
Ryan Bwalya (ry_21k) Quotes & Sayings:

Ryan Bwalya

Experience on OwnQuotes: 9 Years 8 Months

Ryan Bwalya Quotes

1-6 of total 6 Quotes
I normally don I normally don't do what you expect me do. That would make me predictable and predictable makes me..

When someone achieves greatness,it is just the manifestation of their state of mind When someone achieves greatness,it is just the manifestation of their state of mind..


A boy can either buil himself into a man or remain a boy for the rest of his life A boy can either buil himself into a man or remain a boy for the rest of his life..


I never spend today looking at what i could have done yesterday. I instead live today to make my I never spend today looking at what i could have done yesterday. I instead live today to make my..


Love should be the ultimate manifestation of the unseen feelings into gestures Love should be the ultimate manifestation of the unseen feelings into gestures..


He who laughs last, looks dumb He who laughs last, looks dumb..
