
Catherine Shatraw (sillykitty3) Quotes & Sayings:
Catherine Shatraw

Catherine Shatraw

Location:Ohio, United States Of America
Experience on OwnQuotes: 11 Years 1 Months
Short Bio: I'm a simple person. A small individual in a very large world. Currently trying to find my way amongst the broken limbs and branches to the ever enchanted meadow.

Catherine Shatraw Quotes

1-3 of total 3 Quotes
As faith in love subsides, faith and love for yourself cease as you slip away into the shadows. As faith in love subsides, faith and love for yourself cease as you slip away into the shadows...

Faith Heart Love

The recompense of past loves fate should be learned, for only then shall love be renewed. The recompense of past loves fate should be learned, for only then shall love be renewed...

Hope Inspirational Love Witty

I saw the world passing me by, flying with such speed. But I stopped for a moment and saw everything I hoped and dreamed for in your eyes. For at
-Catherine Shatraw

