
Andrew Joseph Tet (thequoteman) Quotes & Sayings:

Andrew Joseph Tet

Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 1 Months

Andrew Joseph Tet Quotes

1-4 of total 4 Quotes
You cannot change history. All you can do is add to it. You cannot change history. All you can do is add to it...

History Life

Imagine a very small room. You start at one side, which is birth, and end at the other, which is Imagine a very small room. You start at one side, which is birth, and end at the other, which is..


Give Death a warm welcome, and it will give you a warm goodbye. Give Death a warm welcome, and it will give you a warm goodbye...


Life is like standing. Those who die are the ones that fall down. Those who mourn are the ones that Life is like standing. Those who die are the ones that fall down. Those who mourn are the ones that..

