Money Quotes Pictures

A poor man is not the one who lacks money, but the one who sold his conscience for money...Money Poor

The human greed has made some parts of this planet like a paradise & other parts just a hell. One..Money Poor

Whoever came up with the saying 'money cannot buy love' was so broke, in that he just didn't know..Know Buy

Money is a matter of chase. Not having it, makes you chaser. Having it , makes you chased..Matter Money

Admit your little knowledge like the poor one who admits having no money...
Short Poverty One liners knowledge
Money Knowledge Poor
They say that money does not bring happiness, but I prefer to mourn sitting inside a vault of Swiss..Happiness Money Bring

Time is not equal to Money, Time is better. Money has perceived importance Time has absolute..Time Money

Sometimes money doesn't have to buy you quality, but convenience and a piece of mind...Mind Money Buy

Happiness can not be bought by money it can only be felt at the right place, with the right person..Time Happiness Money Place

We are brainwashed into thinking that money is the source of happiness while what we really need to..Know Need Peace Happiness Money

I really wish that we're living in a time where money and formalities aren't treated like god and..God Time Money Living Wish
Top 10 money Quotes
If time is money, and everything takes time, is it fair to say that 'Everything takes money' ?- James J. Harris
Gratitude brings Prosperity.- Mark A Gardner
Some people are just examples of how money can change a person; good to bad and vice versa.- Sanji Paul Arvind
Some people are just examples of how money can change a person from good to bad and vice versa.- Sanji Paul Arvind
When money is not the problem, something is the problem. When something is not the problem,money is the problem.- Asare Ben Chris ABC
When money is not the problem, something is the problem. When something is not the problem,money is the problem.- Asare Ben Chris ABC
Man doesn't follow God, he follows the media and the media follows the money. It is a destination that leads to rotten fruits and upset stomachs- ralph harlow
If money does not come your way, let it go its way. It brings wealth of misery to those it helps to eradicate misery of poverty.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
There are two types of strength. To create pressure and to withstand pressure. Withstanding pressure is the strength that brings money.- Mattias Walving-Lundberg
Money chooses who your friends are.- Anthony T Hincks
Inspirational + Money Quotes ⇑
Inspirational Quotes
Money is not the only means to help the needy. - Bipin Kumar G J
Value the food you eat, more than the money you spend! - Bipin Kumar G J
Money comes and goes , Morality comes and grows - mansi gupta
Money makes the world go round but people make the world go forward - paul odafe utho
The degree to which you value the currency in your possession; is a reflection of your daily potential good or bad investment choices. - Wayne Chirisa
“Consuming all your income leads to financial insecurity; but earning to invest paves the way to financial freedom.” - Wayne Chirisa
The gift of spending time with those who feel lonely is more important than spending money on gifts! - Adrian McGinn
''If you want to live like a king, you have to make money like a king.'' — Giovannie de Sadeleer - TMZPoetry
Money will always cost you more than what you have got in life. - Anthony T Hincks
Greedarians live for one thing and one thing only. MONEY! - Anthony T Hincks
The most successful people in life are not the ones with the most money and stuff. It’s how many other lives you’ve touched, how many people you’ve helped, how many people you’ve saved. And asking nor wanting anything in return, except for the personal satisfaction knowing what you did, mattered. - Harvey Staub
We are never to be impressed by Money, Degrees, Titles, Positions, or Followers but be impressed by Humility, True Love, Kindness, integrity, and generosity. - Shaila Touchton
If money died tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a single tear. - Anthony T Hincks
Not all wishing wells have coins at their bottom. Some have the souls of those who sought to seek something which was not theirs to seek. - Anthony T Hincks
Money is good. The undiciplined mind is what causes evil. - Plantseed Benjamin
“Fiscal responsibility is key to financial strength, enabling efficient financial navigation during market uncertainty with purpose and prudence.” - Wayne Chirisa
Money leaves my pockets short. - Anthony T Hincks
Money and greed are the crutches that man uses to walk through life. - Anthony T Hincks
Borrowing and lending carry equal weight of sorrow. But your sorrow weighs more when you lend what you borrowed. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When money cannot solve problems, the rich view life with the eyes of the poor. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Money borrowing and money lending are two evil friends that separate two good friends. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Man thinks more of what money can buy than of what it cannot. That’s why he worships money. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When money cannot solve problems, the rich view life with the eyes of the poor. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Money borrowing and money lending are two evil friends that separate two good friends. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
