
Akshit Verma (the_av) Quotes & Sayings:
Akshit Verma

Akshit Verma

Location:Rajasthan, India
Experience on Earth:26 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 9 Months

Akshit Verma Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
Before achieving your desire,first you have to see that whether the path you have chosen is right Before achieving your desire,first you have to see that whether the path you have chosen is right..

Change Courage Creativity Desire Goal

The marks on the report card can not judge your talent, hard work and sincerity The marks on the report card can not judge your talent, hard work and sincerity..

Education Faith Goal Imagination Optimism

Work Judge
All is blind..but I disagree..i say infatuation is blind.. All is blind..but I disagree..i say infatuation is blind....

Confidence Creativity Love Romantic Truth

You can never judge yourself better than others can judge you because we always judge ourselves You can never judge yourself better than others can judge you because we always judge ourselves..

Change Hope Optimism Philosophy Truth
