
Omipidan Teslim Opemipo (omipidan_teslim) Quotes & Sayings:

Omipidan Teslim Opemipo

Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 6 Months
Short Bio: I’m a Nigerian journalist, historian and writer that sees pleasure in roaming on the path of Nigerian history, culture and literature. I love to savor the taste of any work of art that pass the message of our society. I believe there is a melody in my voice and ink on my hands that makes me who I am.

Omipidan Teslim Opemipo Quotes

1-8 of total 8 Quotes
Unity, I believe, is the best form of strength, you can ask a broom. Unity, I believe, is the best form of strength, you can ask a broom...

Life Nature Truth

Do not write to please, write what pleases you. Do not write to please, write what pleases you...

Creativity Desire Poems

If people tell you pigs can fly, argue not, just tell them you If people tell you pigs can fly, argue not, just tell them you've seen one...

Life Patience Witty Wisdom

If you can If you can't make a change in the society, then be the change...

Change Confidence Courage

Black is not just a colour or race, it Black is not just a colour or race, it's a spirit that lives in us...

Freedom Leadership Life Nature

Try to be the brightest of stars and not just a common bright one. Try to be the brightest of stars and not just a common bright one...

Confidence Courage Dreams Hope Inspirational

Words are swords, wield them well. Words are swords, wield them well...

Truth Witty Wisdom

It is better having the raw you in you than a refined else lying in you. It is better having the raw you in you than a refined else lying in you...

Confidence Patriotism Truth