In selling and buying of ideas, money rarely counts. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
If only we all could borrow money the way we borrow a leaf – freely and without repaying it! - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Greed controls the war for our purse strings. - Anthony T Hincks
Wealth, is not just a word about money. - Anthony T Hincks
Man thinks more of what money can buy than of what it cannot. That’s why he worships money. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
One thing the rich have to earn together with the poor is respect. They can never buy it with money. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Wealth is a word about more than just money. - Anthony T Hincks
"The predisposition to mismanage finances creates the pathway for a perilous financial journey." - Wayne Chirisa
Women and money : two desirables for which men toil by day and lose their sleep by night. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
There are two parts to a brain. Always have it at the back of your mind that the part of the brain that you use to make money is not the part you use to spend it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
I for one will not lament the loss of money. - Anthony T Hincks
For those who think money is everything, think again. Money is quite like an umbrella which may shield you from the rain but not from the cold that comes with it. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
If it is collective effort please never step out to spend money alone..., put it in that pool of a basket..!! Please...Don't come to tell us how you bought 1000 candles....when the plan is to hire a generator to cater for both music and light....!!! - William Sebunje
True living is in the ability to keep searching.....,you either have to search for opportunities, Love, search for money, knowledge ....the day we stop searching ...that is the day we lose normal living..!! - William Sebunje
Money brings you happiness, when the person you loved the most can't! - Siddartha Sandeep Peddada
One thing the rich have to EARN together with the poor is RESPECT. They can never buy it with money. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
If money does not come your way, let it go its way. It brings wealth of misery to those it helps to eradicate misery of poverty. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Man doesn't follow God, he follows the media and the media follows the money. It is a destination that leads to rotten fruits and upset stomachs - ralph harlow
Some people are just examples of how money can change a person from good to bad and vice versa. - Sanji Paul Arvind
Life + Money Quotes ⇑
Life Quotes
Never gamble to recover money that's already lost; Take the loss, learn from it and that will strengthen your play. - Alejandro Aguirre
The human greed has made some parts of this planet like a paradise & other parts just a hell. One world, one time, but not the same chances. Ebrahim Hemmatnia - Ebrahim Hemmatnia
I've seen this: money doesn't, after all, make the world go round, it only makes life easier.. - Paddick Van Zyl
One day there will be enough money but not enough love to live. - Avhidipta Mondal
Poverty is not.. the absence of money.. Poverty is the.. absence of knowledge.. - Babi Shakes
Sometimes money doesn't have to buy you quality, but convenience and a piece of mind. - Daluxolo Dywili Michael Dywili
If you have everything, everyone will come to you & If you have nothing , no one will come to you, these are the two faces of LIFE. - Prasanna Pasupuleti
No amount of money can bring the dead back to life. - Joshua Muasa
If money is everything, why can't it bring the dead back to life. - Joshua Muasa
My empty pocket taught me that people respect your position not you, they change with time. - Summi
Despite receiving the money, they are still not at ease. The issue was never a lack of funds. It has always been a lack of character. - Marcquiese Burrell
Greedarians will always have coin in their pockets .... to help the needy. - Anthony T Hincks
CAUTION: Government Handouts Fund Failure & Reward Dependency - Steven Michael Owens
Money makes life meaningful, just try to make yours. - GodTime Lanco ASEMOTA
Money is part of life - GodTime Lanco ASEMOTA
We don't own the world, yet money owns a lot of people. - Anthony T Hincks
Greed not only plays in your mind, but it also plays with your life. - Anthony T Hincks
Greed is the blackmail of the soul. - Anthony T Hincks
Living two-thirds of life per slogan's "Time is money" resolution, We in the final third lament that there is no formula to the inverse solution. - Alexander R Povolotsky
When the focus in life is money the root of evil becomes its Arbiter and Opium. - Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai
People treat their loved ones and friends the same way they treat money. They appreciate money less as they are exposed to it more. They value you more when they don't see you as often - Nahna James
