
Boghos L. Artinian MD (boghosartinian) Quotes & Sayings:

Boghos L. Artinian MD

Experience on OwnQuotes: 4 Years 6 Months

Boghos L. Artinian MD Quotes

1-14 of total 14 Quotes
Worldwide, in which single country can a Muslim woman conduct a symphony orchestra with a large Worldwide, in which single country can a Muslim woman conduct a symphony orchestra with a large..

The concept of The concept of 'Rapture' in tissues would be the 'second coming of a surgeon' to save the good..

One liners

The Globe should not be single; 
For, being one is risky.
All cells in one body die
When that The Globe should not be single; For, being one is risky. All cells in one body die When that..


Homo oboediens: May God help Homo when he is no longer sapiens, nor habilis, nor even erectus, but a boneless weightless creature obediently
-Boghos L. Artinian MD

Pharmaceutical corruption: Asking $ 850 for 30 tablets of a combination of ibuprofen and famotidine while the same combination manufactured in India
-Boghos L. Artinian MD

Whatever the methods involved in acquiring money in the billions by a single person, they must be Whatever the methods involved in acquiring money in the billions by a single person, they must be..

One liners

The internet has become the principal and ideal outlet for brainstorms. The internet has become the principal and ideal outlet for brainstorms...

A locust plague is a A locust plague is a 'super-organismal' attack on the food production of humanity...

One liners

Religion is the spiritual intervention in our affairs to keep our society healthy just as medicine Religion is the spiritual intervention in our affairs to keep our society healthy just as medicine..


The significance of a single person in a society or in a nation is becoming similar to the The significance of a single person in a society or in a nation is becoming similar to the..

One liners

I would shudder at the thought of helplessness in the event of a lethal viral pandemic! I would shudder at the thought of helplessness in the event of a lethal viral pandemic!..

Philosophy One liners

I am thankful for living during the fast phase of the vertical evolution of Humanity; for seeing so I am thankful for living during the fast phase of the vertical evolution of Humanity; for seeing so..

One liners

How often do we quietly inspect our sleeping beloveds to make sure their chests are moving? How often do we quietly inspect our sleeping beloveds to make sure their chests are moving?..

One liners

The stronger the interdependence, the worse is sudden independence! The stronger the interdependence, the worse is sudden independence!..

Short Wisdom One liners
