Politics Quotes Pictures

Power without morality leads to abuse, and freedom without morality leads to depravity...Power Freedom

If revolt was legal, it would't be necessary...
Freedom Leadership Patriotism Peace Philosophy
Power Freedom
A loud voice of ignorance to thousands, is an incredible waste of opportunity to promote..
Freedom Leadership Patriotism Peace Philosophy
Ignorance Opportunity Waste
Transformation simply means change, what matters most is not what you change but what you change..
Change Goal Inspirational Leadership Success
Those who initiate unity are always seen as losers and losers are always seen as heroes for they..Change

I have no image of how graveyard is, only fool to be fool watering democracy and their thought only..
Education Faith History Patience Philosophy
Peace War'Save the planet' reality check: Please don't say we are trying to save the planet, the Earth is 4.5 Billion years old, life has existed on this..
-Dean Pover Life Give Living Reality Place
-Dean Pover Life Give Living Reality Place

Tripoli, the capital of Libya is where you are obliged to spend half of your income, without being..
Business Funny Patriotism Witty
Life Give Living Reality Place
Bite the hand of any government that it feeds you propaganda...
Anger Funny Inspirational Witty
Millions of dollars are spent every day to prepare for war. How much to prepare for peace?..
Hate Peace Philosophy Short War
Day Peace War
If we treat people like competitors, how can we possibly work together to make the world better?..People World Work Together

Over and above the basic education a child receives, what is more imperative is moral education...Child Education

If all the anti-corruption fighters are put in a new country there will still be corruption in that..Child Education

God is peace; religion is man's attempt to commune with God; and war is the worst result of man's..
Faith Failure God History Inspirational
God Peace Failure War Religion
I think sometimes conservatives look to the past, liberals look to the future and both forget there..Think Look Future Past Forget

Yes, I believe that our system is corrupted, But remember its our responsibility to change our..
Change Hope Optimism Philosophy
Change Believe Remember
Politicians are people who are voted to an important office that involves nothing but piontless..People Society