It's either I get rich or I still get rich. God won't allow me die trying. - Nahna James
Save Money for when it matters and save memories with the money you save - Dave shaw
"In lifetime, people deposit, withdraw and transfer money in their business account or private savings account but your account with God is for the righteous deeds you have done in this world but for you to have access to it in the next life." [Arasci Belel] - Abdulnganiyyu Muhammad Bashir
Justice will always be seen to be fair, but not to those who are the puppeteers of greed. - Anthony T Hincks
Don't be blinded by the glitter of greed within your eyes. - Anthony T Hincks
Hoard money, and you’ll construct walls around your life. But save wisely, and you’ll build bridges to a world of possibilities. May your bridges lead to prosperity - Srinivas Mishra
Poverty may sound romantic in a novel, but in real life money matters. - Syed Badiuzzaman
Women and money : two desirables for which men toil by day and lose their sleep by night. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Funny + Money Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
My dad is a millionaire, he has millions in debt. - Lokesh giri
If time is money, and everything takes time, is it fair to say that 'Everything takes money' ? - James J. Harris
Whoever came up with the saying 'money cannot buy love' was so broke, in that he just didn't know where it was sold.. - Brayne Matshotshi
Money can buy love. Every time I go shopping I buy things I love. - mohdmustafa99
A corrupt is a magician who can steal money without seeing it at the time of theft. - mohdmustafa99
An employee wishes to have money to pay debts; when having it, his wish of paying diminishes sharply. - mohdmustafa99
Creditors are like our wives , never accept apology about our small salaries. - mohdmustafa99
They say that money does not bring happiness, but I prefer to mourn sitting inside a vault of Swiss bank. - Marcelo Cahuenas
Money is a matter of chase. Not having it, makes you chaser. Having it , makes you chased - mohdmustafa99
Your integrity is your brand, not your money or job title. - Sibel Terhaar
I have one friend who has insisted to tell me i need money now the way i get is not the issue......, and for me i have always told him my interest is now to cross the bridge of turbulence once and for all ....then think of other option of life...!! Different minds mean different aims...!! - William Sebunje
Surprisingly money doesn't solve all the problems......., some problems subjecting them to means giving people transport to go hurt themselves to death....!! - William Sebunje
If it is collective effort please never step out to spend money alone....put it in that pool of a basket....!! Please...Don't come to tell us how you bought 1000 candles......when the plan is to hire a generator to cater for both music and light....!!! - William Sebunje
If it is collective effort please never step out to spend money alone....put it in that pool of a basket..!! Please...Don't come to tell us how you bought 1000 candles....when the plan is to hire a generator to cater for both music and light....!!! - William Sebunje
The secret to happiness is the fishhook to other people’s money. - Mario González
When money is not the problem, something is the problem. When something is not the problem,money is the problem. - Asare Ben Chris ABC
When money is not the problem, something is the problem. When something is not the problem,money is the problem. - Asare Ben Chris ABC
Short + Money Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
Money should be one's demand and command, One should not become slave of Money - Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Money has no face, but face value. - David Mora
Talk less, get money and live large - larona Mokoti
Money doesn't make us grow it can keep you from growing. - talena ball
I don't brag about money, I just spend it! - Gabby Ramos
A poor man is not the one who lacks money, but the one who sold his conscience for money. - annonymous
If time is money then procrastination is a thief.. - Aye Aye
Money is security, purchase it with kindness, to be secure - Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Admit your little knowledge like the poor one who admits having no money. - mohdmustafa99
Money incentive is something added to an honorable incentive. - mohdmustafa99
A happy employee is that who doesn't know the exact amount of his/her salary. - mohdmustafa99
A Rich man who is Selfish is considered as Poor whereas A Poor man who is generous is considered as Rich! - Osayande Osaretin Julie
Honor is worth more than money, pay your debts and uphold your integrity. - Neo i39
Freedom + Money Quotes ⇑
Freedom Quotes
A human was born free, but fees and taxes make him doubtful about this condition. - mohdmustafa99
The freedom that money buys is worse than bondage. - Sundaresh
So what did Social Justice awareness accomplish in pro sports?Besides a lot of fans losing complete interest altogether,forever.A couple of athletes threw some money at the problem.BLM bought some mansions.Only Enes Freedom walked away from the NBA & started his own foundation to fight human slavery - Harvey Staub
