
Raymond_Fed (raymond_fed) Quotes & Sayings:


Location:United States Of America
Experience on Earth:53 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 0 Months
Short Bio: Gemini sign through and through and all that entails. Still married but separated with 4 wonderful children, 3 boys and a girl ages 11 to 5. Living on my own again has been a big change but I'm getting back in the swing of things! I've often been called 'The Dark Dr. Seuss' by friends and family. To me poetry isn't about picking it apart for analysis or "a good read" or the "proper use of metaphors within the English language." It's about how you feel and about how others feel. It's like a sof

Raymond_Fed Quotes

1-2 of total 2 Quotes
Every man Every man's version of freedom involves running away from something...

Freedom Philosophy

Some people see the glass as half full. Some people see the glass as half empty. I see the glass Some people see the glass as half full. Some people see the glass as half empty. I see the glass..

Faith Goal Inspirational Optimism Short
