
Salihu Asifu (agajee) Quotes & Sayings:

Salihu Asifu

Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 0 Months

Salihu Asifu Quotes

1-7 of total 7 Quotes
We can stand with one leg but we can We can stand with one leg but we can't walk with one leg, therefore no man can live without a woman,..


What is yours will be yours if it intended to be yours when ever and where ever you are or be What is yours will be yours if it intended to be yours when ever and where ever you are or be..


Knowing my name my face and where i live does Knowing my name my face and where i live does'nt mean you know me to know who i am just be with me..


Friends are the main seed to our happiness so don Friends are the main seed to our happiness so don't dare loose them..


You can You can't be a hero without suffering all you need is patient because one day it will be past..

Hope Life

I am sure that love is a game that you can either win or lose I am sure that love is a game that you can either win or lose..

Love Short One liners

Love Win Game
Everything has its reason, if you don Everything has its reason, if you don't know don't judge, but please ask..

Life Short One liners

Know Reason Judge