
Dr Sabine (sabinehazan) Quotes & Sayings:

Dr Sabine

Location:California, United States Of America
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 0 Months
Short Bio: I believe in humanity as a religion. I believe souls come back and I believe we are all here to learn lessons and those who don't learn them in this life learn them in the next. A lesson to stop the hatred and accept love. A lesson to accept a higher power and understand that good deeds bring a good life. As a doctor, I've taken care of thousands of lives and have seen the passage of souls and the revival. Everything on the planet comes back. Rules of Karma

Dr Sabine Quotes

1-2 of total 2 Quotes
Those who can Those who can't build destroy and Those who can't love hate...

Courage Hate Leadership Life Love

Sometimes angels have to dress like the devil to bring light into the darkness. Sometimes angels have to dress like the devil to bring light into the darkness...

Faith Leadership Life Optimism Religion
