
Carl R White (carlrwhite) Quotes & Sayings:
Carl R White

Carl R White

Location:Atlanta, United States
Experience on Earth:59 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 1 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: Writer and retired ticket scalper.

Carl R White Quotes

1-9 of total 9 Quotes
I am not sure what is more absurd, trying to find meaning in life or accepting that life has no I am not sure what is more absurd, trying to find meaning in life or accepting that life has no..

Life Philosophy Wisdom

I am not sure what is more absurd, trying to find meaning in life or accepting that life has no I am not sure what is more absurd, trying to find meaning in life or accepting that life has no..

Life Philosophy Wisdom

"The only thing worse than to never pursue your dreams is to never figure out what your dreams are." "The only thing worse than to never pursue your dreams is to never figure out what your dreams are."..

Dreams Life Wisdom

Life is short so live like you truly understand this. Life is short so live like you truly understand this...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Wisdom

"Life only seems to make sense when I am drinking, leading me to ask myself two questions, one, why, "Life only seems to make sense when I am drinking, leading me to ask myself two questions, one, why,..

Funny Life Truth

"Life only seems to make sense when I am drinking, leading me to ask myself two questions, one, why, "Life only seems to make sense when I am drinking, leading me to ask myself two questions, one, why,..

Funny Life Truth

Some say that a woman that trades her body for money is a whore, if that is the case, then a woman Some say that a woman that trades her body for money is a whore, if that is the case, then a woman..


If you ever need proof that money corrupts the soul, knock on the door of ten poor people and tell If you ever need proof that money corrupts the soul, knock on the door of ten poor people and tell..

Truth Wisdom money soul

The most dangerous prisons are the ones we build in our minds and sentence our souls to live in. The most dangerous prisons are the ones we build in our minds and sentence our souls to live in...

Life Truth Wisdom
