to your actions,the outcome matters not. The action in itself is reward..

Inspirational Love Philosophy Relationship Success

When you give meaning to your actions the outcome matters not. When you give meaning to your actions the outcome matters not...

Goal Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

Legacy is not a physical nor economic manifestation; but resides in a compounded accumulation of Legacy is not a physical nor economic manifestation; but resides in a compounded accumulation of..

Inspirational Leadership Life Love Philosophy

Your legacy is the accumulated words and deeds over time that is transmitted through the Your legacy is the accumulated words and deeds over time that is transmitted through the..

Inspirational Leadership Life Love Philosophy

Legacy is in the daily actions and words, accumulated over time that brings about change in Legacy is in the daily actions and words, accumulated over time that brings about change in..

Change Inspirational Leadership Life Love

There There's the truth, and then there's everything else...

Life Philosophy Relationship Success Truth

The perception of freedom is the greatest trick, defending your perceived freedom is the greatest The perception of freedom is the greatest trick, defending your perceived freedom is the greatest..

Freedom Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship

Some battles are not fair nor winnable, hope and faith blinds us of the reality. Some battles are not fair nor winnable, hope and faith blinds us of the reality...

Faith Hope Life Philosophy Relationship

Only take with you what is needed and useful, the rest is excess baggage, hard to carry and will Only take with you what is needed and useful, the rest is excess baggage, hard to carry and will..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

There is what is said, what is heard, what is understood, the other side and everything in between, There is what is said, what is heard, what is understood, the other side and everything in between,..

Life Philosophy Relationship Success Truth

If life only begins at 40 then you may not have a life at all? If life only begins at 40 then you may not have a life at all?..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Success

If life only begins at 40 then you have missed out. If life only begins at 40 then you have missed out...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

The perception of freedom is the greatest trick,defending and relishing your perceived freedom is The perception of freedom is the greatest trick,defending and relishing your perceived freedom is..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Success

In a diverse society all voices must be heard. Leaning is knowning is understanding is tolerance is In a diverse society all voices must be heard. Leaning is knowning is understanding is tolerance is..

Inspirational Leadership Life Relationship Success

We can We can't just focus on making a living, we must look forward to making a life worth living...

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship

We choose our own misery and our own pleasure, and sometimes we choose both at the same time. We choose our own misery and our own pleasure, and sometimes we choose both at the same time...

Life Philosophy Relationship Success Truth

Waiting for justice to be served is like ordering fine dining at a pub. We expect a lot from a Waiting for justice to be served is like ordering fine dining at a pub. We expect a lot from a..

Funny Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Our thoughts, and conversation may be racist, we are human. However contemplating and opposing this, Our thoughts, and conversation may be racist, we are human. However contemplating and opposing this,..

Inspirational Leadership Life Love Philosophy

Greatness is not about the financial rewards but about personal achievements. Greatness is not about the financial rewards but about personal achievements...

Inspirational Leadership Life Success Truth

A crisis easily forgives the big but unrelated indiscretions. A crisis easily forgives the big but unrelated indiscretions...

Life Love Relationship Truth Wisdom

We decide what is true and then we make it so. We decide what is true and then we make it so...

Leadership Life Relationship Success Truth

A little power can turn a person into a monster, best we limit power to the masses and keep the A little power can turn a person into a monster, best we limit power to the masses and keep the..

Life Philosophy Relationship Success Truth

A little power can turn a person into a monster, don A little power can turn a person into a monster, don't be that person...

Leadership Life Relationship Success Truth

The ordinary does what is expected , the extraordinary does what is needed. The ordinary does what is expected , the extraordinary does what is needed...

Inspirational Leadership Life Relationship Success

Reliability is 100% assured, anything less is unreliable. Reliability is 100% assured, anything less is unreliable...

Life Relationship Success Truth Wisdom

Society is full of wrong decisions made by decent and indecent people. Society is full of wrong decisions made by decent and indecent people...

Leadership Life Love Philosophy Relationship

A disaster is often sufficiently quelled with a well placed scapegoat. A disaster is often sufficiently quelled with a well placed scapegoat...

Life Philosophy Relationship Truth Wisdom

There There's nothing like a disaster to distract the watchful...

Life Philosophy Relationship Truth Wisdom

We are born and then we die, it is what we do in between that matters. We are born and then we die, it is what we do in between that matters...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship Success

When you do the unconventional, others will discredit what to them is unattainable. When you do the unconventional, others will discredit what to them is unattainable...

Inspirational Life Relationship Success Wisdom

Loyalty and Fear robs us of the truth. Question your actions in its presence? Loyalty and Fear robs us of the truth. Question your actions in its presence?..

Leadership Life Success Truth Wisdom