You can be neutral , but to be a pro-neutral is not neutrality...
Funny Relationship Short One liners
People SocietyTop 10 Politics Quotes
Those experiencing homelessness are the most likely to be left behind.- J B
Media is a kitchen where unripe winds are boiled to become hurricanes.- mohdmustafa99
The greater your position , the greater your trifle mistakes. The humbler your position the trifler your great mistakes- mohdmustafa99
Hypocrisy , sometimes, is more efficient than qualifications to be among those around the president.- mohdmustafa99
Our government often has two words: the unfulfilled good one, and the well fulfilled bad one.- mohdmustafa99
Fools can hardly make a minority, but can easily make a majority.- mohdmustafa99
Very rapid change is more associated with deterioration.- mohdmustafa99
Anything that cannot bend is susceptible to smashing.- mohdmustafa99
An ideologist is the person who doesn't know doctrines of his ideology, but he knows what's bad of yours.- mohdmustafa99
If it is important to make lies , then it is more important to know the truth that you want to distort.- mohdmustafa99
Funny + Politics Quotes ⇑
Funny Quotes
Politicians are people who are voted to an important office that involves nothing but piontless arguments because they have no use in any other part of society. - Jack Brown
Taxation is a charming word for extortion. - R E Spencer
It is easier to be a great leader than to dream of being ruled by a great leader. - mohdmustafa99
Professionally, Good news is bad news. - mohdmustafa99
We want to make a good president but all candidates are expired ingredients. - mohdmustafa99
Peace is a war without killing. - mohdmustafa99
Anything that cannot bend is susceptible to smashing. - mohdmustafa99
Fools can hardly make a minority, but can easily make a majority. - mohdmustafa99
People in this country are divided into two groups: the old opposition and the new. - mohdmustafa99
They said that he might be a terrorist because he conducted like a non-terrorist tourist. - mohdmustafa99
Yes, devils are in the details. Every time I deal with details of news I see them. - mohdmustafa99
Theory of conspiracy in practice is to burn up the American flag when a Russian air raid attacks your town. - mohdmustafa99
Mr. President ! We, the protesters, are not mobilized by foreign powers. We don't eat bread for foreign interests. - mohdmustafa99
Hypocrisy , sometimes, is more efficient than qualifications to be among those around the president. - mohdmustafa99
Riots are policemen when they are hurried up to fight a peaceful gathering. - mohdmustafa99
All members of the British Parliament have fluent English unless they speak about Brexit. - mohdmustafa99
News is always good because it tells who is worse than us - mohdmustafa99
Women get involved in politics when they discover that men are not fit for it. - mohdmustafa99
You can be neutral , but to be a pro-neutral is not neutrality. - mohdmustafa99
Change + Politics Quotes ⇑
Change Quotes
Yes, I believe that our system is corrupted, But remember its our responsibility to change our system. - vinayaka sagar v pattanashetty
It's the uncertainties in life that create change.. you can either accept it and grow from it, or deny it and suffer the consequences of it - Jake Mason
If we treat people like competitors, how can we possibly work together to make the world better? - Iris Philip
Any president should not be valued by what he did , but by what he didn't. - mohdmustafa99
Sad mistakes will be discovered in whatever future we are left with.. because, it seems, the present ignorance eludes the majority! - Steven A.Bledsoe
Comedy in Guatemala lost a lot. One of the comedians there has been elected a president. - mohdmustafa99
As long as any power structure exists, none cannot. - Joshua Young
No war will stop unless allies change - mohdmustafa99
Human rights are the cornerstone of sustainable development and a basis upon which strengthened societies can be built. - J B
Transformation simply means change, what matters most is not what you change but what you change into - Phineas Sebola
The challenges in the world today, -in Africa, Asia, America, Europe.. can only be solved by collaboration and openness. Isolating ourselves and protecting our interests, will not lead us into a good future. - Eseka Jerry
To be radical is to believe in alteration by means that have no other alternatives. - mohdmustafa99
If it is important to make lies , then it is more important to know the truth that you want to distort. - mohdmustafa99
Very rapid change is more associated with deterioration. - mohdmustafa99
Because of their hidden secrecy they introduced blind politics for the masses, not to see that they're selfish politicians rather than to render selflessness service to their people and country as whole.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
If the constitution is one mockery, then change in it is two. - mohdmustafa99
Politicians wouldn't stop deceiving people until people stop deceiving themselves and embrace truth.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
A president who wants to change the constitution to be elected for a third term, wants to be elected for the fourth , fifth.. etc. - mohdmustafa99
Short + Politics Quotes ⇑
Short Quotes
A political road-map is always a fragile proposal. - mohdmustafa99
The will of law has no mercy, because it's backed by the sovereignty. - Rai Arshad
Never dig for finding truth in a land of fouling politics. - mohdmustafa99
Prick me with the point of your pen ; this is less harmful than what your pen writes. - mohdmustafa99
It is ordinary to be a follower , but not the follower of the follower. - mohdmustafa99
Propaganda is used to attract popularity, but in fact it brings boredom and disapproval. - mohdmustafa99
A politician is a person that you have to wait for the end of his/ her speech to understand his/ her intent. - mohdmustafa99
An ideology governs, and thoughtlessness too. - mohdmustafa99
The mob can't be the opposition - mohdmustafa99
The greater your position , the greater your trifle mistakes. The humbler your position the trifler your great mistakes - mohdmustafa99
Any glorious revolution is vulnerable to theft. - mohdmustafa99
Ideology brings up the dogmatic ideas. - mohdmustafa99
Politics isn't do or die it is for those who can manage it to better humanity.. - Kayode Seyi Tayo
If it is indeed service to humanity why are we still killing each other to retain or get into government office, politics isn't do or die, it is service rendered to better humanity.. - Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
All Politics Quotes ⇑
East and West can meet at a point of globalization rather than at a point of clash of civilizations. - mohdmustafa99