I can not say that if they change to Bitcoin things will get better, what I can say is that they must change to Bitcoin if they are to do better… - Najah Roberts
I am a close the wealth gap fanatic, I will not change my mind, and I will not change the subject - Najah Roberts
In dealing with money the unconditioned mind can spot wrong answers but it takes a reconditioned mind to spot wrong questions - Najah Roberts
Financial Freedom must be fought for inch by inch, and held by vigilant education that never sleeps - Najah Roberts
Attention to Bitcoin and Intention of buying Bitcoin are the mechanics of Wealth Manifestation - Najah Roberts
Bitcoin, and keep CALM - Najah Roberts
He who is in search for financial pearls must put on their gear, open their eyes and dive below the surface. - Najah Roberts
A DCA A Day Keeps Poverty Away - Najah Roberts
Earning money in the right way is the first step to enjoy freedom in the right way. - Srinivas Mishra
All money Quotes ⇑
With a budget you make a strategy to spend money. Without a budget you make a strategy to make money.- Mattias Walving-Lundberg
Cheapness has become the epiome of greed.- Anthony T Hincks
Fun is always short on funds.- Anthony T Hincks
Money prolongs hands.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
Greed, shall make the rich inconsolable.- Anthony T Hincks
Money used to grow on trees when it was made of paper. Now that it's made of plastic, it just pollutes the environment.- Anthony T Hincks
No amount of money is worth staining your hands with the blood of your fellow man.- Anthony T Hincks
In selling and buying of ideas, money rarely counts.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
For those who have all the money, people are like pennies.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
Commercialization makes you feel depressed on public holidays that are meant to make you feel happy.- Anthony T Hincks
My head is always full of ideas, but my wallet is always empty of hope.- Anthony T Hincks
If money can change on what it can chance......, why can't we change the focus of our minds over time..!??- William Sebunje
If money can change on what it can chance......, why can we change our our minds by what they can focus on...!??- William Sebunje
Money is not God’s creation. It’s man’s. That’s simply why wealth is not fairly distributed. If only God had said, “Let there be money . . .”- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
When you are short of cash it's like having a crab in your pocket.- Anthony T Hincks
Confidence is a God-made tiny chip planted in those that have it. If you’ve never had it in the past, don’t hope to have it in the future. Money, beauty and power do not ensure it.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
You don't need money to celebrate happiness. You only need to have a heart that you can share.- Anthony T Hincks
How much money does it take to stick into one's mouth to keep them silent?- Joe Cervantes
Don't let money blind you to the value of moments. Money comes and goes, but moments are forever. Cherish them before they slip away.- Srinivas Mishra
There are two kinds of money : the one you make without expecting it, and the one you expect without making it.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Money is what makes you wealthy. Helping the needy with some of it is what makes you rich. Note the difference.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Money borrowing and money lending are two evil friends that separate two good friends- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Money is certainly not everything. Money is quite like an umbrella which may shield you a little from the rain, but not from the cold that comes with it.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Money should not be the god that man worships.- Anthony T Hincks
With the amount of money spent on bombs, we could already save our globe from warming up.- Luke Shen Tien Chi
Saving money is like nurturing seeds of ambition that flourish into trees of achievement and joy. Happy World Savings Day- Srinivas Mishra
The longer the war, the more profits that some secretly make.- Anthony T Hincks
And he said... ...who will call you friend when your pockets are empty?- Anthony T Hincks
COIN-OUT THE IN-TERN- Jonathan Mckinney
It is good to lend to a friend, but it should not cause a friend to become an enemy.- Jervice CJ
Everyone will sweep the floor if people will litter their money.- Tamerlan Kuzgov
Education is for success, Success gives you skills, Skills give you money, Money gives respect, And this is life.- Deva Subash
Education is for success, Success gives you skills, Skills give you money, Money gives respect, And this is life.- Deva Subash
From the point of view of a miser, life is a waste of money.- Alexander R Povolotsky
The GOD of this world is a sold out slave of the devil, and his character is cheaper than the devils money- Sundaresh
" Indian Politicians Have Left Humanity Far Away. Believe In Making Money Not Helping Citizens".- Sheeba K Joy Ahmedabad
Children want friends not money, adults think money can buy friends.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Economy is a living project, And with cooperation and determination, We'll build a better future for every nation.- Oscar Auliq Ice
