
Chuck Edward Burns (chuckburns4usa) Quotes & Sayings:
Chuck Edward Burns

Chuck Edward Burns

Location:Southern California, United States Of America
Occupation:Construction Engineer
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 4 Months
Short Bio: I am a Proud American, a Business Owner, a Contractor, a Keeper of the Faith, a Defender of this Great American nation, a Libertarian/Conservative/Objectivist. I refuse to fear my government and will speak the REAL TRUTH TO POWER when it comes to freedom and rights, crushing all on the left who would beguile his fellow man into chains. If you do not have the facts, have inconsistencies in your ideals or apply them selectively and not uniformly… RUN and hid under a rock. I only accept sound

Chuck Edward Burns Quotes

1-16 of total 16 Quotes
"When politicians sell their power, judges become our masters changing and making laws, and our law "When politicians sell their power, judges become our masters changing and making laws, and our law..

Freedom Patriotism Philosophy Politics Truth

You only pay for privileges. Paying to exercise your rights is the SAME as buying into your own You only pay for privileges. Paying to exercise your rights is the SAME as buying into your own..

Freedom Philosophy Politics Truth Wisdom

As I see my country crying out lost a thought keeps creeping into my mind, what would someone who just happened upon earth and looking down seeing A
-Chuck Edward Burns

Freedom Patriotism Politics Truth Wisdom

"Close your eyes and pray for freedom and peace, but do it holding your rifle in case you say Amen "Close your eyes and pray for freedom and peace, but do it holding your rifle in case you say Amen..

Faith Freedom God Patriotism War

“How can one claim that he deserves freedom and should be free when he will not give the same chance and opportunity to another. For if all men are
-Chuck Edward Burns

Freedom Opportunity Patriotism Philosophy Politics

"Allowing Irrational Thought to continue is a lethal pretense for any society to engage in." "Allowing Irrational Thought to continue is a lethal pretense for any society to engage in."..

Freedom Philosophy Politics Truth Wisdom


Philosophy Politics Truth Wisdom

You cannot bend truth to create your reality. Truth bends your mind and makes you cognitive of You cannot bend truth to create your reality. Truth bends your mind and makes you cognitive of..

Philosophy Truth Wisdom

"Strength is judged by two measures: One's fists, and One's compassion. But One's Character is only determined by the reason one uses to determine
-Chuck Edward Burns

Change Faith Philosophy Truth Wisdom

"If we want people to take up our cause we have to provide a better alternative then what they currently accept, that is something you can only do
-Chuck Edward Burns

Change Freedom Leadership Patriotism Philosophy

If the government requires are consent per the Declaration of Independence then logically one can reason that consent can be retracted and if you no
-Chuck Edward Burns

Patriotism Philosophy Politics

Your taxes are your consent to governance." Your taxes are your consent to governance."..


"Taxes Are Consent" "Taxes Are Consent"..


"You cannot sell part of your soul to keep the rest." "You cannot sell part of your soul to keep the rest."..

God Patriotism Philosophy Politics Truth

"Principles are the bones of who you are, Actions are the meat on them." -Chuck Burns (2013) "Principles are the bones of who you are, Actions are the meat on them." -Chuck Burns (2013)..

Inspirational Patriotism Philosophy Politics Truth

"Regulation is tyranny disguised as protection,
a lethal pretense for any society to engage in." â "Regulation is tyranny disguised as protection,
a lethal pretense for any society to engage in." â..

Business Patriotism Philosophy Politics Truth
