
Owulo Ewureje Jonah (owulo_jonah) Quotes & Sayings:
Owulo Ewureje Jonah

Owulo Ewureje Jonah

Location:BENUE, Nigeria
Experience on Earth:32 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 7 Years 8 Months
Short Bio: I'm a life coach that seek to improve people's quality of life through writing and speaking. I am a Christian, an economist and the CEO of Mind Edifice. Its a pleasure meeting you; I should not forget to tell you that I love music.

Owulo Ewureje Jonah Quotes

1-1 of total 1 Quotes
That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where That fish do great in water does not make the sea a paradise for birds; you have got to find where..

Life Philosophy Wisdom

Find Water