For economy is not just numbers and charts, But the beating heart of human hearts, A chance for progress, a chance for all, To rise and flourish, standing tall.- Oscar Auliq Ice
In my personal opinion, money can buy true love.- GodTime Lanco ASEMOTA
Time is money, you may gain or lose money, but a minute lost won’t come back- Irfan Mamoun MD
To younger folks out there! love and hate they say love conquers all ,fact is: it's not love vs hate ,it's love vs money and when it comes to war between love and money ,money always wins. Don't ever compromise your career for your love ,at the end they will always choose money.- Adeel Hassan
The moment a persons bank balance increases; their characteristics decreases...- Sanji Paul Arvind
There is no goal in saving money, you save if you have it.- Filip Pelin
Life isn’t whoever accumulates the most money, wins. Life is about helping people. Even if it’s just one person or thousands. Money is a means to that end. Saving one person from a sure death is more satisfying than you dying with millions in the bank.- Harvey Staub
If you ever need proof that money corrupts the soul, knock on the door of ten poor people and tell them you are hungry and then do the same at the door of ten wealthy people.- Carl R White
Morals is always good for its un-promised god. The devil is always evil for his promised money.- Sundaresh
Three things I want to change in the world, Remove money, Remove casteism, Remove racism.- Summi
The peace that money buys is a nervous uneasy balance of terror fraught with fear and with danger that is worse than war.- Sundaresh
Money cannot even afford to buy itself and to keep its own worth and its own value, certainly not increase in it. But it always has the power to debase, to mar and to malign the character, to devalue, and to cheapen the worth and the value of the individual who loves it and who values it.- Sundaresh
The justice that money buys is justice delayed by oneself, hence also justice denied to oneself which is worse than injustice.- Sundaresh
If there is a GOD of this world he is a slave of the devil and his morals is worth less than the devil's money.- Sundaresh
If founders believed e-commerce is built using VC Money & Discounting, then they never added value with tech innovation, and shipping.- Sandeep Aggarwal
Though We are literate of the 21st century, still we are illiterate when it comes to financial literacy. Financial literacy is the only way to enjoy breathing the fresh air to become financial independence. You have to adopt the below action tips to become financial independence in your life. -EBINE- EBINEZAR GNANASEKARAN
Money is not everything in life. Some believe no relationship is possible without money but no amount of money can buy love or happiness.- Chitra Withane
One cannot make money without betraying the good faith, good confidence and good trust of one's friends and one's family in one. One must necessarily compromise on one's ethical and moral integrity in order to make money. Besides one does not need any money to be truly happy.- Sundaresh
Financial literacy not only involves the ability to count your money, it also tests your ability to evaluate the cost and benefit associated with each decision you make.- Wayne Chirisa
Poor people can have rich lives. Money can't buy what makes you truly rich - love, friends, family and memories. More money just means more wealth.- Austin James Lelievre
You wish to be a grantee , but if the matter is wishing , then wish to be a grantor.- mohdmustafa99
Every time a miser opens his treasury, he changes his mind and closes it again without drawing.- mohdmustafa99
A merchant who lost one million dollar feels the same bitterness of a child who lost his/her doll.- mohdmustafa99
contentment is not to lack desire to own animals, but to donate for the zoo.- mohdmustafa99
What is 5 Million Dollars to 5 Billion Dollars when you aren't someone who buys stupid s**t? Don't buy s**t, invest in things worth buying towards. But money sometimes can't buy things that are worth keeping.- Brandon Hynes
Greed is the root cause of evil and it's equivalent to the love of money!- Charles Prince Magala
Money makes stress, try to make your name in the world.- Hasnat Ch
Money isn't everything, Money is the only thing- LeafyIsNotHere
Asking money for every single small work from anyone.. doesn't bring out your bad image. It's just a matter that people should understand that you're a good business man. A real one.- Arvinder Singh
Money can buy the ear of a statesman or a government, only truth and honestly will be heard by the world- Matthew Edmonds
You don't demand money by work, you demand money because you want that much..- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Love binds family while money separates it.- shiza shahid
A lot of money scares me, you gain so many friends that you haven't heard from in a while ,even ex's - JESSICA SERITA ABRAMS
You love money does not mean that money loves you, otherwise money and all those attached with money would not have left you alone.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
If money can't buy everything I'll buy such a thing that buys rest of the things.- Lokesh giri
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