We can mistake the total of one plus one, but we must not mistake the total of freedom plus sharing which is true democracy- mohdmustafa99
There is cowardice in exaggerating one's own courage. - mohdmustafa99
Why majority always let minority mess up things for them and they do nothing to protect themselves or what benefit them?- Piet Ntema
War goes to truce in one leg, and comes out of it with two.- mohdmustafa99
You can easily understand some politicians if you reverse meanings of what they say.- mohdmustafa99
Nothing has been agreed on in this world more than disagreement.- mohdmustafa99
If doctors are the guardians of the sick, who then is the custodian of a debilitating society?- Dr Nirvadha Singh
If the children are our future, then there is no greater way to invest in the future than investing in our children.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Sometimes you have to lose in order to win' 'A veces se tiene que perder para poder lograr ganar- Gerardo Ortiz
Two kinds of politicians will never be forgotten, those who serve their nation and those who betrayed them - Ebrahim Hemmatnia
Trust no one whose mouth smiles but his face does not.- James Worth Barclay, Sr.
We have too many 'word practitioners' that act little or nothing about what they profess- paul odafe utho
Capitalism is a disease. Having Said that, we are all infected.- Maria Pesce
A country where things are valued more than humans can never prosper.- shiza shahid
Traditions are man made rules not worth fighting for.- abdu bahta
Your are the sun that finally comes out on a rainy day, you are the feeling after a hard day at work and coming home to loving family ready to make you feel loved as you step through the door- Josiah hoffman
we don't need a special day to live with love, we need love to live special days - diya ahmed azzony
The most important word in the english launguage is compromise. While we like to win, if you go all out or nothing chances are you'll get nothing.- Erik G. Roscom
Inclusive government takes not all, it even welcome ideas of those that belongs to no party..- success song
ALL Politicians are criminals to some point. If you think any different you need to spend more time in a book than on the internet.- Rev Ernie Urban
Govern with integrity and you will establish a great nation, and an honorable name for yourself.- Wayne Chirisa
A minority struggles for separation of its region, not because of oppression, but because it wants to utilize its natural wealth alone.- mohdmustafa99
Politics is not a dirty game but many politicians play it dirtily- mohdmustafa99
The president doesn't trust all people around him equally but he equally mistrusts them.- mohdmustafa99
No leader without followers; no followers without welfare.- mohdmustafa99
'Agreed to disagree'. This is the classic way to process peace negotiations- mohdmustafa99
We are not naïve enough to accept speeches of some ruling leaders.- mohdmustafa99
Nationalism is wonderful ; the problem is with departmentalization- mohdmustafa99
They say they can't do politics, but do you leave your house to be, just because it's dirty? or you clean it up?- Desire Mulapa
The encyclopedia of history will shrink to one tenth of its volume if we remove from it events caused by chumps.- mohdmustafa99
Because Truth is a five letter word, same as Trump, doesn't mean Donald doesn't lie..- Aye Aye
Man elects God selects..- Aye Aye
The most addicting drug by far is nothing other than politics.- Zac Ochsenbine
If it's not politics whose game would allow blind to lead those who can see crystal clear? Politics indeed is other way around of thinking..- success song
An expelling state is a geographical zone in which earth lost gravity.- mohdmustafa99
Politics is politics, propaganda is a gimmick used by rogues to cover the truth and mislead, rather than to lead people on the right path- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
History must stop repeating itself in this country as it does every day.- mohdmustafa99
Nations and organizations avoid defining terrorism because they are afraid that the definition may take in also anti-terrorist actions.- mohdmustafa99
The mind of politics doesn't match with its history. All good relations in politics depend on forgetting.- mohdmustafa99
A state collapses when that who protects you becomes a danger.- mohdmustafa99
If your language instructor assigns you to put words in meaningful sentences ; do not use political sentences.- mohdmustafa99
Those who cast the votes decided not the result of an election rather than those who count the votes..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Political romanticism is simply to join the party of greens.- mohdmustafa99
All of us are global citizens, but some of us are more globalized than others.- mohdmustafa99
Any demonstration protected by the official police, is ineffective.- mohdmustafa99
Carelessness is the plague of the modern age.- J W Barlament
The culture and society are of no use that teach us discrimination and where stones are precious than hearts.- Bonny
He is a generous leader, that person who struggle for peace and prosperity of a Nation; leadership is not about tittle, it's legacy & transparency - Abdulnganiyyu Muhammad Bashir
Don't judge a nation from its president, for instance, we are good people.- mohdmustafa99
Backwardness is to think that your ancestors were luckier than you.- mohdmustafa99
A well-made procession needs three right decisions about its destiny, goal, and participants.- mohdmustafa99
Whenever an autocrat behaves correctly , then s/he is making an in-deliberate mistake.- mohdmustafa99
Things in poetry do not look as they are in news.- mohdmustafa99
Knowledge is not light but fire if it makes ordnance.- mohdmustafa99
We will give up interference in politics in the time when politics stops interfering in our lives.- mohdmustafa99
Effective economic development is fostered by a resourceful society- Wayne Chirisa
The reality of human rights is there, and there is no need to contest it. What is more important is to look at what we can do to address the issue.- J B
We are pro dialogue. Yes , dialogue, not yelling.- mohdmustafa99
We want nothing from those who were unfair with us, but we wish they know that they were unfair.- mohdmustafa99
A pen can be well used or misused. In whatever case , the political system judges.- mohdmustafa99
Media credibility can't fall outside the audience.- mohdmustafa99
New definition of Racism: A Conservative who won an argument with a Liberal- The Quoted Iris
Assistance was created to get people back on their feet; not to let them lie on their backs with their feet up.- The Quoted Iris
The political left and right spend more time arguing over who is right and wrong than they do fixing the problems both of them have created. And even then they often get it wrong!- Dr Travis J Hedrick
The centralization of human rights will be the realization of world peace.- J B
Honesty and Politics are antonyms, DO NOT expect politicians to be honest.- Ritesh Ranjan
To those of you whose human rights are violated, let me say, you are not alone. Your struggle for freedom is a shared struggle. Today I stand with you. And I call upon countries and all people to stand with you too.- J B
Human rights violations are committed by humans, therefore it can only be us, human beings, to address these issues. We must take decisive actions today.- J B
I don't want to defend human rights, I want to create a world where human rights don't need defending.- J B
Human rights obligations apply no matter the people, and irrespective of the location. Acts of violations are criminal and unjustifiable, wherever and whenever, and by whomsoever commits them.- J B
Yes , America first, and it was the first in receiving immigrants. - mohdmustafa99
Technology of politics is but an advanced process of espionage. - mohdmustafa99
A person who trades country's Loyalty, by being Loyal to a government that doesn't deserve Loyalty must be charged with treason.- ROMAN KAMAU
At the world at large you are the only one representing yourself and the others, if that's not true then tell what is politics is all about..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Only thunderstorm tests the strength of your house, in the absence of storms don't think that all is well. Shifting furniture and all movable when it pours through the roof is not a way to solve the problem. Maintenance is the only way- Chester Makana
Never Ignore God's Gift of Everlasting Replenishment- Carlton Johnson
Be the leader you want reflected in others.- Michael Eric Jones
Leadership is not about what you control, it's more about what you allow.- Michael Eric Jones
The success of one's political struggle depends largely on how fast one can run and to what extent one can run- Abdullateef Taiwo G
All the people promising change must specify what type of change they will bring and how they intend to archive it, it is not just about change but the direction of such change that is important. The ambiguity of the word change has been used to deceive far too many. A seed can rot and decay or it can germinate and grow, all justifying change- Andrew Ahile kashami
Whenever world fights and decides to eliminate 'Poverty'. World loses and poverty wins- Sadashivan
A compromise is to compress a debate towards comprising a deal.- mohdmustafa99
War is not an art. It is a rat.- mohdmustafa99
If you embarrass yourself publicly, you may find it laughable some day. But if you embarrass your nation, there will never be anything funny about it.- Aamir
The more election is ruthless, the easier to predict its result.- mohdmustafa99
Children cannot get food for thought, if they do not have food within their stomachs.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Would someone please explain the difference between Affirmative Action and discrimination to me?- R E Spencer
When politicians wage 'war on terror', people die. When the people wage war on terror, politicians die.- Anonymous
It is not just about our present, it is about our future too- paul odafe utho
There is so much more to be done about national issues than just talk about them- paul odafe utho
Every single day is an opportunity for a new beginning.- Balthazar Rodrigue Nzomono Balenda
Socialists need to know that politics isn't about self-empowerment, it's about empowering others to pursue their own destiny.- B El H
Finding where politics are concerned you sometimes lose friends and family.. Sad when we cannot agree to disagree and you get snubbed for having your own beliefs.. we need to be very careful to be kind and considerate regardless of which side we are on.. both sides have serious issues to take into consideration and that need to be addressed and both have their successes and failures.. we better find some common ground.. when one has lost their freedom of speech it affects us all so we better stick together to make a difference.. there are those who would see our way of lives destroyed and/or our very lives taken and these folks could care less about what party affiliation we are.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
When power becomes common among men there are no longer Heroes or Villains, just opponents and adversaries, and when a power greater than any other arises it is only revered as a legend.- Jericho Redman
Don't establish your opinion by listening to one Person's story.. remember there are always two sides of the story.. one side is hidden while the other side is told.- shiza shahid
Some saudi men don't seem to like saudi women because of what they see in them, on the other hand, some saudi women don't seem to like saudi men because of what they don't see in them.- diya ahmed azzony
Corruption is not the most important thing in my life. Progress is.- Dhruva Mathur
Many complex equations like Socialism and Capitalism come in the way of equality and growth but the best route is in-between them.- Dhruva Mathur
Politicians are tyrants but with strange names.- Payton Vaughn
The pain of injustice does not know borders, they are not our relatives nor our friends but the way they are oppressed and abused pains us too, solidarity is forever.- Chester Makana
War: The ultimate form of non-natural selection in overpopulated world ruled by monsters genetically addicted to betrayal and social-economic greed.- Tonyx
To have the opportunity to be the president of the most powerful country in the world, is far greater than that of the opportunity to be the richest man/woman alive; for only then can you truly rule over all- Tgui
Carbon emissions are a thing of the past, what we should really worry about is our governments hot air from their mouths..- Jo Laws
The rise of secularism in and of itself is a clear indication that the next stage of humanity will not be governed by a theistic process at all, but defined by the ability of our species to coexist and advance in its absence.- Jesse Hayes
Surround yourself with distractions. It's a temporary solution. In the end, it's the people and things of substance that fuel your desire to live.- Jeremiah Dixon
If women value themselves enough, men would be more decent- diya ahmed azzony
Sadly, popular opinion has replaced principle and convenience with the constitution.- Rick Hoelzer
Politics is war between two parties- kubhendra
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